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K. Jackson-Klage gegen AEG- Der Prozess- Nur News -Keine Diskussion
Berman merkt auch noch an, dass es keine Indikation gibt, dass der Vertragsentwurf für Murray zu MJs Repräsentanten gesendet wurde.Im Cross erfährt man das Bermann auf seine Entlassung bei der Record-company anfragte, da er mit neuen Executiven nicht klar kam. Es gibt eine unterzeichnete Erklärung von Dileo aus July 2009, die besagt, dass ihm die Verhandlungen mit Murray bekannt waren, dass Phillips gegen die Einstellung war, aber MJ ihn wollte. Berman erhielt von den Klägern 25000 Dollar für die Erstellung seiner Expertise, AEG musste ihm 5000 Dollar für die Depositon zahlen. Morgen kommt die Köchin Kai Chaise. Zudem werden Videodepositions von Dr. Finkelstein und evtl. Leweike in dieser Woche präsentiert. Panish gab bekannt das er seine Fallpräsentation in der Woche vom 8. Juli abschließen werde.Derweil werden sich wohl 1 Juror und 1 Ersatzjuror vom Prozess verabschieden, weil sie in andere Gebiete ziehen.
I'll be back in court tomorrow morning with resumption of testimony at 10 a.m.
Our story is here:
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Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 13m
It also looks like there will be some video testimony this week from Dr. Stuart Finklestein and possibly former AEG CEO Tim Leiweke.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 14m
Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish said he expects his case will finish the week of July 8th. #longwaytogo
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 14m
The judge asked him for more info, but said she’ll likely excuse him from the trial. That would leave 5 alternates in the case.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 14m
This juror has been buying property in another city, and said the closing date is at the end of the month.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 14m
There were several developments after testimony concluded. One alternate juror is moving, and looks like he’ll be excused.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 15m
Berman finished testifying and court will resume tomorrow at 10 a.m.
The next witness will be chef Kai Chase.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 16m
... (cont) after Jackson’s death and in an attempt to recoup some costs of the “This Is It” production.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 16m
The expert was also asked whether he knew how the Dileo statement came about. Berman said he believed it was entered (cont)
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 16m
Berman said he didn’t have respect for the new executive. Berman said he asked to have the company either publicly support him, or fire him.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 17m
Berman was then asked about his firing from Capitol Records. He explained he was hired by one executive, but another exec took over.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 17m
Bloss asked Berman whether he was aware if there was a document authorizing 50 shows for “This Is It.” “Apparently not,” he said.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 17m
Strong concluded her questioning, and plaintiff’s attorney Bill Bloss took over again.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 17m
Strong asked Berman whether he’d ever looked into the finances of executives he hired. He said if it happened, HR did the checks.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 17m
Berman said the statement didn’t deal with the issue that Murray’s contract wasn’t sent to Jackson reps, according to emails shown in court.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18m
Dileo’s statement indicated that AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips objected to hiring Murray, but Jackson wanted him.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18m
Strong then displayed a statement signed by Frank Dileo in July 2009 that stated he was aware of negotiations with Murray.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18m
Berman said he felt it was “extremely unusual” that Murray’s contracts would not have been sent to Jackson’s representatives.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18m
She said Kenny Ortega would have been paid $1m for about five months of work on the tour. He said he didn’t recall details of Ortega’s deal
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18m
Strong also challenged Berman on his contention that Murray would have been the highest-paid worker on the “This Is It” tour.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18m
The lawyer asked Berman what would have happened to Murray if Michael Jackson canceled the tour. He said he didn’t know.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19m
Strong noted that Berman hadn’t worked as a concert promoter or producer, nor had he worked on a tour before.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19m
He estimated he spent about 60 hours preparing his opinion on the Jackson vs AEG Live case so far.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19m
Berman has received $25,000 from the plaintiffs, and $5,000 from the defense. Defense had to pay him for his deposition, he said.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19m
Strong then keyed in on Berman’s work as an expert witness. She broke down his payments for the case.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19m
She quickly asked Berman about him being fired from Capitol Records. He said he demanded to be fired.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
After about 10 minutes, plaintiff’s attorney Bill Bloss concluded his questioning. AEG defense attorney Sabrina Strong took over.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
Berman’s point was that AEG wasn’t qualified to evaluate Dr. Murray’s care of Jackson. They could assess lighting, sound crew, but not a doc
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
“Well, it’s a pretty glaring example of why AEG inappropriateness,” Berman said. He said they had no experience supervising doctors
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
Berman was asked about a section where Murray was required to ensure that his services would be “administered professionally”
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
He started off by showing a copy of Conrad Murray’s “Independent Contractor Agreement.” Berman keyed in on a couple areas.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
After the lunch break, plaintiff’s attorney Bill Bloss asked Berman a few questions before wrapping up his examination.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 20m
Berman said there would have been nothing inappropriate if Michael Jackson hired his own doctor, but AEG’s involvement made it inappropriate
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 21m
“He was in financial dire straits,” Berman said. “He did need this gig.” (This refers to Randy Phillips email calling Murray successful.)
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 22m
AEG Live’s ability to end Murray’s contract if the tour was canceled increased the conflict of interest, Berman said.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 22m
It is common that parties in the music industry reach oral agreements, then put the terms into writing, Berman told jurors.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 22m
Berman said there were no indications that Murray’s draft contract was sent to Michael Jackson’s representatives, which should have happened
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 23m
This is a continuation of the morning session testimony of expert witness David Berman, an attorney and a former record executive
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 23m
Testimony has concluded for the day in Jackson vs AEG Live. A few updates to come now.Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 18.06.2013, 16:56.
Karen Faye soll Freitag ihre Aussage fortsetzen. Von Finkelstein wird diese Woche die Depositon von Video gezeigt. Anwälte stritten sich 45 Minuten darüber welche Teile gezeigt werden dürfen. Heute nur Kathrine im Gericht.
Die Aussage von Kai Chaise hat gestartet. Sie arbeitet auch heute noch für Kathrine und die Kinder. Bislang erzählte sie über das Leben der Kinder. Michael habe zum 11. Geburtstag von Paris eine Party mit privater Circusvorstellung im Haus orgranisiert, im Cirque du Soleil-Stil. Paris habe seit dem keine Geburtstagsparty mehr gehabt.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP
It also sounds like Karen Faye will return to the stand on Friday for cross-examination by an AEG Live lawyer.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP now
Finklestein was a doctor on Michael Jackson’s “Dangerous” tour. His deposition is expected to be played this week.
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Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19s
Plaintiff’s attorneys are trying to just play the deposition video and not have Finkelstein testify live, but he may still come in.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 1m
Testimony began about 45 minutes late because lawyers were arguing which portions of Dr. Stuart Finkelstein’s deposition can be used.
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Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 3m
We're on the lunch break in Jackson vs AEG Live case.
Katherine Jackson is in court today.
Chef Kai Chase is on the witness stand.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 4m
Chef describes home lives of Michael Jackson's children to jury:
(short update, longer one coming soon.)
Chef describes Jackson children's lives to jury
AP Entertainment Writer
Published: Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2013 - 12:24 pm
LOS ANGELES -- A chef who worked for Michael Jackson has described to jurors the lives of the superstar's children, including what she says was Paris Jackson's last birthday party.
Kai Chase says the singer hired a private circus for his daughter's 11th birthday party in 2009 in the backyard of his rented mansion.
Chase says the performance was a Cirque du Soleil style performance with men on stilts and a woman performing in a giant balloon. The celebrity chef continues to work for the singer's children and his mother.
She says Paris Jackson, now 15 years old, has not had a birthday party since then.
Chase is testifying in Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against AEG Live LLC over her son's death.
AEG Live denies any wrongdoing.
Read more here:
Es war Paris Wunsch seit dem keine Geburtstagsparties mehr zu haben. MJ erlaubte seinen Kindern keine Süßigkeiten zu essen und sorgte dafür, dass sie früh ins Bett gingen um bereit zu sein für den Unterricht beim Privatlehrer. Chase beschreibt Jackson als einen Prankster, der mit seinen Kindern die Mahlzeiten einnahm, Witze machte und Geschichten austauschte. Paris schrieb häufig Notizen für ihren Vater, so an die Tafel am Küchenboard. Eine Message die gezeigt wurde "I love Daddy" und "Smile is for free". Chase beschreibt das enge Bund das Jackson mit seinen Kindern hatte. Wenn er in den Raum kam liefen sie auf ihn zu und umarmten ihn.Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 18.06.2013, 22:33.
ABC hat heute zeitverzögert nun noch die Aussagetweets von gestern aktualisiert. Im oberen Tweet auch ein Link wo Prince Aussage zu sehen ist, Paris Aussage ist nur verkürzt eingestellt.
Nur paar Sachen aus den letzten Tweets noch zusammengefasst
Chase sagte auch aus, dass sie MJ nie unter Einfluss von Medikamenten, Drogen oder Alkohol sah. Die Sauerstofftanks im Juni seien größer gewesen als im April. Murray kam jeden Tag mit 2 von ihnen herunter. Verhältnis von Murray mit MJ und seinen Kindern erschien freundlich. Sie hielt Murray für Michaels persönl. Arzt. Es erschien ihr nicht seltsam das er einen hatte, nur das er täglich da war. Im April war er 2 bis 3-mal Woche da. Im Juni kochte sie einmal Dinner für Murray, MJ und die Kinder, eine türk. Suppe.
Alle Tweets der Aussage hier eingestellt. Relativ lang und natürlich ausführlich zum Verhältnis von MJ mit seinen Kindern. Chase wird heute noch weiter aussagen.
Meines Erachtens hat AEG mit der Chase-Aussage in einigen Aspekten gepunktet, auch in Verbindung mit den widerlegenden Aussagen von Michaels Kindern, insbesondere auch von Prince, der bestreitet seinem Vater jemals die Treppe hoch geholfen zu haben. Eine Aussage, die man vormals ohnehin noch niemals weder im Strafprozess noch in Medien-IVs von Chase hörte.Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 19.06.2013, 21:25.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts17h
He said "I can't take this s**t," Chase said Dr. Murray told her, storming out of the house.
das sollte man vielleicht doch mal genauer hinterfragen.....
und das hier gleich mit
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP18h
After the meeting Phillips, Gongaware and Dileo stayed at the house. They were still there when she left for the day.Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 19.06.2013, 21:31.
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 24. Teil
19. Juni 2013
Am letzten Freitag hatte Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish noch ein zweites und letztes Mal die Gelegenheit, Randy Phillips, CEO von AEG Live, zu befragen, nachdem vorher AEGs Anwalt Marvin Putnam dran war und wir ja nicht wirklich etwas Neues erfahren haben bzw. betont wurde, wie gut Michael drauf war, wie gut er am Ende aussah, wie sich alle auf die Shows freuten und wie Murray alles im Griff hatte und AEG sich voll auf ihn verliess. Panish ging dann gleich zur Sache.
So fragte er Phillips, ob damals die Gefahr bestand, dass die “This Is It” Shows abgesagt werden könnten. “Das könnte man so sagen”, so Phillips’ Antwort. Panish spielte dann auch einen Videoclip von Sky News ab, in dem Phillips eine Woche nach Michael Jacksons Tod gesagt hatte, dass AEG Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Phillips sagte dann, AEG hatte nie einen Arzt im Auftrag eines Performers angestellt oder für deren Unterkunft gezahlt. Im Vertrag zwischen Murray und AEG jedoch war vorgesehen, so Panish, dass AEG für Murrays Haus aufkommen würde, wenn die Crew für die Shows nach London ziehen würde. An dieser Stelle sei nochmals daran erinnert, dass gemäss früheren Aussagen weder Michael selbst noch seine Vertreter den Vertragsentwurf zwischen AEG Live und Conrad Murray jemals gesehen hatten.
Brian Panish kam dann auch nochmals auf die E-Mail von Kenny Ortega an Randy Phillips vom 19. Juni 2009 zu sprechen, als ersterer beschrieb, wie Michael Jacksons geistige Gesundheit angeschlagen schien und er der Meinung war, ein Psychologe solle Michael mal untersuchen. An jenem Tag wurde auch das Photo vom sichtlich ausgemergelten Michael bei der Kostümprobe gemacht. Wie wir während Karen Fayes Zeugenaussage berichtet hatten, hatte Michael Bush, Michaels Kostümdesigner, damals Faye gegenüber gesagt: “Oh mein Gott, Turkle [Michael Jacksons Spitzname für Karen], ich kann Michaels Herzschlag durch die Haut seiner Brust sehen” (siehe Teil 5 von unserer Berichterstattung). Für den Folgetag wurde das bereits mehrfach erwähnte Meeting bei Michael Jackson zu Hause zusammen mit Kenny Ortega, Randy Phillips, Frank DiLeo und Conrad Murray einberufen. Phillips sagte zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt der Befragung aus, dass Michael an dem Tag wirklich gut ausgesehen hatte. Panish fragte den Zeugen nun, wie Michael Jackson sich so rasch erholen konnte. “Ich war so verwirrt wie jeder andere auch, weil der Michael Jackson, den ich sah, der Michael Jackson, der da im Wohnzimmer mit uns zusammen sass… super ausgesehen hatte”. Was hatte sich denn in den 12 Stunden geändert, fragte Panish. “Ich habe keine Ahnung”, antwortete Phillips. Kein Kommentar.
Brian Panish zeigte den Geschworenen dann auch noch einen Videoclip von Michaels Billie Jean Performance. Dies zur Widerlegung eines Videos bzw. einer Aussage, die Phillips am Vortag gegenüber seinem eigenen Anwalt, Marvin Putnam, gemacht hatte. In jenem Video wurde gezeigt, wie Michael bei den Proben am 5. Juni 2009 mehrere nicht aufeinanderfolgende 360-Grad Drehungen gemacht hatte. Phillips hatte diese Bewegungen gegenüber Putnam als “mehrfache 360 Drehungen” beschrieben gehabt, auch wenn er zugab, dass er kein Choreograph sei. Die Jackson Anwälte zeigten den Geschworenen und Phillips nun jene Performance bei den Proben vom 5. Juni im direkten Vergleich zu einer Billie Jean Performance von 2001. Nachdem die Clips angespielt waren, fragte Panish Randy Phillips, ob irgendwo in dem Film (von den Proben) zu sehen war, dass Michael mehrfache 360-Grad Drehungen gemacht hatte. “Nein”, konnte da Phillips nur noch kleinlaut zugeben.
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Jacksons vs AEG - Day 31 – June 17 2013 – Summary
Jackson family was not in court
David Berman Testimony
David Berman lasted all day in the stand. William Bloss, attorney for the Jacksons, did the questioning. Sabrina Strong for AEG crossed. (ABC7)
Jackson direct
Berman has been an executive in the music industry for 45 years. He has BA in Business Admin from University of Michigan and JD from Harvard. Berman represented artists, negotiated management agreements, worked with Beach Boys Temptations, A&M records, 20th Century Fox, the Doors. Some of Berman's work included contracts. He went to Warner Brothers, worked with Madonna, Fleetwood Mac, Prince. Berman said he did acquisitions with other record companies. He explained the function of music lawyer is the "deal." Berman explained 60 to 70% of his practice involved contracts. He became president of Capitol Records, supervised running the record company. Berman worked with Bonnie Raittt, Beastie Boys, Queen, Paul McCartney; left Capitol Records in Sept 89; returned to law firm for the year. Berman then went to Geffen Records as senior executive in charge of business affairs. Became general counsel and supervised business affairs. Berman worked with Guns and Roses, Eagles, Peter Gabriel. In Feb 1998 went to Walt Disney to be in charge of Buena Vista Music group. (ABC7)
Berman is an attorney and longtime recording executive. He’s been in the business since 1969. He started out as an attorney. In 1976, he left his law firm and went to work as a vice president for Warner Bros. Records. Eventually promoted to Senior Vice President. In 1987, he left Warner Bros. and eventually went to work as the president for Capitol Records. He left Capitol Records in 1990, and went back to his old firm, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, for about a year. After that, Berman went to Geffen Records, where he was general counsel and head of business affairs. In the late 1990s, Berman left Geffen for Buena Vista Music Group, which is basically the music division for Disney, he told jury.(AP)
Berman retired in 2001 and became an expert witness. He said he’s testified in about 38 cases, 60% of times for plaintiffs. (AP) Berman has been engaged 38 times to testify in court as an expert witness, 60% of times for plaintiffs, 40% defendants. Berman said he was contacted by plaintiffs attorneys in December of last year and a meeting was set up. (ABC7)
Bloss: What were you provided by attorneys?
Berman: An enormous amount of written material (ABC7)
Berman said he reviewed 26 depositions, declarations, extraordinary amount of email, pleadings, all that. Bloss asked if getting paid $500/hr is standard amount. Berman said he knows some experts who charge more, others less. (ABC7) Berman said he’s reviewed an “enormous amount of written materials.” They included 26 depositions. He’s being paid $500/hour for his work. (AP)
AEG was major promoter, Berman said, explaining concert promoter promotes or markets the concert, secure the venue, ticket sales, tour merchandise. The tour producer, Berman said, is in charge of physical production of the show, the staging, the lighting, the dancing, the choreography. (ABC7)
Bloss: Have you been a concert promoter or producer?
Bernam: No (ABC7)
Berman: The essential deal involves the relationship with the artist, what does a concert entity do for, to and with the artist. "The customer for concert promoter is not the ticket buyer, it is the artist," Berman explained. (ABC7)
Berman said he believed that music companies owe a higher obligation to artists than to music buyers or concert goers and, in this instance, AEG failed Jackson.(AP)
Berman testified he believes AEG Live bringing Conrad Murray into “This Is It” tour was a conflict of interest. He said he believes the issues in this case relate to artist relations, not the intricacies of promoting a tour. Berman said he believes music industry companies should treat artists like their customers, placing their importance higher than customers. Berman: “Without the artist, you don’t have a record to sell.” (AP)
Asked whether it was appropriate for AEG Live to attempt to hire a doctor on Jackson's behalf, Berman responded, "I believe that it's highly inappropriate. It is highly unusual."(AP)
Bloss: Do you have opinion if tour producer should hire physician for the artist?
Berman: I believe it's entire inappropriate highly unusual (ABc7)
"I've never done it, I've never heard it being done" Berman said about hiring doctor "It's my understanding until this time AEG hadn't done". "It creats an inherent conflict of interest," Berman opined. "The physician has obligation to the person treating and the entity paying him". "It is a more egregioius conflict given the factors in this case," Berman expressed. (ABC7)
Berman said he had never heard of a music company hiring a doctor on behalf of an artist. He called it “highly unusual.” He said that the company paying the doctor “creates an inherent conflict of interest on the part of the physician.” Berman: “The physician has dual obligations to the patient of course and to the entity that his engaging” him or her. (AP)
Bloss showed Berman the 'Trouble at the Front' email Ortega sent to Phillips saying he didn't think MJ was ready, his physical weakening. "The response to me is very telling" Berman explained, saying Phillips was dismissive when he responded lets not become amateur psychiatrist. Phillips recognized the potential of the doctor not being ethical or unbiased, Berman highlighted. "It is my understanding AEG never did anything to check out Dr. Murray," Berman testified, "It shows they were aware of potential conflict (ABC7)
Plantiff’s attorney Bill Bloss showed Berman several emails the jury has seen, including messages traded by Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega. He said one of the emails Phillips sent to Ortega seemed dismissive of the tour director’s concerns about Jackson’s health. (AP)
Bloss: Did you become involved in retaining a physician for any entity?
Berman: No
Bloss: Did you ever hear of a music company retaining a physician for an artist whether it was at artist's request or not?
Berman: No
Bloss: Would it be a reasonable practice?
Berman: No
WB: How could conflict be avoided?
DB: By hiring a doctor with no relationship to AEG (ABC7)
Defendants objected saying Berman has never been a producer, a tour manager or worked for a producer or manager. (ABC7)
Bloss: What is personal manager?
Berman: A personal manager is involved in every aspect of the artist's career and the artist's life (ABC7)
Berman said the fact Dr. Murray wanted $5 million to be engaged as MJ's physician is some kind of red flag, even though it was turned down. Berman: Even amount of $150k/month, as agreed, is an exorbitant amount. It's more money than any individual in the tour was getting. The expert said AEG was aware of another physician, Dr. Finkelstein, had been willing to take the position as MJ's doctor for $40k a month. Berman: If there was an alternative to Dr. Murray at a fraction of the price, it seems to me that information should've been passed on to MJ (ABC7)
He said he was troubled by the fact that another doctor had quoted a $10k per week price to care for Jackson on the tour. Berman said information about the other doctor should have been turned over to Jackson, but it wasn’t. (AP)
There were a lot of objections by AEG Live attorneys to Berman’s testimony and expertise. This prompted a lengthy sidebar in the morning. Ultimately, Berman was able to testify that he thought AEG Live’s involvement in negotiating Murray’s contract was an ethical conflict (AP).
Berman said he understands that Mr. Gongaware was the one dealing with Dr. Murray's hiring on behalf of AEG Live. Berman expressed AEG was in the process of negotiating and securing an agreement between themselves and Dr. Murray to be MJ's physician. Bloss showed the email where Paul Gongaware wrote "Done at $150k a month, per MJ." "It's indicative of fact that agreement had been reached on behalf of AEG Live that Dr. Murray," Berman explained. Berman said he didn't think this email alone proves AEG hired Dr. Murray. (ABC7)
Judge: to the jury, YOU will decide whether Dr. Murray was hired. All the testimony by hiring is made on assumption he was hired (or not) (ABC7)
Berman opined that emails between AEG and Dr. Murray offered more details of the terms of the engagement between AEG Live and Dr. Murray. Berman said it was a three party agreement between AEG Live, Dr. Murray and MJ. Berman said emails about the agreement were never sent to MJ. Berman explained it is as if one party was being denied participation in the bind in the terms of the agreement. (ABC7)
Bloss showed Berman a tour budget dated May 16, 2009. Berman explained it included $300k for medical management. Berman said the amount on budget is consistent with $150k for Dr. Murray for the months of May and June, 2009. (ABC7)
Dr. Murray acknowledged he's in agreement with terms of May 8th email, Berman explained, saying he was performing services that day already. Berman noted Dr. Murray wrote "I have performed and continue to fulfill my services to the client in good faith" and "as per our agreement" (ABC7)
"I've never heard of it and, to my knowledge, AEG had not done it before," Berman said about retaining a doctor. "I think an artist is perfectly entitled to engage any physician he chooses," Berman said. (ABC7)
Berman testified it is not unusual for an artist to hire and bring his own doctor on tour. However, Berman opined that AEG inserted themselves in the middle of the deal as an attempt to be in position to control MJ's doctor. (ABC7)
Bloss: May agreements be oral in your industry?
Berman: Of course, it's a common occurrence (ABC7)
Berman: agreements are commenced and performed by both parties by oral agreement and subsequently put in writing. It's not uncommon at all. (ABC7)
Bloss: When does the agreement start?
Berman: Generally speaking, when one party has commenced performing under the oral agreement (ABC7)
Berman said it is not unusual in the entertainment business at all to amend contracts without putting the changes in writing. For instance, Berman said MJ's agreement called for 31 shows, it was amended to 50; tour budget was $7.5 million, increased to $30 million. (ABC7) It is common that parties in the music industry reach oral agreements, then put the terms into writing, Berman told jurors. (AP)
David Berman told jurors hearing a negligent hiring lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live LLC that the company should not have negotiated with Jackson's physician without notifying the singer's representatives of the discussion. Berman said there were no indications that Murray’s draft contract was sent to Michael Jackson’s representatives, which should have happened . (AP)
Berman said it's common practice for outside counsel, Kathy Jorrie in this case, to send agreement they're drafting to in house counsel. Berman: The email shows that nobody from MJ's camp received copy of the draft agreement AEG Live was putting together for Dr. Murray. Berman thinks it's unreasonable and inappropriate not to include one of the three parties of the agreement in the discussions of the deal. Berman said he understands Dennis Hawk, Mr. Branca and Mr. Katz were MJ's attorneys at this point in time. (ABC7)
Bloss showed email where Ms. Jorrie referred to as final contract between AEG and Dr. Murray. "As far as AEG is concerned, the contract is concluded and ready for execution," Berman explained the email meant in his opinion. (ABC7)
Berman said his understanding is that AEG Live had already secured housing in London for Dr. Murray and was included in the UK party tour, Berman said that in addition to insurance, AEG requested that Dr. Murray be in control of MJ's rehearsal schedule. Berman: If contract terminated then agreement terminated with Conrad Murray, giving Dr. Murray even greater conflict. "He was in dire straits, he did need this gig. He ran the risk of losing further compensation," Berman opined. Gongaware said "We want to remind Dr Murray that it's AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want him 2 understand what's expected of him"."It is indicatative of the fact that they want to control the services of Dr. Murray," Berman opined. (ABC7)
AEG Live’s ability to end Murray’s contract if the tour was canceled increased the conflict of interest, Berman said. “He was in financial dire straits,” Berman said. “He did need this gig.” (This refers to Randy Phillips email calling Murray successful.) (AP)
Berman said there would have been nothing inappropriate if Michael Jackson hired his own doctor, but AEG’s involvement made it inappropriate (AP).
Bloss: If Dr. Murray had been hired by MJ would this be necessary?
Berman: It would not have been factually accurate (ABC7)
After the lunch break, plaintiff’s attorney Bill Bloss asked Berman a few questions before wrapping up his examination. He started off by showing a copy of Conrad Murray’s “Independent Contractor Agreement.” Berman keyed in on a couple areas. Berman was asked about a section where Murray was required to ensure that his services would be “administered professionally”. “Well, it’s a pretty glaring example of why AEG inappropriateness,” Berman said. He said they had no experience supervising doctors. Berman’s point was that AEG wasn’t qualified to evaluate Dr. Murray’s care of Jackson. They could assess lighting, sound crew, but not a doctor (AP).
Berman said AEG doesn't have experience supervising physicians. "That's not their area of expertise." The chain of email Trouble at the Front shows an attempt to exercise some degree of control, Berman said. "This is the first time I'm aware of them reaching out to various MJ advisors, filling them in with the problem they now see," Berman said. Mr. Branca immediately responds saying he has a person he thinks can help, Berman said. AEG rejects the proposition regarding the person Mr. Branca suggested and never answered the question of substance abuse, Berman opined. (ABC7)
Berman: It indicates that they were concerned and the email from Gongaware to Phillips appears to be attempt to exercise control. "Take the doctor with you" mention is yet another attempt to control Dr. Murray, Berman said. (ABC7)
Berman: They don't know what the problem is, they don't know Dr. Murray is the right doctor, they just don't know what the problem is (ABC7)
Bloss asked if AEG should've entered into agreement w/ physician. Berman said no, they have no expertise or experience supervising a doctor (ABC7)
AEG cross
Berman said he's inactive member of the CA Bar for 10 years, pay dues but can't practice law until taking continuing education. Strong asked if the reason he left Capitol Records was because he was fired. "I demanded to be fired, they accepted my request" Berman said. (ABC7) She quickly asked Berman about him being fired from Capitol Records. He said he demanded to be fired. (AP)
Strong: Your primary job is working as expert witness since 2001, right?
Berman: Primary job is essentially inaccurate (ABC7)
Berman has been working with disputes in the industry for about 11 years. As expert witness, he's paid by whomever hires him. Berman gets $500/hour as payment, received about $25,000 from plaintiffs, $5,000 from defendants from when they deposed him. That makes about 60 hours of work on this case, Berman said, recalling about six meeting with attorneys for the plaintiffs. (ABC7)
Strong then keyed in on Berman’s work as an expert witness. She broke down his payments for the case. Berman has received $25,000 from the plaintiffs, and $5,000 from the defense. Defense had to pay him for his deposition, he said. He estimated he spent about 60 hours preparing his opinion on the Jackson vs AEG Live case so far. (AP)
Strong asked if Berman has been disqualified previously from testifying. He said the judge disqualified the methodology he used. (ABC7)
Strong: Did you testify outside the area of your expertise?
Berman: No, it had to do with putting a value on starting record label (ABC7)
Berman explained he used real life experience, based value on quality, knowledge and expertise but judge wanted academic and economic method. (ABC7)
AEG Live is primarily concert promoter, Berman explained. (ABC7) Strong noted that Berman hadn’t worked as a concert promoter or producer, nor had he worked on a tour before. (AP)
Berman never worked with MJ in a tour. "I was at a party once that he attended, but I was not introduced to him," Berman said. (ABC7)
Strong: You agree here that MJ chose Dr. Murray?
Berman: That's my understanding (ABC7)
Strong asked if MJ was the one paying Dr. Murray. Berman said he disagrees with it. Strong asked if Berman thinks it matters who Dr. Murray believes hired him. Berman responded the critical factor with Dr. Murray regarding conflict is knowing in fact that he was to be compensated by AEG and not MJ. Berman: AEG Live had the ability to terminate the agreement with Dr. Murray should the concert be postponed. "I think Dr. Murray had the right to be concerned about the issue," Berman testified. "It was not his best interest to harm MJ, but his interest was also the tour didn't get canceled or postponed," Berman said about Dr. Murray (ABC7)
Strong: Dr. Murray was under pressure because he might lose his job?
Berman: I feel he would be concerned about that, yes (ABC7)
Strong asked Berman if artists have the ability to not perform. He replied they have physical ability, but legal would be breach of contract. (ABC7)
The lawyer asked Berman what would have happened to Murray if Michael Jackson canceled the tour. He said he didn’t know. (AP)
Strong: It wouldn't matter who canceled the tour, correct?
Berman: There were elements that Dr. Murray had no control whatsoever (ABC7)
Berman opined that if the tour was canceled, it's fair to say that AEG would not want to keep Dr. Murray under contract. "I don't know what'd have happened with Dr. Murray if the show were canceled, I don't have any way of knowing," Berman said. (ABC7).
Berman said he's aware Dr. Murray performed services for MJ, and maybe for his children, but doesn't know the extent of services. (ABC7)
"Personal manager in CA cannot perform the functions of a booking agent; personal manager cannot perform function of attorney," Berman said (ABC7)
Berman said he thinks he knows enough to say that it is not unusual for masseuses to be brought along in a tour. (ABC7)
Strong asked if Berman knows that AEG Live negotiated contract with Karen Faye, make up artist. He said yes, and he had no problem with it. Strong: Faye could've cause skin damage on MJ's face? ((One of the jurors looked at Strong very puzzled!)) Berman: Anyone could've hurt MJ (ABC7)
Berman said it's his understanding that Dr. Murray was MJ's choice. He said he firmly believes producer should never hire doctor for artist. "It is extremely unusual, it goes beyond unusual," Berman opined. Strong rebutted: But you never produced a tour?
Berman: No (ABC7)
Berman said tour doctors are different from artist doctors. (ABC7)
Strong: You know The Stones tour with a doctor?
Berman: I know that Mr. Trell indicated that (ABC7)
"I know that AEG never hired a doctor to go on tour with an artist," Berman testified. Berman said is an unusual event for concert promoter to be the producer. "Producer shouldn't be engaging the services of doctor," Berman opined, "even if doctor has been treating artist/children for long time." (ABC7)
"The contract is between AEG Live and Dr. Murray," Berman said, adding that MJ is a third party beneficiary. Strong showed Berman Dr. Murray's Contract Agreement, "Perform the services reasonably requested by Producer." Strong said it was a mistake. (ABC7)
"Producer did request Dr. Murray to perform services," Berman said. Shawn Trell, in the audience, shook his head no. (ABC7)
"MJ did not sign it," Berman said about Dr. Murray's contract. Neither AEG Live, Strong asked. That's correct, Berman answered. (ABC7)
Strong: How often do you pay $1.5 mil without a signed contract?
Berman: I have paid probably more than $1.5 mil without executed contract (ABC7)
Strong argued that Berman's contract must not have included provision saying it had to be fully executed prior to payment. (ABC7)
Berman testified increasing shows from 31 to 50 wasn't in writing, neither was production cost raised from $7.5 million to more than $30 million (ABC7).
Strong: This contract doesn't limit the spending to $7.5 million, correct?
Berman: Correct, I don't have a problem with oral agreements (ABC7)
"I know there are no written documents signed by MJ approving increase in production costs," Berman testified. "There's one document signed by quote representative that I doubt he was a representative," Berman expressed. (ABC7)
Strong asked if Berman were to work for plaintiffs for 80 hours at rate of $500/hour, he would make $40k/week. Berman responded: "With all due respect, I'm 69 years old, I'm not working 80 hours a week for anybody." Some jurors laughed. (ABC7)
Strong asked Berman if his testimony should not be believed because he's being paid by the plaintiffs. "My salary as an expert witness is well in line with other experts," Berman responded, adding he knows several experts who charge much more. (ABC7)
Strong inquired if Berman was expert in doctor's salaries. "I'm not an expert but I'm aware of another doctor willing to be paid $40k/month". Strong: Do you know doctors make millions a year? Berman: I know my does (ABC7)
Strong also challenged Berman on his contention that Murray would have been the highest-paid worker on the “This Is It” tour. She said Kenny Ortega would have been paid $1m for about five months of work on the tour. He said he didn’t recall details of Ortega’s deal (AP).
Strong asked if Berman knew how much Kenny Ortega was going to make in the tour to say Dr. Murray was getting more money. "The red flag is $150,000 a month compared with another doctor asking $40,000," Berman explained. "It was not a problem that the doctor was going to make more, it's an indicative something is out of whack," Berman testified. (ABC7)
Strong asked Berman about the request for MJ's medical records for insurance purposes. He said it would benefit both AEG and MJ. (ABC7)
Strong asked if Berman was concerned MJ's reps were kept out of the loop. "To the best of my understanding that's what happened" Berman said. "I'm aware that Mr. DiLeo was aware of Dr. Murray, but don't know whether he was involved in the negotiation of the contract," Berman opined (ABC7) Berman said he felt it was “extremely unusual” that Murray’s contracts would not have been sent to Jackson’s representatives. (AP)
Strong then displayed a statement signed by Frank Dileo in July 2009 that stated he was aware of negotiations with Murray. Dileo’s statement indicated that AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips objected to hiring Murray, but Jackson wanted him. Berman said the statement didn’t deal with the issue that Murray’s contract wasn’t sent to Jackson reps, according to emails shown in court. (AP)
Berman said Brigitte Seagal was an attorney in the UK working on housing arrangements. He doesn't know if she had any relation with MJ. (ABC7)
Berman said that as President at Capitol Records, he was involved in hiring heads of departments, senior executives. Strong: You never checked financial background of executives you hired in the music industry? Berman: To the extent it would've been done, it was at the human resources level. Berman said he personally never checked financial background of anyone because it would not have reach his level it would've been done at Human Resources. Strong played Berman's depo where he said he couldn't recall any credit check being done (ABC7) Strong asked Berman whether he’d ever looked into the finances of executives he hired. He said if it happened, HR did the checks. (AP)
Jackson redirect
Berman said MJ's contract required any modification to be done in writing. But addition of shows, budget increase was never written anywhere. (ABC7) Bloss asked Berman whether he was aware if there was a document authorizing 50 shows for “This Is It.” “Apparently not,” he said. (AP)
Bloss: Did anybody considered that to be a problem?
Berman: Apparently not (ABC7)
As to the firing of Berman from Capitol Records he explained he was hired by chief executive whom he had immense respect, but ended up fired. However, Berman did not have same level of respect for the new global Chief Executive, he said. "It was pretty arrogant and naive of me," Berman said. "The word began to go around that the president was going to get fire." Berman said the morale was pretty bad for the company, no one wanted to sign with the company if the president was about to be booted. Berman explained he went to his immediate boss and demanded full support of termination. "Then I'm fired," Berman said, he insisted in getting fired, it was the only way to get paid off. If he quit, he would've gotten nothing. (ABC7) Berman was then asked about his firing from Capitol Records. He explained he was hired by one executive, but another exec took over. Berman said he didn’t have respect for the new executive. Berman said he asked to have the company either publicly support him, or fire him. (AP)
Berman said he believes the DiLeo letter was an attempt to get some MJ representative of some form to retroactively approve the budget. (ABC7) The expert was also asked whether he knew how the Dileo statement came about. Berman said he believed it was entered after Jackson’s death and in an attempt to recoup some costs of the “This Is It” production. (AP)
The purpose of this letter is to confirm that I'm appointing Frank DiLeo one of my new representatives & tour manager. Mr. DiLeo has my authorization to conduct business matters on my behalf only when instructed. Signed by MJ (ABC7)
Berman said it was a weird letter and inconsistent with DiLeo's declaration, which said he was MJ's rep since March 2009. (ABC7)
"I believe this document to be a written document confirming binding oral agreement," Berman said about Dr. Murray's contract. (ABC7)
AEG recross
Strong asked in re-cross if Berman was aware that MJ directed Randy Phillips to deal with Frank DiLeo on his behalf. He said no. As to DiLeo's letter dated May 2, 2009, Strong asked if Berman knows when DiLeo was hired. He said no. (ABC7)
Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #31
Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
Day 8 - zeugin Faye
Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips
Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 25. Teil
20. Juni 2013
Am Montag rief Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish David Berman, den ehemaligen Präsidenten von Capital Records, als Expertenzeugen in den Zeugenstand. Dieser sagte aus, dass es „höchst unangebracht“ und „höchst ungewöhnlich“ wäre für einen Konzertveranstalter, einen Arzt für einen Künstler anzustellen, weil damit ein fundamentales Problem im Sinne eines eklatanten Interessenskonflikts für den Arzt entstünde. In diesem besonderen Fall wäre es sogar ein noch besonders grober Interessenskonflikt, wenn man die Fakten und Umstände anschaut.
David Berman, den die Jackson Seite als Expertenzeugen angestellt (und bezahlt) hatte, beantwortete die Fragen von Brian Panish gestützt auf die Vermutung , dass AEG Live Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Die Richterin erinnerte die Geschworenen am Ende daran, dass es an ihnen liege zu entscheiden, welche Partei – Michael Jackson oder AEG Live – Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Dies ist ja die Schlüsselfrage in diesem Prozess.
Insbesondere eine E-Mail zeigte gemäss Berman, dass AEG Live sich des potentiellen Interessenskonflikts bewusst war. Es handelt sich um eine bereits erwähnte E-Mail von Randy Phillips an Kenny Ortega, worin Phillips schrieb, dass Conrad Murray „extrem erfolgreich“ sei, „wir überprüfen jeden“ und „[Murray] braucht den Job nicht; er ist also vollkommen unparteiisch“. Berman meinte, dass diese Aussage aus vielerlei Hinsicht sehr problematisch sei, insbesondere deshalb, da Phillips erkannte, dass das Potenzial besteht, dass der Arzt eben nicht unparteiisch sein könnte, wenn er den Job braucht. Ein weiteres Warnsignal sei gewesen, dass Murray USD 5 Mio. verlangt hatte. Auch die am Ende vereinbarten USD 150‘000 pro Monat waren gemäss Berman eine „exorbitante Summe“.
Jackson Anwalt Bill Bloss legte den Geschworenen am Montag auch noch mehrere E-Mails vor. Darunter war eine E-Mail, in der Conrad Murray Tim Woolley, den zuständige Buchhalter von AEG, um einen Vorschuss von zwei Monatsgehältern bat. Woolley antwortete Murray, dass der Rechtsdienst den Vertrag zwischen Murray und AEG noch nicht fertig habe. Es handle sich in diesem Fall um einen ziemlich speziellen Vertrag, „da es selten vorkomme, dass ein Arzt angestellt wird, um einen tourenden Künstler zu begleiten“.
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The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — was am Montag sonst noch lief
20. Juni 2013
Am Montag gab es nicht nur Zeugenbefragungen im Gerichtssaal, sondern Richterin Palazuelos rief Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish und AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam auch zu sich ins Richterzimmer. Thema (unglaublich, aber wahr): Putnam behauptete, dass Panish ihm im Gerichtssaal zweimal den Stinkefinger gezeigt hatte. Und da dachten wir doch schon fast, dass AEGs Verhalten in diesem Prozess kaum noch absurder werden könne.
Gemäss des Protokolls vom Gespräch im Richterzimmer behauptete Putnam, dass Panish ihm zweimal den Finger gezeigt habe.
Panish: Was? Richterin, wenn ich ihm den Stinkefinger zeigen will, dann wüsste ich, wie ich das anstellen sollte.
Putnam: Und das haben Sie zweimal ganz gut gemacht.
Panish: Ich habe versucht – ich würde es Ihnen sagen. OK? Ich stehe zu dem, was ich mache. Wenn ich Ihnen den Stinkefinger hätte zeigen wollen — beklagen Sie sich und sagen Sie, dass ich Ihnen den Stinkefinger gezeigt habe?
Putnam: Das hab ich nicht.
Panish: Ich hab so gemacht, als er gesprochen hat (deutet an) und alle drei [AEG Anwälte] haben mich unterbrochen. Ich habe Mr. Putnam nicht den Stinkefinger gezeigt. Wenn er das wünscht, weiss ich, wie man’s macht, glauben Sie mir. [...]“ [...]
Panish: Ich habe mir Mühe gegeben, [...] höflich zu sein. Ich habe in 100 Geschworenenprozessen niemals ein Problem gehabt, was Höflichkeit anbelangt… Ich habe Mr. Putnam nicht den Stinkefinger gezeigt. Wenn er das möchte, mach ich das gern. Hab ich mich über [die AEG Anwälte] geärgert? Ja, absolut. Hab ich mich über ihre Zeugen geärgert? Absolut. Keine Frage. Das streite ich nicht ab.
Richterin: Nun, ich habe nichts gesehen, aber wenn es vorgekommen ist, muss es aufhören. Wirklich. Was gibt es da noch weiter zu sagen – ausser, dass Panishs abschliessende Aussage grandios war?
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Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 45m The story also shows when a laywer asks a 17-minute hypothetical question, it can bring a trial to a grinding halt:
Der Artikel zeigt auch wenn ein Anwalt eine 17-minütige hypothet. Frage stellt, kann es einen Prozess zum Erliegen bringen.
Expert: Michael Jackson was totally sleep-deprived
Experte: Michael war total seines Schlafes beraubt
By ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 10 mins ago
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Associated Press/Joel Ryan, File - FILE - In this March 5, 2009 file photo, US singer Michael Jackson announces that he is set to play ten live concerts at the London O2 Arena in July, which he announced at …more
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FILE - In this June 23, 2009 handout …
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's inability to learn new dance moves and remember the lyrics to his songs were symptoms that the singer was totally sleep deprived by the time of his death, a sleep expert told a jury Friday.
Charles Czeisler said reports by workers on Jackson's ill-fated comeback concerts that the entertainer was losing weight, exhibiting signs of paranoia and his condition seemed to be deteriorating were consistent with someone who hadn't gotten any real sleep in a long time.
The sleep deprivation was likely caused by Jackson's use of the anesthetic propofol, which Czeisler said would put the singer in a drug-induced coma and not meet his body's need for actual sleep. Studies showed that similar levels of sleep deprivation resulted in the deaths of laboratory animals and would likely cause the death of a human, he said.
Czeisler relied heavily on summaries of testimony provided by a plaintiff's lawyer and emails from choreographers and others working on Jackson's "This Is It" tour to form his opinion. The testimony detailed Jackson's missed rehearsals and reports that he was picking up dance moves slowly, as well as that he requested a teleprompter to display lyrics to his songs.
Czeisler hat sich in hohem Maße auf Zusammenfassungen der Aussage eines Klägeranwaltes und E-Mails von Choreographen und anderen Arbeitern an Jacksons vorgesehener "This Is It"-Tour orientiert, um seine Meinung zu bilden. Das Zeugnis detaillierte Jacksons verpasste Proben und berichtete darüber, dass er Tanzbewegungen verlangsamt aufnahm sowie, dass er einen Teleprompter zum Singen seiner Lieder anfragte.
"The meticulous detailing of his deterioration here was both profound and sad," Czeisler said.
"Die Detaillierung seiner Verschlechterung war sowohl tiefgründig als auch traurig," sagt Czeisler.
The Harvard professor and sleep researcher is testifying as a sleep expert in a lawsuit filed by the singer's mother against concert promoter AEG Live LLC.
On cross-examination by AEG defense attorney Kathryn Cahan, the researcher acknowledged that he hadn't reviewed actual testimony from the case, including statements from AEG executives that they thought the singer appeared fine and had stellar rehearsals before his death.
Im Kreuzverhör durch AEG Verteidiger Kathryn Cahan räumte der Forscher ein, dass er keine echten Zeugnisse von dem Fall bewertet hat, einschließlich der Aussagen von AEG Führungskräften, dass sie dachten, der Sänger erschien gut und hatte herausragende Proben vor seinem Tod.
Czeisler, who is being paid $950 an hour for his work on the case, said he reached his opinion after reviewing deposition transcripts, medical records and other evidence shown to jurors during Katherine Jackson's eight-week trial against AEG.
Czeisler dem 950 $ pro Stunde für seine Arbeit an dem Fall gezahlt wird sagte er erreichte seine Meinung nach der Überprüfung von Transkripten, medizinischen Aufzeichnungen und andere Beweisen, die den Juroren während Katherine Jacksons acht-wöchigen Prozess gegen AEG gezeigt wurden.
A lawyer for Katherine Jackson summarized the evidence used to form the basis for Czeisler's opinion in a 17-minute, 1,833 word question that caused the trial to grind to a halt on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.
Ein Anwalt für Katherine Jackson fasste die Beweise auf dessen Grundlage Czeislers Meinung basierte in einer 17-minütigen, 1.833 Wort Frage zusammen, die den Prozess zum Stillstand am Donnerstag Nachmittag brachte und am Freitag Vormittag weitere Warteschleifen verursacht hat.
Michael Koskoff's inquiry was posed as a hypothetical question to Czeisler that included a summary of testimony, passages of emails shown to jurors and other evidence presented during trial.
A judge said the question contained details that are inadmissible in the trial and misstated several other details. Superior Court Yvette Palazuelos opted not to strike the question from the record but allowed Koskoff to clarify it. That process took another 19 minutes on Friday.
Die Richterin sagte, die Frage enthalte Details, die im Prozess unzulässig sind und Falschangaben einige anderer Details. Superior Court Yvette Palazuelos entschied die Frage nicht aus dem Datensatz zu löschen, sondern erlaubte Koskoff es die Frage korrigiert zu stellen. Dieser Prozess dauerte weitere 19 Minuten am Freitag.
Attorneys spent roughly an hour arguing over the structure of the lengthy question, leaving jurors waiting for nearly 30 minutes on Friday.
Czeisler earned more than $250 listening to the initial question, and more than $300 listening to Koskoff clarify it. Czeisler is a Harvard-educated sleep expert who has consulted on sleep issues for sports teams, the Rolling Stones, ex-NBA player Shaquille O'Neal and government agencies such as the CIA and U.S. Marshals Service.
Rechtsanwälte verbrachten etwa eine weitere Stunde damit über die Struktur der langwierigen Frage zu streiten, so dass Juroren eine Wartezeit von fast 30 Minuten am Freitag hatten. Czeisler verdiente mehr als $ 250 um sich die erste Frage anzuhören, und mehr als $ 300 um Koskoffs korrigierte Fragefassung anzuhören. Czeisler ist ein Harvard ausgebildete Schlaf-Experte, der sich mit Problemen mit dem Ruhezustand von Sport-Teams befasst hat, den Rolling Stones, Ex-NBA-Spieler Shaquille O'Neal und Regierungsbehörden wie der CIA und der US Marshals Service angehört hat.
Katherine Jackson's negligent hiring suit claims AEG Live is responsible for her son's death because it failed to properly investigate Conrad Murray, who was convicted of giving Jackson a fatal dose of propofol, and missed warning signs about his health.
AEG denies it hired Murray or could have known that the former cardiologist was giving Jackson propofol as a sleepZuletzt geändert von Lena; 21.06.2013, 22:37.
Noch der Rest von der gestrigen Befragung:
Czeisler sagt niemand hätte MJ zu einer Behandlung zwingen können. Nicht seine Kinder, keine Geschäftspartner. Beziehung von Anästesie und Schlaf ist ein neues Feld. Viel Info kam nach MJs Tod heraus. Jedes Symptom wie Gewichstverlust, Gedächntnisstörungen, Angst hätte auch durch einen andere Krankheit verursacht werden können. Czeisler weiß nicht wie oft MJ Propofol in den letzten 2 Monaten gegeben wurde. Er weiß es nur vom 24. Juni. MJ starb an Propofolvergiftung, nicht an Schlafentzug. Ein kompetenter Arzt hätte MJ geholfen und er hätte es durch die Tour geschafft.
Im Re-Cross sagt er, er glaubt das MJ jede Nacht Propofol gegeben wurde.
Am Montag ist Matheson, ein anderer Experte im Zeugenstand.
- ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
We're back on Monday at 1:30p When Gordon O Matheson of Stanford University. Don't miss it!!!
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
On recross the Doctor said he believed MJ got Propofol every night all night for the 2 months before his death.
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
Dr. Czeisler believes that a fit and competent Doctor would have gotten MJ help and he would have made it through the tour
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
Dr. Czeisler did however interject after the AEG Lawyer finished questions that in an NTSB investigation there are contributing factors
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
AEG Attorney asked the Dr. what was the cause of death on the autopsy report and it was propofol intoxication...not sleep deprivation.
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
Dr. Czeisler conceded that the only night he knows MJ was given propofol was June 24th, 2009. He died the next day.
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
AEG Attorney Questioned Dr.Czeisler that he did not know exactly how often or what manner MJ was given propofol in the last 2 months of life
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 9h
Mrs. Jackson is not in court today.
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 9h
Each of the symptoms MJ was experiencing - weight loss, paranoia, memory lapse, etc can all be caused by something other than no sleep
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 9h
The Doctor said the relationship between anesthesia and sleep is a new area of study. Much info has come out since MJ died.
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 9h
The Doctor also said no one could make MJ get treatment - not his children or his business partners.
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 9h
In that conversation they talked about his problems sleeping
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 9h
Dr Czeisler continues cross examination after the lunch break. He testified MJ's Doctor had a conversation with MJ about the stress of
- ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 7h
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 26. Teil
22. Juni 2013
Am Dienstag und Mittwoch wurde Kai Chase, die persönliche Köchin von Michael Jackson und seinen drei Kindern während den Vorbereitungen der “This Is It” Tour, befragt. Sie beschrieb, wie aktiv und gesund Michael im April 2009 noch war, er im Juni jedoch so schwach war, dass ihm sein Sohn Prince, damals 12 Jahre alt, helfen musste, die Treppe raufzugehen. Sie wiederholte auch ihre Aussage vom Prozess gegen Conrad Murray. Kai Chase, die von Katherine Jackson auf Wunsch der drei Kinder seit vergangenem Juli wieder als Köchin eingestellt wurde, sprach auch darüber, wie sehr der Tod ihres Vaters die drei Kinder betroffen hat. “Sie sprechen oft über ihren Vater. Es ist etwas, über das sie nie hinweg kommen werden — die Liebe und wie sehr sie ihren Vater vermissen”.
Am Dienstagnachmittag zeigte AEG Live Auszüge von der eidesstattlichen Befragung von Paris Jackson vom März 2013, um Aussagen von Kai Chase zu widerlegen. AEG Live plante zunächst, Paris vor Gericht zu befragen — dies hatten sie sogar an dem Tag nochmals bestätigt, als bekannt wurde, dass Paris einen Suizidversuch unternommen hatte. Die Jackson Anwälte machten jedoch am Dienstag der Richterin gegenüber klar, dass Paris noch immer im Spital behandelt werde und sie nicht persönlich vor Gericht erscheinen könne.
In der ersten Videoaufnahme wurde Paris von AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam zum Kindermädchen Grace Rwaramba befragt, die zwei Monate vor Michael Jacksons Tod entlassen worden war. “Mein Vater hat sie nicht gemocht. Und so hat er versucht, sie von uns fern zu halten. Er schickte sie oft zum Einkaufen”, so Paris. Michael habe jedoch gezögert, sie zu entlassen, weil er sich nicht wohl dabei fühlte, da sie nicht viel Geld hatte. Zudem, sagte Paris: “[Daddy] sagte sie war hinterhältig und sie war keine ehrliche Person und sie log oft”. Als Putnam Paris fragte, warum ihr Vater nicht sicherstellte, dass Grace wegbliebe, antwortete Paris, dass er sie nach Indien geschickt hatte, um ein paar Sachen zu besorgen, aber sie immer wieder zurückkam.
AEG Live hatte diese Videoclips von Paris gezeigt, um Aussagen von Kai Chase über Grace Rwaramba zu widerlegen. Rwarama soll zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in diesem Prozess noch für die Jackson Seite aussagen.
Als die Zeugenbefragung von Kai Chase am Mittwoch fortgesetzt wurde, meinte diese betreffend Paris’ Aussage, dass Michaels Tochter so reagiert hatte, weil sie sich von ihrem Kindermädchen verlassen gefühlt hatte, und das nur kurz vor dem Tod ihres Vaters. “Die Kinder fühlten sich verlassen. Sie waren nicht glücklich. Dies war die Mutter, die sie kannten. Sie war da, als sie geboren wurden”, so Chase. Nachdem Paris am 4. Juni ins Spital eingeliefert worden war, habe sich Paris an ihre Grossmutter, an Grace und an ihre biologische Mutter, Debbie Rowe, gewandt. Grace sei seither wieder zurück in Paris’ Leben.
Kai Chase war seit Paris Suizidversuch jeden Tag mit Paris zusammen. “Sie war Daddys kleines Mädchen, sie war am Boden zerstört – am Boden zerstört und verloren. Sie ist auf der Suche, da zwischen ihr und ihrem Vater soviel Liebe war. Sie ist verloren. Sie ist auf der Suche. Sie ist traurig”. Der ganze Haushalt sei besorgt, wie Paris mit dem Verlust ihres Vaters umgehe. “Jedes Mädchen braucht ihren Vater. Ich wäre auch am Boden zerstört, wenn mir das passiert wäre. [Paris] bricht zusammen; sie weint. Sie spricht von ihm”, so Chase. “Sie versucht, sich zu finden; herauszufinden, wer sie ist und es braucht sehr viel Liebe und Verständnis, sie zu beruhigen”. Chase erzählte dann von Paris’ Geburtstagsparty für ihren 11. Geburtstag im April 2009. Michael hatte gesagt, sie dürften essen, was immer sie wollten, was selten vorkam. Auf dem Menüplan standen dann Käsepizza, Hot Wings und Bananenspilt. Das Esszimmer war mit Michael Jackson Poster und Albumcovers dekoriert und Michaels Musik wurde gespielt, weil Paris sich das gewünscht hatte. Sie war hin und weg. Aber damit nicht genug: Michael führte seine Kinder in den Garten hinaus, wo er eine Cirque du Soleil-ähnliche Show für sie geplant hatte. “Männer auf Stelzen, Frauen in grossen Ballonen und sonstige Zirkusattraktionen. “Ich hatte Tränen in den Augen… Es war der schönste Ausdruck von Liebe, den ich jemals gesehen hatte”, so Chase. Seit jenem Geburtstag habe Paris keine Geburtstagsparty mehr gehabt. “Sie will keine mehr. [Paris] hat die Daddys Days und ihren Geburtstag in Erinnerung”, so Chase.
Am Dienstag zeigten die AEG Anwälte auch einen Videoclip der eidesstattlichen Aussage von Prince Jackson, um Kai Chase Aussage zu widerlegen, dass Michael so schwach war im Juni 2009, dass ihm Prince die Treffe raufhelfen musste. Als Putnam Prince in dem Clip fragte, ob sein Vater nach den Proben je so müde war, dass er ihm die Treffe raufhelfen musste, antwortete Prince, nein, das hätte er auch nicht gekonnt.
Kai Chase sagte auch zur Beziehung zwischen Prince und seinem Vater aus. Prince habe immer gewollt, dass sein Vater sehr stolz auf ihn sei, was Michael auch war. Prince trage die Welt “auf seinen Schultern; der älteste, grosse Bruder und die Vaterfigur gegenüber seinen Geschwistern. Es ist viel für ihn, erwachsen zu werden, sich für die Mädchen interessieren. Er wünschte sein Vater wäre hier, um ihm Rat zu geben.”
Über Blanket, Michaels jüngsten Sohn, der nun 11 Jahre alt ist, sagte Kai Chase: “Ich denke manchmal, dass er älter ist weil er so klug ist. Als der Jüngste hat er seine zwei älteren Geschwister, die ihn beschützen, aber ich glaube immer noch, dass das jüngste Kind dasjenige ist, das am meisten betroffen sein wird. Er ist das Baby und so erinnert er sich an vieles, was sein Daddy gemacht hat. Er spricht non-stop von ihm und über ihre Beziehung”, so Chase. Blanket wird noch zu Hause unterrichtet. Dennoch muss er sich jeden Tag schick anziehen. Am Freitag kann er jedoch anziehen, was er möchte. Meistens ist dies ein T-Shirt von der “Immortal” Show. “Das trägt er ständig”. Chase hat auch betont, dass Blanket einige Tanzschritte wie sein Vater macht.
Chase erzählte dann, dass es damals, im 2009, Michaels drei Kinder waren, die sie eingestellt hatten. Die Kinder hatten sie über alles, von Essen bis Video Games, interviewt. Die Kinder hätten ihr gesagt, dass sie sich gesund ernähren. “Wir essen kein Rind- oder Schweinefleisch. Daddy mag Aprikosen. Wir mögen Früchte und Blanket mag Mangos”, so Chase. Beim Essen hatte die Familie Zeit füreinander. Für jedes Mittagessen deckte Chase den Tisch speziell, je nachdem, was sie assen. Es gab immer etwas von einem anderen Land, so dass die Kinder auch etwas über das betreffende Land und die Kultur lernen konnten. Sie freuten sich aber alle auch auf die “Comfort Food” Samstage, an denen Sachen wie Fried Chicken gegessen worden. Michael liebte mexikanisches Essen und sein Lieblingsessen waren vegane Tacos.
Die Ambience in Michaels letztem Zuhause am Carolwood Drive im April war schön und heimelig. Man hörte Musik von Disney, den Rollings Stones, David Bowie sowie klassische Musik. Die Cheminées brannten, obwohl es draussen warm war. Sie hatten verschiedene Haustiere: einen Hund (Kenya), zwei Katzen (Katie und Thriller) und einen sprechenden Vogel, der pfiff, wenn Mädchen vorbei gingen. Prince hatte zudem noch eine Hausratte und Paris hielt im Garten Teeparties für die Haustiere. “Wenn Michael von den Proben nach Hause kam, rannten die Kinder auf ihn zu. Sie hingen sich an ihn ran. Mir kamen jeweils die Tränen”, so Chase. Michael spielte Spiele mit seinen Kindern und las ihnen vor dem Zubettgehen vor. Er war ein warmer und liebevoller Vater. Michael war aber auch streng, wenn es sein musste. So mussten die Kinder zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt im Bett sein und der Schulunterricht musste immer pünktlich anfangen. Michael war es wichtig, dass der Unterricht für seine Kinder interaktiv sei. Ein Beispiel war ein wissenschaftliches Projekt, bei dem Paris in der Nacht nach Schnecken suchen musste. Paris hatte Kai Chase damals gesagt, sie haben bisher eine Vaterschnecke, aber noch keine Mutter- und Babyschnecke. So gingen Paris und sie eines Nachts auf Schneckensuche. Michael habe dann mitgemacht, als sie auf der Küchenablage eine Schneckenfarm in gläsernen Vasen bauten.
Im Mai 2009 informierte sie einer von Michaels Assistentin dann plötzlich über eine “Änderung des Managements” und dass sie entlassen sei. Von den Kindern durfte sie sich nicht mehr verabschieden. Der Assistent rief sie einen Monat später an und bat sie, ihre Stelle wieder aufzunehmen, was sie drei Wochen vor Michaels Tod tat. Ihr Gehalt wurde neu von AEG Live gezahlt, so Chase. Das glückliche Zuhause, dass sie im April verlassen hatte, hatte sich bei ihrer Rückkehr verändert gehabt. Die Vorratsschränke in der Küche waren leer. Im Kühlschrank gab es nur Coca Colas, Red Bull und Starbucks Kaffees, “von denen ich wusste, dass Mr. Jackson sie nicht trank”, so Chase. Als Kai Chase für Lebensmittel einkaufen ging, wurde die Kreditkarte von Michael Jackson abgelehnt. Michael selbst habe sehr schwach ausgesehen. “Er sah dünner und unterernährt aus”. Sie habe sich grosse Sorgen gemacht, wie er in so kurzer Zeit so dünn und schwach geworden sein konnte. Chase sagte aus, Michael habe sie zur Seite genommen und sie gefragt, wo wie geblieben sei. “Ich hatte keine Ahnung, dass du weggegangen warst. Du musst mich (und die Kinder) gesund halten. Ich arbeite hart. Die bringen mich um”, soll Michael gemäss Kai Chase ihr gesagt haben. Eine weitere Änderung im Haus war die Anwesenheit von Conrad Murray. Im April war er einige Mal auf Visite im Haus, aber im Juni war er fast jeden Tag da. Murray habe jeden Morgen leere Sauerstoffflaschen von Michaels Schlafzimmer runtergebracht. “Ich war besorgt. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wofür die gebracht wurden. Ich habe nicht gefragt, aber es war merkwürdig”, so Chase. Im Laufe des Strafprozesses gegen Conrad Murray erfuhren wir, dass Murray den Sauerstoff jeweils verwendet hatte, als er Michael Propofol verabreicht hatte.
Vor dem bereits oftmals erwähnten (Krisen-)Meeting mit Randy Phillips, Paul Gongaware, Conrad Murray und Frank DiLeo bei Michael zu Hause, trug Michael eine OP-Maske, war dick eingepackt und er erschien beängstigt, als er die Treppe herunter kam. “Ich hörte sofort einen lauten Aufprall. Eine ganz, ganz teure Vase neben Michaels Stuhl ging zu Bruch”, so Chase. Michael Jackson sei sehr bestimmt gewesen mit den andern. Auf Geheiss der Richterin durfte Kai Chase den Geschworenen gegenüber jedoch nicht wiederholen, was Michael den AEG Leuten damals gesagt hatte, aber die Stimmen waren laut und alle redeten zugleich. Michael Jackson verliess dann das Meeting, gefolgt von Conrad Murray, der sehr verärgert schien. “Ich kann diese Sch–sse nicht ertragen”, so Murray gemäss Kai Chase. Als Chase später Michael sah, schien er die ganze Last auf seinen Schultern zu tragen. Er war “besorgt, beängstig; viele Gefühle”.
Am Ende ihrer Aussage berichtete Kai Chase über die Ereignisse am Todestag von Michael Jackson, die sich mit ihren Aussagen im Rahmen des Prozesses gegen Conrad Murray deckten. Für diejenigen von Euch, die dies gern nachlesen möchten, siehe hier. >
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Jacksons vs AEG - Day 32 – June 18 2013 – Summary
Katherine Jackson is in court.
Kai Chase testimony
Jackson direct
Attorney Deborah Chang is doing the questioning. (ABC7)
Chase said she's personal chef for the past 17 years. She currently works for Katherine Jackson and MJ's children Prince, Paris and Blanket. Chase worked for MJ while he was preparing for tour. She began working for him end of March, was let go in May and brought back in June 09. (ABC7)
Chase started culinary profession in a small culinary school, then worked as writer for Urban network magazine. Chase got her masters degree at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Academy in Paris. She said she comes from family of artists, culinary is her art. Chase said famous chef Julia Child graduated from Le Cordon Bleu. After graduating, Chase opened her own catering company. She was always involved in the entertainment business. "My godfather was Redd Foxx," Chase said. Chase Clientele: President Barack Obama, Bernie Mack, Steve Harvey, John Sally, Maxine Waters, worked with Wolfgang Puck, Pamela Anderson. Chase worked in 2007 in an inauguration event for president Obama. "I got the gig because... I'm good," Chase laughed. Chase said Obama was pleased to see an young, African American woman doing well. Chase explained who Wolfgang Puck is, very famous chef who cooks at the Oscars and has TV shows. (ABC7) Chase gave her biography _ she was trained at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris and owned a catering company before becoming private chef. Plaintiff's attorney Deborah Chang showed jury several photos of Chase. One was outside Le Cordon Bleu, another was with President Obama. (AP)
Chang: Are you trained as nutritionist?
Chase: No, I'm not
Chase said she studied nutrition of foods, but does not have training as nutritionist. (ABC7)
Chase said she first interviewed with Jackson’s assistant, Michael Amir Williams. Then she went to the Jackson's mansion for 2nd interview. The 2nd interview was with Jackson’s children, Chase said. They described how they and their father liked to eat healthy, she said. Prince, Paris and Blanket were talking over each other, Chase recounted. By the end of the session, she had the chef job. (AP)
Chase recalled she received call from company called Culinary Staffing. The client is husband, wife, two kids, husband was a businessman. Chase was asked to send the resume in. She said she got call back within the hour saying client was very impressed with her qualifications. There was a meeting set up at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at the Grove in LA. Chase met with Michael Amir, who interviewed her extensively. Chase asked who the client was and Amir showed her MJ's company business card. "When he handed me the card, whoa!" Chase testified. (ABC7)
Chang: Where you excited?
Chase: Yes, I was (ABC7)
The second meeting happened at the Carolwood house. Michael Jackson was not present, the meeting was with MJ's children, Chase explained. Chase said Prince was 12 years old, Paris was about to turn 11 and Blanket was 9. "They were talking over each other, they very excited to meet me," Chase said. "They wanted to make sure I knew how to cook healthy food". Chase recalls the kids saying daddy likes apricots, we like fruits, Blanket likes mango. "It felt like we were developing an immediate bond," Chase explained. "It was a beautiful beginning." (ABC7)
Chase said she began working the very next day, end of March, beginning of April. Chase arrived 8-8:30 am, got kids ready for school, cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, clean up, kept pantry stocked, grocery shopped. Chase's schedule started with 7 days a weeks, eventually became 6 days a week, with Sundays off. (ABC7)
Kai Chase’s testimony this morning focused on humanizing Jackson after numerous witnesses who’d dealt with him on business affairs only. She described the first time she met Jackson, bumping into him while bringing water to guests in his parlor. From there, they became close. Kai Chase: “He wanted to get to know the woman who was in his life who was feeding his family.” (AP) Chase said first MJ encounter they kind of had the introduction, like bumped into each other. Kind of like hey, how are you?. "That was the first introduction, after that it blossomed into a boss/friend relationship", Chase described. Chase said MJ was very hands on into his children's life/nutrition. "He wanted to get to know the woman who was feeding his children." (ABC7)
Chase said Jackson was a hands-on dad who often talked to her about healthy eating and nutrition. She said she had a chance to observe a lot of interactions because Jackson’s children often were in the den, which was next to kitchen. Jackson’s mansion had an open layout, so Chase said she could see into the den. Jackson spent a lot of time with his children, she said. “These children were his world,” Chase told jurors. She described them all eating together, telling jokes. (AP)
The relationship between MJ and his kids was very loving, they were together a lot, Chase said. Chase: His children were the love of his life, his children meant everything to him. MJ had lunch with his children privately, in beautifully set table. "His children meant the world to him," Chase testified. Chase said the house was very warm, good feeling, loving. It was a beautiful place, good feeling, music playing, fireplace on, she described. Chase said she did not eat the meals with MJ and kids because Michael liked the meal with his children to be private bonding time. Chase said that when they ate food from other parts of the world they would study a bit about the culture of the place they were eating. Chase would write the menu on chalkboard of what the meal was for the day, so kids could understand the food they were eating. (ABC7) Dinners were a major meal. Sometimes they pretended they were eating in other parts of the world, Chase said. Chase said she was teaching Jackson’s children about food. She would write the menu on a chalkboard in the kitchen. (AP)
Music and fireplaces were almost always on in the house, Chase said. Sometimes it was Disney music, sometimes classical. The soundtrack in the kitchen at Michael Jackson’s home was LA’s K-Earth 101 station, chef Kai Chase said. (AP)
Chase said the children were homeschooled from Monday to Friday, so Mr. Jackson liked to keep things creative. Chase gave as example Monday was reading day, Tuesday was arts and crafts, Wednesday was watching classic movie then writing about it. Chase said the kids learned math, science, foreign language. They had a teacher come in, they were constantly being educated. "He took great pride helping children develop foreign language and art," Chase testified. "The children weren't allowed to watch television" (ABC7)
Chase said she stayed a lot in the kitchen, but since it was an open floor plan, she got to interact with the children. "I'd teach them about food and technique, they'd teach me games," Chase recalled. (ABC7)
Chase got to see the interaction of MJ with the children. She said it was a family atmosphere. Chase described how the children reacted when MJ arrived at the house. Chase: Seeing those children take off like lightening, grab him by the ankle, by the arms, it brings tears to my eyes, so much love there. MJ was disciplinary when needed, Chase said. When they had school, they had to be in bed by certain time; respected and obeyed their father. (ABC7) Chase described the close bond Jackson and his children shared, telling jurors the youngsters would run to their father when he came into a room. "They would take off like lightning," she said, hugging their father's ankles and legs. On the stand, Chase said Jackson made sure the children kept a healthy diet and got plenty of sleep for school sessions. (AP).
She said Jackson wouldn't allow his children to eat sweets and made sure they went to bed early so they would be alert for tutors who instructed them. (AP)
Chang: Were they allowed to eat sweets whenever they wanted?
Chase: No! That was a big no, no "Sweets were only dictated when he (MJ) said," Chase explained. (ABC7)
Chase asked MJ if she could do comfort food Saturday, serving not-so-healthy food like fried chicken. MJ gave her the thumbs up, she said. It was a way to break the monotony of always eating healthy. (ABC7)
Chase said Michael had a very giving spirit, loving nature spirit. The chef testified MJ was always concerned on how to give back. Chase described seeing Paris going through her wardrobe and getting clothes she didn't want to wear anymore. Paris would sew the clothes into new pieces, made little skirts out of her pants, put them in a box and ship them overseas, Chase said.(ABC7)
Chase told jurors Jackson’s children weren’t allowed to watch television and didn’t use computers. (AP)
Chase testified the house had animals: dog, bird (who whistled for pretty women) 2 cats, rabbit, Prince had a rat he walked around the house. Chase said the kids were responsible and helped with the animals (ABC7) The house was full of pets, too, Chase said. There was a chocolate Labrador named Kenya, a talking bird named Siberia and two cats. The cats’ names were Katie and Thriller. Prince Jackson also had a pet rat, Kai Chase said. (AP) Animals roaming through the home included a chocolate lab named Kenya, cats Katie and Thriller, a rabbit and a talking bird who would "whistle when pretty girls go by," Chase said.
Prince had a pet rat he carried around, while Paris would host tea parties in her backyard doll house for the animals. The dog would jump in the pool with the kids when they swam on Saturdays, Chase said. (CNN)
Chase described going with Paris at night into the yard to look for a mom and baby snail. Jackson caught them on the way back. "At that point I knew I was going get fired," Chase recalled, but said MJ was fine with it. Paris and Chase put the snails in a jar, made a little snail farm, put in the kitchen. She said she put Blanket's drawings on the fridge. (ABC7) Chase told a story about one night going into the backyard of the mansion and collecting snails with Paris Jackson for a science project. When they returned, Michael Jackson was waiting for them. “At this point I knew I was going to get fired,” she said. (She wasn’t.) Instead, Michael Jackson helped make a comfy box for the snails, complete with moss, cocktail umbrellas. Box stayed in the kitchen, she said (AP) Jackson made sure school work was "interactive" for his children, including one science project for Paris that involved a night time hunt for snails, Chase said. "So far we have a daddy snail, but we don't have a mommy and a baby snail," Paris told Chase one evening. That triggered a snail hunt around the mansion grounds, she said. "I didn't know how he would feel about his daughter and me out snail hunting at night," she said, "but he was fine." Jackson joined them in constructing a snail farm in glass vases on the kitchen counter. (CNN)
Chase testified MJ's relationship with kids was warm, loving. "These are my babies," Chase said MJ would say. "We played games, monopoly." (ABC7)
Chase described Jackson as a prankster who ate meals with his children, exchanging jokes and stories.(AP)
Chang: Did MJ have a good sense of humor?
Chase: Yes, he was a practical joker (ABC7)
Paris Jackson would often write notes for her dad on a chalkboard sitting in the kitchen that Chase used to list a menu of the day's meals. One message from Jackson's daughter shown to jurors read, "I love daddy" and "Smile it's free."(AP) “I made it into a home there," Chase said about putting children's art in the kitchen. "The love was already there." On chalkboard, there's a message Paris wrote: "I love daddy! Smile, it's for free" Chase didn't recall if it was written the day MJ died. (ABC7)
Chase explained she did a lot of juicing for him with beats, organic vegetable, lots of lean protein, vegetable. MJ ate chicken, fish and turkey, no pork or beef. Chase said MJ liked Mexican food, she did vegan ground beef tacos, one of his favorites. (ABC7)
Paris celebrated her 11th birthday in beginning on April. Chase said MJ told the children they could eat anything they wanted that day. Paris chose to decorate party with everything Michael Jackson. They had cheese pizza, hot wings, banana split, Chase said. MJ then took his children to the backyard where he had this Cirque du Soleil type of performance for her. "They sat there and watched," Chase said. "And I cried." That was last birthday she had with her father. Chase said Paris has not had birthday party since, she doesn't want to celebrate it anymore. (ABC7) The dining room was decorated with Michael Jackson posters and album covers, while his music was played "because this is what she wanted for her 11th birthday," Chase testified. "She was just ecstatic."
"Just when you thought that was enough, he took his children to the backyard for a Cirque du Soleil-type performance for her," she said. Men on stilts, a woman inside a big balloon and circus acts "brought tears to my eyes ... It was the most beautiful expression of love I've ever seen." (CNN) Kai Chase says the singer hired a private circus for his daughter's 11th birthday party in 2009 in the backyard of his rented mansion. Chase says the performance was a Cirque du Soleil style performance with men on stilts and a woman performing in a giant balloon. Paris Jackson, who was turning 11, adored her father and Chase helped decorate a room filled with posters and photos of the "Thriller" singer. The singer's music was played throughout the party. She says Paris Jackson, now 15 years old, has not had a birthday party since then. "Paris hasn't had any birthdays since," Chase said. "She hasn't wanted to celebrate since." (AP)
Chase said MJ was very excited about what was happening, was excited to have his children see him perform. Chase said that MJ would come to the kitchen dressed sharply, black Levi's pants, with Tom Ford cologne. "Prince actually told me his daddy wanted me to go to London for the tour," Chase testified. (ABC7)
Kids' nanny was Grace Rwamba. Chase described her very warm and loving. "This is the mother that they knew, had been with them since birth". "I was told she was let go," Chase said. Chang asked if AEG had fired Rwamba, but defendant's attorney objected saying it was hearsay. (ABC7) "This was the mother they knew," Chase said of Rwaramba. "She was there when they were born." (CNN)
"I was let go in beginning of May by Michael Amir," Chase said. Chase said she was told there had been a change in management. Chase argued her rate is negotiable. "I was feeding Mr. Jackson and his children, my rate is negotiable, you have to let me go to London." Chase said she was told in person 'let me see what I can do' and next day she got call saying don't need to come in, you're fired. "I pleaded with him" Chase said. She didn't get to say goodbye to MJ or his kids, didn't have any discussions with MJ about salary/firing. The pay was very sketchy, Chase said, sometimes she was paid on time, sometimes not paid at all. Chase said she didn't believe MJ knew she was fired because she said she believes if MJ fired her it would've happen that way. (ABc7) She said before the break that she wasn't being paid regularly, but AEG lawyers objected to some emails being shown to the jury. That prompted a sidebar that took up the last few minutes of the court session.Attorneys are working on compromise to show the emails. (AP)
"When I came back in June, the kids and Mr. Jackson wanted me to come back," Chase explained. Chase said MJ went to her and asked where she had gone. "I need you to keep me and my children healthy," Chase testified MJ told her. "I'm working hard, they are killing me, I need your help," Chase said MJ told her. (ABc7)
Chase never saw the kids or MJ in May. In the beginning of June, Chase said she received a call from Michael Amir asking her to come back. "The energy in the house was not the same," Chase said. In April Chase said MJ was strong, healthy, active. "He looked good" Chase recalled. (ABC7)
Chase said she asked to get half of her salary upfront. "I was afraid I wasn't going to get paid," Chase explained. Chase said she wrote an email about it to make sure everyone was on the same page. (ABC7)
Chang: Did you decide to come back because you understood AEG Live would be covering you salary?
Chase: Yes (ABC7)
Chase returned to work on June 2nd.
Chang: Did you notice any difference in MJ?
Chase: Yes, I noticed that Mr Jackson looked very different (ABC7)
"He appeared very weak, he looked very much thinner, undernourished, he didn't look as well as I had seen him," Chase testified. "It was an obvious difference, concerned me greatly." Chase said MJ actually told her 'I need you to keep me and my children heathy.'"I looked at him with great concern... I need you to keep me and my children healthy," MJ told Chase. "I thought he was being overworked, over rehearsed," Chase recalled. Chase said MJ asked if she had his juices ready. They began talking about different juices she would make him. (ABC7)
Chase was let go from Jackson’s service in May 2009, but returned in June. She said by then, the singer had changed. “He appeared very weak,” Chase said about Jackson. “He looked much thinner.” She said he looked under-nourished. She said at one point that Jackson told her she needed to take care of his health. “They’re killing me,” she recounted Jackson saying. The Jackson quote was stricken from the record in the afternoon session. Chase had said it before the lunch break, too. (AP)
Chase recalled that when she arrived at the house, the pantry was bare. One side there was Fiji water. "Refrigerator was bare! There was Coca Cola, red bulls and Starbucks coffee drinks," Chase said. Chase then went to Whole Foods to buy organic food for the house. She explained While Foods has a card for chefs who have personal clients. "The credit card was declined. I had no choice but to use my own to pay for food to feed him and his family," Chase said. This was not the first time credit card was denied, Chase said, and sometimes she'd have to leave the groceries behind or pay for it herself. (ABC7)
"Mr. Jackson, with his rehearsals and his schedule, I could see it was taking a toll on him," Chase opined. Chase described when she observed MJ's son Prince helping Michael go up the stairs once. "For a 12 year old, trying to carry his father, it saddened me," Chase recalled. (ABC7)
Chase: I knew I had to get this man as healthy as possible, but I didn't know why he was deteriorating. Chase said she spoke with her parents about her concerns, but didn't know who she could take to at the house about it. (ABC7)
The children were excited to see Chase rehired, the chef said. "The day I came back, they greeted me at the door." Paris created a shoebox called "the box of happiness." Note from Paris Jackson: Dear Kai, Thank you for these beautiful gifts you have us. Oh, and I'm writing this letter with the magic wand pen you gave me. I hope you like the presents & picture. And thank you for the presents for P.B. & Daddy, they like them! Lots of love, Paris Jackson . Chase went to Disneyland on her first day off and brought them presents. Paris was thanking Chase for it. (ABC7)
"MJ did eat, but his portions were getting smaller," Chase said. Chase recalled one time seeing Travis Payne and MJ rehearsing at the house. Chase first met Dr. Murray in the first few weeks of April. "He introduced himself to me as Michael's personal physician," Chase explained. "I saw him more daily in June," Chase explained, saying Dr. Murray wasn't around as much in April, never saw him bring anything to the house. "Majority of the times I'd see Dr. Murray there in the morning," Chase testified. She assumed Dr. Murray had spent the night. Dr. Murray never discussed MJ's nutrition with Chase. "I thought it was quite strange a doctor not checking MJ's eating habits." "I asked him a couple of times, but his answer was you can fix him anything," Chase said about conversation with Dr. Murray. In June, Chase remembers seeing Dr. Murray at the house in the mornings. (ABC7)
"My room was the kitchen, there was no reason for me to go upstairs," Chase explained about not going to the upper floor of the house. "I saw Dr. Murray bring oxygen tanks down from upstairs into the kitchen," Chase recalled. Chase: Sometimes I saw them lined-up in the security booth with a sign saying "fill up every Friday." "Yes, I was concerned," Chef testified. "I had no idea what they had been used for, but I never asked." Chase: I felt it was strange to see the doctor there but he was slowly deteriorating; I didn't understand it. (ABC7) She said she was concerned thought it was unusual that Conrad Murray was at the mansion daily, but didn’t voice concerns. (AP)
Chase testified about a June meeting in with AEG execs Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware, Murray and Jackson. She said a vase was broken during the meeting, but she didn’t know who broke it. She said Jackson and Murray left meeting. After the meeting Phillips, Gongaware and Dileo stayed at the house. They were still there when she left for the day. She said Jackson seemed like he had “the weight of the world on his shoulders” after that meeting. (AP)
Chase said there was a meeting at the house with Paul Gongaware , Randy Phillips, Dr. Murray and MJ, former manager Frank DiLeo. "Mr. Jackson asked me to fix snacks since he had guests coming over," Chase said. Meeting was around the second week of June. Chase said the meeting was at the parlor. She went in and out serving beverages, snacks. Mr. Jackson was covered-up, Chase said. MJ was wearing a surgical mask and several layers of clothing, sweatshirt. Chase: I observed that he looked scared, he looked scared and frightened may be about this meeting would entail. "I immediately heard loud crash," Chase said. MJ had a very expensive vase sitting behind where he would sit. Chase: The vase crashed. It was rather large so it was loud. Myself and one of the housekeepers ran into the room to pick up the pieces. "I was able to hear some of the conversation," Chase said. "They were very firm with him." Everyone was talking over each other, Chase recalled hearing. "MJ left the meeting first, the gentlemen stayed," Chase said. Dr. Murray left second, came through the kitchen to leave. "He was upset," Chase said. He said "I can't take this s**t," Chase said Dr. Murray told her, storming out of the house. Chase said others stayed in the parlor. She left around 6 pm, shortly after Dr. Murray, and the men were still there in the meeting.(ABC7)
Chase said MJ's reaction afterwards: "He was thinking, the weight of the world on his shoulder, he was frightened, scared." "MJ's demeanor concerned me greatly," Chase recalled. (ABC7)
Jackson, wearing a surgical mask and covered by several layers of clothing, appeared "scared and frightened" as he walked down his stairs to join Phillips, Gongaware, Dr. Murray and his manager Frank Dileo for the meeting in his parlor, Chase said. "I immediately heard a loud crash," she testified. A "very, very expensive vase" sitting next to Jackson's chair was smashed. Jackson "seemed very firm with them," she said. The judge would not let her tell jurors what she heard him saying to the AEG Live executives. But there were "loud voices" and everyone was talking over each other," she said. Jackson left the meeting, followed by Dr. Murray, who seemed "very upset," she said. "I can't take this s--t," Murray said, according to Chase. When she saw Jackson later, he seemed to have "the weight of the world on his shoulders," she said. He was "concerned, frightened and scared; a lot of those emotions." (CNN)
The chef did not suspect Dr. Murray was doing something harmful to Michael Jackson. "I thought it was strange that there were oxygen tanks at home when there was a doctor 24/7," Chase explained. (ABC7)
On June 24, Chase arrived at the house as usual and prepared breakfast. Dr. Murray was there, came to the kitchen from upstairs around 10 am. In June, MJ rarely went downstairs to eat breakfast, Chase explained. Dr. Murray would get the food and take it to him. "He was dragging, he was dragging a little that day," Chase said. "But I did tell him he looked good, to give him some encouragement." Chase said MJ was contemplating going to Staples Center or training at home with Payne that day. Chase was told to leave two dinner items in the fridge, one for Dr. Murray and one for MJ. She would work until 6:30-7:00, sometimes later. (ABC7)
June 25, Chase arrived at the regular time. She prepared some breakfast. "Everything was beautiful as usual." Chase said kids were playing at the den, she went grocery shopping, unloaded groceries. Lunch was always served around 12:30 am. Saw Dr. Murray between 12:05-12:10 he came down in the same stairs as always. "He was frightened," Chase testified. Chase said Dr. Murray screamed to her "go get help, go get security, go get Prince." Chase stopped and went to get Prince. She told him "Hurry, Dr. Murray needs you, there may be something wrong with your father." Prince went to Dr. Murray and Chase saw the housekeepers, Jimmy and Blanca, crying saying there may be something wrong with Mr. Jackson. Chase: I hear Prince screaming daddy, daddy, daddy, Paris screamed DAD! Chase becomes emotional, cries a bit on the stand. Chase said she didn't want the children to feel pain. So she hugged all the children and said "Let's pray." Chase said people were crying, security was everywhere, paramedics going up the stairs, chaos. "They were devastated," Chase said about the children. Katherine Jackson wiped her eyes, cried in the audience. Chase said she heard on the radio that MJ had died. "I didn't want to believe it, I thought they were lying," Chase said. (ABC7)
Dr. Murray "was panicked" as he screamed for Chase to call Prince and the security guard to go upstairs to help him. "Hurry Dr. Murray needs you," she said she told Prince, who was playing in the den. "There may be something wrong with your father." She returned to her lunch preparations, failing to alert the security guard in the shack near the kitchen door. Murray never asked her to call 911 for an ambulance. Chase realized there was a grave problem when the housekeepers began crying "Mr. Jackson may be dead," she said. "You could feel the energy in the house was changing." Prince screamed "Daddy" and Paris screamed a "blood curdling, out of her mind Daddy!" "I grabbed them and held their hands and said 'Let's pray. Father God, please let nothing be wrong with this man.'" Paramedics were soon running up the the stairs. Head of security Alberto Alvarez asked Chase to leave the house. "He'll be fine," Alvarez told her. (CNN)
Chase said she was paid for overseas interviews, which were mostly on food preparation. (ABc7)
About returning to work last year, Chase said she got a phone call saying the children had been requesting me since their daddy's death. "The kids really miss me, loved me and I agreed," Chase explained. Chase began working with Mrs. Jackson and children in July 2012. (ABC7)
Chase said family was very important for MJ, they talked about it about 50% of the time. "He loved his mother and he loved his children." Chase said her responsibilities are the same with Mrs. Jackson. She said she has a lot of the in common with her, including the love for MJ. “She loves music, and art, and beautiful flowers," Chase explained about Mrs. Jackson. She said she speaks with the children every day. "Mrs. Jackson misses him very much," Chase said. "This is her child, her son! It saddens her, she cries, I cry. I comfort her." Chase said Mrs. Jackson misses her son's spirit, the love he gave to her, the jokes they would share together, the conversations, the love. (ABC7)
About the children, Chase said they were huge and becoming teenagers when she came back last year. Prince and Paris go to private school, Blanket is still home schooled. "Before they were in this protective type of special life," Chase explained. "They are thrust into the world now, which is all new to them." "The love and the home is the same," Chase explained. Chase said the children talk about MJ's music, what he would do in certain situations. Prince is now 16 years old. Chase says he was daddy's little man, but now feels the weight of the world on his shoulder. Chang urged Chase not to go into too many details about Paris. "Being daddy's little girl, she's devastated and lost," Chase said about Paris. Chase on Paris: She's looking, for there was some much love that was given between her and her father. "She's lost, she's searching, she's sad. It's devastating to her, every girl needs her father," Chase said about Paris. "She's trying to find herself, trying to find who she is and it's taking a lot of love and understanding to keep her together," Chase said. (ABC7)
Chang: Do they miss their father?
Chase: That's apparent
Chang: Is she having a difficult time coping with the death of her father?
Chase: Yes, she is. She breaks down, she cries, she talks about him, she doesn't want to have another birthday again (ABC7)
The entire household has been worried about Paris, Chase said. Blanket just graduated from grade school. Chase said this is all knew to him too. "As the littlest he has his older siblings to protect him" "I still think the youngest child will be the most affected. Being the baby, it's a lot of remembering of what daddy did," Chase on Blanket. "He's hurt too, he's feeling a little lost too," Chase said, adding Blanket never had a growing up moment when was father-son only. "He remembers his father," Chase said. (ABC7)
Gone are the freewheeling days when the children, Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson played with their father and traded jokes at the dinner table, chef Kai Chase told jurors Tuesday. It has been replaced, Chase said, by a weight on eldest son Prince Michael Jackson's shoulders. Daughter Paris Jackson cries and no longer wants parties for her birthday since her father hosted a private circus for her 11th birthday. Youngest son Blanket, who remains home-schooled, wears a T-shirt with his father's image every Friday, she said. (AP) "He does dance moves like his father," she testified. (CNN) "At 16, the weight of the world is on his shoulders," Chase said of Prince Jackson, who is trying to figure out girls and all the challenges adulthood brings. His younger brother, 11-year-old Blanket, has his older siblings to shield him from pain but had the least time to spend with his father. "He never really had a time when it was father-son because he was so tiny," Chase said. The singer's only daughter seems to be having the hardest time, Chase said. "Being daddy's little girl, Paris is devastated," Chase said. "She's devastated and lost." Of Paris, she said, "She's trying to find herself and find who she is," Chase said. "It's taking a lot of love and understanding to keep her together. She breaks down, she cries, she talks about him." (AP)
"They talk about their father a lot," Chase said. "It's just something that they'll never get over -- the love and how much they miss their father." (CNN)
No more questions by plaintiffs. Chase hugged Katherine Jackson in the audience and they both cried (ABC7)
AEG cross
AEG's attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did cross examination of Kai Chase. (ABC7)
AEG Live defense attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina took over questioning. She focused on some of the secrecy of the Jackson mansion. She asked Chase about what happened when she wasn’t paid. Chase said Jackson’s assistant would reassure staff checks were coming. Chase said there was an unspoken rule in the house that anyone who complained to Jackson about missed paychecks would be fired. (AP)
Stebbins Bina also asked Chase about her impressions of Conrad Murray. The chef said he seemed like a nice man and well put together. Chase said she never expected Jackson to die, or that Murray was giving him anything improper. The chef said she thought Jackson’s deterioration in June was from rehearsing too much. She said she hadn’t heard of propofol. (AP)
Bina asked if Michael Amir did background check in her. She replied she didn't know. Bina: Did you sign anything to get a credit check on you?
Chase: No (ABC7)
Middle of April Chase began having Sundays off. In April, Chase said she saw MJ a lot. He would come home for lunch and stay for dinner. Chase said she spent 70-75% in the kitchen. The rest, she says she spent playing with the children. Chase said in April, MJ would hang out with the children about 3-4 times a week for about 25% of the time. He wasn't there as much in June. (ABC7)
"I don't know if it was unspoken rule, I was told by Michael Amir that client requested quarters upstairs to be private," Chase explained. Chase said that either the children or Dr. Murray would take the food upstairs. LAPD detective Orlando Martinez said Chase took a tray of food for MJ upstairs, and she said it was not true, that never happened.(ABC7)
Bina showed paparazzo picture of the children in 2008. At the corner, there's a man in a wheelchair wearing surgical mask. He resembles MJ. Chase said she doesn't know who the person is. Bina wants to show another photo, and Chang requested a sidebar. Chase could not say whether the person on the wheelchair and surgical mask was MJ. (ABC7)
Bina played video deposition of Paris Jackson. She said her dad didn't like Rwamba, he said she was sneaky, wasn't honest person, lied a lot. Paris tells in the depo how Grace Rwamba portended to be MJ's wife when they were at hotel rooms. This contradicted what Chase testified. (ABC7)
Jackson lawyers, however, told the judge Tuesday that Paris is unavailable to appear in person since she is still being treated in a hospital. AEG Live is able to use the video recording of her deposition, which they began doing Tuesday afternoon. The first clip shown to jurors was an answer to a question by AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putnam about former Jackson nanny Grace Rwaramba, who was fired two months before Jackson's death.
"My dad didn't like her, so he tried to, like, keep her away from us," Paris said. "So he sent her on errands a lot." Her father was reluctant to fire Rwaramba because "he felt bad because she didn't really have a lot of money," she testified. "He said she was sneaky and she wasn't an honest person and she lied a lot," Paris said. Paris related an incident that happened when she was "really young." She prefaced the story by saying it was "real creepy" and "this is going to freak you out." The nanny would sneak into a doctor's bedroom and "he'd wake up and she'd be in his bed," Paris said. "So, yeah, it's kind of creepy."
Putnam asked her why her father didn't just make her stay away. "He sent her to India to get some stuff," Paris said. "She kept coming back." (CNN)
The pay was sporadically, Chase said. When she asked about where the checks were, she was said they were going through changes. Chase said Michael Amir told her she would get fired if she asked MJ or the kids about not getting paid. (ABC7)
Bina inquired Chase if she knew how the private circus in the backyard for Paris birthday party was paid for. She said she didn't know. (ABC7)
As to the snail hunting, Chase said it happened around 8 pm and she wasn't sure how MJ would react. (ABC7)
Bina: When you were let go in May, did you believe MJ was healthy?
Chase: Yes (ABC7)
Chase said neither MJ nor his children called her after she was fired to find out why she wasn't at the house. "He didn't look healthy," Chase explained. "He looked a little undernourished." Chase said she has no idea what MJ and the children were eating in May while she was gone. Chase said MJ looked pretty strong in April. "He looked great in April, he didn't look good in June," Chase opined. (ABC7)
Bina: Do you know the reason why MJ couldn't buy food in May?
Chase: I don't know (ABC7)
Bina said Chase never mentioned the stair incident, where Prince had to help MJ upstairs, to the media. "I wanted to be very general with my conversations with the media in respect of his privacy," Chase explained. Bina played Prince's video deposition where Prince said he wouldn't be able to help his dad upstairs. (ABC7)
"He was rehearsing a lot, tired, that's what I saw," Chase explained. "I saw him tired, weak and over rehearsed." (ABC7)
Chase said she asked Dr. Murray about MJ eating. "He said, well, he doesn't eat that much." (ABC7)
Chase said Dr. Murray seemed like a nice man. She was not concerned about him not being a good doctor. (ABC7)
Chase was shocked when she heard MJ died. She first didn't believe it. (ABC7)
Chase testified she never saw MJ drink alcohol or under the influence of drugs. In April, Chase said she saw Dr. Murray 2-3 times a week. There was one time in June Chase cooked dinner for Dr. Murray, MJ and the kids, served Turkish lentil soup. Chase said the times she saw Dr. Murray and MJ together, they had a friendly relationship; children seemed to like Dr. Murray as well. "My understanding was that Dr. Murray was his personal physician," Chase explained. Chase said it didn't seem weird MJ have doctor, maybe heneeded for aching bones. But she thought it was weird to have a doctor every day. "It was strange that he (Dr. Murray) was there all the time," Chase opined. (ABC7)
Oxygen tanks in April were smaller, in June bigger, Chase said. She saw Dr. Murray come down with a tank on each hand in the morning. Chase never inquired about the oxygen tanks, because "it was none of my business." (ABC7)
Chase said she didn't have any idea that MJ was taking Propofol to sleep. Chase: I thought he was over rehearsed, I thought he was rehearsing too much, that they were overworking him. And this was the result of it (ABC7)
Chase testified in April MJ would eat breakfast with his kids every morning. But in her depo, she said Dr. Murray would bring his breakfast. "He had breakfast with his children when he wasn't having food upstairs," Chase said. (ABC7)
Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC # 34
Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
Day 8 - zeugin Faye
Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips
Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 31 - zeuge Berman
Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 23.06.2013, 19:18.
Jacksons vs AEG - Day 33 – June 19 2013 – Summary
Jackson family is not at court.
Kai Chase Testimony
AEG cross
MJ's personal chef Kai Chase on the stand. AEG's attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina doing cross examination. (ABC7)
Stebbins Bina asked Chase about whether she ever saw any of Jackson’s other doctors. Chase replied no. (AP) Chase said she never met Dr. Alan Metzger, another physician who treated Michael Jackson. (ABC7) Chase was asked about Dr. Allan Metzer and dermatologist Arnold Klein. She was also asked about nurse Cherilyn Lee. (AP)
Bina asked why Chase never told the police or testified at Dr. Murray's trial about the meeting at MJ's house. She said she wasn't asked. (ABC7) Stebbins Bina then asked Chase why she didn’t mention the meeting in which a vase was broken to police. Chase said they didn’t ask. The lawyer said the first time Chase mentioned the vase being broken was in her deposition in October 2012. (AP)
Bina: First time you mentioned the meeting was in your deposition in Oct 2012?
Chase: Yes
At that point, Bina pointed out Chase was already working for Mrs. Jackson. (ABC7)
Gongaware, DiLeo, Phillips, MJ and Dr. Murray were present in the meeting, Chase explained. Bina: You testified Mr. Jackson was wearing surgical mask and layers and layers of clothing, correct?
Chase: Yes (ABC7)
Chase was then asked about her description of Jackson at the meeting, that he wore a surgical mask and layers of clothes. (AP) But Bina said she didn't mention the surgical mask or layers of clothing before. "I described his emotions, yes," Chase explained. "You could just see the fears in his eyes." "He looked scared," Chase said. "They didn't ask for that and I didn't say it." (ABC7) The chef testified yesterday that Jackson looked afraid going into that meeting. She was again asked why she didn’t mention details before. Chase said at her deposition, she wasn’t asked for those details and “I didn’t say it.” (AP)
Bina: Did you think it was important to mention MJ was wearing a surgical masks during your deposition?
Chase: I said what I said (ABC7)
"I didn't know why he as wearing that, it was pretty strange, he had not worn that in the house before," Chase said about the surgical mask. (ABc7)
Bina: And it wasn't important enough to tell anybody before testifying yesterday, correct?
Chase: Yes (ABC7)
Bina: Did you ever mention before yesterday that Mr. Jackson was cold in that meeting?
Chase: Yes!
Chase said she saw MJ cold once. (ABC7)
"Mr. Jackson was very scared at that meeting," Chase testified. But she said MJ didn't tell her he was fearful, never spoke to her about it. (ABC7)
Chase reiterated that she didn’t know who broke the vase during the meeting, only heard one statement from Frank Dileo. Chase wasn’t allowed to testify about what Dileo said. She said she didn’t mention it to police or during Murray’s criminal proceedings. (AP) Chase said she overheard bits and pieces of the meeting since she was in and out of the room filling up beverages. "I heard what Mr. DiLeo had stated," Chase explained. Judge sustained objection about it being hearsay, so what DiLeo said was not repeated. Chase said she also told during her deposition about the voices being raised in the meeting; she said she does not know who broke the vase. As to Dr Murray leaving the meeting, Chase said he was so angry and upset, stormed into the kitchen, blurted out 'I can't handle this s**t.' Chase never talked to Dr. Murray after this episode to ask him what had happened that made him so upset. Bina asked if she knew the reason Dr. Murray was upset was because of the meeting. “No, I don't, but I was assuming it had to do with the meeting because he was coming out of it and left," Chase said. (ABC7)
"They are killing me, I'm working too hard" Chase said MJ expressed. Bina asked if was figure speech she said she took it for what he said. MJ talked to Chase about This Is It tour. "He was excited about everything," Chase said. "When he stated I'm being overworked, they are killing me, that was an indication he was tired," Chase explained. "He was tired, he needed a rest, a break," Chase said. (ABC7)
Bina played Chase's deposition, where she said MJ didn't give her any indication he was trying to avoid this concert at all. "He was excited about going to this tour," Chase said. "I too was excited, for him, for his fans, for everyone," Chase said. (ABC7)
Stebbins Bina asked about Chase’s conversations with MJ about the “This Is It” tour. She said Jackson was excited about the tour. Chase said the only time she felt Jackson expressed reservations was when he made the “They’re killing me” comment. (AP)
Chase understood she was hired by Michael Jackson but was going to be paid by AEG Live. The chef said she didn't know anything about MJ paying AEG back for her salary. (ABC7)
Bina: You understood you were let go in April for financial reasons?
Chase: Yes (ABC7)
Chase was paid every week. She had to file a claim against MJ's estate to be paid for the month of June, 2009. She has been paid in full. (ABC7)
The credit card that was declined belonged to Michael Amir Williams, Chase said. (ABC7)
"I didn't know what was going on," Chase explained about MJ's eating in May. "I assumed they possibly had food brought in." (ABC7)
Bina talked about the day MJ died. Chase said she got Prince because it was such a serious matter. Chase said she didn't think was going to make sense to stop what she was doing to out the house and look for security. After getting Prince, Chase returned to work. At some point, Chase and the housekeepers were told to leave the house. "We were asked to leave, the paramedics was still there," Chase said. Chase asked Alberto Alvarez, MJ's security guard, if MJ was ok? She said he told her he would be fine. (ABC7)
The chef was asked a little bit about the day Jackson died. She testified about Alberto Alvarez asking her to leave the mansion. She said before she left, Alvarez asked her to sign a one-paragraph document, but she doesn’t know what it was. Chase said other staffers in Jackson’s house signed confidentiality agreements, but what she signed wasn’t a confidentiality agreement. (AP) Alvarez asked Chase if she ever signed a confidentiality agreement. She said she had not, but Chase believes the housekeepers had. Alvarez asked Chase to sign something on the spot. "He asked me to sign some sort of a paragraph not on letterhead," Chase explained. Chase signed it but said she can't remember what it said. She then left the house. That was the last time she was at the Carolwood house.(ABC7)
Bina: Did it require you to keep things confidential?
Chase: It never said that (ABC7)
"I was serving smaller portions of food to MJ," Chase explained. (ABC7)
At this point, Stebbins Bina wanted to show Chase a post on CNN’s website. The lawyer called it a blog Chase wrote for Larry King. It sounded like a news story, and Chase denied she wrote it. There was a sidebar about showing it to the jury. After the sidebar, Stebbins Bina asked several more questions about it, continuing to call it blog post that Chase wrote. Chase kept denying it, eventually telling jury she had a blog called “Nibble by Kai Chase.” Chase: “I’m telling you that this is not mine. In a nice way.” She was clearly annoyed by this point. There were more questions about the post, and Chase said, “I didn’t write a blog for Larry King, sweetheart.” Stebbins Bina asked Chase to use professional language. The chef turned to the jury and said, “I didn’t write a blog for Larry King.” (AP) Bina showed Chase a blog with interview Chase gave to Larry King Live. "I did not write this blog for Larry King," Chase said. Chase got a little irritated with the question and said she has a blog about food. "And I'm telling you this, in a nice way," Chase said. (ABC7)
Bina: Did you did tell Mr. King during the time you fed him well and he ate well?
Chase: Yes, when I was feeding him, yes
Bina: That he ate well, organic foods?
Chase: Yes
"He ate well because I fed him well," Chase testified. "Overall, Mr. Jackson ate well."
Chase: He ate well because the foods I prepared him, which were healthy, well nutrition foods. That's what I mean when I said he ate well.
Bina: He had poor appetite, but ate well?
Chang: He ate well, healthy foods (ABC7)
There were questions about the children’s bedtimes. Stebbins Bina asked Chase how many times she was at house at kids’ bedtime. (AP) Chase said it fluctuated the hours she left. She said MJ was a strict father, the kids had to go to bed on time. "Sometimes he would be there with his children, but schedule changed," Chase said. "I was there every day," Chase explained, saying she didn't go upstairs, so she didn't see MJ tuck the kids in bed. Chase said MJ would do school nights, weekends, sometimes he came home late would let kids stay up. "He was a parent, that's what you do" (ABC7) Chase said she couldn’t give a percentage of times she was there for bedtimes. Chase said she never saw children put to bed. She said their bedtimes varied, and that they sometimes stayed up late on weekends. (AP)
Stebbins Bina then challenged Chase on her contention that Paris Jackson hadn’t had any birthday parties since 2009. Chase conceded that she hadn’t been present for Paris’ birthday since 2009, but Paris told her she didn’t like celebrations. Stebbins Bina asked about a 2010 party Paris apparently had at a roller rink. Chase said she was relying on what Paris told her. (AP) About Paris Jackson, Chase said she has not celebrated birthday parties after MJ died. Chase visited the kids at the Hayvenhurst house a couple of times, two or three, between 2009-12. Chase wasn't present when Paris had her birthday. "She told me she does not like to celebrate birthdays after her dad died," Chase testified. Chase doesn't know whether Paris celebrated her birthday in 2010, 2011 or 2012. (ABC7)
"I talked about the food and the love he had for his children," Chase said about paid interviews after MJ's death. (ABC7)
"I don't know if he was terminating employment, but he made all the staff leave," Chase said about Alvarez asking them to leave on June 25. (ABC7)
In 2012, Chase was re-hired by Mrs. Jackson. They speak daily now, but never spoke before MJ died. Chase never saw her at MJ's house. Chase is currently being paid by Mrs. Jackson. She makes about the same amount of money from when she worked with MJ. (ABc7)
Bina asked if Mrs Jackson gave Chase birthday present this year. The chef said no, since she doesn't celebrate dates being Jehovah's Witness
Bina: She didn't send you to the MJ Immortal show?
Chase: She gave me a pair a tickets
Bina: Do you have a twitter account?
Chase: Yes
Bina showed a tweet Chase posted. Tweet: Going to see the MJ Immortal Cirque Du Soleil show tonight. What a wonderful pre-birthday gift. Thank you Katherine Jackson. Chase said Mrs. Jackson doesn't celebrate dates, but the chef considered it a pre-birthday gift for herself. (ABC7)
Chase worked as chef for Mary J. Blige sporadically after MJ died. She did not have steady job, had help from family and friends financially (ABC7)
In April 2012, Chase received a subpoena from AEG Live. In July 2012, Chase was contacted to work back with Mrs. Jackson. Sandra Ribera, Jackson's lawyer, called Chase asking if she wanted to go back to work for her. Ribera also acted as Chase's attorney in her deposition. In Oct 2012, deposition was taken. Chase does not know who paid Ribera to accompany her in her depo. (ABC7)
The lawyer then asked about Chase’s current employment with Katherine Jackson. She said they haven’t discussed the AEG case. Stebbins Bina asked about tickets Katherine Jackson gave Chase to her for the Jackson “Immortal” show. Chase said it wasn’t a gift. Chase had tweeted that it was a “wonderful pre-birthday gift” and thanked Katherine Jackson. She said it wasn’t a gift because Katherine Jackson doesn’t celebrate birthdays. “She’s a Jehovah’s Witness,” Chase said. Stebbins Bina asked whether Chase was concerned that Mrs. Jackson would fire her over testimony in the case. Chase: “No. That’s absurd.” (AP)
Chase met with Chang, attorney for the Jacksons, for about an hour a month ago, another hour a week ago and briefly yesterday.
Bina: Are you afraid that if you don't testify in the right way in this trial Mrs. Jackson may fire your?
Chase: No
Bina: Did that never cross your mind?
Chase: No, that's absurd (ABc7)
Jackson redirect
Jacksons attorney Deborah Chang did re-direct.
Chang: Do you know if Ms. Ribera hires all staff for Mrs. Jackson?
Chase: Yes
Chang: Do you know if Ms. Ribera handles payroll for Mrs. Jackson?
Chase: Yes
Chase said the children requested her to come back to work at the house.
Chang: Have you and Mrs. Jackson discussed this lawsuit?
Chase: No
Chang: Have you seen Mrs. Jackson threaten to fire anyone who didn't testify in the right way in this trial?
Chase: No (ABC7)
Chase said Michael Amir told her he was 23 years old. She asked his age because she thought he was the client. Chase said she's 45. "He was the librarian at Neverland and he used to alphabetized DVDs with his father," Chase testified about Michael Amir Williams. Chase worked with Culinary Staffing, an agency that does a lot of background on people before setting up meeting with client, to find work. Chase's resume was 4 pages long, including her experience, schooling, references. (ABC7)
She filled out AEG paperwork for working permit in the UK. The form asked about criminal background, citations, financial information. Chase filled it out and gave it to Michael Amir. (ABC7)
Chase said the “unspoken rule” that staff who questioned why they weren’t being paid would get fired came from Michael Amir Williams. The chef said she never discussed missed paychecks with Jackson, and was never told by the singer not to go upstairs. (AP)
Chang: Did MJ ever tell you not to go upstairs?
Chase: No
Chang: Did MJ ever tell you not to go in his bedroom?
Chase: No
DC: Did MJ ever tell you not to ask him about payment?
KC: No (ABC7)
"I was crying because it was beautiful to see him with his children," Chase said about watching Paris and MJ celebrate her birthday in 2009. Chase said she wasn't thinking about getting paid, since she had just started working for MJ. Paris' actual birthday is April 3. Her first paycheck came in on time, Chase said. (ABC7)
Regarding Paris deposition, Chase said her statement surprised her. "She seems just lost, she seems to just be grieving, missing her father". Chase: I knew that she was very, she was very close with Grace when she was young. Chase said Paris has a feeling of abandonment, which is probably part of the reason she was angry with Grace. Chase said Grace was a very big support for her, very loving, helped her with the kids. "They were just best friend, very, very deep relationship," Chase said about MJ and Grace Rwamba. (ABC7)
Chang: Did you believe she was protective over MJ and the children?
Chase: Yes
DC: And she was let go?
KC: Yes
"The children felt abandoned, they weren't happy, they were upset," Chase said about Grace being fired.
Chang: Do you know if Grace kept in contact with MJ?
Chase: I don't know
Chang: Do you know MJ created a foundation for her to work?
Chase: I've heard
Chase said she heard Grace was going to the UK to prepare things for MJ and the children.
Chang: Paris has gone through a difficult period over the past 2 weeks?
Chase: Yes
"She's turned to her grandmother, she's turned to Grace and she's turned to her biological mother Debbie Rowe," Chase responded. (ABC7)
Chang: Did you ever see Dr. Murray make a special mineral-enriched shake for MJ?
Chase: No, I did not
Chase made a variety of organic juices for MJ and the children. (ABC7)
Chase said she was not aware of Dr. Murray spending the night in April. She was never asked to prepare food for him then. (ABc7)
Chase said she spoke with Michael Amir about MJ being skinny, and he indicated he had the same concerns. (ABC7)
Chase testified she gave interview to LAPD 4 days after MJ's death and didn't think it was relevant to mention the meeting in mid June. "What they wanted to know was what happened that day," Chase explained. Chang showed Chase transcript of criminal trial, where Chase said she was never asked what MJ was wearing in the June meeting. (ABC7)
Chang: Did Paris want to leave her father (on June 25th)?
Chase: Paris was so emotional that day
Chase said there was a lot of screaming and crying.
Chase: We were literally pulling her down the stairs, they had her by her ankles, she was going upstairs calling daddy, daddy, daddy!!!
Chase said she didn't want to leave, but was told to leave. "Who was going to be there with them? I knew they loved me and wanted me there." (ABC7)
Chase worked with MJ for about eight weeks, knew Grace Rwamba for about two weeks. (ABC7)
AEG recross
Bina: Any reason to believe Paris wasn't truthful when she was testifying talking about her conversation with her father?
Chase: No (ABC7)
Regarding the company they used to hire Chase, she said had known this company for years, she used them for her own catering company.
Bina: So the company knew you, didn't have to do financial background on you?
Chase: No (ABC7)
Chase: I didn't say I had financial struggles
Bina: But you said you had family and friends helping?
Chase: Yes, they helped me financially (ABC7)
Chase said kids wanted her back.
Bina: Do you know why it took 3 years for them to ask you back?
Chase: I guess there were other employees (ABC7)
Bina asked if the form Chase filled out to work in the UK was given to all the employees. She said yes, but doesn't know abut Dr. Murray. (ABC7)
Chang: Did Mrs. Jackson ever offer you $150k to provide medical care for her?
Chase: No
Then judge asked "How about for food?"
Everyone laughed, Chase said no (ABC7)
Video deposition of AEG's retained addiction specialist, Dr. Paul Henry Earley.
Dr. Earley said he's getting paid $300 an hour for research and $500 an hour for deposition. Dr. Earley is an addiction medicine specialist, care for individuals with substance abuse and disorders. He became board certified the first year the test became available. Dr. Earley first training was in neurology, then psychotherapy. The doctor has been working on this field for 28 years (ABC7)
Kevin Boyle: Are you qualified to treat patients who have addiction?
Dr Earley: I am
Dr. Earley said he treated patients with Propofol addiction, and is qualified to treat patients with benzodiazepine addiction. Dr. Earley is now involved in long-term treatment of physicians with addiction problems.
Dr. Earley explained what "Enabler" is, when someone is feeding the addiction of an addict. "Addiction is disease of secrecy, often times enablers don't see it" Dr. Earley testified. "I thinks Dr Murray was trying to help MJ sleep"
Boyle: Was it ok for Dr. Murray to give Propofol to MJ at home?
Dr. Earley: No, that was medically incorrect
Dr. Earley said he would not have done it. "Propofol is not an appropriate agent for sleep induction."
Dr. Earley testified that under the circumstances, he doesn't think he could've done a better job with MJ in terms of recovery. Dr. Earley explained in hospital if patient goes into deep sleep, there are machines to help the patient breath and control blood pressure.
When asked if he thought MJ had substance issue, Dr. Earley was adamant: "In 2009, he did have an addiction, yes." "I think he clearly had an addiction to opioids, that class of drugs," Dr. Earley said. Dr. Earley: I don't think there's sufficient evidence from the record reading to ascertain he was addicted to Propofol or benzodiazepine. Dr. Earley: The primary drug of his (MJ) addiction was Demerol, by far the most common opioid he took. Dr. Early: MJ's death wasn't caused by Demerol directly, there's a question if Demerol created synergy with Propofol and benzodiazepine (ABC7)
Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #33
Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
Day 8 - zeugin Faye
Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips
Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 31 - zeuge Berman
Day 32 - zeugin Chase
Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
Jacksons vs AEG - Day 34 – June 20 2013 – Summary
Katherine Jackson is in court.
Dr. Charles Czeisler Testimony , Jackson's retained Sleeping Disorder Specialist.
Jackson direct
Jackson's attorney Michael Koskoff doing direct examination. (ABC7)
Dr. Czeisler lives in the Boston area, Massachusetts, grew up in Chicago. He detailed his extensive background in the medical field. Dr. Czeisler graduated from Harvard and went to Stanford Medical School. He became a professor at Harvard medical school. (ABC7)
The doctor said our internal clock regulates the timing we are awake and asleep. Dr. Czeisler began studying the internal clock in the brain that controls our sleep while in undergraduate school. After lunch time, the drive from the internal clock to stay awake becomes stronger and stronger, Dr. Czeisler said. Light is the most synchronizing sleep pattern, Dr. Czeisler explained. When it's light out, it's time to stay awake. Dark, time to sleep. Changes in the regular sleeping pattern sends confusing signals to the brain, which suppresses the release of hormones, Dr. Czeisler said. People who work night shift have difficulty going to sleep right away when they get home, since they are still wired up. (ABC7)
The first sports team Dr. Czeisler worked with was NBA Portland Trail Blazers. They contacted him to help the teamed just through time zones. The doctor also worked with the Minnesota Timberwolves and Boston Celtics, the Bruins and now the Red Sox. Dr. Czeisler said musicians can also have sleeping problems when they are traveling through time zones. Musicians on tour have altered schedule, Dr. Czeisler said. They perform late, are on a different country with different time zones. Dr Czeisler has worked with The Rolling Stones and Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq allowed doctor to videotape exam to evaluate if he had sleep apnea.The doctor said Shaq wanted help educate the public about sleeping problems. They published entire film of episode of him going through exam. Dr. Czeisler worked with astronauts for 25 years to help them adjust their sleep while in space. They trained the astronauts how to set up the recording system so they could see different stages of sleep they were in while in space. (ABC7)
The Portland Trailblazers consulted with him after they lost a series of East Coast basketball games, he said. He was able to give their players strategies for being sharper when traveling across time zones. He's worked with the Rolling Stones on their sleep problems, he said. Musicians are vulnerable since they are traveling across time zones and usually "all keyed up" to perform at night, he said. Czeisler developed a program for NASA to help astronauts deal with sleep issues in orbit, where they have a sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes. Other clients include major industries that are concerned about night shift workers falling asleep on the job, the CIA, Secret Service and the U.S. Air Force, he said. (CNN)
Dr. Czeisler said there are about 800,000 physicians in the US. He was elected one of the members of the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Czeisler belongs to several professional societies. He testified before Congress in a panel of shift workers discussion. Dr. Czeisler published over 120 original reports in peer review journals, which are all new researches. The doctor works with industries that typically work around the clock and workers who have problems sleeping during the day/work at night.Dr. Czeisler has worked with nuclear power plants workers, police forces, firefighters, federal air marshals, CIA, secret service, others. He worked with pilots in the operation desert storm, where most flights were at night. (ABC7)
Dr. Czeisler has served as expert witness before, testified in less than a dozen cases. Dr. Czeisler is being paid $950 an hour. He's one of Jackson's retained experts. (ABC7)
"Sleep is a very active process, but it's characterized by, and fulfills basically biological needs," Dr. Czeisler explained. Sleep is controlled by the brain, Dr. Czeisler said. Signs of sleep: Reduced activity Posture Eyes closed Reduction in sensitivity, but not a complete loss Reversible loss of conscious. Dr. Czeisler created slides showing how the brain works to help the jury understand how sleep happens. "There's a lot going on in the brain while we sleep," Dr. Czeisler said, explaining it's the time for repair/maintenance of the brain cells. "The average person should obtain 7-8 hours asleep every night," Dr. Czeisler said. Sleep cycle takes about an hour and a half to two hours, Dr. Czeisler explained. You go through a progression between sleeping stages. "Sleep has an architecture to it" Dr Czeisler said. We keep brain cells for life, the brain has to go through offline maintenance process. Dr. Czeisler: That period of repair and maintenance is called sleep. The brain uses 20% of glucose (energy) a day, Dr. Czeisler said. At night, we purge things that are not important and keep the ones that are. Dr. Czeisler explained sleep is essential to consolidate the memory of what we learned during the day in our brain. "We sleep in order to fulfill a series of basic biological needs," Dr. Czeisler explained. Dr. Czeisler: We keep our brain cells for life, we need to repair and maintain the connections because we don't have enough room. Doc: While we sleep, we consolidate our memory, integrate learning, refuel the tank, store energy in cells, which requires brain to be off. The doctor said it was believed that sleep was just necessary for the brain, but it was learned sleep is also necessary for the body. "Regulation of metabolism doesn't go well if we are sleep deprived," Dr. Czeisler said. "If we don't get enough sleep, we are hungrier." The doctor said if we sleep only 4-5 hours a night we use more energy, but because we are awake longer, we eat more and gain weight. "Even fat cells need sleep to metabolize properly," Dr. Czeisler said. Dr. Czeisler said lack of sleep increases appetite, among other things. "Sleep is necessary for life, just like the same way eating or drinking fluid is necessary for life," the expert said. (ABC7)
Jurors appeared quite interested as Czeisler lectured them Thursday on his sleep research, including an explanation of circadian rhythm -- the internal clock in the brain that controls the timing of when we sleep and wake and the timing of the release of hormones
"That's why we sleep at night and are awake in the day," he said.
Your brain needs sleep to repair and maintain its neurons every night, he said.
Blood cells cycle out every few weeks, but brain cells are for a lifetime, he said.
"Like a computer, the brain has to go offline to maintain cells that we keep for life, since we don't make more," he said. "Sleep is the repair and maintenance of the brain cells."
An adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow for enough sleep cycles, he said.
You "prune out" unimportant neuron connections and consolidate important ones during your "slow eyed sleep" each night, he said. Those connections -- which is the information you have acquired during the day -- are consolidated by the REM sleep cycle. Your eyes actually dart back and forth rapidly during REM sleep.
"In REM, we are integrating the memories that we have stored during slow eyed sleep, integrating memories with previous life experiences." he said. "We are able to make sense of things that we may not have understood while awake.
Learning and memory happen when you are asleep, he said. A laboratory mouse rehearses a path through a maze to get to a piece of cheese while asleep.
A basketball player's area of the brain that is used to shoot a ball will have much greater slow eyed sleep period since there is more for it to store, he said. They shoot better after sleep. (CNN)
It takes 17 days before an animal dies if deprived of food, Dr. Czeisler said. Study shows that rats sleep deprived became scrawny, disheveled, unable to maintain body temperature, Dr. Czeisler testified. Rats deprived of all sleep died on 21 days, rats selectively deprived of sleep died in 37 days. Recovery occurred in 1-3 days in those rats. If deprived, animal is no longer able to maintain body temperature, Dr. Czeisler explained. (ABC7)
Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) is necessary, Dr. Czeisler said. Its deprivation affects cognitive function, ability to consolidate memory. Adverse impact of sleep deficiency on cognition: Slowed reaction time; slowed reflexes, Impaired balance, Increased distractibility, Impaired judgement, Impaired memory, Impaired creativity, Increased risk of lapses of attention. Increased risk of automatic behavior, Increased risk of falling asleep, Fast and sloppy (speed/accuracy trade off). (ABC7)
250,000 people a day fall asleep at the wheel, Dr. Czeisler said. "People take chances they would not take when sleep deprived," Dr. Czeisler explained. Dr. Czeisler said even if someone has taken a shower and put on make up, we can recognize lack of sleep by looking at their picture. (ABc7)
Adverse impact of sleep deficiency on mood: Increased emotional volatility, difficult focusing sustained attention, increased risk of burnout, depression and suicidal ideation, euphoria/slap-happy, somatic complaints, anxiety, paranoia. "You may not be able to hold your emotions in check," Dr. Czeisler explained. Dr. Czeisler described the brain and what each area does. (ABC7)
"They will make 10 times as many mistakes if they are sleep deprived," Dr. Czeisler said. "When we are sleeping, were going through and replaying the events," Dr. Czeisler explained. "We are actually practicing what we learned." You need to sleep the night after you learned a task in order to absorb it, Dr. Czeisler said. (ABC7)
Dr. Czeisler testified sleep deprivation is used as a method of torture to get confessions. "It's so exhaustive and so painful to be sleep deprived," Dr. Czeisler explained. Some say it is by far the worse type of torture. Koskoff: Sleep deprived people look for ways to get sleep? Dr. Czeisler: Yes (ABC7)
"Insomnia is a complaint of difficulty of sleep in either falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early," Dr. Czeisler explained. "They may have negative associations with bedroom or sleep that may prevent them from sleeping," Dr. Czeisler explained about insomniac. Dr. Czeisler said there are 3 billion hours a week of video game playing, which affects the sleep because of over activity in the brain. If irregular sleeping, it's necessary to look into sleep hygiene: Poor sleeping environment, caffeine usage (16 hour half life), darkness. 70% of parents put TVs in children's room to help them asleep but it actually interfere with sleep, Dr. Czeisler said. (ABC7)
Insomnia could be secondary to medicine use or substance abuse. Dr. Czeisler: Once you're taking sleeping pills for a series of nights, now you can't sleep without them. Your sleep is actually worse. Dr. Czeisler said cognitive behavior therapy is used to treat insomnia, where a psychologist identifies the problem. The expert said this is a multi-week therapy with personalized approached. It's proven effective, even more than drugs, Dr. Czeisler said. If it is secondary to anxiety, doctor might consider give some anxiolytics, Dr. Czeisler explained. In order to treat insomnia, the first step is to figure out what the disorder is, Dr Czeisler said; sleeping disorder is a treatable disease. (ABC7)
"Propofol is not sleep medicine," Dr. Czeisler said. "It is an anesthetic." "Even thought it's the brain they are anesthetizing, they have not been monitoring the brain," Dr. Czeisler said about anesthesia. Dr. Czeisler: There are a series of experiments to understand the extend from which its similar or different from sleep. "Propofol appears to dissipate the drive for sleep," Dr. Czeisler testified. AEG atty said there's no reference in Dr. Czeisler's 78 pages resume of Propofol study, asked judge to not allow his testimony. Attorneys discussed extensively about Dr. Czeisler's competence to testify on Propofol vs sleep. Judge admitted his opinion conditionally. (ABC7)
Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM -- Rapid Eye Movement -- sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone. Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert testifying at the wrongful death trial of concert promoter AEG LIve. If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according to an opinion by Czeisler. (CNN)
Genuine sleep: Actively generated by the brain; Fulfills biological needs; Readily reversible reduction in sensation;,Readily reversible loss of conscious awareness, Can be easily awakened, Cycles between two behavioral states: REM and non-REM sleep, Sensitive to pain.(ABC7)
Propofol anesthesia: Drug-induced coma, Doesn't fulfill needs, Profound unresponsiveness, No consciousness, Cannot be awakened until gone, No REM sleep, NREM sleep abnormal, Isoelectric EEG in deep, Insensitive to pain, Dissipates the sleep drive without fulfilling the sleep need. (ABC7)
Czeisler -- who serves as a sleep consultant to NASA, the CIA and the Rolling Stones -- testified Thursday that the "drug induced coma" induced by propofol leaves a patient with the same refreshed feeling of a good sleep, but without the benefits that genuine sleep delivers in repairing brain cells and the body. "It would be like eating some sort of cellulose pellets instead of dinner," he said. "Your stomach would be full and you would not be hungry, but it would be zero calories and not fulfill any of your nutrition needs." Depriving someone of REM sleep for a long period of time makes them paranoid, anxiety-filled, depressed, unable to learn, distracted, and sloppy, Czeisler testified. They lose their balance and appetite, while their physical reflexes get 10 times slower and their emotional responses 10 times stronger, he said. (CNN)
"When you go under anesthesia, you are going into induced coma," Dr. Czeisler said. "There's no FDA approved reversal to Propofol, you need to metabolize it in order to wake up," Dr. Czeisler explained. (ABC7)
"If you didn't get REM sleep yesterday, you'll have REM rebound tonight, you might fall directly into sleep," Dr. Czeisler said. Dr. Murray: Ironically, Propofol anesthesia in sleep deprived animals, they don't have rebound, it destroys the drive for sleep. "They wake up feelings refreshed, it has dissipated their sleep drive, but not their sleep need," Dr. Czeisler said about Propofol. "They feel like they had a great night, but they haven't had any sleep at all," the expert said. Genuine sleep fulfills biological needs, but Propofol sleep dissipate the sleep drive, the doctor explained. (ABC7)
Dr. Czeisler said there are no intravenous medication approved to treat insomnia. Dr. Czeisler: Demerol is an opioid and it increases sleep propensity. It's not the same as anesthetic. "The sleep that you are getting is generated by the brain, not by the drug," Dr. Czeisler explained. Demerol is a sedative, normally used in association with surgical procedure to address pain. Demerol dissipates some of your biological drive for sleep, if slept for hours during the day it will be more difficult to sleep at night. Withdrawal of Demerol is a secondary type of insomnia. "It can increase insomnia," Dr. Czeisler explained. (ABC7)
Koskoff gave a very long hypothetical using all the examples that happened with MJ. Defendant's objected, judge held another long sidebar. (ABC7)
Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff asked his expert what may also be a record breaker in a trial -- a 15-minute-long hypothetical question.
He was asked to render an opinion based on a long list of circumstances presented so far in the trial about Jackson's condition and behavior, including:
-- That Murray administered propofol to Jackson 60 consecutive nights before June 22, 2009.
-- That Murray began to wean Jackson from propofol on June 22, 2009, and gave him none of the drug on June 23.
-- That a paramedic who tried to revive him the day he died initially assumed he was a hospice patient.
-- That show producers reported Jackson became progressively thinner, paranoid and was talking to himself in his final weeks.
-- That the production manager warned Jackson had deteriorated over eight weeks, was "a basket case" who he feared might hurt himself on stage and could not do the multiple 360 spins that he was known for.
-- That show director Kenny Ortega wrote Jackson was having trouble "grasping the work" at rehearsals" and needed psychiatric help.
-- That Jackson needed a teleprompter to remember the words to songs he had sung many times before over several decades.
-- That show workers reported the singer was talking to himself and repeatedly saying that "God is talking to me."
-- That Jackson was suffering severe chills on a summer day in Los Angeles and his skin was cold as ice to the touch.
AEG Live lawyers objected to the question because the information about Murray's nightly propofol treatments was derived only from the doctor's statement to police after Jackson's death. The judge previously ruled that statement was inadmissible. It was a ruling made earlier in the trial when Jackson lawyers objected to AEG's use of Murray's statement that he believed he was Jackson's employee, not AEG Live's.
The statement could be used if Murray, who is serving a prison term, is brought into testify. But that is unlikely since the doctor has said he would impose his constitutional protections against self-incrimination as long as the appeal of his conviction is pending.
Jackson lawyers could clear the way for use of the statement by withdrawing their objection, something they are now considering.
Koskoff told the judge that his expert would testify that Jackson's symptoms perfectly matched what he would expect from someone who had been given long-term propofol treatments. (CNN)
Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #36
Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
Day 8 - zeugin Faye
Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips
Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
Day 31 - zeuge Berman
Day 32 - zeugin Chase
Day 33 - forts. zeugin Chase; videodeposition Dr. Earley
Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 23.06.2013, 22:26.
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