VIA. Betty Byrnes
An Update on MJ Estate sues Tohme Tohme / Tohme countersues
Looks like the finders fee/Neverland deal happened before Tohme was hired as MJs manager. Estate argued all the agreements tied together but it seems the labor commissioner doesn't think they have jurisdiction over the finder's fee agreement that predates the management agreement.
Estate can still challenge the ruling in superior court but if Tohme wins it means Estate will have to pay $4 Million to Tohme for the financing and 10% of the future sale.
However, estate is talking about a property they seem to be certain that Tohme has.
It is not money as money is mentioned separately. They have hired private investigators to look into the matter. Over at MJJC we are wondering who the person is who was supposed to pay directly to Michael, but gave the money to Tohme.
Some are think Estate thinks $5-6 million is missing. Either taken from MJ's accounts or something directly paid to Tohme. Maybe they think Tohme bought one (or more) house and a car with it - all in July 2009. There were rumors that he bought a $5.8 Million house at Bel-Air.
It also seems like they think some personal items are missing. They mention a 5000 page inventory made by Juliens as a source. Apparently for that cancelled Neverland auction Juliens have cataloged every single item at Neverland. Now they don't say anything else about it but to me logically it sounds like they think some items from that inventory are missing. If everything was there, I don't think that inventory list would be a source of information used in this case.
maybe Estate thinks $5-6 million is missing. Either taken from MJ's accounts or something directly paid to Tohme. Tohme bought one (or more) house and a car with it - all in July 2009. There were rumors that he bought a $5.8 Million house at Bel-Air.
Proceedings Held
10/06/2014 at 08:30 am in Department 51, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding
Motion Hearing (to partially lift stay of Superior Court Lawsuit and to allow filing of rule 437c Motion - Continued by Court
Three (3) weeks after Michael's passing, Tohme purchased that house
He seems to be married to a woman named Wendy Tohme as the house was purchased by both of them:
696 Stone Canyon Road
Buyer: Tohme and Wendy Tohme
Seller: Robert G Ketchum
Buyer: Wendy Tohme
Seller: Thome Tohme
Proceedings Held
10/06/2014 at 08:30 am in Department 51, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding
Motion Hearing (to partially lift stay of Superior Court Lawsuit and to allow filing of rule 437c Motion - Continued by Court
Source MJJC
(thank you for sharing Vee Brame)
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