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Wieder erhebt jemand Missbrauchsvorwürfe (Newssammlung / Keine Diskussion)

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  • Wieder erhebt jemand Missbrauchsvorwürfe (Newssammlung / Keine Diskussion)

    Irgendwie hat sich bei dem Versuch eine neue News mit dem Thema zu verbinden, ein Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen.

    Deshalb startet der Thread zur Robson & Co Thematik neu.

    Hier nochmal von mir:
    Thread auf Wunsch kurz eröffnet.

    Nur um News einzusetzen.


    Thread bleibt jetzt offen. Jede Diskussion wird entfernt.
    Zuletzt geändert von Cybertronic; 03.11.2014, 18:08.

  • #2
    Zitat von @LenaLena aus dem forever forum:

    "Der Richter hat dem Antrag vom Robson-Anwalt stattgeben, dass der Estate ihm die Neverland-Durchsuchungsunterlagen zur Verfügung stellen muss und damit den Antrag vom Estate dagegen abgelehnt. Ich muss sagen, dass hat mich zunächst geschockt. Habe die Diskussion darüber in der MJJC verfolgt und kann es mittlerweile besser nachvollziehen nach den Erklärungen von Ivy.
    Der Robson-Anwalt hat die Infos ja angefordert mit dem Argument, dass er mit diesen Infos darlegen kann warum die gerechte Verwirkung gegeben ist, sprich eben warum eine späte Klage erlaubt werden muss. Indem der Richter dem Robson-Anwalt den Zugang gewährt schließt er aus, dass dieser nicht nachher mit einem Berufungsargument kommen kann, sprich weil der Richter uns Zugang zu den Informationen verwehrte konnten wir nicht den Klageanspruch darlegen."

    Zitat von @Paris78 aus dem forever forum:
    zwei Twitter-Post von Ivy aus dem MJJ-Forum... Reaktion von Weitzmann..."die weitgehend diskreditierten/unglaubwürdigen Chandler-Vorwürfe"

    Ivy @Ivy_4MJ · 22 h.

    I love Weitzman's not so subtle jabs - "largely discredited Chandler allegations"...

    Estate about Robson's claims (in court documents) --> Es ist wohl selbstverständlich, dass wir den Robson-Vorwürfen energisch jeglichen Wahrheitsgehalt absprechen..

    Ivy's twitter account ...

    Ivy @Ivy_4MJ · 20 Std. Vor 20 Stunden
    Robson civil case is at standoff. MJ remains as Doe1 for now and Robson has to provide more support for his complaint 2 b allowed to proceed

    Schriftsatz bei scribd:

    Ivys blog:

    Dismissal Denied in Michael Jackson Child Molestation Case

    Mitschrift der anhörung vom 01.10.2014.

    Die ausführungen des Herrn Wiliam Wagener gehören als info eines randgeschehens mit dazu, guckst du hier.
    Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 03.11.2014, 21:24.


    • #3
      7 Nov 2014 - 7:08am
      Aust Wade Robson suffers LA court setback

      Michael Jackson's lawyers have scored a victory in their legal battle with Australia's Wade Robson.

      Source: AAP

      7 Nov 2014 - 7:06 AM UPDATED 15 HOURS AGO

      Australian choreographer Wade Robson has lost his bid to grill representatives of Michael Jackson's estate about graphic sexual acts he alleged the late King of Pop performed on him as a child.
      "I think the types of questions we are are asking are appropriate," Robson's lawyer Maryann Marzano told Los Angeles Superior Court judge Mitchell Beckloff during Thursday's hearing.
      Marzano wanted to probe the heads of Jackson's estate with questions ranging from whether Jackson put his hands inside Robson's underpants to whether Jackson committed various sexual acts on Robson.
      Jackson lawyer Jonathan Steinsapir said his clients have already denied anything sexual took place between Jackson and Robson.
      "Now they want us to deny Michael Jackson put his hand on Wade Robson's penis," Steinsapir told judge Beckloff.
      "We have denied that."
      At the end of the hearing, Marzano agreed to withdraw 11 of the questions, but Robson's lawyers will be allowed to probe Jackson executives about other matters.
      Robson, who was a five-year-old dance prodigy in Brisbane when he first met Jackson, had been one of the pop star's biggest supporters.
      Robson testified under oath at Jackson's 2005 molestation trial involving another boy in Santa Barbara that Jackson never abused him.
      Robson was a key reason for Jackson's acquittal.
      However, last year Robson did an about-face and claimed Jackson was a sexual predator who brainwashed him.
      Jackson died in 2009 and Robson now wants a slice of the entertainer's estate that's estimated to be worth around $US1.5 billion ($A1.6 billion).
      Robson said it wasn't until after Jackson's death and the birth of his own son that he was psychologically and emotionally able to understand that Jackson had sexually abused him.
      Robson filed a late claim in the Los Angeles court against the dead singer's estate.
      Robson became one of the world's top dance choreographers, winning an Emmy Award for his work on US TV and was hired by acts including Britney Spears and NSYNC.
      Robson's lawyers say Robson was so traumatised by Jackson molesting him he could no longer dance, sing or write songs
      The matter was adjourned to December 16.

      Ich persönlich würde es nicht unbedingt als eine rückschlag für Robson als ergebnis dieser anhörung bezeichnen. Wohl aber als eine gewisse einschränkung der möglichkeiten.
      Will sagen, der fortgang des verfahrens bedeutet nicht im rückschluss einen für MJ / Estate positiven durchmarsch.

      Robson / seine verteidigung wird zum nächsten termin keine möglichkeit erhalten, verantwortliche des MJ Estates zu den von ihm beschriebenen mutmasslichen sexuellen übergriffen zu befragen. Diese art fragen gelten als bereits beantwortet. Andere fragen widerum werden wohl auf den tisch kommen.
      Nächster termin 16. Dezember.

      Robson/ seine verteidigung hatte ja im letzten hearing angegeben, dass niemand ausser R.W. und MJ selbst von diesen angeblichen sexuellen übergriffen wusste.
      Und trotzdem stützt Robson seine gemutmasste mitwisserschaft auf verantwortliche personen um MJ selbst. Es wurden ja konkret im hearing 3 namen genannt.
      Ich kann schon nachvollziehen, dass richter Beckloff der partei Robson und seinen anwälten (bzw. beiden parteien) noch einmal spielraum einräumte, ihre anträge/begründungen weiter auszuarbeiten.
      Täte der richter nicht diesen schritt, käme er vielleicht eines tages in die position, dass die partei Robson ihm evtl. vorwerfen könnte, nicht angemessen genug zeit und raum gegeben zu haben. Ich find's vollkommen korrekt, wie richter Beckloff vorgeht.


      Bei MJJC war ergänzend zu lesen, zit.:

      These docs were filed for yesterdays hearing
      11/06/2014 Stipulation - Probate (PROTECTIVE ORDER )
      Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

      11/06/2014 Declaration (OF URGENCY ) (....)
      Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

      Filed by Attorney for Petitioner
      Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 07.11.2014, 17:42.


      • #4
        Helena hat wieder einen artikel geschrieben, weiß gerade nicht, ob es hier passt.
        People Defend The Truth About Michael Jackson


        • #5
          Round 2 at Robson Civil Case - Robson filed an amended complaint and Estate filed a demurrer. Details here:
          Runde 2 im Robson ZivilProzess - Robson reicht eine geänderte Klage ein und Estate reicht rechtliche Einwendungen ein.

          Entsprechend der Unterlagen, ist der Termin zur Anhörung der Einwendungen,für den 30.Juni 2015 vorgesehen.


          • #6
            Michael Jackson Accused of Paying Millions in Hush Money to Alleged Molestation Victims

            by Raphael Chestang 6:37 PM PDT, April 06, 2015 According to reports, attorneys are claiming that Michael Jackson spent $200 million to silence alleged victims.
            Purported victims Wade Robson and James Safechuck, now in their 30s, are reportedly threatening to release a wealth of evidence that could show that Jackson abused young boys and paid to keep them from accusing him.
            "What the victims are trying to claim here is that Michael Jackson shut people up -- not just one or two or three but many many people," legal analyst Robin Sax told ET.
            Howard Weitzman, attorney for the estate of Michael Joseph Jackson, spoke out against these reports.
            "We are aware of recent false 'reports' regarding Michael Jackson having, among other things, paid over $200 million to 20 'victims,'" Weitzman told ET in a statement on Monday. "There is not a shred of evidence to support these ludicrous 'reports.' It is unfortunate that, even in death, Michael cannot be free of these types of allegations, but we are confident that the truth will prevail in the end, just as it did in 2005 when a jury fully exonerated him."
            Jackson, who died in 2009, vehemently denied molesting children.
            "Before I would hurt a child I would slit my wrists," Jackson told 60 Minutes in 2011.
            Safechuck worked with Jackson on a Pepsi commercial when he was 8 years old and claims that Jackson sexually abused him for years.
            Robson, a choreographer who often appears on So You Think You Can Dance, called Jackson a pedophile in 2013, but was a key witness in the singer's successful defense against child molestation charges in 2005.

            Auf solche inhalte (s.o.) stürzten sich erneute massiv sowohl deutschsprachige wie auch internationale e-medien.

            Howard Weitzmanns kommentar, sinngemäss:

            'Wir sind uns vor kurzem abgegebener fälschlicher berichte bzgl. Michael Jackson bewusst, wonach er u.a. über 200 millionen $ an 20 'opfer' gezahlt haben soll' - so Weitzmann in einem ET statement vom Mo.
            'Es gibt keinen schnipsel eines beweises diese grotesken 'berichte' zu untermauern. Unglücklicherweise darf Michael selbst im tod nicht frei sein von dieser art anschuldigungen, doch wir sind zuversichtlich, dass die wahrheit am ende siegen wird, so wie sie 2005 siegte, als eine jury ihn vollständig entlastete.'


            • #7
              gibt es schon eine entscheidung vom richter? sollte doch gestern gewesen sein
              .........bin schon wieder weg


              • #8

                Wir haben eine Reihe von Anfragen aus der Community erhalten, betreffend der aktuellen Stacy Brown Story. Wie viele von euch wissen, zieht es die Nachlassverwaltung grundsätzlich vor, die Lügen und Gerüchte aus den Medien nicht zu legitimieren oder die Berichterstattung darüber bei anderen Medien künstlich auszuweiten. Dennoch hat die Nachlassverwaltung darum gebeten, das folgende Statement eines Anwaltes der Nachlassverwaltung, Howard Weitzmann, mit euch zu teilen, welches gestern als Antwort auf eine Anfrage abgegeben wurde:

                "Wir sind über die kürzlich aufgetauchten falschen "Berichte" informiert, welche neben anderen Dingen auch behaupten, dass Michael Jackson über 200 Millionen Dollar an 20 "Opfer" bezahlt haben soll. Es gibt nicht ein Bruchstück eines Beweises, das diese lächerlichen "Berichte" stützen würde. Es ist bedauerlich, dass selbst nach seinem Tod, Michael nicht frei von dieser Art von Anschuldigungen sein kann, aber wir sind überzeugt, dass die Wahrheit am Ende siegen wird, genau wie sie im Jahr 2005 gesiegt hat, als eine Jury Michael vollkommen entlastet hat."

                Die Nachlassverwaltung ist unerschütterlich in ihrer Verteidigung von Michael vor Gericht und dies wird sich nicht ändern, unabhängig davon, welche Lügen und Gerüchte von Journalisten mit persönlichen Absichten verbreitet werden.


                • #9
                  In ergänzung von @BB post #8:
                  Statement by The Michael Jackson Estate Today, April 7th, 2015:
                  We have received a number of inquiries from the community regarding the most recent Stacy Brown story. As many of you are aware, the Estate generally prefers not to legitimatize the lies and rumors spread in the media or expand the coverage by other media of those stories.
                  .However, the Estate has asked that we share with you the following statement that was issued by Howard Weitzman, attorney for the Estate of Michael Jackson, in a response to a request for comment yesterday:“We are aware of recent false “reports” regarding Michael Jackson having, among other things, paid over $200 million to 20 “victims.” There is not a shred of evidence to support these ludicrous “reports.” It is unfortunate that, even in death, Michael cannot be free of these types of allegations, but we are confident that the truth will prevail in the end, just as it did in 2005 when a jury fully exonerated him.”
                  The Estate is steadfast in its defense of Michael in courts and that will not change regardless of what lies and rumors are spread by journalists with their own agendas.
                  Source: MJOnline, The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™ /
                  Zur Petition:
                  Offenbar trauen manche fans dem weiteren vorgehen und den entscheidungen des MJEstate und dem Estate-anwalt Howard Weitzman nicht und schlagen sozusagen übergeordnet des team Mesereau/Yu vor.

                  Der letzte satz des statements oben und das bisherige handeln macht für meine begriffe deutlich, auf welchen grundlagen Estate/Weitzman bauen.
                  Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 09.04.2015, 16:55.


                  • #10
                    @Ivy MJJC postete heute:

                    From civil case

                    04/10/2015 at 08:30 am in Department 51, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding
                    Status Conference - Off Calendar

                    so no hearing today

                    From probate case

                    04/21/2015 at 08:30 am in department 51 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
                    Motion for Summary Judgment

                    04/10/2015 Declaration - Probate ( BY MATTHEW A. SLATER )
                    Filed by Attorney for Claimant
                    Filed by Attorney for Claimant
                    04/03/2015 Response (RESPONSE TO OBJECTION TO MOTION )
                    Filed by Attorney for Petitioner
                    04/03/2015 Declaration - Probate (OF DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY RONALD J. ZONEN )
                    Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

                    So I think probate hearing is April 21.


                    • #11
                      Thomas Mesereau äusserte sich in der US TV sendung 'Crime Time'

                      Ivy hat 'Daily Michael' aktualisiert, zit.: Keeping track of Robson and Safechuck cases – April 2015 Update
                      ivy Robson v. Estate 11 April 2015

                      Some recent confusion about Robson & Safechuck cases prompted me to make a timeline of past and upcoming events so that fans can easily follow the developments in these cases. I will regularly update this post and will try my best to answer any questions you might have.

                      First some brief information about the case structure and information sources.Robson and Safechuck have both filed a late probate claim and a civil case at LA Superior Court. All four of the cases have been assigned to Judge Mitchell Beckloff. Information about these cases can be gathered from three different sources:
                      • “Case Summary” – which is accessible by anyone, however it only lists names of documents filed and basic proceedings information.
                      • “Civil Case Document Images” – which requires an account and allows you to buy copies of the documents filed for civil cases.
                      • “Probate Notes” – which lists information about upcoming probate hearings a few days before their scheduled date.

                      As long as the documents aren’t sealed, Robson and Safechuck civil case documents become available at “Civil Case Document Images” system for purchase. However probate case documents aren’t available online so it makes getting information about probate claims a little more challenging. Furthermore under the probate case number multiple issues and claims (as of now Robson, Safechuck, Tohme, El-Amin/ Morris, Estate management etc.) related to Estate is handled so everything listed under “Case Summary” for probate case is NOT related to Robson/Safechuck.

                      Here’s the past and future events information about the four cases (Upcoming events are highlighted in different color):

                      Robson Probate Claim – (BP117321)

                      May 2013 - Robson files his late probate claim
                      June 2013 – Estate files an objection to Robson’s late probate claim
                      February 2014- Robson sends interrogatories to MJ Estate
                      February 2014 – Estate asks dismissal (summary judgment) of Robson’s late probate claim
                      May 2014 – Robson makes a request for criminal files (depositions, testimony, and discovery from 1993 and 2005 allegations)
                      September 2014 – Judge grants most of Robson’s discovery requests.
                      November 6, 2014 – Initial date for the summary judgment hearing. Robson lawyers wants to reschedule this hearing to go over the discovery and prepare their oppositions to Estate’s summary judgment. Hearing is taken off calendar.

                      March 24, 2015 – Robson files his opposition to Estate’s summary judgment
                      Estate will file their reply to Robson’s opposition
                      A hearing will be set for the summary judgment motion
                      April 21, 2015 - Hearing date for summary judgment motion (Confirmed )

                      Note 1: Recently (as of April 2015) one media source claimed there was an April 7, 2015 hearing and it got delayed to May 2015. This alleged April 7 hearing wasn’t listed on the court system.
                      Note 2: Recently (as of April 2015) one media source claimed a final status conference on April 15, followed by a 15 day trial to determine if Robson can proceed with his claim. This is wrong. April 15 final status conference and 15 day trial is scheduled to happen in 2016 and it’s for Tohme’s Neverland finder’s fee claim.

                      Robson Civil Case – (BC508502)

                      May 2013 - Robson files his civil complaint
                      April 2014 – Robson amendes his complaint to name Doe2 and Doe 3 defendants as MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures
                      June 2014 - Estate filed a demurrer
                      October 1, 2014 - For MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures Judge sustained the demurrer with leave to amend. Judge decided to keep Doe1(MJ) as a placeholder for the time being pending the outcome of the probate claim.

                      December 16, 2014 -Robson filed third amended complaint
                      March 10, 2015 - Estate filed second demurrer
                      Robson most probably will file an opposition to Estate’s second demurrer. Estate will file a reply.
                      June 30, 2015 –Hearing date for second demurrer

                      Note: April 10, 2015 status conference hearing was taken off calendar.

                      Safechuck Probate Claim – (BP117321)

                      July/August 2014 - Safechuck files late probate claim
                      September 2014 - Estate files a demurrer
                      December 16, 2014 - Demurrer hearing held
                      December 30, 2014 - Judge sustained the demurrer with leave to amend
                      March 18, 2015 - Safechuck filed the second amended complaint
                      Now we are waiting for Estate to file their second demurrer, Safechuck to file an opposition and Estate to file a reply.
                      July 21, 2015 – Hearing date for second demurrer.

                      Safechuck Civil Case – (BC545264)

                      July / August 2014 – Civil case filed and probate case is listed as a related case.
                      No action at civil case.

                      Eingabe der anwälte von W.R. in der sache vorm nachlassgericht, eingegangen 10.04.2015, siehe hier.

                      Wie Ivy oben schon schrieb, das nächste hearing ist für 21. April 2015 anberaumt.

                      Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 13.04.2015, 20:00.


                      • #12
                        Heute war die Anhörung zum Summary Judgement-Antrag vom Estate
                        (Abweisung Klage wegen Überschreitung der Fristen und das es keine Begründung gibt sowie das es keine Gründe gibt, warum die Verjährung nicht greifen sollte)

                        Lawyers for a dancer-choreographer who alleges he was molested by Michael Jackson told a judge Tuesday that their client should be able to file a late creditor's claim against the singer's estate


                        • #13
                          die frage ist ob es gut oder schlecht ist?
                          jetzt können die "opfer" endlos durch die tv-sendungen tingeln und ihren "erguss" bis ins hohe alter ausbreiten, wenn keiner einen riegel dazwischen legt.

                          in diesen fall wäre "VIELLEICHT" eine klage besser gewesen (oder auch nicht) (???????????)

                          (wobei die verjährungsfrist natürlich auch seinen sinn hat und es als abweisung der klage seine berechtigung hat. ich denke, dass der richter schon richtig entschieden hat ((hoffe ich jedenfalls))
                          Zuletzt geändert von Memphis; 22.04.2015, 16:37.


                          • #14
                            Dancer’s late sex abuse claim against Michael Jackson’s estate debated

                            Posted by Colleen Park on April 21, 2015 in Hollywood | 1,583 Views | Leave a response

                            Lawyers for a dancer-choreographer who alleges he was molested by Michael Jackson told a judge Tuesday that their client should be able to file a late creditor’s claim against the singer’s estate, but attorneys for the estate’s executors said the case should be dismissed because the petitioner waited too long to bring the action.
                            Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff did not immediately rule on the future of Wade Robson‘s petition, but said he would have a decision within a few days.
                            Robson, 32, alleges Jackson molested him between 1990-97, though he testified in the singer’s 2005 child molestation trial — which involved another boy and ended with Jackson’s acquittal — that the entertainer did not abuse him.
                            Robson needs a judge’s permission to bring a late probate court claim because his court papers were filed in May 2013, nearly four years after the entertainer’s June 25, 2009, overdose death at age 50.
                            Maryann Marzano, one of Robson’s lawyers, said the facts of her client’s case “cry out” for equity to be applied so that he is not deprived to his right to have a full hearing rather than see his case disposed of in a single motion.
                            Attorney Jonathan Steinsapir, on behalf of the estate, countered that limits must be placed on when claims can be filed, irrespective of how serious their nature, so that others cannot keep bringing similar cases against the Jackson executors and other estates for years to come.
                            Marzano argued Robson’s case illustrates that there was no “ah, ha” moment for her client and that until he received therapy and realized he was molested by Jackson, he could not do anything sooner because he had been “brainwashed into believing it was consensual.”
                            In his most recent sworn statement filed in connection with his attempt to file a late probate claim against the singer’s estate, Robson says May 8, 2012, was a key date for him.
                            “I began to recognize for myself that Jackson had molested me,” Robson alleges. “It was on that date in my therapy session … that I first spoke about the sexual activity I had with Jackson. This revelation initiated an enormous emotional, psychological and physiological upheaval in my life that continues until this day.”
                            Robson says his first of two nervous breakdowns occurred in April 2011, causing him to withdraw from a film project and begin seeking psychological help. “But I did not mention the sexual abuse because at that time I still did not see it as such,” Robson states in his court papers.
                            A second breakdown in March 2012 was a turning point, he says.
                            “As with my first breakdown, I experienced stress, anxiety, fear and depression,” Robson says. “I also began to imagine my son being subjected to the same sort of sexual acts I had been forced to commit with Jackson, and for the first time in my life I thought I might need to talk to someone about what Jackson and I had done together.”
                            Robson says waiting until 2012 to talk about his allegations reveals his state of mind.
                            “It speaks to the fear and paranoia I was dealing with in relation to who my abuser was and his massive celebrity status,” Robson says. “Jackson had made me think in terms of what would happen if I told anyone about the sexual conduct and then that person told someone else who then told the press.”
                            Beckloff said the only example he could find of Jackson intimidating Robson was when the singer allegedly told the petitioner that they could both go to jail if their relationship became public.
                            Attorney Henry Gradstein, who also represents Robson, said that even if the estate’s dismissal motion is granted, his client can proceed against the corporate arm Jackson established before his death.
                            Steinsapir said that if the dismissal motion is denied, the estate may seek relief from the 2nd District Court of Appeal.
                            — City News Service

                            @Memphis ... Richter Beckloff hat ja am 21.04.noch keine entscheidung gefällt, war der anhörungstermin.

                            So wie es im obigen bericht steht, wird lt. richter Beckloff die entscheidung in ein paar tagen fallen.

                            Marzano, eine der W.R. anwälte argumenterte, dass aufgrund von den fakten der antrag Robsons zum zuge kommen müsse.

                            Der MJEstate anwalt Steinsapir konterte, dass die eingabe Robsons innerhalb des gegebenen zeitfensters hätte erfolgen müssen.

                            "(...) Beckloff said the only example he could find of Jackson intimidating Robson was when the singer allegedly told the petitioner that they could both go to jail if their relationship became public. (...)


                            Beckloff sagte, dass er als einziges beispiel einer einschüchterung Robsons durch Jackson hat finden können, dass MJ zu W.R. angeblich gesagt habe, dass sie beide ins gefängnis kämen, wenn ihre beziehung öffentlich werden würde.

                            Diese bemerkung verursacht bei mir stirnrunzeln. Einerseits kann man nicht von einer einschüchterung sprechen, wenn andererseits nicht wirklich bewiesen ist, dass dieses 'bekenntnis' aus MJs mund kam. Wäre diese aussage eine tatsache, dann wäre das nicht nur ein erfolgreicher einschüchterungsversuch, sondern auch ein schuldeingeständnis, dass die beziehung MJ / W.R. ausserhalb der legalität läge und strafverfolgung nach sich gezogen hätte.

                            Das stirnrunzeln glättet sich wieder etwas, da das nicht eine tatsache beschreibende wörtchen 'angeblich' in den satz eingebaut ist.

                            Hhm ... es bleibt nix, als die tage bis zur entscheidung richter Beckloffs abzuwarten.

                            Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 23.04.2015, 17:08. Grund: grammatik


                            • #15
                              oh! ich habe nur BlaueBlume-text im klammern gelesen und dachte, dass die klage abgeweisen wurde

                              das mit den stirnrunzeln verstehe ich und hoffe, dass alles ein gutes ende nimmt.


                              thread unten
