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  • Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen
    [I]Jacksons vs AEG - Day 55 – July 24 2013 – Summary


    Dr. Alimorad Farshchian Video Deposition

    21 Jul 02 -- sent more information about Buprenex, since did not get any respond (sic) from him and attempt to intervene.

    Jackson had some sort of infection on his leg, he was going to Germany at the time, so Dr Farshchian went with him for treatment of his condition

    20 Oct 02 -- patient states he need some help him with his addiction problem. He does not wish to go to an outpatient rehab facility despite the pressure from family. Discussed with him option of Naltrexone.

    Dr. Farshchian said Jackson was adamant about not going to rehab facility. He was concerned about his privacy and paparazzi.

    04 Nov 02 -- Jackson's weight was 128 -- pre-procedure, cut the skin, insert implant chip of Naltrexone.

    Dr. Farshchian used local anesthesia with lidocaine 1%, done as outpatient in doctor's office in Miami.

    06 Nov 02 -- phone call, states he's doing well tolerating minimum agitation, little insomnia

    Dr. Farshchian said it was a 10 hour production to go from Neverland to Miami. Jackson said he was going to see a psychologist. "Jackson was very private with everything," Dr. Farshchian said. At the time, he was complaining of insomnia. He was seeing a herbologist for it. Dr. Farshchian said Jackson always had trouble sleeping. "To me his insomnia was caused, possibly, you have this area inside the nose...called turbinates, if you reduced it's called empty nose syndrome, to me that was the cause of that. Putnam asked if parts of Jackson’s nose were missing? Dr. Farshchian’s response, “ Portions of his nose were taken out. (Jurors heard from Farschian that Jackson suffered from insomnia years earlier. The doctor's theory is that it was linked to cosmetic surgery: a key part of Jacksons nose was missing. "It is possible that you produce what they call empty nose syndrome and producing insomnia," said Farschian.)

    Two days later, Jackson reported good nights.”

    26 Nov 02 -- ankle wound is better, but he had taken the implant out by a physician at home, wishes to do another implant

    Dr. Farshchian said Michael had a local doctor who didn't know what the patch was and removed it. Jackson would itch it, had some skin rash. Michael really wanted to do this, he came back to get the procedure done, Dr. Farshchian said.

    Hierzu auch das IV im Globe Magazine, in dem beide, MJ und Dr. Farshchian zu wort kommen.
    Hier kann man's nachlesen samt übersetzung.

    Wahrheitsgehalt in % ??

    Abgesehen davon, dass die wunde am bein - wie immer sie auch entstand - ganz sicher behandlungsbedürftig war, ich nehme MJ bis heute nicht die story mit dem spinnenbiss ab. Aber letzteres tut nix zur sache der aussage von Dr. F. vor gericht.
    Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 13.08.2013, 18:18.


    • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 7. Teil

      5. August 2013

      Seit Donnerstag wurde Michaels frühere Chef-Bodyguard Michael LePerruque von AEG im Zeugenstand befragt. Michael habe nicht schlafen können, da er ständig Melodien in seinem Kopf gehört habe. Und er habe an Rückenproblemen gelitten. Obwohl AEG erhoffte, von LaPerruque vernichtende Aussagen zu hören, sprach dieser meistens in den höchsten Tönen von seinem früheren Chef. Abgesehen von einigen Zwischenfällen wie etwa, als er Michael reanimieren musste. LaPerruque ging am Donnerstag Abend auf Katherine Jackson zu, um sie zu umarmen.

      Nach 22 Jahren im Dienst vom Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Departement, wurde Michael LaPerruque im Jahr 2001 als Chef von Michael Jacksons Bodyguard Reise-Team angestellt. Der ehemalige Polizist arbeitete bis ins Jahr 2004 für den King of Pop. Und einige Monate Ende 2007.

      Er sei 20 bis 30 Mal von Michael Mitten in der Nacht angerufen worden, berichtete LaPerruque bezüglich eigenartigen Vorfällen während seiner Anstellung Anfang Jahrtausend. „Seine Aussprache war jeweils sehr undeutlich. Da war viel Gemurmel und ich konnte nicht verstehen, was er sagte“, so Michael LaPerruque. In den meisten dieser Nächte habe er Michaels Zimmer aufgesucht um nachzusehen, ob es ihm gut geht. Michael habe betäubt gewirkt. „Ich denke er war einfach einsam und wollte jemanden haben, mit dem er sprechen konnte.“ Im Kreuzverhör mit der Anwältin der Jacksons, Deborah Chang, sagte LaPerruque, dass Michaels Zustand mit einer Person überein stimmte, die Alkohol getrunken und Beruhigungsmittel zum Schlafen genommen hatte.

      Michael LaPerruque glaubt nicht, dass Michael süchtig war. „Ich kann nicht sagen, dass er davon abhängig war.“ Manchmal habe er leere Weinflaschen von den Hotel Minibars bemerkt, aber er sah nie irgendwelche Drogen oder sah Michael Medikamente nehmen. Zu seiner Polizeiausbildung habe gehört, herauszufinden, wann Jemand unter dem Einfluss von Drogen stand.

      Zeuge eines erschreckenden Zwischenfalls wurde LaPerruque am Anfang seiner Anstellung. Es müsse im Jahr 2001 oder 2002 in einer Suite des Disney World Hotels in Orlando gewesen sein, als die damals erst etwa 3 bis 4 Jahre alten Kinder Prince und Paris den Notruf gewählt hatten und ihm, Perruque, weinend berichteten, dass sie ihren Vater nicht aufwecken könnten. Der kollabierte Michael kam erst wieder zu sich, als Michael LaPerruque Mund zu Mund Beatmung an ihm ausübte und Michael schüttelte. Als die Rettungssanitäter eintrafen, hätten sie jedoch keine Anzeichen von einer Drogenüberdosis festgestellt. „Es war meine Befürchtung, ja, dass er vielleicht eine Überdosis nahm“, so LaPerruque. Doch die Sanitäter sahen an jenem Tag keine weitere medizinische Behandlung als notwendig an und gingen wieder.

      Er habe Michael nie bezüglich seinem Medikamentengebrauch konfrontiert, da dies ihre persönliche Beziehung gefährdet hätte. Es sei ihm wichtiger gewesen, nah an Michael zu sein um ihn beobachten und beschützen zu können. Er sei manchmal in Michaels Zimmer gegangen um sicher zu stellen, ob Michael atme. Oft habe er während Reisen Doktoren vorgefunden, die Michael behandelten. Mit Zweien von diesen sprach über über Michaels Medikamentengebrauch.

      Die zusammenhangslosen, nächtlichen Anrufe hätten nicht während den ganzen drei Jahren im Dienst Michael Jacksons stattgefunden. „Er kämpfte sehr hart, nüchtern zu sein.“ Er habe nicht abhängig von verschriebenen Medikamenten sein wollen. LaPerruque berichtete der Jury von einer Unterhaltung mit seinem Boss, in der ihm dieser sagte, dass er keine Medikamente mehr verwenden möchte. Michael habe sicherstellen wollen, dass er ihn richtig verstanden habe. Er werde den Weg beibehalten und nicht rückfällig werden.

      Als er im Jahr 2007 wieder einige Monate an dessen Seite arbeitete, habe er keine Anzeichen gesehen, dass Michael beeinträchtigt war. Auch als er ihn zwei Wochen vor seinem Tod sah, sei er in guter Verfassung gewesen, nur sehr mager.

      La Perruque merkte schon Anfang Jahrtausend, dass Michael an starken Schlafproblemen litt und Rückenschmerzen hatte. „Er sagte, dass er als Künstler immer eine Harmonie im Kopf hatte, verschiedene Melodien, und er konnte es nicht abschalten“, berichtet LaPerruque von den Gesprächen spät nachts.

      Die Momente, in denen Michael Jackson unter dem Einfluss von Alkohol und Medikamenten schien, seien häufiger geworden, nachdem Martin Bashirs Dokumentation „Living with Michael Jackson“ ausgestrahlt worden sei. Michael sei „sehr niedergeschmettert“ gewesen, da er Bashirs Dokumentation als groben Vertrauensbruch empfand. Die Dokumentation hatte zur Folge, dass Michael in Santa Barbara wegen Kindsmissbrauch angeklagt wurde.

      Michael LaPerruque sagte aus, dass er den Anschuldigungen niemals Glauben schenkte. Falls er Zweifel daran gehabt hätte, so wäre er der erste gewesen, der ihn mit Handschellen gefesselt hätte, so der ex-Polizist. Er habe ihn vollständig unterstützt.

      LaPerruque beschreibt Michael als „sehr Bodenständig“ und sagte, er sei stolz darauf, für ihn gearbeitet zu haben. Obwohl es einige schwierige Zeiten gegeben habe, sei es die meiste Zeit ein Vergnügen gewesen, für MJ zu arbeiten. Ein Problem, das Michael gehabt habe? „Seine Handys zu behalten.“ Michael habe 27 Handys verloren.


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      • Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen

        Wie aussagekräftig und glaubwürdig werden die Geschworenen nun Briggs Meinungen und Einschätzungen beurteilen? Und was ist nun hinter der Aussage von Briggs, dass er bzw. seine Firma die Erlaubnis von Jeryll Cohen, die angeblich eine Anwältin für den Estate sein soll, erhalten haben soll? Was meint denn diese Jeryll Cohen zu dieser ganzen Angelegenheit?


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        Hierzu aus der gestrigen Briggs-Aussauge.

        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Panish: Are you concerned about giving false testimony under oath?
        Panish: Sind Sie besorgt darüber falsche Aussage unter Eid zu geben?
        Briggs: Of course I'm concerned of giving false testimony under oath!
        Briggs: Natürlich bin ich besorgt falsche Aussage unter Eid zu geben.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Briggs said the general counsel at FTI took care of the issue.
        Briggs sagt der Generalcounsul der FTI überwachte das Thema
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Panish: And you are as sure of that as everything you testify to in this case, correct?
        Panish: Und sind Sie sicher das alles was Sie in diesem Fall aussagen richtig ist?
        Briggs: Yes

        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Briggs said his partner, Roy Salter, called Hoffman's company to notify Briggs was going to testify in this case.
        Briggs sagt sein Parnter Roy Salter rief Hoffmans Firma an um zu benachrichtigen, dass Birggs in diesem Fall aussagen wird.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        "I never called Ms. Cohen to get authorization to testify," Briggs said. "No one called for authorization, they called for notification."
        "Ich habe nie Ms. Cohen angerufen um Autorisierung zur Aussage zu erhalten", sagte Briggs. "Niemand hat für Autorisierung angerufen, sie haben für Benachrichtigung angerufen"
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Panish: Is your testimony you called Ms. Cohen prior to signing the engagement letter with AEG's attorneys?
        Panish: Ist es Ihre Aussage, dass sie Ms Cohen anriefen bevor sie den Engagement-Brief mit dem AEG-Anwalt unterschrieben?
        Briggs: That's not correct. Das ist nicht korrekt.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        "There was a call to notify the Estate not to receive authorization from the Estate," Briggs said.
        "Es gab einen Anruf um den Estate zur Kenntnis zu setzen, nicht um Autorisierung vom Estate zu erhalten", sagt Briggs

        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        "I now understand the substance of the call was not an authorization but a call of notification," Briggs explained.
        "Ich verstehe nun der Inhalt des Anrufes war ein Anruf zur Benachrichtigung nicht für eine Autorisierung." sagt Briggs
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Panish said Briggs testified he asked the Estate for permission to be hired by AEG and testify in this case.
        Panish sagt Briggs habe ausgesagt das er den Estate um Erlaubnis bat von AEG angestellt zu werden um in diesem Fall auszusagen.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Panish: So that statement under oath was untruthful, sir?
        Panish: So ihr Statemenent unter Eid entsprach nicht der Wahrheit?
        Briggs: That's not correct, that was my best understanding at the time.
        Briggs: Das ist nicht correkt, das war mein Verständnis zu dieser Zeit.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        He said his understanding is that his partner called the Estate lawyer, Jeryll Cohen, notifying he would testify in this case.
        Er sagt sein Verständnis ist, dass sein Partner den Estate Anwalt Jeryll Cohen anrief um zur Kenntnis zu setzen, dass er in dem Fall aussagen wird.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        The Estate has different lawyers, they are not represented by Panish's firm, Briggs said.
        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
        Panish asked about Briggs' interaction w/ MJ Estate's lawyer.
        "I told you there was not a written waiver with the Estate," Briggs explained.
        "Es wurde mir gesagt es gäbe keinen schriftlichen Verzicht vom Estate" sagt Briggs

        Und hier kann man die restliche Briggs-Aussage nachlesen. Man kann 3 Kreuze machen die Aussage wurde gestern endlich beendet und kein Briggs-Gelabber mehr im Zeugenstand. Zudem wurde noch 45 Minuten Depositon von Wolley vorgespielt. Heute wird eine Video-Depostion von Joseph Marcus, Neverland-Manager gezeigt und Kahty Worrey ist im Zeugengstand.

        • ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
          Attorneys and judge will discuss the video deposition of Joseph Marcus, the Neverland Ranch manager. Kathy Jorrie will testify next.
        • ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h

          That ended Wooley's deposition. Judge adjourned session until tomorrow morning. Attorneys are ordered at 9:30 am PT, jury at 9:45 am PT.

        Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 06.08.2013, 13:45.


        • Gestern ging es dann zur Abwechslung mal um den Prozessklageunkt. Kathy Jorrie im Stand. Meine Übersetzung ist mir leider gerade beim Abschicken verloren gegangen und ein 2. Mal mache ich es nicht.
          Jorrie auch heute weiter im Stand. Donnerstag und Freitag kehrt Ortega zurück und nächste Woche soll Debbie drankommen.

          Jorrie sagte auch aus, dass sie Phillips in einem Telefonat am 19. mitteilte, dass Murray extrem erfolgreich ist und Lizenzen für Praxen in 4 Staaten hat.

          Aus den Tweets:
          "Ich habe ihm gewiss gesagt das er sehr erfolgreich ist in seiner Praxis. Ich bestätigte er hat Lizenzen für Praxen in 4 Staaten."

          Jorrie sagte sie erzählte Phillips Murray scheint sehr erfolgreich zu sein in seiner Praxis, mag ihm gesagt haben er verdient 1 Mio. im Monat."

          Es war eine Telefonat, wo sie sagte Dr. Murray habe 4 Lizenzen für Praxen in 4 Staaten. "Ich checkte es und bestätigte die Info" sagt sie.

          Jorrie sprach mit Phillips am 19. Juni über ein anderes Thema und das Murray-Thema kam auf.

          "Es gab keine disziplinaren Aktionen gegen Dr. Murray", sagt Jorrie. Sie checkte Californien, Nevada, Texas, Hawaii.

          Jorrie sagt es war leicht die Lizenzen zu checken. Sie ging auf das medizin. Board und checkte die Lizenzen.

          Jorrie sagt sie checkte die medizin. Boards wo Murray ihre sagte, dass er lizensiert war und googelte den Arzt.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Upcoming Witnesses:
          Kathy Jorrie -- tomorrow
          Kenny Ortega
          Debbie Rowe

          Judge said Ortega all day Thursday & Friday. Rowe next week.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
          Judge adjourned session until tomorrow at 9:30 am PT. Jorrie will be back on the stand to resume cross examination.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          "I spoke with him about the tour agreement and how it would work," Jorrie testified.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Jorrie: Dr. Murray had 4 practices, I told one million dollars a year and they added up to 12 million.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Panish: Did you say one million dollar a month?
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          "I said that he told me that his 4 medical practices brought in more than a million dollars a year," Jorrie said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Panish: Did you tell the police department Dr. Murray took in $12 million a year?
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
          Jorrie said she did not bill for the time she testified at deposition.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
          "He would've been mistaken, Mr. Panish," Jorrie said. "Because he misunderstood what I was saying about the tour.".
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
          Panish asked if Detective Schmidt is called to testified and said Jorrie told him about MJ going on a worldwide tour, if that's a lie.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
          Panish: You denied making that statement?
          Jorrie: Yes. Not like that.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
          Panish: Did Mr. Putnam tell LAPD MJ was going to do a world tour for 3 to 5 years?
          Jorrie: No.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
          Panish: Did you tell LAPD that MJ was going on a worldwide tour after European leg was over?
          Jorrie: No.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
          "That's not my statement and I don't recall that," Jorrie testified.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
          Panish: Did you say European tour was just the beginning and MJ would be making a worldwide tout?
          Jorrie: Not that I recall.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
          Panish: Did you tell LAPD the that MJ was going on a world tour?
          Jorrie: No.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
          Panish: Did you go meet with LAPD and discussed MJ going to go on a worldwide tour?
          Jorrie: No, they came to my office, asked questions.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
          Putnam was present when Jorrie spoke with LAPD after Michael Jackson's death.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
          Panish: You knew MJ was going on a 3-5 years worldwide tour, correct?
          Jorrie: That's not correct.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
          Panish: How many multi-million dollars has your company been paid?
          Jorrie: It could be over $5 million for that period of time (since 2000).
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
          Jorrie: For all of those matters, for 12 years, it would be millions of dollars.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
          Judge: Was the case dismissed?
          Panish: Yes
          Judge: Then it's not stealing. Please refrain from using that word. Describe it accurately.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
          Bina objected, saying the lawsuit was dismissed and Panish was trying to tarnish Gongaware and Meglen's reputation.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
          Panish said Paul Gongaware and John Meglen were sued for stealing the name Concerts West.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
          Jorrie said she can have her accounting department put together a spreadsheet with all she has billed AEG.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
          Jorrie: Of all matters related to This Is It?
          Panish: Yes. More than 20 million?
          J: Of course not
          P: 10 million?
          J: No
          P: 5 million?
          J: No
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
          Jorrie asked if it included litigation. Panish said yes.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
          Panish: How much have you billed AEG related to the "This Is It" project?
          Jolie: Work started in October 2008.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
          Jorrie charges AEG $595 per hour. She said she's not billing AEG for the testimony today.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
          Jorrie said she has it in her office. Panish asked to see it, she said she can provide it, redacting the name of the third party.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 12m
          Panish asked if Jorrie brought the contract she used as basis for drafting Dr. Murray's contract.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
          Panish: Have you ever paid an expert $700,000?
          Jorrie: I have not.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
          Panish asked if Jorrie hires expert witnesses. She said yes. He inquired if professionals keep itemization. She said yes.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
          Panish: Professionals keep itemization of the work they do, don't they?
          Jorrie said she keeps tabs of the work she does.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          "I'm aware that Mr. Gongaware was sued one time, but I want to be absolutely certain," Jorrie said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          "I'd like to think all my clients are my friends, Mr. Panish," Jorrie explained. "They are business friends."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
          Panish inquired if Jorrie is friends with Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
          Panish asked if her company has received millions and millions of dollar from AEG. She said since 2000, yes.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
          Panish: Are you being paid for the work you've done in this case?
          Jorrie: I'm not being paid as I sit here today.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
          In cross examination, Panish asked if Jorrie is an independent witness.
          Jorrie: I don't understand the question, Mr. Panish.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
          Jorrie emailed Dr. Murray one more time after that related to the insurance for the tour.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
          June 23rd - Murray called asking additional changes
          June 23rd - third draft sent to Murray
          June 24th - Murray signed it and faxed it back
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
          June 19th -- checked medical license, business standing
          June 19th -- spoke with Phillips about it
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
          June 15th -- first draft written, sent to Dr. Murray
          June 18th -- negotiation with Dr. Murray began, over the phone
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          "Because we're talking about Michael Jackson's physician," Jorrie explained.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Regarding the reference that AEG hired doctor at request of MJ, Jorrie said she never did this on any other agreement on behalf of AEG.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          "I do not know if Michael Jackson would've signed the agreement," Jorrie testified.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Jorrie said she put that date since she thought the parties would've signed the contract that day.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Bina showed the last page of Dr. Murray's agreement. Under the signatures, it is dated June 24, 2009.
          Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Jorrie said July 3, 2009 was the date Dr. Murray was planning to go to London with Michael Jackson.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Jorrie testified she discussed with Dr. Murray the requirement for UK medical license either on June 18 or 23.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Jorrie explained paragraph 4 of the contract, which detailed the responsibilities of GCA/Dr. Murray.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Bina: Did Dr. Murray ever ask you for payment?
          Jorrie: Never.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Jorrie said she didn't talk to Murray about specific treatment he was giving to MJ. "He didn't tell me anything he was doing to treat MJ."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
          Jorrie sent Dr. Murray the last version on June 23rd, Dr. Murray faxed it back on June 24th.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
          Jorrie said this is the first third-party vendor agreement she was involved with a medical doctor.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
          "Sometimes we enter in agreements the artists never see," Jorrie told the court.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
          Judge: How do you know if you don't talk t the artist that the agreement is what the artist's want?
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
          Jorrie: The reasons is that attorneys for the artist would have the document exactly like they wanted.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
          The attorney said she has negotiated with third party vendors before without showing the drafts to the artist.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
          Jorrie said neither Michael Jackson nor AEG signed the contract.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
          Jorrie: Late in the evening on June 24, I received a fax with a document signed by Dr. Murray. I forwarded a copy to it to Mr. Trell.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
          Jorrie explained it was never her understanding that MJ's medical records would have been sent to her but to insurance underwriter.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
          Jorrie said she sent 3rd version of the draft to AEG Live. She didn't send it to MJ or his reps, was not in communication with MJ about it.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
          Jorrie revised the agreement, emailed to Dr. Murray on 6/23/09: saying 'I have attached a clean pdf version, which is ready for execution.'
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
          Bina asked if on June 23 Jorrie discussed with Dr. Murray to get MJ's medical history. She said yes.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
          Jorrie said if she had seen it, she would've changed it to Artist, not Producer.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
          Jorrie: I didn't change it to Artist because Murray didn't draw my attention to that and I didn't remember that language was in there twice.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
          Jorrie said provision 4.1 also says "Perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
          Jorrie: Murray said we need to change that to Artist, it's the artist who's my patient. I said absolutely right, the artist if your patient.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
          1- Scope of Services -- it had language saying perform services reasonably requested by "Producer."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
          Jorrie asked if MJ would be paying him even though the tour would be on break. He said yes.

          End date changed from Sept, 2009 to March, 2010
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
          Jorrie: He wanted to extend, by about 5 months, his engagement.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
          Judge: I'm going to strike the entire testimony if she keeps interpreting the contract.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
          When Bina asked about payment provision, Panish objected to prevent Jorrie from expressing her opinion about the contract.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
          Jorrie: He said he was promised that when the agreement was signed he would've been paid retroactively to May 1, 2009.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
          First change was the effective date, from June to May 1, 2009, Jorrie said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
          Jorrie: AEG Live has been a consistent client of mine since 2000. Approximately 300 matters have been opened in 12 years.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
          "I definitely told him he's very successful in his practice," Jorrie said. "I confirmed he was licensed to practice in 4 states."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
          Jorrie testified she told Phillips Murray appeared to be very successful in his practice, may have told him about a million dollar a month.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
          It was phone conversation, she relayed Dr. Murray was licensed to practice in 4 states. "I checked out, or confirmed the info," she said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
          Jorrie spoke with Randy Phillips on June 19, 2009 on an unrelated matter and Dr. Murray's subject came up.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
          Jorrie said Dr. Murray called her again on June 23, 2009 asking for some more changes.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 31m
          Change in 7.7: If there's termination, GCA shall have no obligation to refund any portion of any installation due and payable before.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
          Jorrie changed Provision 3.4 at the request of Dr. Murray, from nurse to qualified medical person (assistant).
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
          GCA would actually provide the services of Dr. Murray, Jorrie said. The $150k would be paid not to Dr. Murray, but to GCA Holdings.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
          The attorney said Dr. Murray told her he would help. Jorrie explained she had 3 drafts of Dr. Murray's agreement.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
          Jorrie asked that if Dr. Murray was not the right doctor to provide records, if he could please direct her to the appropriate physician.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
          Bina: Did you send this email because you believe Dr. Murray was MJ's physician?
          Jorrie: Yes.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
          "Dr. Murray said he had told me he had been MJ's physician for a period of time," Jorrie expressed.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
          Jorrie said she was asked by the general counsel to see if she could ask Dr. Murray for the medical history for insurance purpose.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
          The attorney told the jury once the contract is fully executed, she saves it "fully executed."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
          Jorrie explained it's her practice to save doc as "final pdf version." She said it is a personal indicator that the final version was sent.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
          Jorrie said she also attached a comparison doc with the redlines marking the changes she made for easier understanding.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
          She then sent email to Wooley asking him to forward the contract to Murray.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
          Jorrie testified she did the medical license check on June 18, 2009. She said she sent the draft to Dr. Murray, but the email bounced back.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
          "There was no disciplinary action against Dr. Murray," Jorrie said. She checked in California, Nevada, Texas and Hawaii.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
          Jorrie said it was very easy to check the medical licenses. She went on the Medical Board websites and checked his licenses in all.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
          Jorrie testified GCA was a proper company and Dr. Murray was the manager of it. She added the address on the contract and Dr. Murray's title
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
          Jorrie said she checked the medical boards Dr. Murray told her he was licenses and googled the doctor.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
          The attorney said she went to the Nevada Secretary of State to check if GCA Holdings, LLC was indeed a valid company.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
          Jorrie said she took the information she got from Dr. Murray, went online and checked it out.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
          Jorrie: Our conversation concerned London, he said he needed one (CPR machine) in London.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
          Contract said "producer to provide medical equipment portable CPR, saline, catheter, needles, gurney and other mutually approved equipment."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
          Jorrie recalled there was other equipments on the list, normally for dehydration purposes, like saline and catheter.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
          "Giving Michael's age, giving his age, and that he puts on a strenuous performance, he just didn't want to take a chance," Jorrie said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
          Jorrie asked if O2 arena didn't have one. He said he didn't want to take risks, wanted one at hand. He also told her it's customary.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
          Jorrie: I asked Dr. Murray, why do you need a CPR machine? He said he needed one in London, MJ puts on a strenuous performance.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
          Jorrie said she asked Murray about the CPR machine. The doctor provided a list of equipment he needed to Wooley, who in turn sent to Jorrie.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m
          "He thought it would be fair and appropriate due to him leaving his established medical practice," Jorrie explained.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m
          Jorrie: He had asked to be able to retain the full payment for the month he received.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m
          Jorrie explained that provision 7.7 detailed what happened if there was a termination. Dr. Murray asked her to limit that provision.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 41m
          Jorrie: Murray said under no circumstances he was leaving his practice if when terminated he couldn't keep the whole 150,000 received.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
          Jorrie said Dr. Murray told her he had 4 medical practices making a million dollar a month, and it was not fair to have to return money.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m
          Jorrie: My response: Dr. Murray, $150,000/month is a lot of money!
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m
          Payment was due to him on the 15th of the month to cover from 1st-30th. If he were terminated on the 20th, he wanted to keep full payment.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
          As a result, he would not want to be in a position he would have to refund any part of his payment.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
          Dr. Murray wanted to modify section 7.7, termination either because MJ decided he didn't want him anymore or the concert canceled.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
          The first payment was to be no later than 5 days after contracted was fully signed by everybody, including Michael Jackson.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
          The attorney said Dr. Murray told her he was licensed to practice medicine in California, Nevada, Texas and Hawaii.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
          Jorrie said ultimately she made the changes. Dr. Murray was the one who would identify who this medical person would be, but never did.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 46m
          Jorrie said Dr. Murray wanted to have the flexibility to have someone on stand by, payable for by AEG Live.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 46m
          Jorrie: I asked why you needed another physician as opposed to a nurse. He told me in case he was unavailable or tired.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47m
          Jorrie said that it was okay but she wanted Dr. Murray on the contract also.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
          Jorrie: Dr. Murray told me he preferred to have GCA Holding as contracting party and he as employee of the company.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
          Jorrie: He also let me know he was license to practice medicine in 4 states and gave me the states.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
          Another change requested was to provision 7.7 regarding termination, Jorrie said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
          Jorrie explained Dr. Murray said he wanted flexibility to have a "qualified assistant medical person," who could be another physician.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
          Dr. Murray also wanted to change provision where Jorrie referred to nurse.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
          Jorrie: The changes he mentioned to me during the call, he wanted his company GCA Holdings to be the contracting party instead of him.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
          The attorney said the conversation about Dr. Murray and MJ relationship did not result in any change to the contract.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
          Jorrie said Murray called her on 6/18/09:
          1- Murray and MJ relationship
          2- Some of changes he wanted made
          3- Couple of questions Jorrie had
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
          Jorrie said she believes she sent the email to Wooley/Dr. Murray on June 15. She testified she never received any documents from Dr. Murray.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
          6- no later than July 3rd, evidence he was allowed to practice medicine in the UK
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
          5- failed to submit written evidence that he was legally authorized to practice medicine in US
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
          3- if artist decided he no longer wanted or needed Murray
          4- failed to maintain all licenses and approval to practice medicine
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
          1- in event there was a default of the agreement by the doctor
          2- in the event series of concerts postponed or canceled
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
          Jorrie explained the Termination provision that allowed AEG to terminate the contract with Dr. Murray.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
          Jorrie said Recital A, Paragraph 9 and wording above MJ's signature explained Dr. Murray was hired on behalf of Michael Jackson.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
          Jorrie said this provision was included in the 1st draft. She said Murray had no comment regarding the first 2 provisions of the contract.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m
          She said she added a line for MJ's signature at the end of the document.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m
          Jorrie said she included in the contract "Artist Consent," saying the contract was not enforceable unless and until MJ signed the agreement.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 57m
          The attorney said Wooley told her that Michael Jackson had asked Dr. Murray to go on tour with him and that MJ would pay for it.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 57m
          Jorrie added "services to be provided by Dr. Murray administer those services professionally and greatest degree of care expected."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m
          At Wooley's request, she included that Dr. Murray was MJ's personal physician and had been for some time.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m
          Jorrie said the "Scope of Services" was a mix between what Wooley requested and her additions.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 59m
          Jorrie explained she worked off the base contract and included a bunch of other provisions to the agreement.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Jorrie said there were 2 more drafts after the first. She said she looked at other AEG agreement contracts she had prepared AEG as template.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Jorrie said she sent the draft to Wooley and if he was happy with it to forward it to Dr. Murray.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Jorrie said she included other important terms:
          - End date to be end of O2 arena in Sept. 2009
          - Termination provision
          - Indemnity
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Jorrie said he did not say what ended point would be. She put all the terms in the first draft agreement, but most details were missing.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Wooley said Dr. Murray wanted personal insurance in case he got sick. The payment to commence as of May 1, 2009.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Also, the doctor and family would be provided housing in London.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
          Jorrie said nurse would be provided as selected by Dr. Murray and paid for by AEG Live. The doctor would have the air fare to/from London.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          In addition to providing medical care, Dr. Murray would be on call for emergencies, Jorrie explained.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie: He told me that MJ had agreed to pay $150,000 per month for Dr. Murray, that Dr. Murray was MJ's personal physician.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          The attorney never talked to Murray before drawing the first draft. Initial draft was based on basic terms Wooley provided her, Jorrie said.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie said, to her best recollection, she received a call from Timm Wooley to help prepare an agreement for Dr. Murra in late May of 2009.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          "I drafted the version that was sent to Mr. Wooley, who provided my draft agreement to Dr. Murray," Jorrie explained.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie also did the contract for Dr. Conrad Murray that Michael Jackson requested.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie worked on third party agreements for "This Is It" tour. She worked on deal with Bravado for merchandising, negotiated stage.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Over the years, Jorrie said Trell asked her to help negotiate agreements with vendors. She said she normally works on big agreements.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          The attorney said she worked on more than 75 tour agreements with prominent artists, Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, Britney Spears, Kanye West.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie said she works with AEG Live and AEG in their live entertainment business. She deals with Shawn Trell (who testified earlier on.)
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          She also works with movie distributors, satellite providers, live entertainment promoters, etc.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          The focus of her clients has been the entertainment business. Her clients involve motion pictures studios, television content producers.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie said she splits her work between being a trial litigator and transactional work, one who deals with contracts.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie is a partner at a law firm, works in Los Angeles. Her firm is an international company with close to 80 attorneys in the LA office.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie said she's in the business for 20 years. She did undergraduate at UCLA and got JD degree at Hastings College of Law.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did direct examination.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jury entered the courtroom at 11:09 am PT. AEG called Kathleen Ann Jorrie, an attorney who works at a private firm and does work for AEG.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Jorrie is a lawyer who works for AEG and put together Murray's contract. Both sides argued extensively regarding attorney-client privilege.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Judge Yvette Palazuelos and attorneys spent more than 1 hour and 15 mins this morning discussing boundaries for next witness, Kathy Jorrie.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Katherine Jackson is present in court, wearing a purple jacket with black flowers on it.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
          Hello from the courthouse in downtwon LA. Day 63 of Jackson family vs AEG trial, Week 15, underway.
          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 07.08.2013, 14:20.


          • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            I’ll plan to have updates out at the lunch break, but will also be working on another story so my time is a bit crunched today.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            Ortega probably won’t finish testifying on Thursday, so AEG plans to bring him back next week. AEG plans to play videos on Friday.
            Ortega wird am Donnerstag wahrscheinlich nicht feritg. AEG plant ihn nächste Woche zurückzubringen und am Freitag Videos zu spielen.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            The court also took up some scheduling issues this morning. It sounds like Kenny Ortega will be back on the stand tomorrow.
            Das Gericht nahm auch Terminierungsthemen an diesem Morgen auf. Klingt so das K. Ortega Morgen in den Stand zurück kommt.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            ... (cont) to sign a few days after Jackson’s death. Panish will likely ask more questions about this after the break.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            No authorization was obtained from Jackson. Before the break, Panish asked about a form that Jorrie got MJ’s former manager Tohme Tohme ...
            Keine Berechtigung wurde von Jackson erhalten. Vor der Pause hat Panisch Fragen über ein Formular gestellt, dass Jorrie durch MJs ehemaligen Manager Tohme Tohme bekam zur Unterzeichnung ein paar Tage nach Jacksons Tod. P. wird wahrscheinlich mehr Fragen darüber nach der Pause stellen.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            Panish has also been asking Jorrie about whether any authorization for tour expenses above $7.5 million was obtained before Jackson’s death.
            Panish hat auch gefragt, ob Jorrie eine Genehmigung für Tour Aufwendungen über $ 7.500.000 vor Jacksons Tod erhalten habe.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            He has spent a lot of time on Michael Jackson’s touring agreement with AEG Live, asking Jorrie about terms in it.
            Er verwendete viel Zeit auf dieTournee Vereinbarung von Michael Jackson mit AEG Live-, fragte Jorrie über Begriffe darin.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            Cross examination by plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish continued this morning. He hasn’t yet asked about Conrad Murray’s contract.
            Kreuzverhör durch Kläger Anwalt Brian Panish geht weiter an diesem Morgen. Er hat noch nichts über den Conrad Murray Vertrag gefragt.
            Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h

            We’re back in session in Jackson vs AEG Live. Katherine and Trent Jackson are here today. Attorney Kathy Jorrie remains on the stand.


            • Zitat von BlaueBlume Beitrag anzeigen

              Deutsch steht doch gefettet unter den jeweiligen Absetzen......
              Wo habe ich meine Augen???



                8. August 2013

                Diese Woche wurde die Befragung von Bodyguard LaPerruque fortgesetzt. Anschliessend waren die Vertragsvorbereitungen für die Vereinbarung mit Dr. Murray zentrales Thema. Ebenso der undurchsichtige Manager Thome Thome, von dem sich Michael Jackson mehrmals distanziert hatte, der aber trotzdem weiterhin als dessen Manager agierte. Auch AEG hatte Michaels Anweisungen diesbezüglich ignoriert.

                Am Montag war Michael Jacksons frühere Sicherheitschef und ehemalige Polizist Michael La Perruque zurück im Zeugenstand. Der Jury wurden ein Musikvideo, das 2001 in den Universal Studios gedreht wurde, ein Auftritt im Apollo Theater anlässlich eines demokratischen Spendenevents, und Michaels American Bandstand Auftritt im Jahr 2002 gezeigt. Ebenso Michaels Gastauftritt in „Men In Black 2“. Die Anwälte der Jacksons wollten damit zeigen, dass Michael entgegen der Argumentation von AEG, nach der History Tournee sehr wohl noch einige namhafte Projekte umsetzte und nicht unter Medikamenten stand, oder nicht fähig gewesen wäre, aufzutreten. MJ habe keine ernsthaften Abhängigkeitsprobleme in den Jahren vor 2009 gehabt.

                LaPerruque war bei den erwähnten Auftritten an der Seite des King of Pops. Letzte Woche hatte der Bodyguard ausgesagt, dass er 10 bis 15 Mal, als er an der Seite seines Chefs war, den Eindruck hatte, Michael Jackson stehe unter dem Einfluss von „stimulants“, da seine Aussprache undeutlich war. Weitere 10 bis 15 Mal habe er diesen Eindruck gehabt, als er am Telefon mit Michael sprach.

                AEG zeigte am Montag eine Videoaufzeichnung von einem AEG Finanzberater, der sagte, er habe AEG beim Vorbereiten des Vertrages mit Dr. Conrad Murray geholfen. Der Vertrag sei nie vollständig ausgearbeitet worden.

                Vor Gericht sagte die von AEG für den Vertrag mit Murray angestellte Juristin Kathy Jorrie aus, dass ihr der Doktor im Juni 2009 mitgeteilt habe, er schliesse zu Gunsten des This Is It Engagements vier Arztniederlassungen, mit denen er pro Monat eine Million Dolalr einnehme. Dies, um sein monatliches Gehalt von 150 000 zu rechtfertigen. Allerdings deckten Aussagen im Strafprozess gegen Murray auf, dass der Doktor damals nur zwei Kliniken hatte: Eine in Las Vegas, Nevada und eine in Houston, Texas. Ausserdem hatten Polizeiermittler zu Beginn des aktuellen Zivilprozesses ausgesagt, dass Dr. Murray zum Zeitpunkt seiner Anstellung über eine Million Schulden hatte.

                Kathy Jorrie sagte am Dienstag, Conrad Murray habe eine CPR Maschine und einen Mediziner als Assistent gefordert. Sie habe, als sie im Juni von AEG mit der Vertragserstellung beauftragt wurde, zweimal mit dem Doktor telefoniert und es resultierten drei Entwürfe des Vertrages, den Murray letztendlich unterschrieben hatte. AEG sagt, es sei Michael Jackson gewesen, der Murray angestellt habe, und, dass die beabsichtigten Lohnzahlungen an Murray nur Vorauszahlungen an MJ gewesen wären.

                Jorrie habe am 18. Juni erstmals mit Murray telefoniert, nachdem er den Namen seiner Firma auf dem Vertrag ergänzt haben wollte und die Möglichkeit, einen „Krankenpfleger“ beizuziehen, in einen „qualifizierten medizinischen Assistent“, ändern wollte. Murray habe auf die Flexibilität bestanden, sollte es ihm selbst einmal nicht gut gehen oder er für die Betreuung Michael Jacksons nicht verfügbar sein sollte. Die Herz-Lungen-Reanimationsmaschine habe er für alle Fälle haben wolle, da er angesichts der kräftezehrenden This Is It Konzerte kein Risiko eingehen wollte. Murray verneinte aber, dass, falls in der 02 Arena eine CPR Maschine bereit stünde, ihm das reichen würde.

                Bezüglich Background-Check habe sie herausgefunden, dass Murrays Firma in Nevada ansässig sei und er in vier Bundesstaaten eine medizinische Zulassung hatte, so Kathy Jorrie. Sie habe auch 10 Minuten nach dem Doktor gegoogelt. Im Kreuzverhör mit dem Jacksons Anwalt Brian Panish, gestand sie, dass sie Murray besser überprüfen hätte können, etwa ob Murrays Anwesen mit einer verfallenen Hypothek belastet war, oder er Kinder-Unterhaltszahlungen leisten musste. Sie habe nicht herausgefunden, dass Murray schwer verschuldet war.

                Nachdem Murray am 23. Juni die Zeitspanne des Vertrages statt bis im September 2009 bis März 2010 geändert haben wollte (und gesagt habe, MJ hätte zugestimmt, seinen Lohn in dieser zusätzlichen Zeitspanne zu bezahlen), habe sie ihm den angepassten Vertrag via Mail zukommen lassen. Einen Tag später, am 24. Juni, habe Murray den Vertrag unterschrieben zurück gefaxt.

                Kathy Jorrie sagte aus, dass sie nie direkt mit Michael Jackson oder seinen Repräsentanten sprach und ihnen keine der Vertragsversionen zukommen liess. Diese wurden nur an AEG gesendet, so Jorries Aussage am Mittwoch. Jede Version beinhaltete den Satz, dass Murray „die zumutbaren Wünsche des Produzenten“, AEG, auszuführen habe.

                Auch der mysteriöse Dr. Thome Thome war am Mittwoch erneut Thema im Gerichtssaal. Scheinbar wusste niemand, was es mit dessen angeblichen Doktor-Titel auf sich hat. Den Geschworenen wurden Briefe und Mails von Michael Jackson gezeigt, in denen er schrieb, Thome Thome sei nicht sein Repräsentant, obwohl AEG Live agierte, als wäre er Michaels Manager.

                Kathy Jorrie äusserte gegenüber AEG Live schon im Janaur 2009 in einem E-Mail Bedenken bzgl. Thome Thome.

                “whether or not he is the real McCoy… Nonetheless, I recommend that a background check be performed through a private investigator and/or at a minimum, that someone at AEG Live meet with Michael Jackson to make sure he understands that we are entering into a tour agreement with him that will require him to perform a worldwide tour.”

                Eine Kopie der Mail ging an Peter Lopez, einer von Jacksons Anwälten, der über die Jahre oft für ihn arbeitete. Ein Privatermittler wurde von AEG nie engagiert.

                Am 22. April 2009 hatte Michael Jackson Randy Phillips von AEG geschrieben: “This letter shall serve to confirm that I am not using Dr. Tohme for tour production management services and that I do not intend to use Dr. Tohme in the future for tour production management services or with respect to other event related matters.“

                “Therefore, you are not authorized to pay Dr. Tohme or any of his affiliated companies for any such services in connection with my upcoming tour or any future tours or other events…”

                Kathy Jorrie sagte vor Gericht, sie habe das Schreiben nie zu Gesicht bekommen.

                Seltsamerweise sendete AEG drei Tage nach Michaels Tod, am 28. Juni 2009, ein Dokument an Thome Thome, das geltend machte, der Konzertpromoter habe MJ bis dahin bereits 34 Millionen vorgeschossen. Das Dokument war von Kathy Jorrie und dem Leiter der AEG Rechtsabteilung, Shwan Trell, verfasst worden. Das von Thome Thome unterschriebene Dokument weist ihn als Direktor von „Michael Jackson Co. LLP“ aus, der im Namen der Firma handeln könne.

                Dies widerspricht einer Mail von einem Anwalt Michael Jacksons, Dennis Hawk, an Kathy Jorrie, in dem dieser am 14. Januar 2009 mitteilte, dass Michael Jackson der alleinige Direktor und Unterschriftenberechtigte von „Michael Jackson Co. LLP“ sei.

                Die Juristin Kathy Jorrie erklärte den allfälligen Fehler damit, dass der AEG Geschäftsführer Paul Gongaware ihr eventuell mitgeteilt habe, Thome Thome sei ein bevollmächtigter Direktor der Firma Michael Jacksons.


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                Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 08.08.2013, 15:21.


                • Von unten nach oben: Ortega heute im Cross

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m

                  Ortega: He said don't leave me, I'm gonna take the reins, you'll see I'm going to change this. He seemed absolutely committed at that point.
                  Ortega: Er sagte verlasse mich nicht, ich werde die Zügel in die Hand nehmen. Ich werde es ändern. Er schien absolut sicher zu diesem Punkt.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m

                  Putnam: MJ assured you that he was fine? Ortega: I didn't feel assured
                  Putnam: MJ versicherte Ihnen das er in Ordnung ist? Ortega: Ich fühlte mich nicht sicher.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m

                  Dr. Murray told Ortega to quit being an amateur doctor and that MJ was physically fit to show, the director recalled.
                  Dr. Murray sagte O. er solle es sein lassen den Amateur-Doktor zu spielen und das MJ fit für die Show ist, erinnert sich der Direktor.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m

                  At the meeting, Dr. Murray told Ortega to stay out of it and to leave MJ's health for him to take care.
                  Beim Meeting sagt Dr. Murray Ortega er solle sich heraushalten und die Gesundheit von MJ seine Sache sein lassen.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m

                  Ortega said he thought it was a responsible way to deal with it, and pretty immediate after the fact.
                  O. sagte er dachte dies sei ein verantwortlicher Weg damit umzugehen und umgehend nach dem Vorfall.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m

                  There was a meeting scheduled next day to address MJ's problems on June 19.
                  Es war ein Treffen für den nächsten Tag angesetzt um MJs Probleme am 19 . Juni zu bereden.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m

                  Ortega sent an email after seeing MJ that way because he thought Phillips and Gongaware should know about it.
                  Ortega schickte eine E-Mail, nachdem er MJ auf diese Weise sah, weil er dachte Phillips und Gongaware sollten es wissen.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m

                  Putnam: You have never seen Mr. Jackson like that before? Ortega: No.

                  Putnam: Sie haben noch nie Mr. Jackson noch nie gesehen? Ortega: Nein
                  Putnam: Haben Sie Mr. Jackson noch nie so gesehen? Ortega: Nein.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m

                  Putnam: It never crossed your mind it could be drug related? Ortega: No, I was thinking it was something else.
                  Putnam: Es ist Ihnen nie durch den Kopf gegangen es könnte mit Medikamenten zusammenhängen? Ortega: Nein, ich dachte, es war etwas anderes.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m

                  Ortega: It didn't appear to me it was drugs, it appeared to me it was something else, emotional.

                  Ortega: Es hat nicht erscheinen mir war es Drogen, schien es mir, es war etwas anderes, emotional.
                  O: Es hat mir nicht Drogenbezogen erschienen, es erschien mir etwas anderes zu sein, emotional.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m

                  "I felt somewhat calm when we left," Ortega said. But he said he was still concerned, thus the email he sent to AEG high ups.
                  "Ich fühlte mich etwas ruhiger als wir gingen," sagte Ortega. Aber er sagte, er war immer noch besorgt, daher hat er die E-Mail an die AEG-Oberen gesendet.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m

                  Putnam: He was coherent? Ortega: Yes P: Warmed up? O: A bit P: More engaged? O: Yes P: Calm? O: Yes

                  Putnam: Er war kohärent? Ortega: Ja P: Aufgewärmt? O: Ein wenig P: Mehr engagiert? O: Ja P: Ruhig? O: Ja
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m

                  Putnam asked if throughout the night on June 19th, if MJ got better. Ortega said yes.
                  Putnam fragt, ob in der Nacht am 19. Juni es MJ nacheer besser ging. Ortega sagte ja.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m

                  "I supposed I might have suggested it could look that way," Ortega said. "It would've been a really, really bad flu."
                  "Ich dachte es könnte etwas in dieser Weise sein", sagte Ortega. "Es wäre ein wirklich schlimme Grippe gewesen.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m

                  Putnam asked if Ortega testified before he thought MJ had a really bad case of flu.
                  Putnam fragt Ortega er sagte zuvor er aus er dachte MJ hatte einen wirklich schlimmen Fall von Grippe.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m

                  Putnam asked about June 19, 2009. "I'll always remember June 19," Ortega said.
                  Putnam fragt über den 19. Juni 2009. "Ich werde immer daran denken, an den 19. Juni," sagte Ortega.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m

                  Ortega: I think they were trying to create a schedule to factor in all of Michael's needs (like family) and still could come to rehearsal.

                  Ortega: Ich glaube, sie versuchten, einen Zeitplan zu erstellen, um allen Bedürfnissen von Michael (wie Familie) gerecht zu werden und er immer noch zu den Proben kommen kann.

                  Ortega: In this stage of the game, Mr. Phillips took on overseeing position to make sure the schedule was responsible for Michael.

                  Ortega: In dieser Phase des Spiels, nahm Mr. Phillips Überwachung der Lage ein um sicherzustellen, dass der Zeitplan verantwortlich für Michael war.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m

                  "I looked at Mr. Phillips as the promoter, Michael's promoter and producing partner," Ortega testified.
                  "Ich sah Mr. Phillips als Promotor, Michaels Promoter und Produktionspartner", sagte Ortega.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m

                  Ortega said he never spoke with Timm Wooley about scheduling.
                  Ortega sagte, er sprach nie mit Timm Wooley über die Terminierung
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m

                  He explained he didn't think Phillips was involved as much in MJ's scheduling, but was overseeing it.
                  Er erklärte, er glaube nicht, dass Phillips, so viel in die MJ -Terminierung beteiligt war, aber überschaute es..
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m

                  Ortega said he learned from Randy Phillips that Dr. Murray was responsible to get MJ to rehearsals on June 15, 2009.
                  Ortega sagte, er erfuhr von Randy Phillips, dass Dr. Murray verantwortlich war um MJ zu den Proben am 15. Juni 2009 zu bekommen.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m

                  Ortega: But at the end, I believe they thought Michael had what he wanted.
                  Ortega: Aber am Ende, ich glaube, sie dachten, Michael hatte das was er wollte.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m

                  Ortega: I think we were getting in a place were we had a ceiling, because we were already with a fat budget.
                  Ortega: Ich denke, wir waren an einem Zeitpunkt wo wir eine Deckel hatten, weil wir schon ein fettes Budget hatten.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m

                  He said there were professional discussions like 'is this something you really feel it's going to benefit,' 'do you really need this.'
                  Er sagte, es gab professionelle Diskussionen wie "ist das etwas, wo Ihr das Gefühl habt, dass wur profitieren", "glaubt Ihr wir brauchen das wirklich."
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m

                  Ortega said he would ask Gongaware for more and more things to create the show. Gongaware never denied anything.
                  Ortega sagte, er würde Gongaware für mehr und mehr Dinge fragen, um die Show zu kreieren. Gongaware hat nichts abgelehnt.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m

                  Ortega: Everything we brought to AEG, in terms of enormous creative needs, that AEG was very supportive in doing all they could.
                  Ortega: Alles, was wir zu AEG gebracht haben, in Bezug auf die enormen kreativen Bedürfnisse, AEG sehr unterstützend darin alles zu machen was sie konnten.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m

                  Putnam: Did you ever see AEG pressure Michael in any way? Ortega: No Putnam: Did you feel AEG Live supported MJ? Ortega: Yes
                  Putnam: Haben Sie je gesehen das AEG Druck auf Michael in irgendeiner Weise ausübte? Ortega: Nein Putnam: Hatten Sie das Gefühl AEG Live-MJ unterstützte? Ortega: Ja
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m

                  Ortega: I thought of MJ as my partner, I didn't think of him as my boss. But MJ always had the final creative say in all the years we worked
                  Ortega: Ich dachte an MJ wie meinen Partner, ich habe nicht an ihn gedacht als mein Chef. Aber MJ hatte immer das letzte Wort, kreativ in all den Jahren wo wir arbeiteten
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m

                  Putnam: Who did you consider your boss? Ortega: Michael.
                  Putnam: Wen haben Sie als Ihren Chef betrachtet? Ortega: Michael.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m

                  "A lot meaning 3-4 times a week," Ortega clarified. He said things changed as they were moving to the Forum, which was end of May.
                  "Eine Menge bedeutet, 3-4 mal pro Woche," Er sagte, die Dinge haben sich geändert, als sie in das Forum wechselten, das war Ende Mai.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m

                  Ortega said February, March and April MJ was very involved in the creation of the show, would show up a lot.
                  Ortega sagte Februar, März und April war MJ sehr an der Schaffung der Show beteiligt, zeigte sich sehr viel.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m

                  "At the end of the day, creatively, we trusted Michael knew what we needed," Ortega said.
                  "Am Ende des Tages, kreativ, wir vertrauten Michael, er wusste was wir brauchten", sagte Ortega.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m

                  Putnam: Why? Ortega: Because he was brilliant and he knew what he was doing.
                  Putnam: Warum? Ortega: Weil er brillant war, und er wusste, was er tat.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m

                  "Final say would be Michael," Ortega said. "Michael had final creative say."
                  "Final hatte Michael das Sagen", sagte Ortega. "Michael hatte die endgültige kreative Entscheidung"
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m

                  "He would just make it happen," Ortega said. He could not recall Gongaware denying anything.
                  "Er würde es umetzten" sagt O. Er kann sich nicht erinnern, dass Gongaware etwas verneinte."Er
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m

                  "I'd go and say 'this is what we'd like,'" Ortega said. Putnam: Did he ever tell you you couldn't get something? Ortega: No.
                  "Ich würde hingehen und sagen 'das ist das was wir möchten,'" sagte Ortega. Putnam: Hat er jemals gesagt, Sie könnten etwas nicht haben ? Ortega: Nein
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m

                  "We talked about these things together and I'd go with Michael's blessing to Paul to begin the process," Ortega explained.
                  "Wir sprachen über diese Dinge zusammen und ich würde mit Michaels Segen zu Paul gehen, um den Prozess zu beginnen", erklärte Ortega.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m

                  "Because the creative person was Michael, and myself," Ortega explained.
                  "Weil die kreativen Personen Michael und ich waren", erklärte Ortega.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m

                  Ortega did not discuss with Gongaware anything related to creative matters.
                  Ortega besprach nicht mit Gongaware über kreative Angelegenheiten.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m

                  Ortega would discuss with Michael about hiring someone and the director would go to Gongaware to get the contract drawn and the person hired
                  Ortega würde mit Michael über die Einstellung von jemand diskutieren und der Direktor würde gehen um Gongaware um die Vollendung des Vertrages mit der Person bitten

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m

                  Ortega explained he dealt with Gongaware regarding technical things, like moving dates to new rehearsal venue, delivery of stage parts, etc.
                  Ortega erklärte er handelte mit Gongaware über technische Dinge, wie Termine, neuer Probenraum, Lieferung der Stufen, Teile usw.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m

                  Ortega said he reported to Michael Jackson for the creative side of the tour and regarding budget/financial matters he reported to Gongaware
                  Ortega sagte, er berichtete Michael Jackson für die kreative Seite der Tour und in Bezug auf Budget / finanziellen Angelegenheiten berichtete er Gongaware
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 31m

                  Ortega said AEG Live and MJ were co-producers of the show.
                  Ortega sagte AEG Live und MJ waren Co-Produzenten der Show.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 31m

                  Regardless of who contacted him first, Ortega said he was hired because Michael Jackson wanted him.
                  Unabhängig davon, wer ihn zuerst kontaktiert, sagte Ortega er wurde angeheuert, weil Michael Jackson ihn wollte.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                  Ortega testified he never really fully understand Dr. Tohme's role related to MJ. He thought was a friend.
                  Ortega sagte er hat nie wirklich voll und ganz verstande welche Rolle Dr. Tohme Rolle im Zusammenhang mit MJ spielte. Er dachte, war ein Freund.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                  Ortega said he didn't really know who Dr. Tohme was, have never met the guy at that point. Tohme said he called on behalf of MJ.
                  O. sagt er weiß nicht wirklich er Dr. Tohme war, er traf ihn nie zu dem Punkt. Tohme sagte er ruft im Namen von MJ an.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                  Putnam: Do you remember as you sit here today who first contacted you? Ortega: I'm not really certain.
                  Putnam: Erinnern Sie sich, wie Sie heute hier sitzen, wer Sie zuerst kontaktierte? Ortega: Ich bin nicht wirklich sicher.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                  In Dr. Murray's criminal trial, Ortega said it was Paul Gongaware.
                  Im Strafverfahren Dr. Murray, sagte Ortega es war Paul Gongaware.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m

                  In a deposition related to Lloyds of London litigation, Ortega also said Dr. Tohme first reached out to him regarding TII.
                  In einer Ablagerung im Zusammenhang mit Lloyds of London Rechtsstreitigkeiten sagte O. das Dr. Tohme ihn bzgl der TII-Tour erreichte.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m

                  Putnam showed Ortega's deposition transcript. "In deposition, I remember it to be Dr. Tohme," Ortega said.
                  Putnam zeigte Ortegas Depositonstranskript. "In der Depostion erinnerte ich mich das Dr. Tohme war", sagte Ortega.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m

                  Ortega said he doesn't remember who he said reached out to him first regarding the tour in his deposition.
                  Ortega sagte, dass er nicht daran erinnern kann, was er in der Depostion sagte wer ihn zuerst bezgl. der Tour erreichte.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m

                  Putnam: Is it fair to say you were the "TII" director because of MJ? Ortega: Yes.
                  Putnam: Ist es fair zu sagen, Sie waren die "TII"-Regisseur wegen MJ? Ortega: Ja.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
                  "He told me he only wanted me," Ortega said about Michael Jackson's wished that he be the director.
                  "Er sagte mir, er wollte nur mich", sagte Ortega darüber das Michael Jacksons wollte, dass er der Direktor sein würde.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m

                  "People were calling it a tour but it was more like an event," Ortega explained.
                  "Die Leute nannten es eine Tour, aber es war mehr wie ein Ereignis", erklärte Ortega.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m

                  Putnam: Did you consider it a tour? Ortega: We called it tour, term used in the industry, but we weren't really touring, it was 1 venue.
                  Putnam: Haben Sie es für eine Tour gehalten? Ortega: Wir nannten es Tour, das ist ein Begriff in der Industrie üblich, aber wir waren nicht wirklich auf Tour, es war ein Veranstaltungsort.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 41m

                  Ortega went thru all the pages of his contract and said: "I do not see that anywhere."
                  Ortega ging durch alle Seiten seines Vertrages und sagte: ". Ich glaube nicht, dass ich es irgendwo sehe"
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m

                  Putnam read Murray's contract were it says the contract is not valid unless MJ consented to it and asked if Ortega has that in his contract.
                  Putnam las den Murray -Vertrag der sagt, der Vertrag ist nicht gültig bis MJ eingewilligt hat und fragte, ob Ortega das auch in seinem Vertrag hat.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m

                  Ortega: That's what I understand it's in my contract Ortega's contract does not have a signature line for Michael Jackson.
                  Ortega: Das was ich verstehe ist, das mein Vertragnicht über eine eigene Linie für Michael Jackson-Unterschrift verfügt.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m

                  Putnam: If tour was successful, you already have in your agreement what you'd be paid in bonus, correct?
                  Putnam: Wenn die Tour erfolgreich war, haben Sie bereits in Ihrer Vereinbarung, was Sie an Bonus bezahlt bekommen, richtig?
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m

                  "The shows were not booked or guaranteed," Ortega said. "That's what I think Michael hoped to do, but wasn't booked."
                  "Die Shows waren nicht gebucht oder garantiert ", sagte Ortega. "Das ist das was ich denke, Michael hoffte zu tun, wurde aber nicht gebucht."
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m

                  In Ortega's contract, there is a provision for bonus in case "This Is It" tour went around the world.
                  In Ortega Vertrag gibt es eine Rückstellung für Bonus wenn die "This Is It"-Tour um die Welt gehen würde..
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
                  In Ortega's contract, there is a provision for bonus in case "This Is It" tour went around the world.
                  In Oretagas Vertrag gibt es eine Provision für den Fall das die TII-Tour um die Welt geht.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m

                  "I can recall specifically, but I'm sure in my 40-something years in this business that has occurred," Ortega testified.
                  "Ich kann mich nicht speziell erinnern, bin aber sicher das es in meiner 40-jährigen Tätigkeit vorkam." sagt O.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m

                  "It's sort of common in the industry," Ortega said. Putnam: If you don't reach an agreement, you could work and not get paid? Ortega: Yes
                  "Es Teil der Industrie", sagt O. Putnam: Wenn sie keine Vereinbarung erreichen, kann es sein das sie nicht dafür gezahlt werden?" O: Ja.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m

                  Ortega said he has put himself in the position of working prior to signing a contract. "It's what I call working in good faith."
                  O. sagt er brachte sich in die Position zu arbeiten bevor er den Vertrag unterzeichnete. "Es ist das was man in guter Zuversicht arbeiten nennt"
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m

                  Putnam: You were paid after the contract was executed, right? Ortega: That's what appears in this document.
                  Putnam: Sie wurden gezahlt nachdem sie den Vertrag unterschrieben haben? O: Das ist das wie es in dem Dokument erscheint.

                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m

                  Ortega looked at the document and said he was paid on May 11, 2009, which is after he signed his contract.
                  O. schaute auf das Dokument und sagte er wurde am 11. Mai 2009 bezahlt, nachdem er den Vertrag unterzeichnete.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m

                  In his deposition, Ortega was shown documents to refresh his recollection. Putnam showed him the same documents.
                  In Deposition wurden O. Dokumente gezeigt um seine Erinnerung zu stützen. Putnam zeigte einige.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m

                  Ortega's contract was executed on April 26, 2009. "I believe I was paid in advance of signing," Ortega said.
                  Ortegas Vertrag wurde ausgearbeitet am 25. April 2009. "Ich glaube ich wurde Voraus zu Unterschrift gezahlt" sagt O.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m

                  "I was only contracted, and we were only focused, on the London tour at this time," Ortega explained.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m

                  Putnam: Did you understand you were an employee of AEG Live? Ortega: No P: What were you employee of? O: K.O. Company
                  Putnam: Verstehen Sie sich als Angestellter von AEG Live? Ortega: Nein P: Von wem waren Sie Angesteltter? O: K.O. Company
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m

                  AEG Live had an agreement with K.O. Company for the services of Ortega.
                  AEG Live hat eine Vereinbarung mit K.O. Company für die Dienste von Ortega.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m

                  Putnam showed Ortega a "Certificate of Employment -- Loan-Out," which Ortega said it's certificate that he works for The K.O. Company, Inc.
                  Putnam zeigt Ortegas Zertifakt welchse bestäigt er arbeiter für die K.O. Company
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m

                  Ortega is under cross examination by AEG's attorney Marvin Putnam. Ortega had professional engagement overseas, not available until today.
                  O. ist unter Cross-Verhör von AEG. O. hat berufliche Verpflichtungen in Übersee, war nicht verfügbar bis heute.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 57m

                  Judge said they are bringing Kenny Ortega back on the stand out of order to finish his testimony.
                  Gericht sagt O. kommt zurück in den Stand um seine Aussage zu beenden.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 57m

                  Outside the presence of the jury, AEG attorney told judge he will be done 1st week of Sept or so. Panish said he has 4 rebuttal witnesses.
                  Außerhalb der Jury sagt AEG-Anwalt er wird fertig sein in der 1. September Woche. Panish sagt er hat 4 Rebuttal Zeugen.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m

                  "It is what it is," judge said. She told jurors before they would get the case at the end of August.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m

                  Judge: My estimate has now changed. The case will probably be submitted to you at the end of September.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m

                  Jury entered the courtroom 10:10 am PT. Judge Yvette Palazuelos advised jurors she came up with new time estimate for the trial.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m

                  Katherine Jackson is in court wearing an ankle length black dress with a black and white polka dot jacket.
                  ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h

                  Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Day 65 of Jackson family vs AEG trial, Week 15, is underway. Session now in lunch break.
                  Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 09.08.2013, 00:02.


                  • Hier ist noch der Rest der Ortega-Aussage. Ortega konnte seine Aussage gestern bereits beenden. Die Juroren klatschen Ortega Beifall.
                    Heute wird Kathy Jorrie ihre Aussage abschließen. Am Nachmittag sollen die Depostionen von Randy Jackson und Dr. Adams gezeigt werden.

                    Schaffe es derzeit nicht alles zu übersetzten.

                    Von unten nach oben

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48s
                    AEG plans to play Randy Jackson's deposition and Dr. David Adams from Las Vegas in the afternoon. We hope to see you tomorrow! Good night!
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
                    Judge adjourned session a little early. Jurors ordered back 9:30 am tomorrow. Kathy Jorrie is back on the stand.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
                    When the director got up, all jurors clapped for him. He thanked the jurors, kissed Mrs. Jackson, shook hands with Shawn Trell and left.
                    Als der Direktor aufstand, klatschen alle Juroren für ihn. Er dankte den Juroren, küsste Mrs. Jackson, gab Shawn Trell die Hand und ging.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
                    Ortega was dismissed, subject to recall in AEG's case in chief.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
                    Jurors were laughing out loud with the exchange between the attorneys. The director kept his composure and responded to all questions.
                    Juroren lachten laut über den Austausch der Anwälte. Der Direktor behielt die Geduld und antwortete zu allen Fragen.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
                    Putnam and Panish took turns in asking out-of-the-ordinary questions regarding responsibility to Ortega.
                    Putnam und Panish nahmen Wechsel in außergewöhnlichen Fragen in Bezug auf die Verantwortungen von Ortega.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                    Panish in re-re-re-direct: Do you have access to a prescription pad?
                    Panish in re-re-re-direct: Haben Sie ein Verschreibungspad ?
                    Ortega: No

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                    Ortega: Being in debt doesn't change your talent, your gift, your ability.
                    Ortega: Schulden zu haben ändert nicht ihr Talent und ihre Fähigkeiten.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                    Putnam asked if being in debt diminishes your capability. "I don't think so," Ortega responded.
                    Putnam fragt ob tiefe Schulden die Fähikgeiten ändern: "Ich glaube nicht" sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                    Putnam: Do you think it's responsible for a studio to hire Kenny Ortega if he were in debt?
                    Putnam: Halten Sie es verantwortlich für ein Studio K. Ortega zu heuern wenn er große Schulden hätte?
                    Ortega: I've been there and they hired me.
                    Ortega: Ich hatte sie und sie stellten mich an.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                    "I wouldn't think it would be something that would be the norm," Ortega responded.
                    "Ich glaube nicht es wäre in der Norm" sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                    Putnam in re-re-cross asked if it's common practice to check a doctor's credit report prior to hiring him.
                    Putnam in re-re-cross fragt ob es Praxis ist die Kreditkarte vom Arzt zu checken vor der Anstellung.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                    In re-re-direct Panish: Would it be responsible to place a doctor in a conflict of interest had they hired him?
                    In re-re-direct Panish: Wäre es verantwortlich einen Arzt mit Intressenkonflikt anzustellen?
                    Ortega: In my opinion, no Meiner Meinung nach nein
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
                    Ortega: I think that would've been responsible.
                    Putnam: Did Mr. Phillips ever tell you he wanted MJ to come on tour?
                    Ortega: No
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
                    Putnam: If they weren't hiring Dr. Murray, would that responsibility be above and beyond anything they needed to do, in your mind?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
                    Putnam asked if AEG checked if the doctor was licensed and if he had been disciplined, if it was responsible thing to do. Ortega said yes.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
                    Putnam: Who introduced you to Dr. Murray?
                    Putnam: Wer stellte sie Murray vor
                    Ortega: Michael

                    P: Did AEG introduce you to him?
                    P: Hat AEG ihnen Murray vorgstellt?
                    O: No

                    P: What did MJ say? Was sagte MJ?
                    O: This is my doctor. Das ist mein Arzt
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
                    Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where artist was unable to pay his personal doctor?
                    Putnam: Haben Sie jemals für einen Künstler gearbeitet der nicht fähig war den pers. Arzt zu zahlen?
                    Ortega: I don't think so, assumption on my part. Ich glaube nicht, Annahem meinerseits.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
                    Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where the promoter/producer was advancing all daily expenses?
                    Ortega: It's possible, I don't know.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
                    Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where the artist could not afford his daily expenses?
                    Ortega: I don't believe so.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
                    Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where an artist was $400 million in debt?
                    Putnam: Haben Sie je für eine Tour gearbeitet wo der Künster 400 Mio. Schulden hat?
                    Ortega: Not to my knowledge. Nicht meines Wissens.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
                    Out of twitter jail, finally...
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                    Putnam: You just don't know some of those things, right?
                    Ortega: Yes.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
                    Putnam: Would it be surprising to you that the Rolling Stones have a doctor on tour with them right now? Wäre es überraschend für Sie zu wissen das die RS einen Arzt auf Tour haben?
                    Ortega: No.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
                    Ortega said nobody came up to him on the 23rd or 24th expressing concern about MJ. They did on the 19th but not after MJ came back on 23rd.
                    Ortega sagt niemand kam am 23. oder 24. zu ihn und äußerte irgendeine Besorgnis über MJ. Sie taten es am 19. , aber nicht nachdem MJ am 23. zurückkam.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
                    The week of June 15th is when Ortega grew concerned with Michael Jackson.
                    Die Woche von 15. Juni war die Woche wo Ortegas Besorgnis über MJ wuchs.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
                    Putnam: Did you see Michael deteriorate over 8 weeks?
                    Putnam: Sahen Sie das MJ sich über 8 Wochen verschlechterte?
                    Ortega: I would've not used the word deteriorate to describe what I saw. Ich würde nicht das Wort verschlechtern nennen um es zu beschreiben
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
                    "However, the sell out at the O2 for 50 shows showed he still had drawing power," Ortega opined.
                    "Wie auch immer der Ausverkauf der 50 Shows zeigt das er immer noch hohe Anziehungskraft hatte" sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
                    Putnam did re-cross.

                    Ortega: Michael had not performed in 10 years. Whether he'd command the world like he had before remained to be seen.
                    Ortega: MJ hat nich in 10 Jahren performt. Ob er die Welt wie vorher beeindruckt hätte hätte man ers sehen können.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
                    Ortega said he never told Faye MJ had to face his fears; used the word tough love, may have said the show could be cancelled if not ready.
                    Ortega sagt er sagte Faye nie MJ hat sich seinen Ängsten zu stellen, nutzte das Wort tough love, mag gesagt haben die Show wird gecancelt wenn nicht fertig.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
                    Katherine Jackson nodded in the audience in agreement. "In respect of why we are all here for, that's not nice," Ortega said on the stand.
                    Kathrine stimmte in die Übereinstimmung des Publikums ein. "Im Respekt weswegen wir alle hier sind, es ist nicht schön, sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
                    Ortega then opined: If Michael ever heard you talk like that it would not be appropriate. Isn't that right Mrs. Jackson?
                    Ortega sagte: Wenn Michel je gehört hätte Sie sprechen so über ihn würde er es nicht angemessen gehalten haben. Ist das richtig Mrs. Jackson?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
                    Panish: Did you heard Murray walked out and said he couldn't take this s**t anymore?
                    Panish: Haben Sie je gehört das Murray raus ging und sagte er kann die Scheiße nicht länger machen?
                    Ortega: No, I never heard that. Ich hörte das nie

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
                    Panish asked if Ortega knew how much pressure AEG was putting MJ and Dr. Murray on. He said no.
                    Panisch fragt Ortega ober er weiß wie viel Druch AEG auf MJ und Murray legte. Er sagt nein.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                    Panish: Did you ever learn that Phillips was grabbing Dr. Murray's arm?
                    Panish: Haben Sie je erfahren das Phlillips Murrays Arm grabschte?
                    Ortega: I never heard that. Ich habe das nie gehört.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                    Phillips didn't do anything to stop Dr. Murray's admonishment of Ortega in the meeting, Panish said. Ortega agreed.
                    Phillips machte nicht um Der. Murray Verhalten gegen Ortega im Meeting zu stoppen. Ortega stimmt zu .
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                    Ortega said Dr. Murray did not have the same mindset as him in the June 20th meeting.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                    Panish asked if Ortega was doing his job when he sent email w/ concerns. "More than just doing my job, looking out for my friend" he said.
                    Panish fragt Ortega ob er seinen Job machte als das E-Mail mit der Besorgnis absendete. "Mehr als meinen Job machen, nach einem Freund schauen", sagt er.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                    Panish: You expect AEG to check them out, not being under conflict of interest situation?
                    Panish: Sie erwarten das AEG sie ausscheckt, nicht im Intressenkonflikt zu sein?
                    Ortega: Yes.

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                    Panish: I want you to assume that AEG Live hired Dr. Murray. Would you expect them to hire a fit and competent doctor?
                    Ortega: Yes.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                    "Eventually he started to decline and disappear," Ortega recalled.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                    Ortega: MJ was very cool, bold, strong in his ideas and what he wanted all through the beginning of the process.
                    Ortega: MJ war sehr cool, stark in seinen Ideen und er wollte alles zu Beginn des Prozezsses.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
                    Panish: Did you think MJ was irresponsible?
                    Panish: Denken Sie MJ war unverantwortlich?

                    Ortega: It seemed to me that he was in trouble. Er schien in Schwierigkeiten zu sein.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
                    Ortega suggested another physician, not Murray, come to check MJ out.

                    Panish: You didn't think Dr Murray was doing a good job?
                    Panish: Denken Sie das Dr. Murray einen guten Job machte?
                    Ortega: No

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
                    Panish: Did you say that after MJ died? Dachten Sie dies nachdem MJ starb?
                    Ortega: No, I think I'd have said it sooner than that. Nein, ich würde sagen früher.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
                    Panish: Sir, did you tell anyone that MJ should've been taken to the hospital? Sagten Sie jemand MJ soll ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden?
                    Ortega: I might have. Ich mag es gemacht haben
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
                    Panish: Did you have concerns about his physical condition on June 14?
                    Panish: Haben Sie Besorgnis über seine phys. Situation am 14. Juni?
                    Ortega: I'd say yes. Ich würde sagen ja.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 27m
                    "It was fairly obvious he was not moving forward in the rehearsals with this sort of tempo," Ortega testified.
                    "Es war offensichtlich er ging nicht vorwärts mit den Proten in angemessenen Tempo" sagt o.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                    Ortega said he didn't see MJ at practice for a long period of time in June.

                    Panish: In June, he didn't show at all? Im Juni kam er nicht zu allen Proben?
                    Ortega: That's correct

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                    Ortega: Most of us have never seen anyone work as hard to accomplish something as MJ.
                    Ortega: Die meisten von uns haben niemand so hart arbeiten gesehen um etwas reichen wie es MJ hat.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                    Panish: Was MJ perfectionist?
                    Ortega: That would be something that people would have called him.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                    "Yes, he did change over time," Ortega said about Michael Jackson.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                    Panish: Did you ever have assistant producer say she was afraid an artist would die in weeks of a show and they actually did die?
                    Ortega: No
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    Ortega said he disagrees with anyone who says there's no way MJ could've done 50 shows.
                    Ortega sagt er stimmt nicht darin überein, dass es nicht sein kann das MJ die 50 Shows gemacht hätte.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    "He sold 50 shows," Ortega said. "Pretty awesome, historical." Er verkaufte 50 Shows aus. Wirklich überwältigend, historisch, sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    Ortega: I think the Stones come close, McCartney come close. But if MJ was not the number one, he was very close.
                    Ortega;: Ich denke die Stones kommen nahe, McCarteny ist nahe. Aber wenn MJ nicht die Nimmer eins ist, dann war er sehr nahe.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    Ortega: I'd think if done right, that Michael would be the highest draw on the planet. Panish: You don't think Celine Dion would be bigger?
                    Ortega. Ich würde sagte, wenn richtig gemacht hat Michael die höchste Anziehungskraft auf dem Planeten. Panish: Denken Celine Dion ist größer?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    Panish: Are you aware of any artist in the world with the drawing power of Michael Jackson?
                    Panish: Kennen Sie einen Künslter der mehr Anziehungskraft hat als MJ?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    Email from Gongaware to Ortega on March 25, 2009:
                    I'm afraid we may not be able to meet your financial requirements for a deal.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                    Ortega said, at one point, there was a standstill regarding his contract.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
                    Earlier in the trial, Ortega testified rehearsal schedule and attendance was up to Dr. Murray and Randy Phillips.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
                    "I recalled that Dr. Murray was going to be responsible for the schedule," Ortega said.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
                    Email from Woolley to Bob Taylor saying Randy Phillips and Dr. Murray were responsible for MJ rehearsal and attendance schedule.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
                    Panish: Were you ever involved in a show where promoter was buying saline, catheter, needles for a doctor?
                    Ortega: No.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
                    Panish: Were you ever involved in a show where promoter was buying CPR machine?
                    Ortega: Not that I know of.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
                    "I don't think producers can fire Cher," Ortega said.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
                    "I don't think producers can fire Tom Cruise," Ortega opined. Panish said movies are different from singers.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
                    "I assume they could give a good try," Ortega responded. "I assume they could do that but I doubt it would last more than 24 hours."
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
                    Panish: The producer could fire you if they wanted, right?
                    Ortega: I think Michael would not be happy with that.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
                    Panish asked if MJ could've been fired by AEG. "No, he was a partner," Ortega responded. He said Michael told him that.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Ortega clarifies that the only artist, "the" artist, was Michael Jackson.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Ortega said he thinks it's unusual for producers to engage attorneys to hire a doctor for an artist.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Panish: In all your years in the industry, have you ever heard a producer involved in hiring a doctor for an artist?
                    Ortega: I haven't.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Ortega: It seemed like it was doctor related, so it wasn't like taking drugs but just being under the influence.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Panish asked is Ortega saw MJ several times appearing under some kind of drugs during TII.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Ortega: I assumed sleep had to be a part of it, he looked rested.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m
                    Panish asked Ortega to assume MJ was getting Propofol for 60 days then didn't have Propofol the last few days before his death.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
                    Panish: The symptoms he had, did it seem like someone who wasn't sleeping?
                    Ortega: I think that might have been a factor there.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
                    Panish: And before that you thought he was not having any sleep?
                    Ortega: Yes.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m
                    In re-direct, Panish asked: Prior to June 23rd, you thought Michael got real organic sleep?
                    Ortega: Yes.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
                    Ortega said said excitement was pretty unanimous among all the people working on "This Is It."
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
                    Putnam: Did you have concern on the 23rd or 24th he was taking drugs?
                    Putnam: Hatten Sie Besorgnis am 23. oder 24. wegen Medikamenteneinnahme?
                    Ortega: No.

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m
                    Ortega felt less excited, deeply grateful about MJ's come back.

                    "Maybe it was a lot of rest," Ortega opined. "He did seem rested, stronger"
                    "Vielleicht war es viel Ruhe" sagt O. Er schien ausgeruht, stärker"
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
                    MJ also rehearsed and performed. Ortega said he was feeling they were back on track, believing they were in a new chapter.
                    MJ probte und performte. Orteag sagte er fühlte sie wären zurück auf dem Track, glaube es wäre ein neues Kapitel.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
                    Ortega said MJ was almost as good on the 24th as the 23rd. He seemed a little tired from the day before but talked about things for the show
                    Ortega sagte MJ war am 24. fast genauso gut wie am 23. Er schien etwas müde vom Tag zuvor aber sprach viel über die Dinge in der Show.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m
                    Ortega: Everybody felt there was a different Michael in the room.
                    Ortega: Jeder fühlte da war ein anderer Michael im Raum.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
                    Ortega said he just embraced it and went with it. "We were all delighted" Ortega recalled. "The energy in the room changed, hope returned"
                    "Wir waren alle erfreut, erinnert sich Ortega. Die Enerige im Raum änderte sich, die Hoffnung war zurück."
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m
                    Ortega: He was in charge. Not only capable to rehearsing but to talk about other aspects of production, like films, the effects, costumes.
                    Ortega: Er war in Charge. Nicht nur fähig zu proben, sondern auch über die Aspekte der Produktion zu reden, wie Film, Effekt, Kostüme.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
                    MJ was there a number of hours, Ortega said. He went thru a number of songs.
                    MJ war einige Stunden da. Er ging durch eine Reihe von Songs.

                    Putnam: Had he taken the reins?
                    Putnam: Hat er die Zügel in die Hand genommen?
                    Ortega: Yeah

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
                    Putnam: How was the rehearsal? Wie waren die Proben?
                    Ortega: Great. It was one of the best rehearsals we had up until then. Großartig. Es war eine der besten Proben, die er bis dahin gemacht hat.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
                    "It was like metamorphosis," he said.
                    "Es war wie eine Wiederauferstehung", sagt er

                    Putnam asked if Ortega inquired MJ what had happened. "I din't pry in his personal live," he replied
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m
                    Ortega said MJ was always a little chill, but not like on the 19th. The director was surprised how quickly MJ got better.
                    O. sagt MJ war immer etwas kalt, aber nicht wie am 19. Der Dirketor war überrascht wie schnell es MJ besser ging.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m
                    Ortega: He seemed healthy, ready and happy, there didn't seem to be any left over issues from the 19th.
                    Ortega: Er erschien gesund, ready und fröhlich und es schienen keine Probleme mehr von 19,. vorhanden.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m
                    Putnam: Completely different?
                    Ortega: Completely
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 41m
                    Ortega said the meeting on June 20th was at MJ's Carolwood home. On June 23rd, Ortega testified MJ was in great spirits, ready to work.
                    Am 23. Juni war MJ in großem Spririt, bereit zu arbeiten.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
                    Ortega: He was unbelievable! His reasons for doing the tour were incredible. He was motivated.
                    Ortega: Er war unglaublich. Seine Gründe um die Tour zu machen waren unglaublich. Er war motiviert.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
                    "He seemed exhilarated, excited, like the Michael I always knew," Ortega described.
                    "Er erschien aufgeregt, motiviert, wie der Michael den ich immer kannte" sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
                    Ortega: I think the arrival of his children in his life brought something he didn't have before.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
                    Ortega: I was happy for him, because he had been through so much, I wanted him to be the King again.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
                    "Michael wanted to get out on the road," Ortega said.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m
                    "I think seating in a theater for 5 years in Las Vegas wasn't really attractive to him," Ortega explained.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m
                    Ortega said MJ was being approached by someone from American Idol, also Randy Phillips approached him, they wanted to do something with him.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m
                    The director described MJ very excited, even not knowing yet what "TII" was going to be, but feeling exhilarated.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m
                    Ortega said he had dinner with MJ a couple of times, MJ took his children to see High School Musical, and that he looked fined.
                    Ortega sagt er hatte Dinner mit MJ einige Male, MJ brachte seine Kinder um High School Musical zu sehen und er sah gut aus.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m
                    Putnam: Were you concerned MJ was doing drugs before "TII" in 2008?
                    Putnam: Hatten Sie Sorge das er MEDIS nahm vor TII in 2008?
                    Ortega: No, I saw him. Nein, ich sah ihn
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
                    Putnam: Did you have any concern with MJ's health?
                    Ortega: I don't recall having any concerns
                    P: How about mentally?
                    O: No
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
                    "HIStory" tour rehearsal was done in Los Angeles, Ortega said.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
                    MJ was transported to the hospital. Ortega didn't go, because he said he wasn't invited. "Certainly concerned," though, he explained.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
                    He said security responded quickly, everybody stayed away to give paramedics room to work.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m
                    Ortega was present at Beacon Theater when MJ collapsed. He didn't see the artist fall, though.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
                    Putnam: But at no time you thought he was using drugs?
                    Ortega: No.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
                    Putnam: Was he physical well?
                    Ortega: He seemed tired and unhappy, stressed.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
                    Ortega was called to help MJ with the HBO special.

                    Putnam: He seemed well to you?
                    Ortega: Unhappy
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
                    At this time, MJ was living at Neverland. Ortega said they never rehearsed at MJ's ranch, but a stage in Los Angeles.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
                    Putnam: Did you have any concerns he might have been using drugs then?
                    Ortega: No
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m
                    Ortega said he usually likes to stay in tour until everything is working to everybody's satisfaction. He said it may be 4-5 shows or 8-10
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 46m
                    Ortega's first time working with MJ was in the "Dangerous" tour. He said he may have been director of the project. It was in 1992-93.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 46m
                    "He was strong," Ortega said.

                    But 20 years later, when Ortega worked with MJ in the "This Is It," the director said MJ was much different.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47m
                    Putnam: In your opinion, was Mr. Jackson always skinny?
                    Ortega: In the early years I worked with him he was light, lean performer.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47m
                    "I might have been a little concerned (with his weight) when I brought that up, yes," Ortega testified.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                    Ortega said MJ liked to be in a certain kind of place (weight) to execute his moves and to get the look he wanted.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                    The singer would smile and answer "okay" in a very loving way, Ortega recalled.
                    Der Sänger würde lächeln und antworten "okay" in einer liebesnwürdigen, warmen Weise, erinnerte sich Ortega.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                    MJ wasn't really fond of massage, Ortega said. "Don't forget to eat, get some rest," Ortega would tell MJ.
                    Ortega "Vergessen nicht zu essen, bekomme etwas Ruhe, Sagte O. zu MJ.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                    Ortega said he would talk to MJ, as a performing artist, and ask if he was focusing on nourishment, health, warming up, stretching, sleeping
                    Ortega sagt er sprach mit MJ wie zu einem performenden Künstler und fragte ihn zu achten auf seine Ernährung, Gesundheit, warming up, Stretching, Schlafen.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                    Putnam: Did you ever talk to him about nutrition?
                    Ortega: As a general idea
                    P: Physical therapy?
                    O: Yes
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                    "Because he came out of rehab," Ortega said. "He was moving on with his life in a healthy way, hopefully."
                    "Weil er aus der Reha kam. Er fuhr mit seinem Leben fort in einer gesunden Weise, hoffentlich.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                    Putnam: Did you have any reservation to work with him after rehab?
                    Putnam: Hatten Sie Bedenken mit ihm zu arbeiten nach seiner Reha?
                    Ortega: No

                    P: Why not?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                    Ortega never asked MJ about his rehab stint or any drug use.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                    Someone on behalf of Michael Jackson contacted Ortega to be part of the HBO special.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                    Putnam: Were you responsible for MJ's health?
                    Putnam: Waren Sie für MJs Gesundheit verantwortliche?
                    Ortega: No.

                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                    Ortega: I wanted to take care on him, you want to take care of someone when something is not right, but you can't be responsible.
                    Ortega: Ich wollte für ihn sorgen, Sie möchten für jemand sorgen wenn etwas nicht stimmt, aber Du kannst nicht verantwortlich sein.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                    Jurors were writing viguroulsy at this point. Juror number 6 looked over at Katherine Jackson.
                    Juroren schrieben eifrigt mit an diesem Punkt. Juror 6 schaute zu K. Jackson.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                    Ortega: I didn't think he was being very responsible, but it was his responsibility, in my opinion.
                    O: Ich nicht das er sehr verantwortlich war, aber es war seine Verantwortung in meiner Meinung.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                    Putnam: Do you think MJ was being responsible with his own health?
                    Putnam: Denken Sie das MJ für seine Gesundheit verantwortlich war?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                    "Adults are responsible for their own health," Ortega opined.
                    Erwachsene sind verantwortlich für ihre eigene Gesundheit sagt O.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                    Ortega: I worked with 10,000 people in the Olympics, how can I be responsible for everybody's health?
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                    Putnam: Did he (Murray) offer any explanation of what happened to MJ the night before?
                    Ortega: I don't believe so.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Putnam: Did you talk about drugs in that meeting?
                    Ortega: No
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega said Michael explained in the meeting that what Dr. Murray said was not what had occurred.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega: I'd like to think that Michael would not set me up that way, I'd like to think Dr. Murray misunderstood Michael.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega said Dr. Murray told him to be the director and to quit his concerns with Michael Jackson's health because it was not his job.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega: I did think it was right he didn't rehearse that night, I did think it was the right thing he went home.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega said, at one point, MJ told him he was going home. "I said yes, go home, tuck your children in, feel better," Ortega described.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega: I looked at Michael and asked him to tell what had happened, that I didn't forbid Michael of anything.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                    Ortega testified he said: 'Wait a minute, that's not at all what happened.' The director recalled Dr. Murray said MJ told him that.
                    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
                    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 10.08.2013, 07:39.


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                      LOS ANGELES (CBS/AP) — A jury heard videotaped testimony Friday from Randy Jackson, who described more than half a dozen interventions his family attempted to try to get Michael Jackson to stop taking prescription medications.

                      Randy Jackson, the pop superstar’s younger brother, said several of his siblings were involved in the efforts, and they occasionally brought interventionist doctors to try to convince their brother to go into rehab. The superstar always refused and kept his family at a distance in the final years of his life, Jackson said.
                      R. Jackson der jüngere Bruder sagt das einige Geschwister in den Bemühungen involviert waren und sie gelegentlich Ärzte mitbrachten um den Burder zu überzeugen in Reha zu gehen. Der Superstar verweigerte immer und hielt die Familie auf Distanz in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens, sagt Jackson.

                      His one hour and twenty minute videotaped testimony was played for jurors by lawyers for AEG Live LLC, which is being sued by Jackson’s mother, Katherine. She claims the company negligently hired the doctor convicted of giving the “Thriller” singer a lethal overdose of an anesthetic in June 2009.
                      Seine 1 Stunde und 20 Minuten dauernde videoaufgezeichnete Deposition wurde den Juroren von den AEG-Anwälten gezeigt.

                      AEG denies it hired the physician, Conrad Murray, and its attorneys have said Jackson made choices that led to his death. Their case has already featured testimony from several medical professionals who treated the singer, including one who gave him an implant to block the effects of opiate drugs.

                      Randy Jackson says the interventions took place in various locations including New York, Las Vegas, Jackson’s [lexicon]Neverland[/lexicon] Ranch and Taiwan and dated back to the mid-1990s.
                      Die Interventionen fanden statt an verschiedenen Orten, New York, Las Vegas, Neverland-Ranch und Taiwan und gehen zurück bis in die Mitte der 90er.

                      Reporting for CBS2, Randy Paige said Randy Jackson testified that he and his siblings staged at least seven interventions.

                      He said almost every time he tried to intercede it was after a call from a nanny who cared for Michael Jackson’s children and told him the singer was over using prescription drugs. He said he never saw his brother take drugs but twice saw him in a condition where he was slurring his speech. He said he later fired the nanny after he encountered her at a pharmacy picking up prescriptions for the singer.
                      Er sagt fast jedes Mal wo sie einschritten war es nach dem Anruf einer Nanny, die sich um MJs Kinder kümmerte und ihm sagte das er Medikamente missbrauchte. Er sagt er sah den Bruder nie Medikamente nehmen aber sah in 2mal in einer Verfassung mit schleifender Sprache. Er sagt er feuerte später die Nanny nachdem er sie bei der Beschaffung von verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten in einer Apotheke sah.

                      Randy Jackson said he never heard of the drug Propofol until after his brother died from an overdose of the anesthetic.
                      R. Jackson hörte nie von Propfol bis zu seinem Tod.

                      However, he said he did not talk to his brother much in the five years before his death and was unable to get into his rented mansion during the period before he died because security guards blocked his access.
                      Wie auch immer er sagt er sprach nicht viel mit seinem Bruder in den letzten 5 Jahren seines Lebens und war unfähig in seine angemietete Villa zu kommen in der Periode vor seinem Tod weil er von der Security abgeblockt wurde.

                      “Michael didn’t want to be around the family too much because he didn’t want them to see him like that,” Randy Jackson said. “He was hiding from me.”
                      "Michael wollte nicht viel um die Famile herum sein, weil er nicht wollte, dass sie ihn so sieht, sagt Randy Jackson. Er hat sich vor mir versteckt."

                      He said most of the interventions were attended by his sisters Rebbie and Janet and his brothers, Tito, Marlon, and his father, Joe Jackson. But he said his mother only came along once or twice. He said she was unwilling to accept that Michael was addicted and he felt “she was in denial. She just didn’t want to believe.”
                      Er sagt die Intervention fanden statt mit seinen Schwester Rebbie und Janet und seinen Brüdern Tito, Marlon und seinem Vater Joe Jackson. Aber er sagt seine Mutter kam nur 2mal mit. Er sagt sie unwillig zu akzeptieren das Michael abhänig war und er denkt sie war in Verneinung. Sie wollte es nicht glauben.

                      Randy Jackson also testified that at one point he wrote a letter to his entire family, including his mother, saying they needed to help Michael.
                      Randy Jackson sagte auch aus, dass er an einem Punkt einen Brief an seine Familie, incl. Mutter schrieb das sie Michael helfen müssten

                      “He’s an addict, and he isn’t responsible. The family has to step in and do something about it,” Jackson testified.
                      "Er ist ein Abhäniger und unverantwortlich. Die Famile muss einschreiten und etwas unternehmen" hat Jackson ausgesagt.

                      He also said his brother refused repeatedly to go to rehab.

                      “I told him I was taking him to rehab and he said he’s not going. I told him, ‘Yes, you are.’ And he would say ‘No, I’m not,’” Randy testified.te
                      "Ich sagte ihm ich werde Dich in Reha bringen und er sagte er geht nicht. Ich sagte ihm "Doch Du wirst und er sagte Nein werde ich nicht" bezeugte Randy

                      Katherine Jackson testified earlier in the trial that she asked her son once about his prescription drug use, but he denied he had a problem.

                      Randy Jackson said his brother was terrified during the run-up to his 2005 child molestation trial in Santa [lexicon]Maria[/lexicon]. At one point Randy Jackson said he had to take his brother to a hospital because “he was under the influence of something.”
                      Randy Jackson sagt sein Bruder hat Angst während des 2005er Prozesses. An einem Punkt sagt sein Burder musste ich ihn ins Krankenhaus bringen "er war unter dem Einfluss von etwas"

                      He said he had no idea what drugs Jackson was taking.
                      Er sagt er hatte keine Idee welche Drogen Jackson nahm.

                      “He was very frightened, and I had to get him to court,” Randy Jackson said.
                      "Er hatte Angst und ich musste ihn ins Gericht bringen" sagte R. Jackson

                      Outside court, Katherine Jackson’s lawyer, Brian Panish, said that Randy Jackson’s testimony showed “what everyone knew, that Michael Jackson had a problem with prescription medications. Apparently the only ones that didn’t know that were the people at AEG.”
                      Außerhalb der Gerichtes sagte der K. Jackson Anwalt das R. Jacksons Aussage zeigt "was jeder wusste, dass MJ ein Problem mit verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten hatte, Offensichtlich die einzigen die es nicht wussten sind die Leute von AEG.
                      Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 10.08.2013, 07:28.


                      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 9. Teil

                        11. August 2013

                        This Is It Direktor Kenny Ortega wurde zurück in den Zeugenstand gerufen. Und erhielt von der Jury Applaus, als er am Donnerstag den Zeugenstand verliess.

                        Die Probe am 13. Juni 2009 war nicht gut – am Tag darauf tauchte Michael Jackson gar nicht auf. Kenny Ortega informierte den stellvertretenden AEG Vorsitzenden, Paul Gongaware, und riet ihm, mehr über Michaels Gesundheitszustand heraus zu finden und mit dessen Doktor Conrad Murray zu sprechen.

                        Als Michael dann am 19. Juni wieder zu den Proben auftauchte, schien er „verloren, kalt und ängstlich“, so Ortega. Er werde den Tag nie vergessen. „Ich sah einen Michael der mich beängstigte, einen Michael, der schlotterte und fror.“ Kenny Ortega: „Ich dachte, da ging etwas emotionales vor sich, zutiefst emotional, und etwas physisches ging vor sich. Er schien zerbrechlich.“ Als der Anwalt von AEG Live wissen wollte, ob man hätte sagen können, Michael hatte eine „wirklich starke Grippe“, erwiderte Ortega, das sei „nicht die beste Art, es zu beschreiben.“ Er habe aus Angst, Michael könne sich verletzen, ihm geraten, nicht auf die Bühne zu gehen. Michael willigte ein, den Proben beizuwohnen, während Travis Payne seine Parts tanzte. Michael habe ängstlich und paranoid gewirkt und ihn immer wieder darum gebeten, nicht aufzugeben und ihn nicht zu verlassen. Tatsächlich habe er an dem Tag gefühlt, dass sie die Produktion stoppen sollten. Doch er sei hin und her gerissen gewesen, da er Michaels Herz nicht brechen wollte. In einer Reihe von E-Mails an AEG Führungsleute warnte sie Ortega und riet, dass sie professionelle Hilfe für MJ bräuchten.

                        In der Folge wurde er am 20. Juni zu einem Meeting mit Randy Phillips, Dr. Conrad Murray und Michael Jackson in dessen Villa aufgeboten. Murray habe ihn wütend konfrontiert, er habe kein Recht, Michael nicht proben zu lassen und dass Michael physisch und emotional fähig sei, all seine Verantwortungen als Künstler wahrzunehmen, Er soll sich auf seine Job als Direktor konzentrieren und kein Amateur-Arzt oder Psychologe sein, sondern das ihm, Murray, überlassen. Randy Phillips habe den Worten Murrays schweigend zugehört, so Ortegas Aussage.

                        Als Michael am 23. und 24. Juni wieder zu den Proben erschien, sei „ein anderer Michael“ aufgetaucht, der gesund, bereit und glücklich schien. „Ich fühlte, dass wir zurück auf Kurs waren und war dankbar und überzeugt, dass wir nun in einem neuen Kapitel waren“, sagte Kenny Ortega. Jacksons Anwalt Brian Panish wollte wissen, wie er sich die Verwandlung erkläre. „Möglicherweise eine Menge Ruhe. Er schien ausgeruht, kräftiger.“ Ortega nimmt an, dass Schlaf eine Rolle spielte. „Er schaute einfach ausgeruht aus. Tiefer Schlaf, echter Schlaf.“

                        Murray hatte Ermittlern mitgeteilt, dass er in den beiden Nächten vor Michaels Tod am 25. Juni kein Propofol verabreicht hatte. Dies, nachdem er ihm 60 Tage lang das Narkosemittel injizierte. Vor einigen Wochen sagte ein Schlafexperte für die Jacksons-Seite aus und sagte, dass, wenn jemand Propofol verabreicht bekommt, dieser in keinen echten Tiefschlaf fällt, der zu einem normalen, gesunden Schlaf gehört und lebenswichtig sei.

                        AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam wollte von Kenny Ortega wissen, ob Michael Jackson damals verantwortlich für seine Gesundheit war. „Ich denke nicht, dass er allzu verantwortlich war, aber es war seine Verantwortung meiner Meinung nach“, so Ortega. „Ich wollte mich um ihn kümmern, man möchte sich immer um jemanden kümmern, wenn es diesem nicht gut geht, aber du kannst nicht für sie verantwortlich sein.“

                        Als später Brian Panish Ortega befragte, wollte er von ihm wissen: „Würden Sie erwarten, ein verantwortungsvoller Konzertpromoter und Produzent überprüft jeden, den sie anstellen, ob er geeignet und kompetent ist?“ „Ja“, antwortete Ortega. Panish: „Überprüfen um sicherzustellen, dass sie keinen Konflikt haben?“ – „Ja“ – Panish: „Es wäre verantwortungslos, das nicht zu tun?“ Kenny Ortega antwortete erneut mit “Ja.”

                        Als der Ortega am Donnerstag den Zeugenstand verliess, applaudierten mehrere Geschworene.


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                        • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 62 – August 5 2013 – Summary

                          Katherine and Trent Jackson are in court.

                          Michael LaPerruque Testimony

                          Jackson Cross

                          Deborah Chang, did the cross examination.

                          LaPerruque said 2001-2004 were very difficult years for Michael Jackson. They were also very busy years. MJ was recording "You Rock My World" single and shooting a short film at the Universal Studios when LaPerruque began working for the artist. Change showed clip of "You Rock My World" with Marlon Brando and Chris Tucker and MJ. The single became part of "Invincible" album. LaPerruque was present when the song was recorded. In 2002, LaPerruque said Blanket was born. MJ was very excited about being dad again. LaPerruque went to New York with MJ to be at the Apolo Theater with President Bill Clinton to encourage people to register to vote.Chang showed clip of President Clinton introducing MJ to the crowd. She also showed the 2003 American Bandstand 50th anniversary in Pasadena and MJ's cameo in "Man In Black 2" in 2002. (ABC7)

                          Chang started out her cross-examination by showing several clips of Jackson’s work during the 2001-2002 time period. These years were the first time that La Perruque worked for Jackson. Chang showed him clip of “You Rock My World” music video. La Perruque was present during the shooting of some of the video, which starred Jackson, Chris Tucker and Marlon Brando. Chang then showed a clip of Jackson performing at a 2002 Democratic National Committee fundraiser. He performed “Dangerous.” Jackson was introduced by Bill Clinton. AEG Live defense attorney Marvin Putnam objected to the clip, specifically the Clinton speech. Chang had stopped the clip just as Jackson’s performance started. The judge allowed the clip to be played and didn't strike Clinton's intro. Chang then played another performance clip on the 50th Anniversary special for American Bandstand. Dick Clark introduced Jackson. She concluded the clips by showing Jackson’s cameo in “Men In Black: II” to show that the entertainer was busy in 2002. (AP)

                          Chang: Did MJ have a good sense of humor, including about himself? LaPerruque: Yes (ABC7)

                          Chang asked about MJ passing out in Florida and his children called 911. LaPerruque said he doesn't know what caused him to go unconscious. LaPerruque said paramedics are more prepared than him, as former sheriff's deputy, to assess a patient. LaPerruque never saw the paramedics report. They did no take the MJ to the hospital. Chang asked if there was a mention of low blood sugar in the report. Defendant's attorney objected based on hearsay and judge sustained it. LaPerruque said it was hot and humid that day in Orlando and he does not know when was the last time MJ ate or drank anything. (ABC7)

                          Chang then asked about the Florida incident in which Jackson’s children found their father unconscious in a hotel suite hallway. Chang asked La Perruque about his experience with paramedics making medical evaluations of people, based on his experience as a deputy. La Perruque said he didn’t know what caused Jackson’s condition, and that paramedics did not transport him or indicate it was an overdose. He said he never saw the paramedics’ report and wasn’t in the room where they checked out Jackson. Chang asked La Perruque if the paramedics mentioned Jackson had low blood pressure, but AEG objected and it was sustained. La Perruque reiterated that he never saw prescription bottles or alcohol in Jackson’s suite that day. (AP)

                          The head security never saw drugs in MJ's room. "I never saw the doctors actually treating Mr. Jackson," LaPerruque said. He said he only took MJ to doctor's office and would wait outside.(ABC7)

                          Chang asked about the doctors La Perruque knew traveled and treated Jackson. He told jury he never witnessed their treatments on Jackson. La Perruque was asked whether any of the doctors seemed awestruck with Jackson. He said yes, and cited Dr. Alimorad Farschcian. Farschcian is a Miami doctor who put an implant in Jackson to block the effects of Demerol and other opiates.(AP)

                          Chang: Did you ever raise concerns to Dr. Farshchian you thought he overprescribed medication? LaPerruque: Yes
                          "There seemed to have been a social relationship between Dr. Farshchian and Michael Jackson," LaPerruque said. (ABC7)

                          Chang: From 2001-2004 went through a lot of pain, stress and anxiety? Objection, vague. Sustained. (ABC7)

                          LaPerruque was never aware of the kind of treatment necessary to treat MJ's vitiligo and burned scalp. (ABC7)

                          In 2007 - 2008 LaPerruque worked back with MJ. He had never heard about Dr. Murray.(ABC7) Chang asked whether La Perruque ever heard of Conrad Murray when he went back to work with Jackson in 2007 and early ’08. He said no. (AP)

                          Chang: Would it be fair to say that throughout the years you worked for MJ you never saw him overdose? LaPerruque: Yes (ABC7)

                          LaPerruque raised his concerns with Dr. Farshchian, Dr. Slavitch in San Francisco and Grace Rwamba. At one point, LaPerruque and Rwamba had a system to try to stop doctors to overprescribe drugs to MJ. (ABC7) La Perruque said he raised concerns with Farschcian that the doctor was over prescribing medications to Jackson. He said that Farschcian often accompanied Jackson on what seemed to be more social trips, rather than for medical reasons. (AP)

                          Chang: You tried to protect Mr. Jackson, right? LaPerruque: Yes
                          Chang: Have you ever see him with terrible case of chills? LaPerruque: No
                          Chang: Have you ever seen an alarming weight loss? LaPerruque: No
                          Change: Have you ever heard people complain they could see his heart beating through his chest? LaPerruque: No
                          Chang: Have you ever seen MJ lost, paranoid? LaPerruque: No
                          Chang: Did you ever hear MJ saying that God was talking to him? LaPerruque: No

                          Chang asked if LaPerruque saw those symptoms, what would he have done."I'd have been very concerned and if I thought it was life-threatening I'd have taken him to the hospital," LaPerruque said. (ABC7)

                          The attorney asked whether La Perruque tried to protect Jackson. “Yes,” he responded. “I did my best.” La Perruque, in response to Chang’s questions, said he never saw MJ with “a terrible case of the chills” or have an “alarming weight loss.” The bodyguard also said he never heard Jackson say he was talking to God or seem lost and annoyed, symptoms he displayed in 2009. La Perruque said if he saw any of those symptoms and thought they were life-threatening, he would have taken Jackson to the hospital. (AP)

                          Randy Jackson was by himself when he arrived at Neverland by helicopter. He did have a pilot, though, LaPerruque clarified. Chang: Did you ever hear Randy Jackson speak about an intervention? LaPerruque: No. Chang: Did you ever hear the word intervention that day? LaPerruque: No. Chang: Did you ever know there was an intervention? LaPerruque: No. (ABC7)

                          Chang asked about the incident in which Randy Jackson came to Neverland Ranch via helicopter and was turned away. La Perruque said neither Michael nor Randy Jackson used the term intervention to describe the visit. Randy didn’t bring a doctor, he said. (AP)

                          After 2004, LaPerruque didn't see MJ on a day-to-day basis except for 2005 during the criminal trial. He never saw MJ in 2006 and early 2007. MJ was acquitted of all child molestation charges and left the country after the verdict. Rwamba contacted LaPerruque to go back to work for MJ. He said he wouldn't have jeopardize his job at the time if he thought MJ was on drugs. LaPerruque never observed any problems in 2007 with MJ being under the influence of prescription drugs. (ABC7) The bodyguard said when he returned to work for Jackson in 2007-early ’08, the singer seemed to have a clear path of what he wanted to do. La Perruque reiterated that he didn’t see any signs Jackson was struggling with prescription medications in ’07 or early ’08. (AP)

                          Chang: Do you have any idea who was in charge of MJ's finances in 2007? LaPerruque: Raymone Bain (ABC7)

                          The head security said he learned Bain became MJ's manager in 2006. She was the CEO/president of MJJ Productions. She signed his contract. Chang asked if LaPerruque noticed there was a transition with Bain's position at the time he wasn't paid. He said he didn't know. LaPerruque said he wasn't aware of MJ's worth and/or debt at that point. He received call from Bain said MJ would not be needing security. (ABC7)

                          LaPerruque said Janet Jackson hired him and other personnel to work at the May 14, 2009 event, which was her parents' anniversary. The event took place at Chakra Indian restaurant in Beverly Hills. That was the last time LaPerruque saw MJ, a month prior to his death. Chang showed picture of MJ on June 2009. Chang: He did not look anything like this, correct? LaPerruque: Correct. Chang: If he had you'd have been alarmed? LaPerruque: Yes (ABC7) Chang also clarified when La Perruque last saw Jackson. He said last week it was two weeks before the singer’s death. In fact, it was in May, during an anniversary party that Janet Jackson threw for her parents at restaurant in Beverly Hills. Chang showed La Perruque the June 19th photo of Michael Jackson in which he looks extremely thin. She asked if he looked like that in May. I couldn’t see La Perruque, but he seemed taken aback by the photo. He said that’s not how Jackson looked in May 2009. The bodyguard added that if he had seen Jackson as he appeared in the photo, he would have been alarmed. (AP)

                          Chang: Was he a kind and gentle person? LaPerruque: Yes

                          The fact that MJ was one of the most famous artists in the world didn't change his way of being humble, LaPerruque said. Chang asked if LaPerruque knew MJ gave thousands of dollars to United Way. He said yes. LaPerruque told the jury there was a time where MJ asked him to go to Toys R Us to buy as many presents he could. He said MJ wanted to give the toys to the children at the Women Shelter in Hollywood, Florida. He said MJ spent thousands of dollars there, and MJ decided to declined his appearance because he didn't want it to become a media circus. "We went and donated the toys," LaPerruque said. LaPerruque said MJ learned with his mother to give money to the poor. (ABC7) La Perruque was asked about Jackson’s charity and he cited instances when the singer bought toys for a Florida women’s shelter. Instead of delivering the toys and causing a scene, La Perruque said Jackson had his bodyguards deliver them. The singer would also stop his car and give money to people on the streets, a practice he learned from his mother, La Perruque said. (AP)

                          Chang: Based on your observations and the things he told you, did he love his mother? LaPerruque: Yes C: Did she love him? LP: Yes
                          LaPerruque described MJ's relationship with his children as excellent. "It was a very loving relationship," he said. LaPerruque: They wanted to be with their father, I think MJ was the happiest when we was with his children. He said MJ wanted them to really want something and appreciate what they had. MJ would restrict his children to one present and one present only when they went to a toy store, LaPerruque testified. MJ's intention was for the kids to really want something and appreciate what they had, LaPerruque explained. LaPerruque: Not only that, he pushed them toward educational type of toys that they could've learned from. "He wanted to be the best father ever," LaPerruque testified. One of the things LaPerruque remembers the most about Michael Jackson is the fact that MJ was always kind and gentle with his children. (ABC7)

                          The bodyguard described the close and loving relationship Jackson had with his mother and his three children. La Perruque: “I think Michael was at his happiest when he was with his children.”He added that Jackson didn't spoil his children. Jackson would only allow his children to buy one toy apiece when they went shopping, La Perruque said. Chang: “Did he want to be remembered as the greatest entertainer in the world or the greatest father?” A: “I would say the greatest father.” (AP)

                          The 2001-2004 period was the time MJ was trying to quit addiction to drug use, wanted his family away from Neverland, LaPerruque said. For the parents' 60th anniversary party, the restaurant was closed for Janet Jackson and the party members. (ABC7)

                          LaPerruque: In my course of employment with Mr. Jackson we'd have a room for him for down time also called green room. LaPerruque made sure the room was set for MJ upon arrival. They first saw each other in the main room but talked in the private room.(ABC7)

                          Chang: A family member come to the ranch on one occasion, right? LaPerruque: Yes.
                          Chang: Was MJ always able to perform and complete his functions? LaPerruque: Yes.
                          Chang: If there was ever a time he could not get up on stage to perform, that would've been a concern for you? LaPerruque: Yes

                          AEG redirect

                          Chang’s questioning concluded, and Putnam only asked a few questions. He asked if Jackson’s late night calls came during the same time period as the clips of him performing at the Democratic fundraiser, American Bandstand event. La Perruque said they were. The calls occurred over was a broad time period, from 2001 to 2004. (AP)

                          LaPerruque is then excused.

                          Eric Briggs Testimony

                          AEG redirect

                          AEG Live defense attorney Sabrina Strong questioned Briggs first today, questioning him about areas where his opinion had been attacked. Briggs maintained that any projection of Jackson’s future earnings would be speculative and he didn't try to estimate a figure. Briggs said calculations that Panish walked him through last week weren't credible. He called them the results of a “math problem.” The figures Panish had Briggs tally were very similar to what $1 billion+ figure that plaintiff’s expert Arthur Erk generated. Briggs: “Those are tours that never took place.Those are imaginary tours that are the result of a math problem.” (AP)

                          Sabrina Strong did the questioning. She asked if Briggs recorded the time worked in this case as it's customary in the industry. "During the course of my 15 year career, this is the normal course we bill clients," Briggs responded. Strong asked if the amount he billed had anything to do with his opinions. Briggs said no. (ABC7)

                          Briggs: I set out to evaluate the reasonable projections based on Mr. Erk's numbers. He said he attended Erk's testimony, gave depositions, did extensive research to come to his conclusions and opinion. Briggs said the first time he saw Erk's projections was during Erk's deposition in March. He was deposed a couple of days later. Briggs said after his own deposition, he did additional research. He looked into the history of MJ's tour in the US and overseas. He also analyzed the history of any artists selling out all the shows. Briggs said the projection was done based on a solo artist, thus he didn't analyze MJ as part of Jacksons 5 group. Briggs said he analyzed Erk's projection and upon concluding it was speculative, it wasn't for him to speculate forecast in lots of pages. (ABC7)

                          Strong asked about Brian Panish inquiring Briggs' background in audits. "This case does not involve audit dispute," Briggs responded. (ABC7)

                          Briggs said Erk submitted specific projection of an entertainment project that MJ would've potentially be part of. "What the economics of the project is is what I do every day, evaluating risks and projecting income," Briggs explained. Strong showed slide created by Panish. The blue bars is what has been publicly known to have occurred, Briggs said. Strong asked if the green bars are "imaginary tours" result of math problem. "Those are tours that never took place," Briggs said. Briggs explained Panish's math: MJ's average public multiplied by number of shows by other artists multiplied by Erk's $108 tix price. Briggs said Panish used 3 different statistics and multiply them all. "It's just a math problem," he said.Strong: Looking at this, did Mr. Panish compare apples to apples? Briggs: I don't think so. Briggs said 55k people multiplied by 167 shows in AC/DC tour results in over 9 million tickets, doubled what was ever associated with MJ. Briggs said HIStory tour sold 4.5 million tickets for 82 shows, Bad also sold roughly 4.5 million tickets for 123 shows. Briggs: Historically, his shows sold 4.5 million tickets, appreciating he sold more albums at that point and was more active. Strong: Was that the peak of his career? Briggs: I think so. Briggs said Erk's projection is "significantly in excess of MJ's prior tours & significantly in excess of imaginary tours Panish calculated". Strong: Could MJ have audience of 13 million on his show? Briggs: I don't know how you can be reasonably certain that would've happened. (ABC7)

                          He told the jury you can't assume that just because a promoter added concerts, it would definitely sell out. Briggs: “Simply adding shows doesn’t mean the audience will keep showing up to fill the arena.” The global attendance for two of Jackson’s previous tours, “Bad” and “Dangerous” was roughly 4.5 million concertgoers, Briggs said. Erk’s projections more than doubled that figure, which Briggs said wasn't supported by Jackson’s touring history. (AP)

                          Briggs said Gongaware email communication indicate there was a proposal to go on a worldwide tour on Sept. 26, 2008. Briggs said there were number of words in the email that indicates to him it was a preliminary plan. "This is clearly in the early stages of a proposal," Briggs said. In Sept. 2008, the agreement between MJ and AEG had not been signed yet. Regarding email saying "his gross would approached half a billion dollar," Briggs said he interprets it to be total ticket sales/merchandise. Erk's projection was $1.56 billion, he compared. Email says "Net to Mikey $132 million," which Briggs explained indicates the amount AEG was expecting to have MJ net. Briggs said Erk projected roughly $900 million net for MJ. Briggs: There was no formal plan (for world tour), this is early proposal and Mr. Erk's projection was entirely speculative. Regarding shows in Japan and India, Gongaware was planning 4 shows in India. Briggs said Erk projected 60 shows in India. Gongaware planned 8 shows in Japan plus 1 private for a total of 9 shows, versus Mr. Erk's projection of 50 shows in Japan, Briggs said. (ABC7)

                          Briggs said he saw some headlines regarding MJ donating proceeds from a tour to charity. He said he doesn't know if that ever happened. Briggs said he relied on Gongaware's testimony that MJ's tours lost money or broke even, since the actual amount is normally confidential.Strong: If he didn't make money from those tours, would he donate money? Briggs: If he didn't make any money there would be no profit for him to donate. (ABC7)

                          Briggs reviewed Dr. Shimelman's deposition in this case. The doctor was asked to give his best estimate of MJ's life expectancy in June 2009.Briggs: He clearly stated that Michael Jackson's life expectancy was 1 week as of June 2009. Strong: What other issues did Dr. Shimelman rely upon other than MJ's use of Propofol? Briggs: He spoke specifically to the synergy of the drugs MJ was taking and the impact of them on the artist. Briggs said Dr. Earley and Dr. Levounis also relied upon knowledge of history of his drugs use/manner which he took them for their opinion. Strong: Did they rely solely on Propofol use? Briggs: There were testimony of the synergy of the drugs, the interaction of the drugs MJ used (AB7)

                          "I don't see how an interest for a world tour makes it reasonably certain it will happen," Briggs said.He said there was no agreement beyond 50 shows at the time of MJ's death.Also, there's a need to consider MJ's history of drugs use and canceling shows, and the broad risk in the business. Briggs said there was significant demand that exceeded expectations for the London show. "It means in London there were many people interested in seeing MJ do what he did best: perform," he explained. But Briggs testified there was a difference between demand for seeing MJ and a company sponsoring the artist.He said AEG was not able to secure any endorsement even after the high demand for tickets. Briggs: It indicates there was a demand, it does not alleviate the health risk, it does not alleviate the cancellation risk. (ABC7)

                          Tom Barrack testified he did not know about Mr. Jackson's drug use, Briggs said. Briggs said he was asked to analyze what we have today and the key factors we know now that we didn't know back then. "Erk specifically stated he did not take Michael Jackson's drug use into consideration to form his opinion," Briggs testified. "There's no reasonable basis for those projections based on the facts we know," Briggs concluded. (ABC7)

                          ( Outside the presence of the jury, Putnam told Judge Yvette Palazuelos that Panish threatened Briggs during the break. Putnam said Panish told Briggs "you're lucky we're in court." "I can't have my witness threatened, you honor," Putnam said. Panish said the events were not quite like that. He told the judge Briggs ran him over, said "this witness ran me over".Judge laughed and said "I'd be surprised if anyone can run you over, Mr. Panish." Panish said he didn't touch or hit him. Judge: Mr. Panish, don't talk to any witness unless you're talking about this case. Panish: I didn't threat him, he's not afraid, he'd know if I threatened him. (ABC7) )

                          Jackson recross

                          In re-cross, Panish asked if Briggs was put aside to accommodate another witness who had scheduling problems. He said yes. (ABC7)
                          When Panish took over, he asked Briggs if it was fair to say his fees for the case were over $700k. Briggs said that was fair to say. Panish then said that for $700k, his opinion was that Jackson wouldn't have earned any money for his children. Briggs said any projection was speculative and he wasn’t there to speculate.(AP)

                          Panish: Is it fair to say your bills is $700 thousand now? Briggs: That's fair to say. Panish: And for 700k your opinion is that MJ would not have earned one dime from working to give to his children? Briggs: Any projection of earning is speculative Panish: In your opinion, it's speculative MJ'd earn any money working, correct? Briggs: Yes. Panish: You don't determine what's relevant in this courtroom, right? "Concerning my opinion, I determine what is relevant," Briggs said. (ABC7)

                          Panish asked about Briggs' interaction w/ MJ Estate's lawyer. "I told you there was not a written waiver with the Estate," Briggs explained. The Estate has different lawyers, they are not represented by Panish's firm, Briggs said. He said his understanding is that his partner called the Estate lawyer, Jeryll Cohen, notifying he would testify in this case. Panish: So that statement under oath was untruthful, sir? Briggs: That's not correct, that was my best understanding at the time. Panish said Briggs testified he asked the Estate for permission to be hired by AEG and testify in this case. "I now understand the substance of the call was not an authorization but a call of notification," Briggs explained."There was a call to notify the Estate not to receive authorization from the Estate," Briggs said. Panish: Is your testimony you called Ms. Cohen prior to signing the engagement letter with AEG's attorneys? Briggs: That's not correct. "I never called Ms. Cohen to get authorization to testify," Briggs said. "No one called for authorization, they called for notification." Briggs said his partner, Roy Salter, called Hoffman's company to notify Briggs was going to testify in this case. Panish: And you are as sure of that as everything you testify to in this case, correct? Briggs: Yes. Briggs said the general counsel at FTI took care of the issue. (ABC7)

                          Panish: Are you concerned about giving false testimony under oath? Briggs: Of course I'm concerned of giving false testimony under oath!
                          "There was no authorization sought, there was a notification to the Estate," Briggs said.
                          Briggs said he doesn't have any record of speaking with Salter about it.
                          He said his best recollection is that it happened a few days prior to the firm's engagement with AEG's counsels. (ABC7)

                          Panish showed Briggs' opinion. "This is the basis of my opinion that it's speculative that the UK shows would be completed," Briggs said. "One basis is the health of MJ," Briggs said. "As part of that basis, life expectancy is key." Panish: Did you write anything up about the Coroner's testimony? Briggs: I did not. Panish asked if Coroner's testified about life expectancy. "I understand the Coroner was not deposed," Briggs said. Therefore, he said he could not note anything about it in his notes. "I did not make reference of autopsy report," Briggs explained. (ABC7)

                          Panish asked how many projects MJ did after the "Dangerous" tour. Briggs said it depended on how the work was classified. Panish named several projects MJ worked, such as Luciano Pavarotti Benefit for the Children, "United We Stand" 911 benefit. He also performed in NY with Bill Clinton, participated in movies "Man in Black 2" and "Miss Castaway," Thriller 25 album re-released. Briggs knew about some of the projects, not all. He said "Thriller 25" was extremely successful.(ABC7)

                          After the break, Panish asked Briggs about several projects that MJ completed after the HIStory tour that the consultant hadn't considered. They included some of the events that La Perruque testified about this morning, including the “Men In Black: II” cameo. Panish also asked about the release of a No. 1 hits compilation, the “Thriller 25” release in 2008 and 100 songs MJ recorded between ’01-‘08 Briggs said he couldn’t say for sure how involved Jackson was in any compilation or album re-release projects. (AP)

                          Panish: Do you know he recorded 100 new songs between 2001 and 2008 for new release? Briggs: I did not know that. "Just to be clear, I'm giving an opinion to future earning, not about his albums," Briggs said. Briggs explained if they had a plan, that would be in support of the O2 tour, as well as detailed budget and financing. "Financing appeared to be in place for O2 concerts, yes," Briggs said. There was also a director and approximately $34 million investment. O2 arena's capacity for MJ show is 15,000 average. "The contract contemplated a possibility for a world tour," Briggs opined. "Territory is a define term in the contract," Briggs said. " Territory is defined as the world." Panish: Is this evidence a world tour was contemplated by MJ and AEG Live? Briggs: Yes, this is evidence a world tour was contemplated.(ABC7)

                          Panish showed email Kathy Jorrie wrote: Nonetheless, I recommend that a background check be performed through a private investigator and/or at a minimum, that someone at AEG Live meet with Michael Jackson to make sure he understands that we are entering into a tour agreement with him that will require him to perform a worldwide tour... (ABC7)

                          Panish asked about a line in an email by Kathy Jorrie, the attorney who drafted Conrad Murray’s agreement, that mentioned a worldwide tour. Briggs confirmed that Jorrie wrote that Jackson would be required to perform a worldwide tour. He reiterated his opinion, based on reading testimony from medical experts, that Jackson’s drug use might keep the world tour from happening. Panish also showed Briggs an email from AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips from March 2009 that said the company had a 4-year plan for MJ concerts. Briggs said just because there was demand for Jackson concerts, it didn't change the risk factors that MJ wouldn't be able to tour.(AP)

                          Panish: You told us MJ's drug use makes it speculative that he could do a worldwide tour and earn a dime? Briggs: His drug use was a factor and basis for my opinion. (ABC7)

                          Briggs said endorsement companies have a long memory about the people they want to associate themselves with. Panish asked if endorsement companies had a long-lasting memory about Tiger Wood. Briggs said athletes and very different from artists. Panish: Tell us every endorsement deal you remember you reviewed as part of your experience. Briggs said he doesn't remember reviewing specific contracts for endorsement, need moment to think. The expert did say he reviewed 50 Cent and Vitamin Water endorsement deal. Briggs said he's reluctant to disclose values, but knows 50 Cent received equity in the company. Panish: It was more than $100 million, wasn't sir? Briggs: Not at the time, he entered into a deal thought to be much less than that.
                          Briggs said the deal was around $10 million, but he doesn't recall any cash transaction. Today the deal is said to be valued $100 million. Briggs wrote in his note: Paul McCartney -- $5 million Lexus Rolling Stones -- $10 million Citibank Others in the $1-2 million range.Panish asked Briggs where that information came from. Briggs said he doesn't recall, can't give specifics. (ABC7)

                          Regarding the 4 year plan that included Australia tour, Briggs said: "I do not see how demand addresses a one week life expectancy."(ABC7)

                          Panish addressed the judge: Your honor, I ask that Mr. Putnam stop making comments. Judge: I already said I'm not going to babysit the two of you. Jury didn't laugh this time around. (ABC7)

                          Panish discussed with Briggs, extensively, the chart and how Erk arrived at those numbers. (ABC7)

                          AEG redirect

                          Strong, in re-re-re-direct: Did you ever dispute a world tour was contemplated? Briggs: I did not. He said he took that in consideration, but it didn't alleviate some of the concerns he had. (ABC7)

                          Briggs said the general counsel of his firm cleared that there was no conflict of interest for him to testify in this case. "The Estate has not objected to my involvement in this case," Briggs said. (ABC7)

                          Jackson recross

                          Panish, in re-re-re-cross: You're sure as anything else you testified that your company contacted the Estate before signing the agreement? Briggs: That's correct.

                          Briggs is excused and judge gave a break in the afternoon session.

                          Timm Wooley video deposition

                          AEG's attorneys played video deposition of Timm Wooley, a financial advisor who worked on "This Is It." He's been an advisor for 20 years. (ABC7)

                          Woolley was a tour accountant who spoke to Murray about the terms of his contract and forwarded him draft contracts. Woolley was deposed in Florida in June 2012. He said he never read Murray’s draft contracts and denied he negotiated with the doctor. According to Woolley, he called Murray to work out details of what he needed to work on the “This Is It” shows and details for a contract. Woolley said he was instructed by AEG Live executive Paul Gongaware to deal with Murray. The men spoke in early May.(AP)

                          Kevin Boyle, Jacksons' attorney, did the questioning. Boyle asked if he thought it was weird MJ wanted a doctor on tour. "It was his choice, whether it was usual or not usual was not my place to decide," Wooley responded. "I think I wanted to get Mr. Murray off my back," Wooley said regarding emails he wrote to Murray. He said the intention was to put him off. (ABC7)

                          Wooley said Prince had done some shows in O2, he acted as financial consultant. Gongaware contacted Wooley to work in the "This It It" tour. Wooley got an email in early 2009. He said Gongaware wanted him as his deputy to work on projections, payables, payroll, petty cash. "(I) Deputed for him in matters financial, when delegated to me," Wooley explained. Wooley said he did not do the negotiations with Dr. Murray. He said negotiations is a broad term, may have done some work. He said he gathered information on behalf of MJ, his doctor that the artist wanted to contract, Wooley explained.Wooley said Gongaware told him MJ wanted to hire Conrad Murray, whom he said he later found out was MJ's primary physician. Boyle: Did you ask why MJ wanted a personal physician on tour? Wooley: Not mine to ask. (ABC7)

                          Wooley remembers calling Murray once in early May to check if he needed anything that he would get the info to the appropriate people. One email says: "Need for one venue-based, one home-based extracorporeal CPR units." Wooley said he suggested Dr. Murray to get CPR units. He said he was working for the tour, called the doctor on behalf of Michael Jackson. Boyle: Did you take any orders from MJ? Wooley: No. "I enumerated that item as an item he might wanted to have," Wooley said about the CPR, or defibrillation, units. He said in his community there was installation of CPR units in some houses and he thought of asking. Boyle asked if Wooley lived in a retirement home. He said he's not retired. Boyle: Did you have any reason to believe MJ could have suffer a heart attack? Wooley: None (ABC7)

                          Murray wasn’t forthcoming with what he needed to treat Jackson, so Woolley said he suggested he have two CPR machines for use in London. Woolley said he didn’t have any specific reason to think Jackson needed a CPR machine, but suggested it as a precaution. (AP)

                          "I was gathering information to compose projections and budget," Wooley testified. Boyle: Did you discuss Dr. Murray giving injection of Propofol to MJ? Wooley: No. Wooley never discussed the need for IV lines and needles. He said the doctor told him he may needed an assistant. Wooley said they did not discuss need for nurse or doctor. "We didn't talk about his services," Wooley said. (ABC7)

                          Boyle showed an email Wooley sent to Dr. Murray on May 14, 2009. It says he was following up with Dr. Murray. Email from Murray on May 15, 2009: As for good faith w/ my client... I'm sure you're aware my services are already fully engaged with MJ. Wooley doesn't remember the email and doesn't know what "my services are already fully engaged" meant. "I was attempting to be helpful," Wooley explained. He said he was not aware that Dr. Murray was treating MJ on behalf of AEG. Email from Dr. Murray: Dear Timm, I gather from your last email my contract is taking a little more time to get than usual... Email said his services are being done in good faith and asked, in reciprocity of good faith, to have payment for May deposited. "I didn't have any agreement with Dr. Murray," Wooley said.(ABC7)

                          Boyle: Did AEG have an agreement? Wooley: Never. There was never a completed agreement between Dr. Murray and AEG. Wooley said he had no idea if AEG would pay Dr. Murray for May. He said he never read the contract. Wooley testified he would've told Dr. Murray he would not get paid until the contract is completed. Wooley said he does not recall specifically receiving an email from Dr. Murray with his bank account info and request for $150k payment. Wooley said he does not remember if he asked Dr. Murray his bank account number. The advisor said he was gathering the information with Dr. Murray to be put in a contract . (ABC7)

                          Woolley said he was self-employed but paid by AEG. He said he took orders from Gongaware but did not take orders from Jackson. Woolley wrote Murray that the type of contract he needed to work on “This Is It” tour was rare and needed to be specially drafted. The men exchanged numerous emails in May and June 2009, with Murray trying to get AEG to pay his $150k a month fee. (AP)

                          Email on May 28 from Wooley to Murray said doctor's contract was delayed because it was rare event physician engaged to go on tour. "Yes, as far as I know, I was telling the truth," Wooley said. "I was putting him off." (ABC7)

                          Boyle wanted to know if Wooley asked why they were taking the doctor along. "Did I not say it was Mr. Jackson's request and it was not my place to question that?" Wooley responded.(ABC7)

                          Wooley said Dr. Murray came from Vegas and MJ was living in Vegas for a period of time. Wooley wrote email that AEG policy dictates you can only pay someone w/ fully executed contract. He said he knows it based on his experience. (ABC7)

                          Wooley testified he forwarded to Dr. Murray the contract Kathy Jorrie sent him. He said he did not read it.Boyle showed Wooley a chain of emails between him and Kathy Jorrie. He said he did not recall the chain specifically. In an email, Wooley apologized for the delay in getting the contract to Murray, said once contract is executed AEG could pay May/June salary."There wouldn't be any payment until a full agreement," Wooley said. (ABC7)

                          Woolley forwarded draft contracts prepared by attorney Kathy Jorrie to Murray and also tried to obtain the doctor's medical records. The medical records were needed for a second physical that insurers wanted on Jackson in order to get additional tour insurance. Woolley said he couldn't remember whether Murray ever provided the medical records to AEG. (AP)

                          Wooley said he remembers Dr. Murray had MJ's medical record from 2006 to 2009. It was needed for purposes of securing insurance. Wooley testified Dr. Murray seemed to be the person to have the records, which was needed for underwriter of insurance. (ABC7)

                          Wooley said they would not have needed CPR units until they went to the UK. He did not quote any prices for the machine. Wooley expressed he never discussed with Dr. Murray what kind of treatment he would be giving MJ. (ABC7)

                          Wooley testified he never saw any of the drafts of the contract between Dr. Murray and AEG, only forwarded them. Brigitte Segal was MJ's personal tour manager, Wooley said.Wooley was not asked to run a background check on Dr. Murray and doesn't know if it was ever requested by anyone. (ABC7)

                          Wooley said Dr. Murray asked for a "locum," a British medical term for a person who stands by in place of a physician. (ABC7)

                          He also said he never estimated how much getting CPR equipment in London would cost, and never discussed medical treatments with Murray. Woolley maintained throughout his testimony that Murray was Jackson’s personal doctor and he never had an agreement with AEG. His deposition was taken by plaintiff’s attorney Kevin Boyle and there was no cross-examination by AEG lawyers played for jurors. (AP)

                          That ended Wooley's deposition

                          Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #65


                          Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                          Day 1 - 50
                          Day 51 - zeuge Dr. Emery Brown Video Deposition; zeuge Peter Formuzis
                          Day 52 - zeugin Katherine Jackson
                          Day 53 - forts. zeugin K. Jackson; AEG-zeuge John Meglen
                          Day 54 - forts. AEG-zeuge Meglen
                          Day 55 - zeugen J. Meglen; Dr. Alimorad Farshchian Video Deposition
                          Day 56 - zeuge David Fournier
                          Day 57 - zeugen Dr. Scott Saunders per video depo.; Eric Briggs
                          Day 58 - zeuge Eric Briggs
                          Day 59 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                          Day 60 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                          Day 61 - forts. zeuge Briggs; zeuge Michael LaPerruque

                          Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                          Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                          Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                          Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                          Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                          Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                          Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                          Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                          Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50
                          Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 13.08.2013, 18:59.


                          • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 63 – August 6 2013 – Summary

                            Katherine and Trent Jackson is in court.

                            Judge Yvette Palazuelos and attorneys spent more than 1 hour and 15 mins this morning discussing boundaries for next witness, Kathy Jorrie. Jorrie is a lawyer who works for AEG and put together Murray's contract. Both sides argued extensively regarding attorney-client privilege. (ABC7)

                            There were lots of arguments today today about testimony of Kathy Jorrie. Jorrie is an independent attorney who does a lot of work for AEG Live. She's handled almost 300 matters for the company since its creation. The arguments about what Jorrie would be able to testify about today lasted for more than an hour. Jorrie drafted Conrad Murray’s agreement to work on the “This Is It” tour. There were concerns about atty-client privilege, hearsay issues. Katherine Jackson’s attorneys objected to Jorrie’s testimony, saying she was being offered as an expert witness. Attorneys Brian Panish, Kevin Boyle and William Bloss argued that if Jorrie testified, AEG was waiving attorney-client privilege. The judge didn’t totally agree with the plaintiff’s attorneys, but she did want to review a heavily redacted email between Jorrie and AEG Live’s general counsel Shawn Trell. She also told AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina to tread carefully. Panish argued a lot of Jorrie’s testimony about her discussions with Conrad Murray, Trell and AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips were hearsay. The judge wanted to avoid Jorrie from providing a legal opinion about whether AEG Live hired Murray, which is for the jury to decide. Stebbins Bina argued that Jorrie should be allowed to testify about certain conversations because the Jacksons’ lawyers are trying to argue to the jury that AEG ignored warning signs about Conrad Murray. She checked his medical licenses in 4 states (CA, NV, TX, HI). Stebbins Bina said if Murray had failed the “smell test” in talks with Jorrie, it would be reasonable if she stopped negotiating with him. The judge’s ruling was that Jorrie could testify about conversations with Murray that related to changes in his contract’s terms. The judge said it didn’t open up every communication between Jorrie and Murray (or even Phillips and Trell) to scrutiny by the plaintiffs. The judge did review the heavily redacted email after during the lunch break and determined its contents couldn't be shown to plaintiffs. Judge Yvette Palazuelos however said that if something in Jorrie's testimony changed her mind, plaintiffs could review unredacted version. Nothing so far persuaded Palazuelos to release the email to plaintiffs. She said she would keep a sealed copy in the court file. (AP)

                            Kathleen Ann Jorrie Testimony

                            AEG direct

                            Attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did direct examination.

                            Jorrie said she's in the business for 20 years. She did undergraduate at UCLA and got JD degree at Hastings College of Law. Jorrie is a partner at a law firm, works in Los Angeles. Her firm is an international company with close to 80 attorneys in the LA office. Jorrie said she splits her work between being a trial litigator and transactional work, one who deals with contracts. The focus of her clients has been the entertainment business. Her clients involve motion pictures studios, television content producers. She also works with movie distributors, satellite providers, live entertainment promoters, etc. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie said she works with AEG Live and AEG in their live entertainment business. She deals with Shawn Trell (who testified earlier on.) The attorney said she worked on more than 75 tour agreements with prominent artists, Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, Britney Spears, Kanye West. Over the years, Jorrie said Trell asked her to help negotiate agreements with vendors. She said she normally works on big agreements.(ABC7)

                            Jorrie worked on third party agreements for "This Is It" tour. She worked on deal with Bravado for merchandising, negotiated stage. Jorrie also did the contract for Dr. Conrad Murray that Michael Jackson requested. "I drafted the version that was sent to Mr. Wooley, who provided my draft agreement to Dr. Murray," Jorrie explained. Jorrie said, to her best recollection, she received a call from Timm Wooley to help prepare an agreement for Dr. Murra in late May of 2009. The attorney never talked to Murray before drawing the first draft. Initial draft was based on basic terms Wooley provided her, Jorrie said. Jorrie: He told me that MJ had agreed to pay $150,000 per month for Dr. Murray, that Dr. Murray was MJ's personal physician.In addition to providing medical care, Dr. Murray would be on call for emergencies, Jorrie explained. Jorrie said nurse would be provided as selected by Dr. Murray and paid for by AEG Live. The doctor would have the air fare to/from London. Also, the doctor and family would be provided housing in London.Wooley said Dr. Murray wanted personal insurance in case he got sick. The payment to commence as of May 1, 2009. Jorrie said he did not say what ended point would be. She put all the terms in the first draft agreement, but most details were missing.Jorrie said she included other important terms: - End date to be end of O2 arena in Sept. 2009 - Termination provision – Indemnity. Jorrie said she sent the draft to Wooley and if he was happy with it to forward it to Dr. Murray.(ABC7)

                            Jorrie said there were 2 more drafts after the first. She said she looked at other AEG agreement contracts she had prepared AEG as template. Jorrie explained she worked off the base contract and included a bunch of other provisions to the agreement. Jorrie said the "Scope of Services" was a mix between what Wooley requested and her additions. At Wooley's request, she included that Dr. Murray was MJ's personal physician and had been for some time. Jorrie added "services to be provided by Dr. Murray administer those services professionally and greatest degree of care expected." The attorney said Wooley told her that Michael Jackson had asked Dr. Murray to go on tour with him and that MJ would pay for it. Jorrie said she included in the contract "Artist Consent," saying the contract was not enforceable unless and until MJ signed the agreement. She said she added a line for MJ's signature at the end of the document. Jorrie said this provision was included in the 1st draft. She said Murray had no comment regarding the first 2 provisions of the contract. Jorrie said Recital A, Paragraph 9 and wording above MJ's signature explained Dr. Murray was hired on behalf of Michael Jackson. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie explained the Termination provision that allowed AEG to terminate the contract with Dr. Murray. Termination: 1- in event there was a default of the agreement by the doctor 2- in the event series of concerts postponed or canceled. Termination: 3- if artist decided he no longer wanted or needed Murray 4- failed to maintain all licenses and approval to practice medicine. Termination: 5- failed to submit written evidence that he was legally authorized to practice medicine in US.Termination: 6- no later than July 3rd, evidence he was allowed to practice medicine in the UK. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie said she believes she sent the email to Wooley/Dr. Murray on June 15. She testified she never received any documents from Dr. Murray. Jorrie said Murray called her on 6/18/09: 1- Murray and MJ relationship 2- Some of changes he wanted made 3- Couple of questions Jorrie had. The attorney said the conversation about Dr. Murray and MJ relationship did not result in any change to the contract. Jorrie: The changes he mentioned to me during the call, he wanted his company GCA Holdings to be the contracting party instead of him. Dr. Murray also wanted to change provision where Jorrie referred to nurse. Jorrie explained Dr. Murray said he wanted flexibility to have a "qualified assistant medical person," who could be another physician. Another change requested was to provision 7.7 regarding termination, Jorrie said. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie: He also let me know he was license to practice medicine in 4 states and gave me the states.Jorrie: Dr. Murray told me he preferred to have GCA Holding as contracting party and he as employee of the company. Jorrie said that it was okay but she wanted Dr. Murray on the contract also. Jorrie: I asked why you needed another physician as opposed to a nurse. He told me in case he was unavailable or tired. Jorrie said Dr. Murray wanted to have the flexibility to have someone on stand by, payable for by AEG Live. Jorrie said ultimately she made the changes. Dr. Murray was the one who would identify who this medical person would be, but never did.The attorney said Dr. Murray told her he was licensed to practice medicine in California, Nevada, Texas and Hawaii. The first payment was to be no later than 5 days after contracted was fully signed by everybody, including Michael Jackson. (ABC7)

                            Dr. Murray wanted to modify section 7.7, termination either because MJ decided he didn't want him anymore or the concert canceled. As a result, he would not want to be in a position he would have to refund any part of his payment. Payment was due to him on the 15th of the month to cover from 1st-30th. If he were terminated on the 20th, he wanted to keep full payment. Jorrie: My response: Dr. Murray, $150,000/month is a lot of money! Jorrie said Dr. Murray told her he had 4 medical practices making a million dollar a month, and it was not fair to have to return money. Jorrie: Murray said under no circumstances he was leaving his practice if when terminated he couldn't keep the whole 150,000 received. Jorrie explained that provision 7.7 detailed what happened if there was a termination. Dr. Murray asked her to limit that provision. Jorrie: He had asked to be able to retain the full payment for the month he received. "He thought it would be fair and appropriate due to him leaving his established medical practice," Jorrie explained. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie said she asked Murray about the CPR machine. The doctor provided a list of equipment he needed to Wooley, who in turn sent to Jorrie. Jorrie: I asked Dr. Murray, why do you need a CPR machine? He said he needed one in London, MJ puts on a strenuous performance. Jorrie asked if O2 arena didn't have one. He said he didn't want to take risks, wanted one at hand. He also told her it's customary. "Giving Michael's age, giving his age, and that he puts on a strenuous performance, he just didn't want to take a chance," Jorrie said. Jorrie recalled there was other equipments on the list, normally for dehydration purposes, like saline and catheter. Contract said "producer to provide medical equipment portable CPR, saline, catheter, needles, gurney and other mutually approved equipment." Jorrie: Our conversation concerned London, he said he needed one (CPR machine) in London. (ABC7) The attorney told jurors that she spoke to Murray about an agreement she drafted that would have paid him $150,000 a month to accompany Jackson to London for 50 concerts. She said she questioned the doctor about a request in the contract for CPR machines, but she was satisfied with his response that the singer's shows were strenuous and he needed lifesaving equipment nearby if there was an emergency. (AP)

                            Jorrie said she took the information she got from Dr. Murray, went online and checked it out. The attorney said she went to the Nevada Secretary of State to check if GCA Holdings, LLC was indeed a valid company. Jorrie said she checked the medical boards Dr. Murray told her he was licenses and googled the doctor. Jorrie testified GCA was a proper company and Dr. Murray was the manager of it. She added the address on the contract and Dr. Murray's title. Jorrie said it was very easy to check the medical licenses. She went on the Medical Board websites and checked his licenses in all. "There was no disciplinary action against Dr. Murray," Jorrie said. She checked in California, Nevada, Texas and Hawaii. Jorrie testified she did the medical license check on June 18, 2009. (ABC7) Jorrie testified Tuesday that she reviewed records that showed Murray's Nevada clinic had a valid license, the physician was licensed to practice medicine in four states and she searched his name on Google. (AP)

                            She said she sent the draft to Dr. Murray, but the email bounced back. She then sent email to Wooley asking him to forward the contract to Murray. Jorrie said she also attached a comparison doc with the redlines marking the changes she made for easier understanding.(ABC7)

                            Jorrie explained it's her practice to save doc as "final pdf version." She said it is a personal indicator that the final version was sent. The attorney told the jury once the contract is fully executed, she saves it "fully executed."(ABC7)

                            Jorrie said she was asked by the general counsel to see if she could ask Dr. Murray for the medical history for insurance purpose. "Dr. Murray said he had told me he had been MJ's physician for a period of time," Jorrie expressed.
                            Bina: Did you send this email because you believe Dr. Murray was MJ's physician? Jorrie: Yes.
                            Jorrie asked that if Dr. Murray was not the right doctor to provide records, if he could please direct her to the appropriate physician.
                            The attorney said Dr. Murray told her he would help. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie explained she had 3 drafts of Dr. Murray's agreement. GCA would actually provide the services of Dr. Murray, Jorrie said. The $150k would be paid not to Dr. Murray, but to GCA Holdings. Jorrie changed Provision 3.4 at the request of Dr. Murray, from nurse to qualified medical person (assistant) Change in 7.7: If there's termination, GCA shall have no obligation to refund any portion of any installation due and payable before. Jorrie said Dr. Murray called her again on June 23, 2009 asking for some more changes. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie spoke with Randy Phillips on June 19, 2009 on an unrelated matter and Dr. Murray's subject came up. It was phone conversation, she relayed Dr. Murray was licensed to practice in 4 states. "I checked out, or confirmed the info," she said. Jorrie testified she told Phillips Murray appeared to be very successful in his practice, may have told him about a million dollar a month. "I definitely told him he's very successful in his practice," Jorrie said. "I confirmed he was licensed to practice in 4 states." (ABC7) Kathy Jorrie, an independent attorney who has handled nearly 300 matters for AEG Live LLC, said she told the company's CEO that the physician was properly licensed during a conversation six days before Jackson died in June 2009. Jorrie said she also told the executive that former cardiologist Conrad Murray told her his medical clinics were earning more than $1 million a month. (AP)

                            Jorrie: AEG Live has been a consistent client of mine since 2000. Approximately 300 matters have been opened in 12 years.(ABC7)

                            First change was the effective date, from June to May 1, 2009, Jorrie said. Jorrie: He said he was promised that when the agreement was signed he would've been paid retroactively to May 1, 2009. (When Bina asked about payment provision, Panish objected to prevent Jorrie from expressing her opinion about the contract. Judge: I'm going to strike the entire testimony if she keeps interpreting the contract.) Jorrie: He wanted to extend, by about 5 months, his engagement. Jorrie asked if MJ would be paying him even though the tour would be on break. He said yes. End date changed from Sept, 2009 to March, 2010. 1- Scope of Services -- it had language saying perform services reasonably requested by "Producer." Jorrie: Murray said we need to change that to Artist, it's the artist who's my patient. I said absolutely right, the artist if your patient. Jorrie said provision 4.1 also says "Perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer.".Jorrie: I didn't change it to Artist because Murray didn't draw my attention to that and I didn't remember that language was in there twice. Jorrie said if she had seen it, she would've changed it to Artist, not Producer. (ABC7) Jorrie also told jurors she mistakenly left language in a contract that Murray signed that called for him to perform services "reasonably requested" by AEG Live. (AP)

                            Bina asked if on June 23 Jorrie discussed with Dr. Murray to get MJ's medical history. She said yes. Jorrie revised the agreement, emailed to Dr. Murray on 6/23/09: saying 'I have attached a clean pdf version, which is ready for execution.'Jorrie said she sent 3rd version of the draft to AEG Live. She didn't send it to MJ or his reps, was not in communication with MJ about it. Jorrie explained it was never her understanding that MJ's medical records would have been sent to her but to insurance underwriter. Jorrie: Late in the evening on June 24, I received a fax with a document signed by Dr. Murray. I forwarded a copy to it to Mr. Trell. Jorrie said neither Michael Jackson nor AEG signed the contract. (ABC7)

                            The attorney said she has negotiated with third party vendors before without showing the drafts to the artist. Jorrie: The reasons is that attorneys for the artist would have the document exactly like they wanted. Judge: How do you know if you don't talk t the artist that the agreement is what the artist's want? "Sometimes we enter in agreements the artists never see," Jorrie told the court. Jorrie said this is the first third-party vendor agreement she was involved with a medical doctor. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie sent Dr. Murray the last version on June 23rd, Dr. Murray faxed it back on June 24th.

                            Jorrie said she didn't talk to Murray about specific treatment he was giving to MJ. "He didn't tell me anything he was doing to treat MJ." Bina: Did Dr. Murray ever ask you for payment? Jorrie: Never. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie explained paragraph 4 of the contract, which detailed the responsibilities of GCA/Dr. Murray. Jorrie testified she discussed with Dr. Murray the requirement for UK medical license either on June 18 or 23. Jorrie said July 3, 2009 was the date Dr. Murray was planning to go to London with Michael Jackson. Bina showed the last page of Dr. Murray's agreement. Under the signatures, it is dated June 24, 2009. Jorrie said she put that date since she thought the parties would've signed the contract that day. "I do not know if Michael Jackson would've signed the agreement," Jorrie testified. Regarding the reference that AEG hired doctor at request of MJ, Jorrie said she never did this on any other agreement on behalf of AEG. "Because we're talking about Michael Jackson's physician," Jorrie explained. (ABC7)

                            Recap: June 15th -- first draft written, sent to Dr. Murray June 18th -- negotiation with Dr. Murray began, over the phone. June 19th -- checked medical license, business standing June 19th -- spoke with Phillips about it. June 23rd - Murray called asking additional changes June 23rd - third draft sent to Murray June 24th - Murray signed it and faxed it back (ABC7)

                            Jorrie emailed Dr. Murray one more time after that related to the insurance for the tour. (ABC7)

                            She maintained throughout her testimony that Murray was Jackson's personal doctor and the language about him performing services for the promoter shouldn't have been in the agreement. Jackson's approval was required on the contract, but he died before signing it(AP)

                            Jorrie said she first spoke to Murray on the phone on June 18, after he reviewed an initial draft of the contract. He asked that his company's name be added to the contract and that a provision allowing him to hire a nurse as an assistant be changed to a "qualified assistant medical person." "I had asked him, 'Why would you need another physician as opposed to a nurse?'" Jorrie testified. "And he told me that in an event that he was not available or he was tired, he wanted the flexibility" to have a back-up. Murray asked that he be responsible for hiring the additional doctor, but did not provide a name, Jorrie said. The attorney testified that she ultimately agreed to the change.Murray also requested that should his contract be terminated early, he would not be required to refund his $150,000-per-month payment. Jorrie said Murray told her that his medical practices brought in "a million dollars a month" and because he was leaving those practices for the tour, "it'd be fair and appropriate" that he keep the full payment he had received. Jorrie said she also spoke to Murray about his request for medical equipment. Woolley had provided her a list of items the doctor might ask for, she testified, and she wanted to know why a "CPR machine" was on the list. "He said he needed it in London during the performance, Michael Jackson puts on a strenuous performance and that he did not want to take a chance," she said. "That should anything go wrong, should there be an emergency, etc., he wanted to have that."
                            When she asked if having a machine available at the O2 Arena would suffice, she said Murray said no. "He said they would" have the machine, she said, "but that he didn't want to take a chance." After speaking to the doctor, Jorrie said she searched online to confirm some of his background. She verified his company was based in Nevada and that he had medical licenses in four states. She also "Googled him," she said. "I Google everybody." Jorrie said she attempted to email the revised contract to Murray, but the email bounced back. She then sent it to Woolley, who forwarded it to the doctor. Murray called June 23 with additional changes that involved when his payments would begin and extending the time of his services from September 2009 to March 2010. Murray told her Jackson had agreed to pay his monthly salary for that extended time frame, she said. Jorrie said she sent Murray another draft based on the changes. The next day, she testified, she received a copy of the agreement via fax that had been signed by Murray. The attorney testified that she never directly communicated with Jackson or sent the singer or his representatives any versions of the contract, though there was a space set aside for the pop star's signature. The empty line on the contract shown to jurors Tuesday was dated June 24, which is when Jorie said she expected the parties involved to sign the final agreement. Jackson died the next day.(LATimes)

                            Jackson cross

                            In cross examination, Panish asked if Jorrie is an independent witness. Jorrie: I don't understand the question, Mr. Panish. Panish: Are you being paid for the work you've done in this case? Jorrie: I'm not being paid as I sit here today. (ABC7)

                            Panish asked if her company has received millions and millions of dollar from AEG. She said since 2000, yes. Panish inquired if Jorrie is friends with Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware. "I'd like to think all my clients are my friends, Mr. Panish," Jorrie explained. "They are business friends." "I'm aware that Mr. Gongaware was sued one time, but I want to be absolutely certain," Jorrie said.Panish: Professionals keep itemization of the work they do, don't they? Jorrie said she keeps tabs of the work she does. Panish asked if Jorrie hires expert witnesses. She said yes. He inquired if professionals keep itemization. She said yes. Panish: Have you ever paid an expert $700,000? Jorrie: I have not. (ABC7)

                            Panish asked if Jorrie brought the contract she used as basis for drafting Dr. Murray's contract.Jorrie said she has it in her office. Panish asked to see it, she said she can provide it, redacting the name of the third party. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie charges AEG $595 per hour. She said she's not billing AEG for the testimony today. Panish: How much have you billed AEG related to the "This Is It" project? Jolie: Work started in October 2008. Jorrie asked if it included litigation. Panish said yes. Jorrie: Of all matters related to This Is It? Panish: Yes. More than 20 million? J: Of course not P: 10 million? J: No P: 5 million? J: No. Jorrie said she can have her accounting department put together a spreadsheet with all she has billed AEG. (ABC7)

                            Panish said Paul Gongaware and John Meglen were sued for stealing the name Concerts West.Bina objected, saying the lawsuit was dismissed and Panish was trying to tarnish Gongaware and Meglen's reputation. Judge: Was the case dismissed? Panish: Yes Judge: Then it's not stealing. Please refrain from using that word. Describe it accurately. (ABC7)

                            Jorrie: For all of those matters, for 12 years, it would be millions of dollars. Panish: How many multi-million dollars has your company been paid? Jorrie: It could be over $5 million for that period of time (since 2000). (ABC7)

                            Panish: You knew MJ was going on a 3-5 years worldwide tour, correct? Jorrie: That's not correct. Putnam was present when Jorrie spoke with LAPD after Michael Jackson's death. Panish: Did you go meet with LAPD and discussed MJ going to go on a worldwide tour? Jorrie: No, they came to my office, asked questions. Panish: Did you tell LAPD the that MJ was going on a world tour? Jorrie: No. Panish: Did you say European tour was just the beginning and MJ would be making a worldwide tout? Jorrie: Not that I recall. "That's not my statement and I don't recall that," Jorrie testified. Panish: Did you tell LAPD that MJ was going on a worldwide tour after European leg was over? Jorrie: No. Panish: Did Mr. Putnam tell LAPD MJ was going to do a world tour for 3 to 5 years? Jorrie: No. Panish: You denied making that statement? Jorrie: Yes. Not like that. Panish asked if Detective Schmidt is called to testified and said Jorrie told him about MJ going on a worldwide tour, if that's a lie. "He would've been mistaken, Mr. Panish," Jorrie said. "Because he misunderstood what I was saying about the tour.". (ABC7)

                            Jorrie said she did not bill for the time she testified at deposition. (ABC7)

                            Panish: Did you tell the police department Dr. Murray took in $12 million a year? "I said that he told me that his 4 medical practices brought in more than a million dollars a year," Jorrie said.Panish: Did you say one million dollar a month? Jorrie: Dr. Murray had 4 practices, I told one million dollars a year and they added up to 12 million. "I spoke with him about the tour agreement and how it would work," Jorrie testified. (ABC7)

                            Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #66


                            Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                            Day 1 - 50
                            Day 51 - zeuge Dr. Emery Brown Video Deposition; zeuge Peter Formuzis
                            Day 52 - zeugin Katherine Jackson
                            Day 53 - forts. zeugin K. Jackson; AEG-zeuge John Meglen
                            Day 54 - forts. AEG-zeuge Meglen
                            Day 55 - zeugen J. Meglen; Dr. Alimorad Farshchian Video Deposition
                            Day 56 - zeuge David Fournier
                            Day 57 - zeugen Dr. Scott Saunders per video depo.; Eric Briggs
                            Day 58 - zeuge Eric Briggs
                            Day 59 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                            Day 60 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                            Day 61 - forts. zeuge Briggs; zeuge Michael LaPerruque
                            Day 62 - forts. zeuge Michael LaPerruque; zeuge Eric Briggs; Timm Wooley video deposition

                            Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                            Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                            Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                            Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                            Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                            Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                            Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                            Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                            Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50
                            Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 13.08.2013, 19:00.


                            • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 64 – August 7 2013 – Summary

                              Source : ABC7 unless otherwise indicated

                              Kathy Jorrie Testimony

                              Jackson cross

                              Brian Panish, attorney for the Jacksons, doing the questioning.

                              Jorrie brought copy of the contract she used as template to draft Dr. Conrad Murray's agreement. She also gathered an estimate AEG paid her law firm since 2000, covering 14 years of work. Panish asked if it was in excess of $7.2 million. Jorrie: It's my estimate that my firm received a little over $ 7 million since 2000, which is about $500,000/year for services for AEG Live.

                              Panish: Did you say you negotiated probably 75 agreements with artists?
                              Jorrie: It's about 75, but it could be more, all for AEG Live.

                              Panish: Where you representing Michael Jackson when you were preparing Dr. Murray's contract?
                              Jorrie: I was not.

                              Regarding the LAPD conversation, Panish asked Jorrie if she was represented by Marvin Putnam in that meeting. She said no. "I really didn't feel like I needed representation in that meeting, sir," Jorrie said. "I was a witness." Panish asked if Jorrie represented herself, since she is a lawyer. She said she doesn't know how to answer, you always rep yourself as attorney. Jorrie met w/ LAPD twice in her office. Det Smith questioned her, Putnam and Deborah Brazil, one of the DAs prosecuting Murray, were present

                              Panish: Do you remember telling me yesterday that you never told LAPD that MJ was engaged to go on worldwide tour?
                              Jorrie: Yes
                              Panish: Do you remember you denying telling the police department that statement?
                              Jorrie: Yes
                              Panish asked if after reviewing LAPD's interview, Jorrie contacted Det. Smith to fix it. She said no, read it only months later.
                              Panish: Did AEG ever enter into a tour agreement with Michael Jackson that required him to do a world tour?
                              Jorrie: Yes

                              Jorrie explained some things had to happen before the world tour could take place. She said the world tour was contemplated, but it didn't mean it was going to happen. Jorrie explained that if the parties agreed, then the tour could go on beyond London. Jorrie said Dr. Tohme was a manager for Michael Jackson during the time they negotiated the tour and continued until the time of death. Michael Jackson's contract with AEG was signed on Jan 26, 2009.

                              Panish: Did you ever have reservations in January 2009 about Dr. Tohme?
                              Jorrie: I did

                              Jorrie said she googled Tohme and couldn't see he was a music manager. Panish asked Jorrie if she checks people on google. "That's usually my first step in the process," she responded.

                              Panish: And you recommended that a background check be done on Tohme, right?
                              Jorrie: As an alternative, yes.

                              Panish showed email Jorrie wrote regarding Dr. Tohme and her concerns if he was the "real McCoy." Jorrie explained she recommended at minimum that someone meet w/ MJ to make sure he understands he's entering into worldwide tour agreement. Jorrie said background check was not done on Dr. Tohme, at least to her knowledge. She didn't do one.

                              Jurors were shown letters and emails Jackson wrote saying Tohme was not his representative, although concert promoter and producer AEG Live acted as if he were. Jorrie expressed reservations about Tohme as early as January 2009, five months before the singer died. In an email to AEG executives, she wondered "whether or not he is the real McCoy... Nonetheless, I recommend that a background check be performed through a private investigator and/or at a minimum, that someone at AEG Live meet with Michael Jackson to make sure he understands that we are entering into a tour agreement with him that will require him to perform a worldwide tour.” No private investigator was hired. A copy of the email was sent to Peter Lopez, one of Jackson’s attorneys. On April 22, 2009, Jackson wrote Phillips, “This letter shall serve to confirm that I am not using Dr. Tohme for tour production management services and that I do not intend to use Dr. Tohme in the future for tour production management services or with respect to other event related matters. "Therefore, you are not authorized to pay Dr. Tohme or any of his affiliated companies for any such services in connection with my upcoming tour or any future tours or other events..." Jorrie testified she did not see the letter before Jackson died on June 25, 2009. (LATimes)

                              Jorrie explained promoters and producers can and do negotiate third party vendors agreement as part of the business. The attorney said she was very much involved in drafting Michael Jackson's agreement with AEG.

                              Panish said Jorrie refused to have her deposition videotaped. Jorrie explained she was not properly notified about video deposition.

                              Dennis Hawk, Tohme Tohme and Michael Jackson's company received a copy of MJ contract with AEG, according to Jorrie's deposition. Panish: On January 28, Mr. Tohme approved the cost in excess of $7.5 million, correct? Jorrie: On January 28, Dr. Tohme had provided written approval that MJ company had approved certain production costs. Jorrie said it's actually June 28, 2009, not January as she previously stated. MJ died on June 25, 2009. Panish: At the time of MJ's death, are you aware of anyone approving production costs in excess of $7.5 million that was in the contract? Jorrie: I'm not privy to everything, so I don't know.

                              Panish: Did you ever see a written agreement for more than 31 shows as stated on the contract?
                              Jorrie: No, not that I recall.
                              Panish: The agreement specified the territory of the tour as the world, correct?
                              Jorrie: Correct

                              Panish shows contract of Michael Jackson with AEG. The contract says the shows were not to exceed 1 per day and 3.5 shows per 7 days. Panish asked, if under the contract, Michael Jackson was prohibited to tour except if done with AEG. Jorrie was not allowed to answer, since it calls to interpretation of the contract. Jorrie said she sent the contract to Michael Jackson's representatives.

                              Panish: And the term was Dec 2011 or conclusion of world tour, whichever occur later, right?
                              Jorrie: That's what it says in the paragraph.

                              Panish: Did you ever learn Tohme ceased being MJ's manager?
                              Jorrie: To my best recollection, that issue came up after Mr. Jackson's passing.

                              The fact that Tohme stopped representing MJ came up and it's in litigation, Jorrie said. Jorrie said Howard Weitzman, attorney for Michael Jackson's Estate, told her about Tohme in connection with litigation several years ago. Frank DiLeo may also have told her, she said. There's also litigation about it as well. Jorrie said she doesn't recall if Weitzman was the first person who told her about Dr. Tohme not representing MJ at one point.

                              On June 28, 2009, there was a meeting at John Branca's office with all the higher ups for AEG and MJ's representatives. Jorrie was involved in drafting a consent agreement for Tohme to sign.

                              Panish: AEG was out $34-plus million at the time?
                              Jorrie: I believe so, perhaps more.
                              Panish: On that day you questioned if Dr. Tohme was an officer of Michael Jackson's company?
                              Jorrie: I did.
                              Panish: And that day you didn't have anything in writing approving $34 million in expenses?
                              Jorrie: Correct.

                              Jorrie said she believed Dr. Tohme was an officer of MJ's company prior to June 28, 2009. Paul Gongaware may have been the one telling her. During the meeting on June 28, Jorrie said Tohme told her, personally, that he was an officer of Michael Jackson Company, LLC.

                              Panish: Did you look up to see if Dr. Tohme was an officer of MJ's LLC?
                              Jorrie said in Delaware you can't check officers for LLC online.

                              However, on June 28, 2009, three days after Jackson died, Tohme was given a document to approve payment of the $34 million AEG had advanced the singer. Jorrie testified the document was drawn up by her and Shawn Trell, AEG Live's general counsel. The document, signed by Tohme, said he was an officer of Michael JacksonCo. LLP and had authority to act on the company's behalf. A Jan. 14, 2009, email from Jackson attorney Dennis Hawk to Jorrie said the singer was "the sole officer" of the company "and will be the signatory to the contract on behalf of the entity.” Jorrie said AEG executive Paul Gongaware, a defendant in the suit, may have told her Tohme was an officer of the Jackson's company. Included in the document were 35 pages of expenses that Jackson supposedly owed AEG. Jorrie testified that the document was never sent to Jackson's lawyers, even though it was handed to Tohme in the office of one of them. (LATimes)

                              Panish inquired if Jorrie could've asked MJ directly if Tohme was an officer of his company. She said yes, if she felt it was necessary.

                              Panish: You never spoke with Michael Jackson, did you?
                              Jorrie: Not once.

                              Panish: Who signed the tour agreement on behalf of Michael Jackson's company?
                              Jorrie: Michael Jackson.

                              As of January 2009, Michael Jackson was the sole officer and signatory of Michael Jackson Company, LLC. Jorrie received that information from MJ's attorney, Dennis Hawk.

                              Panish: Before MJ died you had nothing in writing that MJ was not the sole company officer?
                              Jorrie: Nothing in writing was provided to me.

                              Jorrie said in the meeting they were getting consent from Tohme that production expenses had been approved by MJ's company.
                              Panish: But you needed someone approved by MJ's company, right?
                              Jorrie: That's why we had confirmation he was an agent.

                              Total expense was around $34 million, plus $7.5 million that was pre-approved based on the contract resulted in $27 million outstanding. The document was prepared by Trell and Jorrie prior to the meeting at Branca's office.

                              Panish: AEG had $27 million out there that they had spent?
                              Jorrie: That's my understanding.
                              Panish: And you and Mr. Trell had a document you gave Tohme at the meeting?
                              Jorrie: Yes.
                              Panish: And the word "consent" was there?
                              Jorrie: I'm not sure it was there.

                              Panish showed Jorrie a letter from Michael Jackson to Randy Phillips on April 22, 2009. The document, signed by Michael Jackson, terminated Dr. Tohme's representation as his manager. Jorrie said she does not recall seeing it.

                              Letter from Concerts West to The Michael Jackson Company, LLC Jorrie helped draft, dated June 28, 2009. 1.I hereby confirm that Artistco (MJ) approved the attached budget of expenses which includes Production Costs and Pool Expenses. 3.The undersigned Dr. Tohme Tohme represents he's officer of Artistco, has full authority to act on behalf of Artistco/to sign this document

                              Panish: You never asked Tohme after MJ died if he was an officer of MJ's company?
                              Jorrie: That's right.
                              Jorrie: He confirmed to me, at the meeting, that he was an officer of Michael Jackson's company.
                              Panish: Did you see any document saying Tohme was an agent of Michael Jackson's company?
                              Jorrie: I had not seen any such documents.
                              Panish: Did you make any effort to confirm Tohme was an officer of the company? Jorrie said she spoke with Tohme about it.

                              Panish asked if Jorrie inquired John Branca, MJ's attorney, if Tohme was authorized to sign on behalf of Michael Jackson Company, LLC. "I didn't ask him that question," Jorrie said. Panish asked if she discussed w/ Branca about Tohme signing the doc. Jorrie said she didn't. Panish said the document she handed to Tohme has a budget attached to it. Jorrie said she did not review the attached budget. Jorrie said budget was given to her by Gongaware. Panish asked if the budget included payment of $150k/month, times 2 months, for Murray. Since Jorrie testified she didn't read the document, there is no foundation for her to answer the question. Judge sustained the objection. "I had nothing in writing that said Tohme was an officer of Michael Jackson's company," Jorrie testified. Panish asked if Jorrie saw the attached budget. "I never looked at that, that was Paul's job," she answered. "I have never seen a single piece of paper saying Tohme was not an office of the company," Jorrie said. Jorrie: Why would the Estate approve the expenses then, sir? Panish argued Jorrie doesn't know what's on the budget, so how does she know the Estate paid what's requested. Jorrie: I know Dr. Murray was not paid because he was not entitled to be paid. Panish: Was Dr. Tohme there on the budget for $200,000? Objection, sustained (since she had not read it.) Judge told Panish to move on or she will cease the examination.

                              Panish: Mr Trell never told you about this document (MJ's termination of Tohme)? Defendants objected again based on attorney-client privilege

                              Cross examination by plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish continued this morning. He hasn’t yet asked about Conrad Murray’s contract. He has spent a lot of time on Michael Jackson’s touring agreement with AEG Live, asking Jorrie about terms in it. Panish has also been asking Jorrie about whether any authorization for tour expenses above $7.5 million was obtained before Jackson’s death. No authorization was obtained from Jackson. Before the break, Panish asked about a form that Jorrie got MJ’s former manager Tohme Tohme to sign a few days after Jackson’s death. (AP).

                              Judge sustained the objection and ordered lunch break. Outside the presence of the jury: Judge Yvette Palazuelos to Panish: You keep invading attorney-client privilege. As to the budget -- she keeps telling you she didn't review it. Any question about the budget is without foundation. I don't want to waste time with that, over and over. I know you understand the ruling, I assume you have nothing better to ask. "If you don't move on I'll shut down the examination," Judge Palazuelos told Panish. Panish explained what he was trying to do, that Jorrie volunteers and continue to volunteer what is not asked, almost more than any witness. Panish: It's improper what she did, your honor. As member of the bar, she knew as of January that this person was not officer of the company Nonetheless she, as concerned he was not the real Mccoy, brought document to him with $34 million for him to sign off. Bina said it was done in good faith, Tohme told her he was an officer of the company. She said DiLeo also told Jorrie MJ approved the budget Panish: When she says my client told that, why can't I ask about communication about that? Judge ordered Panish to move on or she will finish his examination.

                              After lunch, outside the presence of the jury, Panish told judge he's excluding anything that's potential violation of atty-client privilege. Panish asked the judge to strike testimony of Jorrie when she issued opinion that the Estate didn't pay Murray because he wasn't entitled to. Jacksons attorneys want the judge to tell the jurors to disregard it, since the implication is the Estate didn't recognize contract as valid.

                              Jorrie explained she doesn't recall working on agreements where AEG was both producer and promoter of the show. Jorrie said she never worked on a contract for a doctor to go on tour, except for Michael Jackson.

                              Email from Murray to Wooley: I am basically in agreement and reiterate that your memo is correct pursuant to our conversation of May 8, 2009 As for good faith with my client I'm sure that you are aware that my services are already fully engaged with Mr. Jackson.
                              Jorrie said she doesn't recall receiving or seeing this email. Murray never told her he was meeting with AEG people regarding his contract. Panish: Did Dr. Murray ever tell you he met with AEG personal at anyone's request? Jorrie: No. Wooley did not tell Jorrie that Dr. Murray's services were being rendered.

                              Panish: Did you ever tell Dr. Murray he could not perform work without a fully executed contract?
                              Jorrie: Of course not.

                              Jorrie spoke with Murray about getting medical license to work in the UK. She knew Brigitte Segal was looking for housing in London for him. Panish asked if it was in anticipation the contract would be all signed by July 3, 2009.

                              Panish: They were undertaking acts that were spelled out in the contract?
                              Jorrie: Yes.
                              Panish: Dr. Murray was undertaking acts that were spelled out in the contract?
                              Jorrie: I was told he was the personal physician for 3 years.
                              Panish: Regarding pay, equipment, starting and ending date provided by Mr. Wooley and not Dr. Murray, correct?
                              Jorrie: That's not right, Mr. Wooley didn't give me an ending date, for instance.

                              Panish showed the template contract Jorrie used to create Dr. Murray's agreement. Jorrie said she took out paragraph 7 about Conflicts. CPR machine was on the list Wooley provided to Jorrie regarding the requirements for Dr. Murray. Panish played video of Jorrie's testimony in Murray's trial. She said in latter part of May, Wooley advised her he needed contract prepared. May 1, 2009 is the commencement of the contract. Jorrie sent the contract to Dr. Murray on June 15, 6 weeks later.

                              Panish: Did you ever testify that payments had been promised to Dr. Murray retroactively to May 1?
                              Jorrie: Yes, once the contract was signed

                              Panish played another part of Jorrie's testimony in the criminal trial. DA asked if irrespective of the contract becoming activated, Murray was contemplating compensation from a period retroactively to 5/1/09. Jorrie: Yes

                              Panish discussed paragraphs 3 and 4 of the contract, which spelled out the obligations for AEG and Dr. Murray. Panish asked if AEG could terminate Dr. Murray without the consent of Michael Jackson. Jorrie said yes. "He told me his four medical practice was grossing a million dollars a month," Jorrie testified. Panish said $150,000 per month equates to $5,000 a day for 30 days.

                              Panish: Did you find his website?
                              Jorrie: No, I didn't find a website.

                              Jorrie put Conrad Murray and the names of his two clinics on google.
                              Panish: He was making a million dollars with two clinics?
                              Jorrie: He said he had 4 medical practice, but I only found 2 clinics.

                              Jorrie said she could find addresses for only 2 clinics, but Dr. Murray told her he had 4 medical practices. Jorrie explained she looked up Dr. Murray's medical license and two clinics are named. "I don't know for sure it was his companies," Jorrie admitted. "It was my assumption they were his." Jorrie said the clinics were in Nevada and Texas, didn't find anything in Hawaii and California. The attorney said she spent about 10 minutes researching Dr. Murray online. Panish asked if Jorrie charged AEG for the time she spent. She said she doesn't know.

                              Panish: Sometimes you do freebies for AEG?
                              Jorrie: Yes, for all my clients.

                              Jorrie uses Lexis for legal research, she said. Panish asked if she checked how many judgments existed against Dr. Murray. She said not. Jorrie didn't check any pending lawsuits, litigation regarding child support or if Dr. Murray's properties were in foreclosure. Jorrie conceded she could've searched Dr. Murray in Lexis. "I definitely said he (Murray) appears to be successful," Jorrie said about her conversation with Randy Phillips.

                              Jorrie testified she told AEG Live Chief Executive Randy Phillips that Murray was successful, based on a 10-minute Google search and a conversation in which the doctor told her his four clinics were grossing $1 million a month. She testified that her Internet research turned up one clinic in Nevada and another in Texas.She didn’t discover that Murray was actually deeply in debt. Under questioning by Brian Panish, the Jackson family attorney, she said she hadn’t checked to see if his house was in foreclosure or if he owed child support. “I could have,” Jorrie said. (LATimes)

                              Panish: And you determined Dr. Murray was successful based on 2 clinics?
                              Jorrie: No, it was based on my conversation with him and verifying the fact that he was licensed to practice medicine in 4 states.
                              Panish: Did you tell Phillips Dr. Murray made a million dollars a month?
                              Jorrie: I think I told him he (doctor) appeared to be successful and may have told him about his practices making a million dollars a month.
                              Panish: Your successful assessment was based on what Murray told you?
                              Jorrie: Yes
                              P: You verified licenses, googled him for 10 mins?
                              J: Yes

                              Panish asked Jorrie if Dr. Murray had to shut down his practice in order to work for MJ. She said no. Panish: Dr. Murray could keep, sell or have someone else run his practices as to retain the $12 million/year revenue? Jorrie: Yes

                              Jorrie never communicated with anyone representing Michael Jackson regarding Dr. Murray's contract. She did not send MJ or his reps any draft of the agreement, but sent them to Shawn Trell at AEG. Dr. Murray called Jorrie on June 23, 2009 and told her he spoke with MJ about extending the end of the contract to March. Dr. Murray would receive salary for 3 months plus without working, since the tour would be off, Jorrie said. Panish asked if Jorrie checked with anyone in MJ's camp whether the artist had indeed approved the extension of the contract. She said no. "I did not check anything with MJ's representatives about Dr. Murray's contract," Jorrie testified. Jorrie sent the last version to Murray on June 23, 2009. All versions said 4.1- Perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer.

                              Jorrie's files:
                              Murray Agreement 6-15-09
                              Revised MJ/AEG/GCA Holdings Agreement 6-18-09
                              Final MJ-AEG-GCA Holdings Agreement/Dr Murray 6-23-09

                              Panish concluded cross examination.

                              AEG redirect

                              Jessica Stebbins Bina did re-direct of Jorrie.

                              Jorrie said the names of the files included all signatories of contract. "Because it was for Michael Jackson's physician," Jorrie explained

                              Jorrie said she values the relationship with AEG, but that does not prevent her from testifying in a truthful manner. Bina asked about the time Jorrie represented Gongaware and Meglen. She said it was a lawsuit filed by the children of Tom Hulett against AEG Live, Paul Gongaware and John Meglen. Panish's old firm represented the children, Jorrie said. It was a trademark infringement case. Jorrie said plaintiffs claimed they were using Concerts West name without permission. "We prevailed in all counts," Jorrie said. Jorrie: My clients received the judgment. It was appealed and the judgment in favor of my clients was affirmed.

                              "The tour agreement had a potential to be a world tour" Jorrie said. "In order for tour to continue beyond London, the parties had to agree". "Michael Jackson could've chosen not to approve the itinerary," Jorrie said. Jorrie told LAPD detective that the agreement had potential to be extended to a world tour, based on mutually-approved itinerary.

                              Bina asked about paragraph 11 of MJ's contract, which talked about "Approvals." It says no party can withhold approval unreasonably. Contract Section 8.2 -- Production cost. Initial production advance not to exceed $7.5 million.

                              Bina: Based on that provision, if they request them (costs), they are responsible for them?
                              Jorrie: Yes

                              Jorrie explained, based on the contract, AEG was to recoup all costs incurred for production. Outstanding balance was MJ's responsibility.

                              Bina showed the document Tohme Tohme signed approving the costs of production. Jorrie said John Branca requested a meeting on June 28, 2009 to discuss several issues, among which how to unravel the tour. Branca was named executor of MJ's estate, had to be approved by probate court.

                              Jorrie is ordered to be on call to conclude her testimony

                              Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #67


                              Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                              Day 1 - 50
                              Day 51 - zeuge Dr. Emery Brown Video Deposition; zeuge Peter Formuzis
                              Day 52 - zeugin Katherine Jackson
                              Day 53 - forts. zeugin K. Jackson; AEG-zeuge John Meglen
                              Day 54 - forts. AEG-zeuge Meglen
                              Day 55 - zeugen J. Meglen; Dr. Alimorad Farshchian Video Deposition
                              Day 56 - zeuge David Fournier
                              Day 57 - zeugen Dr. Scott Saunders per video depo.; Eric Briggs
                              Day 58 - zeuge Eric Briggs
                              Day 59 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                              Day 60 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                              Day 61 - forts. zeuge Briggs; zeuge Michael LaPerruque
                              Day 62 - forts. zeuge Michael LaPerruque; zeuge Eric Briggs; Timm Wooley video deposition
                              Day 63 - zeugin Kathleen Ann Jorrie

                              Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                              Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                              Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                              Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                              Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                              Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                              Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                              Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                              Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50


                              • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 65 – August 8 2013 – Summary

                                Source: ABC7 unless otherwise indicated.

                                Katherine Jackson is in court.

                                The judge started out by asking attorneys for a time estimate on the case. Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos said she felt she needed to give the jurors an update on how long they'd be here. AEG Live's lawyers said they hoped to be done with the defense case in early September. There are a lot of witnesses that still need to be called, though, and lots of days the court won’t be in session in late Aug, early Sept. There could also be a rebuttal case, which Panish said would probably currently be about 4 witnesses. There's also closing statements. When the jury came in, Judge Yvette Palazuelos told them her estimate had changed and she thought they’d get the case by the end of Sept. “You can write me a note if that presents a problem,” the judge said. She noted that one juror has already said she needed to be done in August (AP)

                                Jury entered the courtroom 10:10 am PT. Judge Yvette Palazuelos advised jurors she came up with new time estimate for the trial. Judge: My estimate has now changed. The case will probably be submitted to you at the end of September. "It is what it is," judge said. She told jurors before they would get the case at the end of August. Outside the presence of the jury, AEG attorney told judge he will be done 1st week of Sept or so. Panish said he has 4 rebuttal witnesses.

                                Kenny Ortega Testimony

                                AEG cross

                                Putnam showed Ortega a "Certificate of Employment -- Loan-Out," which Ortega said it's certificate that he works for The K.O. Company, Inc. AEG Live had an agreement with K.O. Company for the services of Ortega. Putnam: Did you understand you were an employee of AEG Live? Ortega: No P: What were you employee of? O: K.O. Company. "I was only contracted, and we were only focused, on the London tour at this time," Ortega explained. Ortega's contract was executed on April 26, 2009. "I believe I was paid in advance of signing," Ortega said. In his deposition, Ortega was shown documents to refresh his recollection. Putnam showed him the same documents. Ortega looked at the document and said he was paid on May 11, 2009, which is after he signed his contract. Putnam: You were paid after the contract was executed, right? Ortega: That's what appears in this document. Ortega said he has put himself in the position of working prior to signing a contract. "It's what I call working in good faith." "It's sort of common in the industry," Ortega said. Putnam: If you don't reach an agreement, you could work and not get paid? Ortega: Yes. "I can recall specifically, but I'm sure in my 40-something years in this business that has occurred," Ortega testified.

                                In Ortega's contract, there is a provision for bonus in case "This Is It" tour went around the world. "The shows were not booked or guaranteed," Ortega said. "That's what I think Michael hoped to do, but wasn't booked." Putnam: If tour was successful, you already have in your agreement what you'd be paid in bonus, correct? Ortega: That's what I understand it's in my contract

                                Ortega's contract does not have a signature line for Michael Jackson. Putnam read Murray's contract were it says the contract is not valid unless MJ consented to it and asked if Ortega has that in his contract. Ortega went thru all the pages of his contract and said: "I do not see that anywhere."

                                Putnam: Did you consider it a tour? Ortega: We called it tour, term used in the industry, but we weren't really touring, it was 1 venue. "People were calling it a tour but it was more like an event," Ortega explained.

                                "He told me he only wanted me," Ortega said about Michael Jackson's wished that he be the director. Putnam: Is it fair to say you were the "TII" director because of MJ? Ortega: Yes. Ortega said he doesn't remember who he said reached out to him first regarding the tour in his deposition. Putnam showed Ortega's deposition transcript. "In deposition, I remember it to be Dr. Tohme," Ortega said. In a deposition related to Lloyds of London litigation, Ortega also said Dr. Tohme first reached out to him regarding TII. In Dr. Murray's criminal trial, Ortega said it was Paul Gongaware. Putnam: Do you remember as you sit here today who first contacted you? Ortega: I'm not really certain. Ortega said he didn't really know who Dr. Tohme was, have never met the guy at that point. Tohme said he called on behalf of MJ.

                                Ortega testified he never really fully understand Dr. Tohme's role related to MJ. He thought was a friend. Regardless of who contacted him first, Ortega said he was hired because Michael Jackson wanted him.

                                Ortega said AEG Live and MJ were co-producers of the show. Ortega said he reported to Michael Jackson for the creative side of the tour and regarding budget/financial matters he reported to Gongaware. Ortega explained he dealt with Gongaware regarding technical things, like moving dates to new rehearsal venue, delivery of stage parts, etc. Ortega would discuss with Michael about hiring someone and the director would go to Gongaware to get the contract drawn and the person hired. Ortega did not discuss with Gongaware anything related to creative matters. "Because the creative person was Michael, and myself," Ortega explained. "We talked about these things together and I'd go with Michael's blessing to Paul to begin the process," Ortega explained. "I'd go and say 'this is what we'd like,'" Ortega said. Putnam: Did he ever tell you you couldn't get something? Ortega: No. "He would just make it happen," Ortega said. He could not recall Gongaware denying anything. "Final say would be Michael," Ortega said. "Michael had final creative say." Putnam: Why? Ortega: Because he was brilliant and he knew what he was doing. "At the end of the day, creatively, we trusted Michael knew what we needed," Ortega said.

                                Ortega said February, March and April MJ was very involved in the creation of the show, would show up a lot. "A lot meaning 3-4 times a week," Ortega clarified. He said things changed as they were moving to the Forum, which was end of May.

                                Putnam: Who did you consider your boss? Ortega: Michael. Ortega: I thought of MJ as my partner, I didn't think of him as my boss. But MJ always had the final creative say in all the years we worked.

                                Putnam: Did you ever see AEG pressure Michael in any way? Ortega: No Putnam: Did you feel AEG Live supported MJ? Ortega: Yes . Ortega: Everything we brought to AEG, in terms of enormous creative needs, that AEG was very supportive in doing all they could. Ortega said he would ask Gongaware for more and more things to create the show. Gongaware never denied anything. He said there were professional discussions like 'is this something you really feel it's going to benefit,' 'do you really need this.' Ortega: I think we were getting in a place were we had a ceiling, because we were already with a fat budget. Ortega: But at the end, I believe they thought Michael had what he wanted.

                                Ortega said he learned from Randy Phillips that Dr. Murray was responsible to get MJ to rehearsals on June 15, 2009. He explained he didn't think Phillips was involved as much in MJ's scheduling, but was overseeing it. Ortega said he never spoke with Timm Wooley about scheduling. "I looked at Mr. Phillips as the promoter, Michael's promoter and producing partner," Ortega testified. Ortega: In this stage of the game, Mr. Phillips took on overseeing position to make sure the schedule was responsible for Michael. Ortega: I think they were trying to create a schedule to factor in all of Michael's needs (like family) and still could come to rehearsal.

                                Putnam asked about June 19, 2009. "I'll always remember June 19," Ortega said. Putnam asked if Ortega testified before he thought MJ had a really bad case of flu. "I supposed I might have suggested it could look that way," Ortega said. "It would've been a really, really bad flu." Putnam asked if throughout the night on June 19th, if MJ got better. Ortega said yes. Putnam: He was coherent? Ortega: Yes P: Warmed up? O: A bit P: More engaged? O: Yes P: Calm? O: Yes. "I felt somewhat calm when we left," Ortega said. But he said he was still concerned, thus the email he sent to AEG high ups. Ortega: It didn't appear to me it was drugs, it appeared to me it was something else, emotional. Putnam: It never crossed your mind it could be drug related? Ortega: No, I was thinking it was something else. Putnam: You have never seen Mr. Jackson like that before? Ortega: No.

                                Ortega sent an email after seeing MJ that way because he thought Phillips and Gongaware should know about it. There was a meeting scheduled next day to address MJ's problems on June 19. Ortega said he thought it was a responsible way to deal with it, and pretty immediate after the fact. At the meeting, Dr. Murray told Ortega to stay out of it and to leave MJ's health for him to take care. Dr. Murray told Ortega to quit being an amateur doctor and that MJ was physically fit to show, the director recalled. Putnam: MJ assured you that he was fine? Ortega: I didn't feel assured. Ortega: He said don't leave me, I'm gonna take the reins, you'll see I'm going to change this. He seemed absolutely committed at that point. Ortega: Murray started up saying I had no right to not allow Michael to rehearse that night and that I had no right to send him home. Ortega testified he said: 'Wait a minute, that's not at all what happened.' The director recalled Dr. Murray said MJ told him that. Ortega: I looked at Michael and asked him to tell what had happened, that I didn't forbid Michael of anything. Ortega said, at one point, MJ told him he was going home. "I said yes, go home, tuck your children in, feel better," Ortega described. Ortega: I did think it was right he didn't rehearse that night, I did think it was the right thing he went home. Ortega said Dr. Murray told him to be the director and to quit his concerns with Michael Jackson's health because it was not his job. Ortega: I'd like to think that Michael would not set me up that way, I'd like to think Dr. Murray misunderstood Michael. Ortega said Michael explained in the meeting that what Dr. Murray said was not what had occurred.

                                Putnam: Did you talk about drugs in that meeting?
                                Ortega: No
                                Putnam: Did he (Murray) offer any explanation of what happened to MJ the night before?
                                Ortega: I don't believe so.

                                Ortega: I worked with 10,000 people in the Olympics, how can I be responsible for everybody's health? "Adults are responsible for their own health," Ortega opined.

                                Putnam: Do you think MJ was being responsible with his own health?
                                Ortega: I didn't think he was being very responsible, but it was his responsibility, in my opinion.

                                (Jurors were writing vigorously at this point. Juror number 6 looked over at Katherine Jackson)

                                Ortega: I wanted to take care on him, you want to take care of someone when something is not right, but you can't be responsible.
                                Putnam: Were you responsible for MJ's health?
                                Ortega: No.

                                Someone on behalf of Michael Jackson contacted Ortega to be part of the HBO special. Ortega never asked MJ about his rehab stint or any drug use. Putnam: Did you have any reservation to work with him after rehab? Ortega: No P: Why not? "Because he came out of rehab," Ortega said. "He was moving on with his life in a healthy way, hopefully."

                                Putnam: Did you ever talk to him about nutrition?
                                Ortega: As a general idea
                                P: Physical therapy?
                                O: Yes

                                Ortega said he would talk to MJ, as a performing artist, and ask if he was focusing on nourishment, health, warming up, stretching, sleeping. MJ wasn't really fond of massage, Ortega said. "Don't forget to eat, get some rest," Ortega would tell MJ. The singer would smile and answer "okay" in a very loving way, Ortega recalled. Ortega said MJ liked to be in a certain kind of place (weight) to execute his moves and to get the look he wanted. "I might have been a little concerned (with his weight) when I brought that up, yes," Ortega testified.

                                Putnam: In your opinion, was Mr. Jackson always skinny?
                                Ortega: In the early years I worked with him he was light, lean performer. "He was strong," Ortega said. But 20 years later, when Ortega worked with MJ in the "This Is It," the director said MJ was much different.

                                Ortega's first time working with MJ was in the "Dangerous" tour. He said he may have been director of the project. It was in 1992-93. Ortega said he usually likes to stay in tour until everything is working to everybody's satisfaction. He said it may be 4-5 shows or 8-10.

                                Putnam: Did you have any concerns he might have been using drugs then?
                                Ortega: No

                                At this time, MJ was living at Neverland. Ortega said they never rehearsed at MJ's ranch, but a stage in Los Angeles.

                                Ortega was called to help MJ with the HBO special.
                                Putnam: He seemed well to you?
                                Ortega: Unhappy
                                Putnam: Was he physical well?
                                Ortega: He seemed tired and unhappy, stressed.
                                Putnam: But at no time you thought he was using drugs?
                                Ortega: No.

                                Ortega was present at Beacon Theater when MJ collapsed. He didn't see the artist fall, though. He said security responded quickly, everybody stayed away to give paramedics room to work. MJ was transported to the hospital. Ortega didn't go, because he said he wasn't invited. "Certainly concerned," though, he explained.

                                "HIStory" tour rehearsal was done in Los Angeles, Ortega said. Putnam: Did you have any concern with MJ's health?
                                Ortega: I don't recall having any concerns
                                P: How about mentally?
                                O: No

                                Putnam: Were you concerned MJ was doing drugs before "TII" in 2008?
                                Ortega: No, I saw him.

                                Ortega said he had dinner with MJ a couple of times, MJ took his children to see High School Musical, and that he looked fined. The director described MJ very excited, even not knowing yet what "TII" was going to be, but feeling exhilarated. Ortega said MJ was being approached by someone from American Idol, also Randy Phillips approached him, they wanted to do something with him. "I think seating in a theater for 5 years in Las Vegas wasn't really attractive to him," Ortega explained. "Michael wanted to get out on the road," Ortega said. Ortega: I was happy for him, because he had been through so much, I wanted him to be the King again. Ortega: I think the arrival of his children in his life brought something he didn't have before. "He seemed exhilarated, excited, like the Michael I always knew," Ortega described. Ortega: He was unbelievable! His reasons for doing the tour were incredible. He was motivated.

                                Ortega said the meeting on June 20th was at MJ's Carolwood home. On June 23rd, Ortega testified MJ was in great spirits, ready to work. Putnam: Completely different?
                                Ortega: Completely. Ortega: He seemed healthy, ready and happy, there didn't seem to be any left over issues from the 19th. Ortega said MJ was always a little chill, but not like on the 19th. The director was surprised how quickly MJ got better. "It was like metamorphosis," he said. Putnam asked if Ortega inquired MJ what had happened. "I didn’t pry in his personal life," he replied. Putnam: How was the rehearsal? Ortega: Great. It was one of the best rehearsals we had up until then. MJ was there a number of hours, Ortega said. He went thru a number of songs. Putnam: Had he taken the reins? Ortega: Yeah. Ortega: He was in charge. Not only capable to rehearsing but to talk about other aspects of production, like films, the effects, costumes. Ortega said he just embraced it and went with it. "We were all delighted" Ortega recalled. "The energy in the room changed, hope returned" Ortega: Everybody felt there was a different Michael in the room. Ortega said MJ was almost as good on the 24th as the 23rd. He seemed a little tired from the day before but talked about things for the show. MJ also rehearsed and performed. Ortega said he was feeling they were back on track, believing they were in a new chapter. Ortega felt less excited, deeply grateful about MJ's come back. "Maybe it was a lot of rest," Ortega opined. "He did seem rested, stronger"

                                Putnam: Did you have concern on the 23rd or 24th he was taking drugs?
                                Ortega: No.

                                Ortega said said excitement was pretty unanimous among all the people working on "This Is It."

                                Jackson redirect

                                In re-direct, Panish asked: Prior to June 23rd, you thought Michael got real organic sleep?
                                Ortega: Yes. Panish: And before that you thought he was not having any sleep? Ortega: Yes. Panish: The symptoms he had, did it seem like someone who wasn't sleeping? Ortega: I think that might have been a factor there. Panish asked Ortega to assume MJ was getting Propofol for 60 days then didn't have Propofol the last few days before his death. Ortega: I assumed sleep had to be a part of it, he looked rested.

                                Panish asked is Ortega saw MJ several times appearing under some kind of drugs during TII. Ortega: It seemed like it was doctor related, so it wasn't like taking drugs but just being under the influence.

                                Panish: In all your years in the industry, have you ever heard a producer involved in hiring a doctor for an artist?
                                Ortega: I haven't.

                                Ortega said he thinks it's unusual for producers to engage attorneys to hire a doctor for an artist. Ortega clarifies that the only artist, "the" artist, was Michael Jackson.

                                Panish asked if MJ could've been fired by AEG. "No, he was a partner," Ortega responded. He said Michael told him that. Panish: The producer could fire you if they wanted, right? Ortega: I think Michael would not be happy with that. "I assume they could give a good try," Ortega responded. "I assume they could do that but I doubt it would last more than 24 hours." "I don't think producers can fire Tom Cruise," Ortega opined. Panish said movies are different from singers. "I don't think producers can fire Cher," Ortega said.

                                Panish: Were you ever involved in a show where promoter was buying CPR machine?
                                Ortega: Not that I know of.
                                Panish: Were you ever involved in a show where promoter was buying saline, catheter, needles for a doctor?
                                Ortega: No.

                                Email from Woolley to Bob Taylor saying Randy Phillips and Dr. Murray were responsible for MJ rehearsal and attendance schedule. "I recalled that Dr. Murray was going to be responsible for the schedule," Ortega said. Earlier in the trial, Ortega testified rehearsal schedule and attendance was up to Dr. Murray and Randy Phillips.

                                Ortega said, at one point, there was a standstill regarding his contract. Email from Gongaware to Ortega on March 25, 2009: I'm afraid we may not be able to meet your financial requirements for a deal.

                                Panish: Are you aware of any artist in the world with the drawing power of Michael Jackson? Ortega: I'd think if done right, that Michael would be the highest draw on the planet. Panish: You don't thinkCeline Dion would be bigger? Ortega: I think the Stones come close, McCartney come close. But if MJ was not the number one, he was very close. "He sold 50 shows," Ortega said. "Pretty awesome, historical."

                                Ortega said he disagrees with anyone who says there's no way MJ could've done 50 shows.

                                Panish: Did you ever have assistant producer say she was afraid an artist would die in weeks of a show and they actually did die?
                                Ortega: No
                                "Yes, he did change over time," Ortega said about Michael Jackson.

                                Panish: Was MJ perfectionist?
                                Ortega: That would be something that people would have called him. Ortega: Most of us have never seen anyone work as hard to accomplish something as MJ.

                                Ortega said he didn't see MJ at practice for a long period of time in June. Panish: In June, he didn't show at all? Ortega: That's correct. "It was fairly obvious he was not moving forward in the rehearsals with this sort of tempo," Ortega testified.
                                Panish: Did you have concerns about his physical condition on June 14?
                                Ortega: I'd say yes.
                                Panish: Sir, did you tell anyone that MJ should've been taken to the hospital?
                                Ortega: I might have.
                                Panish: Did you say that after MJ died?
                                Ortega: No, I think I'd have said it sooner than that.
                                Ortega suggested another physician, not Murray, come to check MJ out.
                                Panish: You didn't think Dr Murray was doing a good job?
                                Ortega: No
                                Panish: Did you think MJ was irresponsible?
                                Ortega: It seemed to me that he was in trouble.

                                Ortega: MJ was very cool, bold, strong in his ideas and what he wanted all through the beginning of the process. "Eventually he started to decline and disappear," Ortega recalled.

                                Panish: I want you to assume that AEG Live hired Dr. Murray. Would you expect them to hire a fit and competent doctor?
                                Ortega: Yes.
                                Panish: You expect AEG to check them out, not being under conflict of interest situation?
                                Ortega: Yes.

                                Panish asked if Ortega was doing his job when he sent email w/ concerns. "More than just doing my job, looking out for my friend" he said.

                                Ortega said Dr. Murray did not have the same mindset as him in the June 20th meeting. Phillips didn't do anything to stop Dr. Murray's admonishment of Ortega in the meeting, Panish said. Ortega agreed. Panish: Did you ever learn that Phillips was grabbing Dr. Murray's arm? Ortega: I never heard that. Panish asked if Ortega knew how much pressure AEG was putting MJ and Dr. Murray on. He said no. Panish: Did you heard Murray walked out and said he couldn't take this s**t anymore? Ortega: No, I never heard that. Ortega then opined: If Michael ever heard you talk like that it would not be appropriate. Isn't that right Mrs. Jackson? Katherine Jackson nodded in the audience in agreement. "In respect of why we are all here for, that's not nice," Ortega said on the stand.

                                Ortega said he never told Faye MJ had to face his fears; used the word tough love, may have said the show could be cancelled if not ready.

                                AEG recross

                                Putnam did re-cross.

                                Ortega: Michael had not performed in 10 years. Whether he'd command the world like he had before remained to be seen. "However, the sell out at the O2 for 50 shows showed he still had drawing power," Ortega opined.

                                Putnam: Did you see Michael deteriorate over 8 weeks?
                                Ortega: I would've not used the word deteriorate to describe what I saw.

                                The week of June 15th is when Ortega grew concerned with Michael Jackson. Ortega said nobody came up to him on the 23rd or 24th expressing concern about MJ. They did on the 19th but not after MJ came back on 23rd.

                                Putnam: Would it be surprising to you that the Rolling Stones have a doctor on tour with them right now?
                                Ortega: No.
                                Putnam: You just don't know some of those things, right?
                                Ortega: Yes.

                                Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where an artist was $400 million in debt?
                                Ortega: Not to my knowledge.
                                Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where the artist could not afford his daily expenses?
                                Ortega: I don't believe so.
                                Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where the promoter/producer was advancing all daily expenses?
                                Ortega: It's possible, I don't know.
                                Putnam: Have you ever worked on a tour where artist was unable to pay his personal doctor?
                                Ortega: I don't think so, assumption on my part.

                                Putnam: Who introduced you to Dr. Murray?
                                Ortega: Michael
                                P: Did AEG introduce you to him?
                                O: No
                                P: What did MJ say?
                                O: This is my doctor.

                                Putnam asked if AEG checked if the doctor was licensed and if he had been disciplined, if it was responsible thing to do. Ortega said yes. Putnam: If they weren't hiring Dr. Murray, would that responsibility be above and beyond anything they needed to do, in your mind? Ortega: I think that would've been responsible.

                                Putnam: Did Mr. Phillips ever tell you he wanted MJ to come on tour?
                                Ortega: No

                                Jackson redirect

                                In re-re-direct Panish: Would it be responsible to place a doctor in a conflict of interest had they hired him?
                                Ortega: In my opinion, no

                                AEG recross

                                Putnam in re-re-cross asked if it's common practice to check a doctor's credit report prior to hiring him. "I wouldn't think it would be something that would be the norm," Ortega responded.

                                Putnam: Do you think it's responsible for a studio to hire Kenny Ortega if he were in debt? Ortega: I've been there and they hired me. Putnam asked if being in debt diminishes your capability. "I don't think so," Ortega responded. Ortega: Being in debt doesn't change your talent, your gift, your ability.

                                Jackson redirect

                                Panish in re-re-re-direct: Do you have access to a prescription pad?
                                Ortega: No


                                Putnam and Panish took turns in asking out-of-the-ordinary questions regarding responsibility to Ortega. Jurors were laughing out loud with the exchange between the attorneys. The director kept his composure and responded to all questions. Ortega was dismissed, subject to recall in AEG's case in chief. When the director got up, all jurors clapped for him. He thanked the jurors, kissed Mrs. Jackson, shook hands with Shawn Trell and left.

                                Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #68


                                Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                                Day 1 - 50
                                Day 51 - zeuge Dr. Emery Brown Video Deposition; zeuge Peter Formuzis
                                Day 52 - zeugin Katherine Jackson
                                Day 53 - forts. zeugin K. Jackson; AEG-zeuge John Meglen
                                Day 54 - forts. AEG-zeuge Meglen
                                Day 55 - zeugen J. Meglen; Dr. Alimorad Farshchian Video Deposition
                                Day 56 - zeuge David Fournier
                                Day 57 - zeugen Dr. Scott Saunders per video depo.; Eric Briggs
                                Day 58 - zeuge Eric Briggs
                                Day 59 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                                Day 60 - forts. zeuge Briggs
                                Day 61 - forts. zeuge Briggs; zeuge Michael LaPerruque
                                Day 62 - forts. zeuge Michael LaPerruque; zeuge Eric Briggs; Timm Wooley video deposition
                                Day 63 - zeugin Kathleen Ann Jorrie
                                Day 64 - forts. zeugin Kathy Jorrie

                                Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                                Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                                Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                                Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                                Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                                Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                                Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                                Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                                Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50
                                Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 15.08.2013, 09:27.


                                thread unten
