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Michael Jackson's Children's Hospital. Can we do it for Michael?

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  • Michael Jackson's Children's Hospital. Can we do it for Michael?

    For the building of Michael Jackson’s Childrens Hospital.

    Most of you by now will have either heard, or heard of, Michael’s intoxicated recording played during the prosecutions opening in the trial of Conrad Murray. Most of you will have also picked up on the fact that even under the heavy influence of drugs, his first thought was for others as he described his desire to build a hospital for children.

    Having listened to his heart-wrenching words, we, the fans, would like to make that dream of his come true.

    It’s a huge project and one that will take years of patience, hard work, unity and support. Our first step is to understand what kind of support we can get from the fans for this project. Please only join this group if you have the strong desire to see this happen, AND if you can honour that desire by donating everything you can towards the project once it is fully underway.

    For the record, I am only one fan amongst all of you. I have no grand position in the great scheme of things, but this idea has already planted it’s seed in my soul and I would give anything to bring it to fruition. I welcome help, ideas and alternative actions!

    "We have to be phenomenal ... when people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say I've never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go. I've never seen nothing like this. Go. It's amazing. He's the greatest entertainer in the world," Jackson mumbles.

    "I'm taking that money, a million children, children's hospital, the biggest in the world. Michael Jackson's Children's Hospital," Michael Jackson

  • #2
    ich habe es garnicht so richtig verstanden, was michael da gesagt hat


    • #3
      schlecht, die frage ist ja, was möchtest du uns damit sagen :P ^^


      • #4
        ....dass wir jetzt mal eben das größte kinderkrankenhaus der welt planen, organisieren und finanzieren sollen.


        • #5
          Nein, das können wir nicht für Michael tun, annalenasirtl! Eine völllig utopische Vorstellung.

          Um Michael Jackson als Künstler und Mensch zu ehren, bedarf es keiner Riesenprojekte. Ihn im Herzen zu behalten, in seinem eigenen Rahmen hinter seinem Vermächtnis zu stehen und meinetwegen auch ihn vor anderen Leuten in ein besseres Licht zu rücken, wenn sie es hören und annehmen möchten, halte ich für angemessen. Michael Jackson war ein Mensch, wie Du und ich, gesegnet mit außergewöhnlichen Talenten, einem tragischen Lebensverlauf und einem bitteren Ende. Bei aller Liebe zu Michael, wir müssen ihm keine "Schlösser" erbauen. Behalte ihn in guter Erinnerung und vergiß ihn nicht. Sei gut zu anderen Menschen und schone die Umwelt. Alles in Deinen Möglichkeiten. Ich denke, das reicht.................


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