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This is it - Tournee-Vertrag MJ/AEG

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  • #31
    Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen
    Rund um und im Vertrag gibt es viel mehr Ungereimtheiten,Zweifel und Fragwürdigkeiten, als nur die hier erwähnten zweierlei Unterschriften Michaels.
    Auf alles wird in dem Artikel eingegangen!
    Michael wurde von Anfang an komplett gelinkt und gezielt unter Druck gesetzt und wußte/spürte das, was schließlich mit seinem Tod endete.
    Er hatte mMn niemand wirklich auf seiner Seite, keinen, der sich für seine Interessen/Rechte stark gemacht hat !

    Ich bin dabei, die wichtigsten Passagen des Artikels zu übersetzen und zusammen zu fassen und stelle sie dann hier ein.
    Es ist ein bißchen langwierig und mühsam, aber klappt bis jetzt erstaunlich gut.

    Das Thema ist aufregend und nervenaufreibend !

    Die zwei(erlei) Unterschriften sind der Drehpunkt bei Bewertung, ob Michael gelinkt wurde!

    Nur wenn die Unterschriften gefälscht sind, kann man "Michael wurde gelinkt" sprechen!
    Von einer Fälschung der Unterschriften steht aber nichts in den Klagen von Joe und Katherine....

    und deshalb können die restlichen drei Vorwürfe, die nun noch von Katherine zur Zeit aus ihrer Klageschrift weiterhin aufrecht erhalten werden, auch nur dann aufrechterhalten werden, wenn eine Medikamentensucht Michaels vorausgesetzt wird. Und es muß dann jedoch eine Sucht sein, die seine Handlungsfähigkeit zumindest einschgeränkt hat.

    Denn wie sonst könnte AEG vorgeworfen werden, auf einen 50-jährigen Mann nicht ausreichend geachtet und für ihn gesorgt zu haben.

    Es ist viel getan worden seit Michaels Tod dafür, dass die Öffentlichkeit genauso selbstverständlich von einer Medikamentensucht bei MJ ausgeht wie von der Annahme, er hätte mehr als ein Paar Schuhe besessen.
    Warten wir ab, was dazu im Murray Strafprozess von den Experten vorgetragen wird.


    • #32
      Da muss ich Dir Recht geben.
      Kathrine Jackson hat in ihrer Klage nicht aufgeführt, dass der Vertrag nicht rechtskärftig war, Unterschriften gefälscht wurden oder ähnliches. Nehme ja auch an, dass deren Anwälte bei Zweifel einen Graphologen beauftragt hätten.

      In der Klage von Kathrine gegen AEG sind nur noch diese 3 Anklagepunkte aufgeführt.
      fahrlässige Einstellung
      Verantwortung des Arbeitgebers

      Von daher wird es in der Tat hautpsächlich darum gehen MJ als verwirrten, desorientierten medikamentabhänigen Mitarbeiter darzustellen, damit man AEG eben als verantwortlungslosen Arbeitgeber präsentieren kann.


      • #33
        Das problem, Lena, wird aber sein, das glaubhaft machen zu können!

        Sieht man sich aber mal etwas genauer an -und leider haben wir das alle hier bisher nicht gründlich genug getan- was Michael in diesen letzten ca. 3 Monaten vor seinem Tod alles geleistet und an wie vielen verschiedenen Projekten er gearbeitet hat, dann ist das mehr als beeindruckend:

        - dieses Musical und die Songs bei A4V Digital
        - der kleine, in den TII-Film eingebettete Film zum Earth-Song
        - das Dome-Projekt zu "Thriller" in den Culver Studios
        - ...möglicherweise mehr

        Ich weiß das alles leider nur mehr als oberflächlich und werde dazu versuchen, noch nähere Informationen zu finden. Dazu müssen auch noch mal die Äußerungen der Künstler, mit denen Michael in dieser Zeit gearbeitet hat, durchgelesen werden.

        Jedenfalls: von geistiger Desorientiertheit, Verwirrung usw. kann keinesfalls die Rede sein.....eher davon, wie viele Stunden eigentlich Michaels Tag gehabt haben muß.


        • #34
          Zitat von Lena Beitrag anzeigen
          Da muss ich Dir Recht geben.
          Kathrine Jackson hat in ihrer Klage nicht aufgeführt, dass der Vertrag nicht rechtskärftig war, Unterschriften gefälscht wurden oder ähnliches. Nehme ja auch an, dass deren Anwälte bei Zweifel einen Graphologen beauftragt hätten.

          In der Klage von Kathrine gegen AEG sind nur noch diese 3 Anklagepunkte aufgeführt.
          fahrlässige Einstellung
          Verantwortung des Arbeitgebers

          Von daher wird es in der Tat hautpsächlich darum gehen MJ als verwirrten, desorientierten medikamentabhänigen Mitarbeiter darzustellen, damit man AEG eben als verantwortlungslosen Arbeitgeber präsentieren kann.

          1. geht es hier um den besagten Artikel, der sich natürlich auf den Vertrag bezieht
          2. hat sich AEG etwa nicht nur sehr profitorientiert, eigennützig und rücksichtslos Michael gegenüber verhalten ???
          Was gibt /gilt es hier hier zu beschönigen oder zu vertuschen ?
          Nie im Leben war das eine gleichberechtigte, faire, offene und ehrliche Partnerschaft !!!
          Der Vertrag gibt sehr viele Rätsel auf, wird uns noch lange beschäftigen und sollte gründlichst be- und durchleuchtet werden !!!
          3. Michael hatte keinen bzw. keinen kompetenten Rechtsbeistand auf seiner Seite, der nicht evtl. sogar gekauft war !
          4. Davon ganz abgesehen, dass AEG Michael aus finanziellen Gründen vollständig in der Hand hatte und er auf ihre Willkür angewiesen und
          der hoffnungslos ausgeliefert war !
          Genau das wußten sie für sich zu nutzen, um Michael nach allen Regeln der Kunst unter Druck zu setzen !


          • #35

            auch wenn es ein noch so für Michael nachteiliger Vertrag gewesen sein mag:

            Was Du hier aufführtst, sind rein moralische Kriterien, keine gesetzeswidrigen (profitorientiert---welcher Arbeitgeber ist das nicht?; eigennützig---es sind die allermeisten Menschen, dieser Anschutz-Konzern hat sich meines Wissens nicht dem Altruismus verpflichtet; rücksichtslos----die Konzertsproben waren kein Erholungsort, das weiß jeder; es wird wie an jedem Arbeitsplatz 100%iger Einsatz und 100%ige Leistungsfähigkeit erwartet.
            So funktioniert nun mal unser ganzes System.

            Ich bin mir auch über die Aussage, AEG habe Michael aus finanziellen Gründen vollständig in der Hand gehabt, nicht so sicher....
            Diese Behauptung habe ich jetzt nicht nur hier gelesen, sondern ist zirkuliert schon seit Michaels Tod herum. Womit das eigentlich begründet wird, würde ich auch gern mal lesen. WAS kannst denn DU dazu ausführen, geli?

            Noch eine weitere Frage: Der "Druck".....wie hat er stattgefunden? Wenn Du dazu auch noch nähere Angaben (Beispiele) machen könntest?
            Zuletzt geändert von Hippolytos; 01.04.2011, 15:59. Grund: noch eine weitere Frage


            • #36
              Zitat von Hippolytos Beitrag anzeigen

              auch wenn es ein noch so für Michael nachteiliger Vertrag gewesen sein mag:

              Was Du hier aufführtst, sind rein moralische Kriterien, keine gesetzeswidrigen (profitorientiert---welcher Arbeitgeber ist das nicht?; eigennützig---es sind die allermeisten Menschen, dieser Anschutz-Konzern hat sich meines Wissens nicht dem Altruismus verpflichtet; rücksichtslos----die Konzertsproben waren kein Erholungsort, das weiß jeder; es wird wie an jedem Arbeitsplatz 100%iger Einsatz und 100%ige Leistungsfähigkeit erwartet.
              So funktioniert nun mal unser ganzes System.

              Ich bin mir auch über die Aussage, AEG habe Michael aus finanziellen Gründen vollständig in der Hand gehabt, nicht so sicher....
              Diese Behauptung habe ich jetzt nicht nur hier gelesen, sondern ist zirkuliert schon seit Michaels Tod herum. Womit das eigentlich begründet wird, würde ich auch gern mal lesen. WAS kannst denn DU dazu ausführen, geli?

              Noch eine weitere Frage: Der "Druck".....wie hat er stattgefunden? Wenn Du dazu auch noch nähere Angaben (Beispiele) machen könntest?

              Indem man Michael trotz gesundheitlicher Bedenken und Anzeichen verplichtete/zwang an jeder Probe teilzunehmen !

              Es wurden ihm statt der zugestimmten 10 Konzerte, 50 Konzerttermine aufgedrängt, alle 2 Tage ein Auftritt von ca. 2 Stunden, obwohl er verlangte/forderte, darum bat, die Termine weiter auseinander zu legen und mehrfach erklärte/begründete, diese 50 Konzerte nicht leisten zu können !

              Unmenschlich und rücksichtslos !!!
              Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 01.04.2011, 19:37.


              • #37
                Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen

                Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – FRAUD from the very start of it?

                March 29, 2011


                Es gibt noch zwei weitere Teile als Fortsetzung dieses Artikels zu Michaels "wundervollen" Vertrag mit AEG !!!

                Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – EVERYTHING AT MICHAEL’S EXPENSE!
                Part 2

                April 2, 2011

                Part 2It is only part TWO of our analysis of the AEG ‘agreement’ but we are already suspecting very strongly that the deal was a fraudulent one.The first and last pages of this paper are nothing bu…

                Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – FRAUD IN THE ARTIST’S COMPENSATION.
                Part 3

                April 4, 2011

                PART 3 We are analyzing the AEG ‘contract’ with Michael Jackson slowly and step by step. This part will be short but will give enough food for thought the way it is. But first let us re…

                Es wäre wirklich wichtig und nützlich, wenn jemand von unseren Englischexperten so lieb wäre und sich die Mühe machen würde, diese Artikel oder die wichtigsten Passagen daraus, zu übersetzen, damit wir auch alle genau wissen, worüber wir reden !
                Vielleicht könnten sich auch mehrere die Arbeit teilen ?!


                Es gibt noch einen 4.Teil :

                Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG: EVERYTHING HE HAD for a $6,2 mln. PROMISSORY NOTE
                Part 4 The more I read the so-called ‘contract’ with AEG the more I realize that its middle pages are so alien to the first and last pages of it (made as a letter to Tohme) that the inside of this …
                Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 11.04.2011, 22:22.


                • #38
                  Zitat von Lena Beitrag anzeigen
                  In der Klage von Kathrine gegen AEG sind nur noch diese 3 Anklagepunkte aufgeführt.
                  fahrlässige Einstellung
                  Verantwortung des Arbeitgebers

                  Von daher wird es in der Tat hautpsächlich darum gehen MJ als verwirrten, desorientierten medikamentabhänigen Mitarbeiter darzustellen, damit man AEG eben als verantwortlungslosen Arbeitgeber präsentieren kann.
                  Ich komme da noch mal drauf zurück, Lena....

                  Genau das, was ich da oben aus Deinem Beitrag gefettet habe, wird ja detailliert so in Katherines Klageschrift beschrieben. (Christine3110 war genau auf diese Passage(n) neulich in einem anderen Thread eingegangen.
                  In den letzten Tagen habe ich mal über Michaels Aktivitäten seit Anfang März nachgelesen und es war ein beeindruckendes Zeugnis seiner Leistungsfähigkeit.

                  Nun las ich, dass Dr. Tohmé als Zeuge im Murray-Strafprozess (?) aussagen muß. (ich werfe allmählich diese verschiedenen laufenden Klagen durcheinander).
                  Dr. Tohmé, so stets an mehreren Stellen zu lesen, ist von Michael am 05. Mai 09 entlassen worden.----Woher diese Information kommt, weiß ich nicht.
                  Dr. Tohmé ist bei Jermaines kurzem Statement in der UCLA-Klinik an Jermaines Seite gewesen, als dieser am 25.06.09 kurz zur Presse sprach.
                  Alles am Verhalten Tohmés deutete darauf hin, dass er dort als immer noch "amtierender" Manager Michaels agierte.------In Fan-Kreisen war damals zu lesen "Michaels Kündigungen wurden einfach ignoriert"; woher die Fans dies wußten, weiß ich nicht.

                  Nun, ich las die Bestätigung von RA Oxman höchstselbst auf eine entsprechende Twitter-Anfrage eines Fans, dass Dr. Tohmé tatsächlich mit der Ehefrau Jermaines, Halima, verwandt ist.
                  Auch hatte Tohmé in den beiden Interviews, die er kurz nach Michaels Tod gegeben hatte, vor laufender Kamera erwähnt, er habe zu Michaels Familie (und er benutzte ausdrücklich das Wort "Familie" und nicht etwa "Jermaine und Halima!) gute Kontakte und die Familie sei von ihm immer auf dem Laufenden gehalten worden.
                  Was man von diesem Berichten über Michaels Belange halten soll, will ich gar nicht bewerten, denn ich weiß ja nicht, ob Michael davon wußte....

                  Und Dr. Tohmé sagt in einem der beiden Interviews klar und deutlich, er habe weder jemals gesehen, dass Michael ein Medikament zu sich nahm noch habe er den Eindruck gehabt, dass Michael unter beeinträchtigender Wirkung eines Medikamentes stehe.
                  Und Tohmé sagt das zu einem Zeitpunkt, als bereits Teile von Michaels Familie sich der Presse gegenüber sehr gegenteilig geäußert hatten!

                  Bei dem bevorstehenden Prozess (Katherine ./. AEG) geht es ja auch gar nicht um die Frage "Süchtig oder nicht süchtig", sondern es geht darum, eine Deorientiertheit Michaels zu belegen, weil nur über diese Schiene überhaupt an AEG heranzukommen wäre.

                  Das aber wird kaum gelingen, weil Michael in den letzten Wochen mit zahlreichen Leuten zusammentraf, die sich genau andersherum äußern.
                  Aber vielleicht hatten die ja mit einem Impersonator zu tun----z.B. Chr. Audigier, mit dem er bummeln war, z.B. die A4V-Leute, und und und....


                  • #39
                    Tja Hippo, da kann man ganze Seiten mit füllen mit wem MJ in den Monaten bzw. noch in seinen letzten Wochen bis Tagen vor seinem Tod in Kontakt stand. Eine Rushka Bergmann hat sogar noch 14 Tage vor seinem Tod 5 Tage in seinem Haus verbracht. Deepak Chopra kann 2 Tage vor Michaels Tod eine gutgelaunte Nachricht von MJ auf seinem Anrufbeantworter abrufen und erhält eine Demo von seinem neuen Umwelltsong zugeschickt (hat er die eigentlich wieder zurückgegeben? Ich will die hören). Mit Kenny Erhlicher diskutiert er am letzten Probentag über ein Halloween Special. Mit Hardey geht er shoppen, mit seinen Kindern ins Kunstmuseum. Irgendwie hat da MJ doch noch ganz schön viel auf die Reihe bekommen.
                    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 05.04.2011, 20:18. Grund: zu schnell geschrieben


                    • #40
                      Zitat von Lena Beitrag anzeigen
                      Tja Hippo, da kann man ganze Seiten mit füllen mit wem MJ in den Monaten bzw. noch in seinen letzten Wochen bis Tagen vor seinem Tod in Kontakt stand. Eine Rusha Bergmann hat sogar noch 14 Tage vor seinem 5 Tage in seinem Tod in seinem Haus verbracht. Deepak Chopra kann 2 Tage vor Michaels Tod einen gutgelaunte Nachricht vom MJ auf seinem Anrufbeantworter abrufen und erhält eine Demo von seinem neuen Umwelltsong zugeschickt (hat er die eigentlich wieder zurückgegeben? Ich will die hören). Mit Kenny Erhlicher diskutiert am letzten Probentag über ein Halloween.Special. Mit Hardey geht er shoppen, mit seinen Kindern ins Kunstmuseum. Irgendwie hat da MJ doch noch ganz schön viel auf die Reihe bekommen.

                      Was aber leider alles nicht ausschließt, dass er vielleicht die Schlingen und Fallen seiner Nutzer und Gegenspieler nicht erkennen konnte !


                      • #41
                        Ich möchte noch einmal auf die 4-teilige sehr interessante, gründliche und aufschlußreiche Analyse des "merkwürdigen", um nicht zu sagen "betrügerischen", TII-Vertrages hinweisen und das Schlußresümee hier einstellen.

                        Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – FRAUD from the very start of it? part 1
                        Part 1Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG Live is so crucial for understanding what happened to Michael that looking into it cannot be put off any longer.  Please prepare yourself for a top seriou…

                        Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – EVERYTHING AT MICHAEL’S EXPENSE! part 2
                        Part 2It is only part TWO of our analysis of the AEG ‘agreement’ but we are already suspecting very strongly that the deal was a fraudulent one.The first and last pages of this paper are nothing bu…

                        Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – FRAUD IN THE ARTIST’S COMPENSATION too. part 3
                        PART 3 We are analyzing the AEG ‘contract’ with Michael Jackson slowly and step by step. This part will be short but will give enough food for thought the way it is. But first let us re…

                        Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG: EVERYTHING HE HAD for a $6,2 mln. PROMISSORY NOTE
                        Part 4 The more I read the so-called ‘contract’ with AEG the more I realize that its middle pages are so alien to the first and last pages of it (made as a letter to Tohme) that the inside of this …

                        Resümee :

                        All I can say is that now I am absolutely sure that in order to get access to Michael’s precious assets AEG was capable of any dirty trick to make him sign that crucial Promissory note.

                        The people he was dealing with are really devilish racketeers who are exceptionally sophisticated in the art of swindle, deceit and setting incredible traps for their partners.

                        This isn’t business.

                        All businesses look for more beneficial terms for themselves, but not all of them cheat.

                        This is fraud - from the very beginning to the very end of it.

                        These ‘businessmen’ are simple predators who lure people into their lair and devour them live after that. With ‘businessmen’ like these you need to have a squadron of lawyers by your side to safeguard you from the numerous traps they set for you at each of your steps – the good, honest and capable lawyers whom Michael so rarely had and who were not standing by him at this crucial moment of his life…
                        No matter where else this ‘contract’ takes us, all I want now is to turn this document into a monument to the utterly shameful, fraudulent and horrendous methods AEG employed in their business deal with Michael Jackson.

                        If this is the way they do business with everyone it is no wonder they accumulated all those billions. However something tells me that it was Michael Jackson they specially reserved this treatment for…

                        Alles, was ich sagen kann, ist, dass jetzt ich absolut sicher bin, dass, um Zugang zum wertvollen Vermögen von Michael zu bekommen, AEG zu jeder Gemeinheit fähig war, um ihn Zeichen dass entscheidender Schuldschein zu machen.

                        Die Leute, mit denen er sich befasste, sind wirklich teuflische Verschwörer, die in der Kunst des Schwindels, der Täuschung und der Einstellung unglaublicher Fallen für ihre
                        Partner außergewöhnlich verfälscht werden.

                        Das ist nicht Geschäft.

                        Alle Geschäfte suchen nach vorteilhafteren Fristen nach sich selbst, aber nicht sie alle betrügen.

                        Das ist Schwindel - vom allerersten Augenblick zum wirklichen Ende davon.

                        Diese 'Unternehmer' sind einfache Raubfische, die Leute in ihr Lager locken und sie lebend danach verschlingen. Mit 'Unternehmern' wie diese müssen Sie eine Staffel von Rechtsanwälten durch Ihre Seite haben, um Sie von den zahlreichen Fallen zu schützen, die sie für Sie an jedem Ihrer Schritte - des Nutzens, ehrliche und fähige Rechtsanwälte setzen, die Michael so selten hatte, und wer bei ihm in diesem entscheidenden Moment seines Lebens … nicht standen, Egal wo sonst dieser 'Vertrag' uns, alles nimmt, dass ich jetzt will, soll dieses Dokument in ein Denkmal zu den äußerst schändlichen, betrügerischen und schrecklichen Methoden AEG verwendet in ihrem Geschäft mit Michael Jackson verwandeln.

                        Wenn das die Art ist, wie sie Geschäfte mit jedem machen das ist kein Wunder sie sammelten alle jene Milliarden an. Jedoch sagt etwas mir, dass es Michael Jackson war, für den sie besonders diese Behandlung vorbestellten …

                        Part 4 The more I read the so-called ‘contract’ with AEG the more I realize that its middle pages are so alien to the first and last pages of it (made as a letter to Tohme) that the inside of this …

                        Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 12.04.2011, 01:44. Grund: farbige Auszeichnung


                        • #42
                          Es gibt einen 5. Teil in der gründlichen Analyse von Michaels Vertrag mit AEG für die TII-Konzerte :

                          Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG was NOT FINAL. We can RELAX now. part 5

                          April 14, 2011

                          Part 5 and Postcript

                          Speaking about the AEG ‘contract’ one of the readers said to me that “the one you posted was NOT the final version”.

                          I both agreed and disagreed. Agreed because the papers available to the AEG officials can hardly be called the final or even any contract at all – and disagreed because these papers are indeed final in a sense that this is all Randy Phillips had from Michael Jackson even despite Dr. Tohme and attorney Dennis Hawk ardently working against him behind his back.

                          Earlier I said that the so-called AEG contract looked like a mere cut-and-paste job where some of the most horrendous pages were inserted into the inside of the letter to Tohme after Michael Jackson had signed its last page (on his own behalf, as the Artist only).

                          The reason why AEG did this cut-and-paste job was most probably Michael’s refusal to accept their terms and their consequent need to bring together the text of the Promissory Note/ Inducement Letter signed by Michael at another point in time and the only other signed document they had from him (letter to Tohme) in order to reach at least some semblance of a final contract they allegedly had with Michael Jackson.

                          I will not go over the many reasons why I think their ‘contract’ is a cut-and-paste job (you can read it in previous parts) – all I want to do now is bring out into the open another major contradiction which is related exactly to whether this ‘contract’ is considered final or not.

                          As is always with AEG papers my discovery was made in a place where I least expected it – in Miscellaneous clause.

                          What is a Miscellaneous clause? It is the least important and the most casual of all clauses in a contract as this is a place to store all those small bits and pieces which didn’t fit into the essential clauses of the contract – for example, the number of its copies, the languages it was made in, the equal power of each copy or translation and other necessary but not too important things of the same kind.

                          Since we know by now that AEG has a very bad habit of concealing the most crucial terms of their agreements in places which are least suitable for them, you probably half-expect now to discover in this clause something extremely important, don’t you? And you are absolutely right in your expectations.

                          Only two pages prior to the last page of their ‘contract’ which is expressing a wish that the definitive agreement is still to be negotiated, AEG’s version of Miscellaneous says … you can’t imagine what … it says that this agreement is final and may not be modified or amended except by writing!

                          What it means is that the middle pages of the AEG paper say that the contract is final and fully agreed on - while the last page of it hopes that
                          the definitive agreement is still to be made and negotiated “expeditiously and in good faith”.

                          Amazing, isn’t it? However when someone does a cut-and-paste job such unpleasant discrepancies can occur and are not surprising at all….

                          On the other hand this discrepancy may not be accidental and may be left there on purpose. Realizing that the last page of their ‘contract’ looks terribly inconclusive AEG crammed the inside pages of it with all sorts of legal demagogue aiming to compensate for all the deficiencies the first and last pages of the letter to Tohme are suffering from.

                          Last page of the Letter of Intent with a genuine signature of Michael Jackson as the Artist and a fake one for Michael as head of his company

                          We must understand how difficult a task of these swindlers was. In the absence of a genuine final agreement from the Artist and in order to come up with something more or less credible these crooks needed to tie together the crucial Promissory Note and Inducement Letter and the ordinary Letter of Intent addressed to Tohme – which was most probably the only other signed document they had from Michael Jackson.

                          But a big problem with the Letter of intent was that it inappropriately closed with “Very truly yours” and this demanded a corresponding opening - so they had no other choice but insert that shabby first page into their ‘contract’ too, though it was awkwardly addressed to “Dear Dr. Tohme” and didn’t even minimally look like a contract.

                          In fact it isn’t even called a contract but simply states its main subject – Michael Jackson.

                          However a good point for the crooks was that the letter carried a date (January 26, 2009) and had at least one Michael’s signature on it (for the Artist only) – so this was at least something they could start with….

                          The date of that letter was incorporated into the text of the Promissory Note and Inducement Letter which were then presented to Michael as the only condition on which he could get his advances. And when Michael finally signed those papers they happily attached them to the Letter of Intent most probably throwing away its inside and replacing it with a new content – but thus trapping themselves and making this version of their ‘contract’ the only one they can have in principle as all their papers are now forcefully revolving around one date only, which is January 26, 2009.

                          The first page of their Letter of Intent sent "For the attention of Dr. Tohme" and addressed to "Dear Dr. Tohme Tohme"

                          Even if some madman says now that AEG has a beautiful final version of the contract its date should by all means come after the Letter of Intent of January 26, 2009 – but since they have already incorporated this date into their Promissory Note and Inducement Letter, they have fallen into their own trap and cannot say they have anything different from the compilation version they are presenting to us now.

                          Inducement Letter carries Michaels signature but has no date. The only thing it does it referring to the date of their "contract" (click on the image to enlarge)

                          However the shoddiness of all this paperwork was evidenly worrying AEG - so to compensate for the inconclusiveness, indefiniteness and fraudulence of their ‘contract’ (the last page of which carries a forged signature of Michael Jackson as a head of his company) they had to fortify the inside of their ‘contract’ by saying in their Miscellaneous clause that the contract was final after all…

                          This won’t do for a court of law of course, but would probably be enough to intimidate and frighten the Artist into thinking that they somehow managed to forge a definitive contract and he will not be able to get away from its terms now…

                          Let us have a closer look at the Miscellaneous clause which has the audacity to claim that this cut-and-paste paperwork is final. All of it is extremely interesting as in contrast to usual Miscellaneous not-too-much meaningful clauses the information contained here is absolutely formidable.

                          Firstly, it is the only place in the ‘contract’ which refers to the Collateral put up by the Artist as security for Artistco performing its obligations, including repayment of the advances received by the Artist.

                          The Collateral described in this clause is far more all-inclusive than the one specified in the Promissory Note – now AEG’s greed is such that they want to lay their hands on everything the Artist ever had and will ever have, no matter where it is located and whether owned at present or only in the future – see point 16.3 “Security”:

                          The formidable MISCELLANEOUS clause in AEGs "contract" with the ArtistThe formidable MISCELLANEOUS clause in AEGs "contract" with the Artist

                          If after reading this information anyone dares tell me that the Collateral demanded by AEG is anything similar to what Sony ever did or wanted to do to Michael Jackson, they should be ready for extremely harsh treatment from me as I am no longer prepared to put up with haters’ mantras which focus on the “horrible Sony of 2002″ but completely disregard the monstrous AEG of 2009.

                          Let me remind you that Sony had an option to peacefully obtain 25% of Michael’s share in the Beatles catalog under an agreement with Michael for their help in restructuring his debt, but up till now they have not exercised this right – while what AEG was planning to do to Michael was not only getting the full share of his catalog but stripping him naked and sending him to a plantation to work for them in unbearable conditions for many years to come:

                          * 16.3 Security. To secure the faithful performance of Artistco, of Artistco’s and Artist’s obligations under this Agreement (including to repay the Advances), Artistco hereby grants Promoter a lien in all of Artistco’s right, title and interest in, to, and under the following properties, assets and rights wherever located, whether now owned or hereafter acquired or arising, and all proceeds and products thereof (all of the same being hereinafter referred to collectively as, the “Collateral”): contract rights or rights to the payment of money in which Artistco and/or Artist has an interest, insurance claims and proceeds, commercial tort claims, securities and all other investment property, and all general intangibles (including all accounts receivable and payment intangibles).
                          * Artistco shall reasonably cooperate with Promoter in its efforts to perfect such security interest.

                          Michael Jackson’s company is to “reasonably cooperate” with these gangsters so that they “perfect” the above conditions to enable them to obtain the gigantic Michael’s collateral?

                          And they have the nerve to say it?!

                          Let me pass over to the rest of the points in this Miscellaneous clause or I might strangle these monstrous AEG guys or anyone supporting them with my own hands now….

                          The Miscellaneous clause continued - conditions for the advances to the Artist

                          These conditions include not only the obligation of the Artist to agree to their tour itinerary, and to all Promoters’ activities including their calculation of the Production costs to be borne by the Artist, but also the need to obtain a cancellation insurance to cover the Production costs of the Artist (the proceeds of which will go to AEG) as well as a condition that the Promoter obtains a cancellation insurance in their favor to cover the risk of loss of their Pool expenses – as if it were the Artist’s business whether AEG obtains this cancellation insurance or not!

                          The clause also obliges the Artist to pay to 2 Seas Records LLC. whatever they ask of him (even if it is the sum equivalent to his advances) or otherwise he will not see the Initial Advances at all:

                          16.4.2 …Promoter shall have no obligation to pay the Initial Advance until such time as Artistco delivers to Promoter evidence satisfactory to Promoter that the dispute with 2 Seas Records LLC has been settled and that Artistco has either paid the amounts owing to 2 Seas Records LLC under such settlement agreement or will pay such amounts (including by permitting some or all of the Initial Advance to be paid to 2 Seas Records LLC).

                          AEG’s dragon version of a Miscellaneous clause also contains a very important “Severability” point which means that if the court finds one point of this ‘contract’ invalid the rest will still remain enforceable. The dictionary defines Severability as:

                          * A clause in a contract that allows for the terms of the contract to be independent of one another, so that if a term in the contract is deemed unenforceable by a court, the contract as a whole will not be deemed unenforceable. If there were no severability clause in a contract, a whole contract could be deemed unenforceable because of one unenforceable term.

                          It is also in the Miscellaneous clause that AEG says that all approvals and consents ”in respect of this Agreement” will be considered duly given if they are sent by fax – which enables our dear Dr. Tohme to send whatever he likes to AEG and it will become binding on the Artist…

                          It is “Miscellaneous” again which provides the Addresses of all those to whom all notices and approvals are to be sent – who in this case is only Dr. Tohme and nobody else but Dr. Tohme (plus Dennis J. Hawk, Esq. who is working for Dr. Tohme too).

                          The dreadful Miscellaneous clause also contains a Confidentiality point denying the parties the right to disclose terms of this ‘agreement’ to anyone except the judge (the point which initially prevented Katherine Jackson from seeing this monstrosity):

                          16.2. Confidentiality. … The material terms of this Agreement shall be kept confidential except to the extent necessary to enforce the terms hereof or as required to comply with the law (such as for example, pursuant to a court order, or where a party must disclose such information to a tax advisor ro accountant for purposes of preparing tax returns or financial statements).

                          “Miscellaneous” also tells us of conditions on which advances and even Initial advances are to be given to the Artist. The Promissory Note, by the way, did not set any conditions for the Initial advances – on the contrary, it was full of pleasantries and friendly invitations to take their money at no interest at all and for some 14 months too. However now that the Promissory Note is signed, this ‘contract’ is suddenly making tough demands on the Artist as an indispensable condition for obtaining the advances:

                          Everything is to be sent to Dr.Tohme only (and Dennis J.Hawk). Michael Jackson is not even mentioned in these addresses!

                          Michael Jackson is not even mentioned in those addresses. No, the only star shining in AEG’s sky is dear Dr. Tohme Tohme who, despite being a legal nobody to this ‘agreement’, is the one who will receive and send all approvals and consents on behalf of Michael Jackson. And all photocopies of Michael’s signatures will be considered as valid as originals under this “contract” of theirs too…

                          But let us get back to the first point of the Miscellaneous clause. And the first point of it brings us to the matter we started here with – the question whether this ‘contract’ is final or not.

                          This point is called “Integrated agreement” and since this definition is somewhat of a mystery to us, let us see what the dictionary says about it:

                          * “In contract law, an integration clause, or merger clause is a term in the language of the contract that declares it to be the complete and final agreement between the parties. It is often placed at or towards the end of the contract.”
                          * “An agreement is integrated when the parties adopt the writing or writings as the final and complete expression of the agreement.”

                          So a mere inclusion of this clause into the contract points to AEG’s desire to create the impression that the agreement is final? Let us go on with the interpretation of this intergration clause and see what the dictionary says about the force of it.

                          The follow-up text makes it clear that the ‘integration clause” is now specified mostly for effect as it does not preclude the parties from having other agreements besides those guarded by this clause:

                          * In the United States, the existence of such a term is normally not conclusive proof that no varied or additional conditions exist with respect to the performance of the contract beyond those that are in the writing but instead is simply evidence of that fact.
                          * A contract that has such a clause may be deemed an integrated contract, and any previous negotiations in which the parties to the contract had considered different terms will be deemed superseded by the final writing. However, many modern cases have found merger clauses to be only a rebuttable presumption.

                          Aha, so despite all its ‘finality’ many court cases now regard an integrated agreement clause as something which is a presumption only (and not an undisputed obligaiton) which can be even rebutted? This is a very nice piece of information we should keep in mind in case we need to rebut those who tell us that this clause could make the contract final and binding on Michael Jackson and force him into the slavery terms planned for him by AEG.

                          However, AEG is doing its best to present an ‘integrated agreement’ clause as a clause which can make the contract final and binding upon the Artist.

                          It is trying to intimidate the Artist and make him think that all this cut-and-paste mess – which starts as a letter, closes as a letter, and cites all these absolutely dreadful conditions in between – is actually a final contract which may not be modified or amended except by a written consent of the party “to be bound” by such consent.

                          Please note that AEG includes in its wording all attachments (Exhibits) but never bothers to specify which ones they are (though it is standard practice to enumerate them giving all the necessary details), thus explaining to us that no matter what Exhibits are attached to this ‘contract’ all of them will be still fine, agreed and obligatory for the Artist even if they add a hundred of them and the Artist never sees them:

                          16. Miscellaneous.

                          16.1 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement, with its Exhibits, is intended by the parties to be the complete and final expression of their agreement, and is specifically intended to be an integrated contract with respect to the matters affected herein. Each party agrees that any prior negotiations, statements, representations or agreements with respect to the subject matter herein are merged in and superseded by this Agreement, and that such party has not relied on any representation or promise, oral or otherwise, which is not set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by a writing signed by the party to be bound.

                          You’ve probably noticed that AEG is playing with words in this clause as one and the same word is used here in two meanings – Agreement (with a capital letter) means a “contract” while the same word without a capital letter means the Artist’s consent to the terms stated ‘herein’ and his final acceptance of them.

                          Thus the sentence which you previously thought contained just a simple repetition of ‘Agreement of agreement’:

                          * “This Agreement, with its Exhibits, is intended by the parties to be the complete and final expression of their agreement …to the matters affected herein”

                          should actually read as a ‘Contract expressing the final acceptance of’:

                          * “This Contract, with its Exhibits, is intended by the parties to be complete and final expression of their acceptance of the terms contained “herein”.

                          16.1 "INTEGRATED AGREEMENT" within the Miscellaneous clause

                          The only word which adds a little doubt to the finality of what is happening here is the word “intended” which points to the intentions of the parties only – but you will probably agree that if the intentions are presented as the “final expression of the agreement” finding out whether it is an intention only or the final agreement already is no easy task which can be probably resolved only in arbitration.

                          After reading about all these ‘final’ agreements in the Miscellaneous clause (which may be rebutted in court though) it is extremely interesting to compare them with the first page of Randy Phillips’s letter to Tohme and refresh in our memory his earlier expectations that “Artistco and Promoter shall reasonably cooperate with each other in an effort to arrive at mutually approved itineraries…” or that “the parties shall attempt in good faith to agree upon the number of Shows that need to be scheduled…”.

                          The last page of Randy Phillips’s letter to Tohme is also making a dramatic contrast with all this finality inside the Miscellaneous clause as the sentence under which Michael Jackson actually put his signature expressed a strong desire on the part of AEG to still “negotiate the definitive agreement expeditiously and in good faith”.

                          And if – in addition to all these inconsistencies – you further recall that the last page of this compilation effort was signed by Michael Jackson as an Artist only and not as the head of Michael Jackson Company, LLC and that his signature there is most probably forged – you will understand that calling all this compilation work final, integral, made “in good faith” and with clean hands too will be a very grave exaggeration indeed.

                          Recently I’ve come across a wealth of legal advice from attorney Ivan Hoffman whose main business lies in the field of Entertainment and Publishing Law.

                          Since I initially assumed (in part 1) that this ‘contract’ was a letter of intent only and have now come a full circle by bringing up this matter again, let us see what Ivan Hoffman says about the validity of this kind of document, should the court also regarded as a letter of intent:

                          * “In order to be a valid and enforceable agreement, a document must contain certain essential legal provisions and must not leave either undecided or to be determined at some time in the future any aspect of such essential legal provisions. [this reminder should be sent to AEG so that they don’t forget to make their future contracts clear, definitive and conclusive].

                          * If these essential elements are not present, then the document is not a binding one and is often referred to by courts as an “agreement to agree” or a letter of intent, both of which are not enforceable as contracts. [agreement to agree? Isn’t it interesting that we have the same wording in the Miscellaneous clause?]
                          * …the letter of intent is essentially a legally worthless document. [great!]
                          * It is not clear to me the reason any party would ever bother to create such a document and yet I have seen it used on many occasions. [for some tricksters it is a way to safeguard themselves – in case no final agreement is signed they can meddle with the text of the letter of intent and turn it into a ‘final’ contract].
                          * However, sometimes one of the parties prepares a document believing it to be a valid and enforceable agreement only to find, after expensive litigation, that it was not a binding agreement at all but merely a non-binding, non-enforceable agreement to agree, or letter of intent”.

                          So another definition of a letter of intent is “agreement to agree”? But didn’t we see exactly the same wording in our “integrated agreement” clause which also spoke of the “Agreement intended by the parties to be their final agreement”? Which is by the way was only intended by the parties but not really made?

                          Then what other proof do we need to show that what we are looking at – even after all the adjustments made to it by AEG – is nothing by a Letter of Intent only?

                          To demonstrate the difference between a contract and a letter of intent Ivan Hoffman describes a dispute which arose from the parties’ wrong interpretation of a letter of intent as the final contract. Since it is very close to what we have in AEG’s case it is an interesting read:

                          “In Richie Co. LLP vs. Lyndon Insurance Group, Inc., a federal case, … the Court was called upon to decide if a document was a binding obligation or merely an unbinding letter of intent, agreement to agree. Although the case dealt with an interpretation of Minnesota law, the same general principles of contract law are applicable in most states.

                          The summary of the facts in that case is as follows: the plaintiff, Richie, had a previously existing contractual relationship with another entity, Mechanical Breakdown Protection, Inc. (“MBPI”) and proposed, on April 16, 1999, in a writing called “letter of agreement,” [AEG's document isn't called anything at all] which writing was signed by all parties, an agreement with the defendant Lyndon, that the defendant would pay Richie on terms that were “substantially identical” to the terms in the MBPI agreement.

                          The April 16, 1999 writing set forth certain terms regarding payment to Richie, which terms were to be included in a “subsequently-drafted ‘Service Contract Agreement.’” This “Service Contract Agreement” was to be entered into within 180 days after the defendant acquired a specific company, called FPC. That event took place on March 6, 2000. However, the Service Contract Agreement was never entered into.

                          The plaintiff sued, claiming that the defendant breached the April 16, 1999 “agreement” by failing to enter into that said Service Contract Agreement. The Court held that the April 16, 1999 “agreement” was not an agreement at all but a non-binding letter of intent and agreement to agree.

                          The Court stated: A letter creating an agreement to negotiate in good faith in the future is not enforceable where the parties have contemplated that the agreement is not the complete and final agreement governing the transaction at issue.

                          The Court stated further: However, the parties need not agree on every point, but only that the parties’ intent as to fundamental terms be reasonably certain. But where substantial and necessary terms are left open for future negotiation, the purported contract is void. [in AEG's case even such basic things as definitions of various terms were not properly clarified or agreed on, and were stated in some God-forsaken Exhibit with no date or signature on it]

                          The Court discussed a similar case in which certain terms also stated that “the parties shall enter into a definite purchase agreement which shall be drafted by the buyers within 30 days.” The Court agreed that such “agreement” was not a binding agreement but merely an agreement to agree and that the setting forth of such definitive terms was merely a “summary of negotiations.”

                          The Court stated further: That language spoke of future actions and agreements contemplated but not yet completed by the parties, and showed that the letter “was not the complete and final agreement the parties contemplated would govern” but “merely created an agreement to negotiate in good faith.” [we have exactly the same language!] Such language clearly manifests an intention to do something essential at a later date…thus the document is not a binding contract but merely an unenforceable agreement to agree and a non-binding letter of intent.’

                          Though I have never dealt in legal disputes between parties, the above example seems to me very much close to what we have in the AEG cut-and-paste contract with Michael Jackson. Despite the “integrated agreement” clause added to it, all it has is a mere intention of the parties to agree or agreement to agree, while the definitive agreement is still to be negotiated expeditiously and in good faith.

                          Actually even the wording is repeated almost word for word here, not to mention other parts of this letter where they openly speak of their “attempts” to reach an agreement over some crucial issues in the future…

                          If the above “agreement” cited by Ivan Hoffman was ruled by the judge as void, then there is a very high chance that the same fate could befall the cut-and-paste AEG “agreement” with Michael Jackson if it ever came to it. And if Michael Jackson’s signature as a head of his company also turned out to be forged, this would make the contract not only void, but illegal too and many heads – really many heads – might indeed roll off after that…

                          All of the above gives us a chance to relax at last and say in all honesty that whatever monstrous terms AEG included in their cut-and-paste contract, its terms were not binding on Michael Jackson as this document was simply not valid and Michael never accepted it, never agreed to it and never signed it.

                          This will enable us to examine the AEG ‘contract’ in future as an abstract idea only and study their dirty plans for Michael Jackson more dispassionately – as a scheme they envisaged but never implemented – with no other emotions involved but disgust and indignation at AEG’s greed, arrogance and no shame at using fraudulent methods in their relationship with a man whose little finger they were not worthy of.


                          I’ve noticed that whenever I mention AEG people reply to me about Sony, so for those who think that these two separate entities are one I am making this postscriptum now.

                          We know that Michael said “they would kill me for my catalog” and I tend to take his words very seriously.

                          If the two major suspects are Sony (as everyone screamed aloud only recently) and AEG (about whom nobody is screaming) we should look at who had a better opportunity to do it and who wanted it really badly.

                          Sony did have an option to buy half of Michael’s share (or another 25% in addition to their 50%) but didn’t exercise this right even when they received this option in 2006-2007, if I remember it right and hasn’t done it up till now either. This absolutely does not show them to be someone who will be going out of their way to get Michael’s catalog.

                          AEG on the other hand wanted to have Michael’s assets badly, the whole of them and for a mere $6,2 mln., most of which wasn’t even going to Michael ($3mln. was for 2 Seas Records and $1,2 was for renting the house).

                          In case Michael didn’t pay his first installment in repayment of this advance under the Promissory note he signed with AEG they could immediately demand the rest of the advance back AND/OR exercise their right on the collateral, or all assets of Michael’s company.

                          There are two questions remaining here:

                          * whether that Promissory note was legitimate or not (but its legitimity does not rule out the intent of it, as you understand)
                          * what assets Michael Jackson Company LLC had at the time this Promissory note was signed (this is very important and will require further research).

                          But you will probably agree that even the above information makes AEG a much bigger suspect in terms of “who wanted Michael’s assets more”.

                          As to whether AEG could or couldn’t put a lien against those assets this will still have to be analyzed, but my first impression is that they could, otherwise “cross-collateralization” would not be possible at all.

                          By cross-collateralization I mean that Michael’s main assets were used as collateral twice – for obtaining a loan from the Barclays bank (or initially Bank of America) and as collateral for an advance from AEG.

                          Sony, by the way, is not even a party to it, so I can’t understand how they come into this collateral business at all.

                          Financial dictionary says that one and the same asset can be used for obtaining two loans and calls it cross-collateral:

                          * Cross-Collateral: Collateral on one loan that is also used as collateral on another loan. In the event of default, both creditors have a claim on the collateral. http://financial-dictionary.thefreed...oss-Collateral

                          So in the event of default it was both the Bank and AEG who could claim the collateral (again, Sony is not even near any such claim).

                          Now that my first series of posts about AEG is over I will be focusing on the above problems, the essence of the AEG “contract” with Michael and various opportunities arising from it. The reason why I am studying it is to see the background for Dr. Murray’s crime.

                          But for the moment AEG can relax – further investigation into their business with Michael Jackson will take time, so I will be giving opportunity to my co-admins to write on other MJ vindication issues in the meantime.

                          Part 5 and Postcript Speaking about the AEG ‘contract’ one of the readers said to me that “the one you posted was NOT the final version”. I both agreed and disagreed. Agreed because the papers avai…


                          • #43
                            GiGi (@gatorgirl277)

                            Posted Sunday 31st July 2011 from Twitlonger

                            Does Randy Phillips really think we are all idiots? Or does he really think he is that smart?

                            I will never forget his arrogant ass when he tried to make light of what exactly Conrad Murray was doing for Michael--he remarked that he was or would be making "smoothies". Smoothies? Well, for starters wouldn't that be someone like Kai Chase's job or a nutritionist's job? Or if Murray was to be making smoooooothies shouldn't his pay have been a lot less than $150K a month? I mean come one, if Starbucks paid that to its baristas I think we ALL would try to be one! It just isn't going to happen. Oh, and let's not forget Murray's so-called list of requests for London (not LA) which included a CPR machine and a "nurse".

                            Now--from all that, do we REALLY believe Randy thought that Murray was just making some smoothies? Yeah right. I'd think before a company like AEG shells out that massive income and signs a contract with a doctor they'd at least want to know what kind of services they would be offering their "star attraction" and have a LIST of those services--whether they knew what was meant by it or not. There is a reason that AEG and Murray never had a signed contract--AEG kept stalling with not only paying Murray but getting a contract developed--Michael never signed a contract binding him to Murray, either. Murray is technically bound to "no one"--well, seems that is maybe partly why he is being charged alone, along with "manslaughter". There is a reason AEG wanted their relationship with Murray to appear distant.

                            Has AEG ever appeared sad or hurt that their supposed "friend" and star attraction died? Or did people like Randy Phillips appear to move on like it was business as usual? Was he not striking business deals that afternoon? I think so. Randy Phillips had already worked with Michael before with LA Gear and you know what happened with that--if Michael failed with "This Is It" it was another smack on Randy's head--this time worth a lot more money, too, with a company that was struggling to compete against its top rival TicketMonster, er, I mean TicketMaster. Uh oh.

                            We already know, regardless of if it was the 18th or 20th, a "Riot Act" aka a cancellation was in the talks. Michael could not have that--or he'd lose everything. Now, problem is, if AEG cancels that makes it look too obvious that they were scamming since the CONtract placed them in a position to gain, gain, gain. But, if Michael had given up, had canceled, then they won or been in a much better position. But they must have forgotten--Michael didn't give up. Contrary to what some believe, according to the autopsy report Michael would have passed that physical in London (also recall that an insurance company's physical standards are nearly impossible to fail since they do NOT want to pay out). If Michael didn't cancel the tour but was being flaky in rehearsals and he wouldn't flunk his physical that left AEG on the losing end. AEG couldn't afford to lose. The only way out of this situation was for Michael to die and become glorified, reborn to the masses--and AEG soaked it in with their footage, their lousy ticket scam and thought they'd get a bonus with the insurance policy they tried to claim before a cause of death was ever ruled (or a physical was ever done).

                            I am not saying AEG (or Randy Phillips) are guilty of murder but I think people should REALLY look at this. There is so much more to this that feeds into this entire situation and everything stated above is FACT. There is no twisting to my statements--it isn't required to see the truth.

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                            • #44
                              GiGi (@gatorgirl277)

                              Posted Monday 1st August 2011 from Twitlonger

                              Some people, including LaToya, keep saying that Michael was killed for his music catalog. Well--I say he was killed because they could *not* get his catalog. Here's why:

                              Do not get me wrong--Sony sucks. Michael said so himself. They make millions off their artists then ditch them when they are not well above par. It is not about music anymore--it is about commercialization and visual appeal, not auditory appeal--and remember, this is music we are talking about, it should only sound good, not look good.

                              Back to the catalog--according to Lynton Guest who I consider to be a very valuable asset when it comes to understanding the music industry, said that in 2007 Sony basically gained control of the Sony/ATV collection. This was later made clear by Michael's own Estate who has stated in court documents that though the Estate "owns" half the complete control of the catalog lies with Sony. Sony basically got what they wanted from Michael back then. They didn't really need him dead.

                              Now let's shift to AEG and Tohme Tohme. I see no direct correlation to Sony with AEG (specifically Randy Phillips), Tohme Tohme or Conrad Murray, specifically *before* Michael's death. There could be a connection but I see none thus far. Tohme was in full control of Michael's life since mid-2008 up until, well, we are not sure, he was supposedly fired in March, got his letter of termination in May yet was still around and helping lead a press conference on June 25th as he walked up to UCLA with none other than Randy Phillips, his supposed ex-brother-in-law (which I have never been able to verify, if true wow, if not oh well, doesn't make their relationship any less suspicious). It seems Tohme never really left, even after being fired, even after Michael telling people he was afraid of Tohme, even after Tohme shut Michael's electricity off, even after Tohme tried to sell everything Michael ever owned--he tried to sell his life, basically. Tohme Tohme headed the Colony Capital venture and Randy Phillips headed the AEG venture--both AEG and Colony Capital, thanks to the two men named above, had stake in the "This Is It" tour. These are the two men who brokered the deals--responsibility lie within THEM. If Michael had canceled the tour then AEG thought they would get not just the catalog but everything he owned, per the contract. Tohme would have probably gotten a chunk--after all he was being paid directly by AEG per the contract that was addressed to none other than him. Yes, that CONtract was signed by Randy Phillips and addressed as a LETTER to Tohme Tohme--see this relationship more clearly now? These two are bosom buddies--WHY? Tohme was suppose to be Michael's manager, not Phillips' best friend and business partner. This was not a genuine contract, either, it was not accompanied with a cover letter addressed to a lawyer, hell, not even one of Michael's attorneys was listed anywhere on that pathetic piece of paper that seems to have at least one forged signature.

                              Anyway, what I am getting at is if "This Is It" failed, as in Michael either did not cancel or did not perform perfectly for 50 shows then specifically Tohme Tohme and Randy Phillips were in deep shit. Tohme had arranged the Colony Capital deal, Randy Phillips the AEG deal (and the ill-fated LA Gear deal so he'd already been burned once with a Michael-related deal). Barrack and Anschutz would not be happy campers. I do not think Tohme and Phillps wanted not only to lose their careers and millions of dollars but to also permanently have this failure attached to their names, either. Do you?

                              I just put in the exact phrase "desperate acts desperate measures" in Google and guess what pops up? ( Articles claiming Michael Jackson was a desperate man who killed himself. This pisses me off to no end. It is WRONG. Michael was NOT desperate and did NOT kill himself--he was trying his BEST to do what he did BEST besides being a parent--perform and entertain the world with his talent and love. Did you see a desperate man in the video footage taken just hours before he died? NO. What the above searches should say is Randy Phillips and Tohme Tohme were desperate men who needed a man killed to bail their asses out! Murray was in the right place at the right time--or wrong place depending on which side you are on. If it were not for the unbiased coroner's office then Michael's death probably would be listed as an accidental OD or suicide--and this is simply NOT true.

                              Do you see this battle we have to continue fighting? It makes me sick, literally sick. I will continue to fight, though. Every night when I look into Michael's eyes, I say I am not looking at eyes that are windows to the soul but rather I am looking *into* his soul now. He may not cry anymore but the world does because of what not only was done to him but what is continually being done to him and those who love him. The truth deserves to be heard and heard over all the lies about Michael harming himself and being things he was not.

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                              • #45
                                Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen

                                Does Randy Phillips really think we are all idiots? Or does he really think he is that smart?

                                I will never forget his arrogant ass when he tried to make light of what exactly Conrad Murray was doing for Michael--he remarked that he was or would be making "smoothies". Smoothies? Well, for starters wouldn't that be someone like Kai Chase's job or a nutritionist's job?
                                Also ich kenne das Zitat von Randy Philipps nur umgekehrt:
                                "150.000 Dollar pro Monat für einen Arzt der Protein-Shakes macht, macht einfach keinen Sinn" ~ Randy Phillipps.
                                Ich sehe auch nichts was darauf hinweist, dass AEG ein Bestreben hatte den Arzt Murray für MJ arbeiten zu lassen. Es weist alles nur auf das Gegenteil hin. Michael wollte unbedingt diesen Arzt.

                                Edit: Kann mir jemand den Absatz bzw. die Sinnhaftigkeit dieses Absatzes erklären?
                                Back to the catalog--according to Lynton Guest who I consider to be a very valuable asset when it comes to understanding the music industry, said that in 2007 Sony basically gained control of the Sony/ATV collection. This was later made clear by Michael's own Estate who has stated in court documents that though the Estate "owns" half the complete control of the catalog lies with Sony. Sony basically got what they wanted from Michael back then. They didn't really need him dead.
                                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 02.08.2011, 11:58.


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